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Jas 2d
Did you ever think he hadn’t tried,
To see the world through your weary eyes?
He thought of you in every breath he took,
But now it seems you never cared to look.

It wasn’t beauty alone that made him stay,
But the way your flaws lit up the day.
He saw the cracks, the scars, the pain,
And loved you through the storm and rain.

He couldn't give roses or petals in bloom,
But he offered his heart to light up the gloom.
A token here, a gesture there—
His love was wrapped in ways unfair.

But maybe now, that feels too small,
As if his efforts were nothing at all.
The gifts he gave, the time he spent,
Seem lost in a sea of discontent.

You were the world, the stars, the sky,
Yet somehow, he failed in your eyes.
He wonders if you’ll ever see,
How much you truly meant to be.

For now, it feels like his love was missed,
Like all he gave was easily dismissed.
But deep inside, he knows it’s true—
He cherished every part of you.
unspoken words.
Jas 3d
He gave her everything, or so it seemed,
Love poured out like rivers in the quiet stream.
But now she only recalls the storms, the rain,
As if all he ever brought was pain.

He wonders if she sees the man he became,
Or if she’s blinded by the ghosts of blame.
Mistakes, he admits, he made his share,
Yet he changed, but she acts like he’s still there.

She tells the world of her heart’s disdain,
Of memories that still cause her pain.
But what of the moments he held her close,
Of the love that endured when she needed it most?

She paints him in shades of darkness and strife,
As if he never added light to her life.
All the wrongs she remembers, clear and stark,
But what of the times he mended her heart?

He forgave the wounds she left behind,
The scars she carved, the battles unkind.
But now she turns, with anger so deep,
And casts him away, into shadows she keeps.

Perhaps it’s easier for her to forget,
The love, the kindness, the times they met.
For all that remains in her mind’s twisted maze,
Is the version of him that she couldn’t erase.
Jas 4d
We stood once, hand in hand,
against the world and its cruel demands.
We whispered vows, beneath the sky—
no storm would break us, no tear could pry.

We promised to fight, to always hold on,
yet now, it seems, that bond is gone.
You remembered the hurts, the weight of the past,
and forgiveness you spoke of was never to last.

But what of the love I gave in return?
The trust I rebuilt when it wasn’t my turn.
I held your flaws, your every mistake,
because for you, my heart would break and remake.

Do we have to say goodbye to dreams we once knew?
To a future we built, where love carried us through?
I loved you deeply, beyond every scar,
but now, you choose to drift afar.

Was it all for nothing, this love we embraced?
Do promises fade, like tears left erased?
Maybe goodbye is what you need to move on,
but a part of me wonders where we went wrong.

So, I stand here, torn and confused,
clutching a love that I never abused.
Perhaps the answer is letting you go,
but this heart—it's too slow to know.
Time really does go by fast
Simpler times are now past
Responsibilities and Adulting
Not everything can be smooth sailing
People tell you to act your age
For me that's equivalent to being in a cage
I don't like being told how to behave
I might as well be a slave
I'm my own master
Sometimes I wish time would move faster
Faster to a point where life can be sweet
Looking back I see that my life is going by pretty quickly and i don't know how I feel about that.
gift Oct 9
let's look back and reminisce
those days
when you were once mine
let nostalgia swallow us whole
until we fill the voids in our hearts
with regrets of what we could've been
and content of what we are now
—g. l
Boris Cho Oct 4
We were young,
and wanted to grow up.
But through the years,
you chased false dreams,
me grounded in reality,
clinging on to hope.

I paid for your rent,
the student loans, the credit cards,
the haircuts, the cell phones,
the groceries, the bank loans,
the transit, the clothes, the shoes,
the equipment, the tools, the ingredients,
the cars, the gas, the repairs,
the diapers, the toys, the books,
the tickets, the movies, the bills,
the breakfast, lunch & dinners,
the furniture, the wedding, the home.

And in the end,
I also paid the price.

For I forgot to take care of
my heart,
my integrity,
my dignity,
my mind,
my body,
my soul,
my growth,
my health,
my self-worth,
myself entirely.

Now that it’s finally over,
I have much less,
and you still ask for more.

But in the end;
all I have left to offer;
is forgiveness.

— Sincerely, Boris
Ayesha Zaki Sep 25
Memories are what we would call
the ephemeral hues
on the canvas of time,

the intricate outlines
of painstaking work
seeming a blur from the distance;

all blending into the faded echoes
of our past regrets.
Could a canvas really be blank but so striking at the same time?
Vinnie Brown Sep 24
Carrying empty voices
time and time again
felled to the bone
deeper in unwelcome arms
wanting to die
forgotten to the wastes
searching for counterpoints
kept alive by love defined by you
The older I become the more I realize I am not the man I wish I had become. I didn't become the husband I wanted nor the father. I am hoping to continue trying. My father didn't have any love for me, I wish to change the narrative.
lexis Sep 14
In the morning, make me a cup of coffee and cascade the emptiness with all of my regrets, salt the wounds then add a dash of mistakes.

let it spill over, burning a road map down my arm and guiding us toward every house that wasn't home. let me savor each drop bit by bit until my energy turns into persistent delirium. let the traffic lights be every person who caught you on fire, and let the stop signs be moments you stopped breathing before your lungs decayed into road rash

we're moving again

traveling on a road of desperation wondering if anything could be different had we chosen an alternate route.
my brain says, "take a back road. become lost"
my heart retorts with, "weakling, you're already lost."
unable to make a difference, this map will forever lead to the same destination.
this pain will continue, amidst the eternal return  
traffic lights accumulate, stop signs become unbearably longer while my breathing becomes the only heat I can feel against this coldness, an open wound continually dragging across asphalt
over and over again
my bones begin to disintegrate underneath defeated limbs, within the times I've told myself I'm okay, sorrow formed a foundation around my demons. these pretty lies had become my best friends, they gave wings to my broken spirit while once so bright, it had been extinguished by the sea that flowed between my grief.
all at once, the lies I've told possess mouths with razor-sharp teeth, and their deep-rooted fury has proliferated for what feels like a century that I've held them captive in my hands.


it has been 27 years since honesty was gifted the sun, while it burned her hands, she smiled and said,
"It is agonizing but it is so beautiful"
how much longer will I suffocate under the burden I've become?
"What, if some day or night a demon were to steal after you into your loneliest loneliness and say to you: ‘This life as you now live it and have lived it, you will have to live once more and innumerable times more; and there will be nothing new in it, but every pain and every joy and every thought and sigh and everything unutterably small or great in your life will have to return to you"
(Friedrich Nietzsche, 1882)
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