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I’ve said it before
I’ve written a billion rhymes
And for all my effort,
I never earned a single dime

We have always been
and we will always be
And I shall gladly worship
sometimes you but always me!
Traveler 🧳 Tim
Who do you worship?
Sam S Oct 8
Across the boundless tapestry of time,
I have wandered through forgotten ages,
Shrouded in myriad guises,
Each existence a thread woven into an eternal fabric,
Circling endlessly, always seeking resolution.

Every life, a fleeting echo,
A delicate brushstroke on the canvas of eternity,
A dance in the vast cosmic symphony,
Reaching for a union so profound—
Yet slipping away, like mist before the dawn.

I have carried the weight of centuries,
The ache of memories etched deep in my bones,
Trapped in the cyclical dance of transient meetings,
Glimmering for a moment
Before dissolving into the shadows.
Immortality Oct 1
To My Eternal Lover,

Know I loved you,
love you,
and will love you always.

From the very start,
I was always yours,
From my first breath.

I can feel you around,
even when I don't know you.

If I even glance at other boy,
I feel as if I betray you.

If you ever read this,
Understand our love is anything but simple.

It’s crafted by the god of love himself,
I hear him whispering that truth.

Never doubt my love for you.

I may be flawed,
But I promise to give my all.

Let's love each other,
till eternity.

Our Spiritual Love.

This is what I feel always.
I love this community, where I can be my true-self, without being called dramatic, in secrecy.
I truly love him
Immortality Oct 1
I know,
I will recognize him,
with just one glance.

My mind may forget,
but my soul remembers.

Our souls entwined,
for eternity,
will continue to love,
growing together,
until the universe fades.

I love him,
without truly knowing,
without ever meeting.

I know,
I will recognize him,
with just one glance.
I feel a spiritual love....................................................^_^
In order to perceive yourself as worthy;

How many more achievements must you accomplish?
How many more ‘wins’ must you have?

How many more followers must you have?
How many more likes must you have?
How famous must you be?

How many more characters must you create?
How many more images of yourself must you envision?
How many more masks must you wear?

How many more versions of the ‘self’ you need to create?
How many more ‘to become’(s) must you be?

How many more times must you reinvent yourself?
How many more times must you meet yourself?

How many more of your parts must you hide, silence, ignore, suppress, and crush?

What more must you consume to come to know your worth?
What more must you pretend to be till you allow yourself to ‘just’ be as you are?

There is no amount of ‘doing’ that elevates your self worth
There is no amount of sins that can ever depreciate your worth

The ‘self’ is eternal
The human’s ’worth’ is a sacred eternal gift
A gift that can never be robbed

In this acceptance
There is no longer a chase to actualise the true authentic self into this world

In this acceptance
The magnificent self emerges

Thank you for being here.

By NwK
Jeremy Betts Sep 23
This habitual
Hypocritical ritual
Keeps me cynical
The biggest battle's internal
A raging war roaring eternal
To vile for an example
Dying inside is literal
Allowing the visual
To be topically minimal
Though the condition is critical
A pitiful cry for help comes out in a trickle
Subliminal and lyrical
The unusual becomes typical
With the refusal of a label
There's no removal of the painful
Every attempt has been futile
Life is miserable
When love is conditional

Bekah Sep 21
Lilac fields at rest
Summers eternal embrace
She sleeps gently now
True love is not a word to recite, but an emotion that your heart is concealing.
Lovers express love all the time, but those are just,
thought to be feelings.
How does one even know,
if it is love for thee they are feeling?

Some lovers are love drunk all the time,
but once awoken,
with hatred they are dealing.
Is that the irony of love?
or is it the lust of the flesh,
that kept you wheeling?

You can’t blame love for what you do,
if not for love,
life would not be appealing.
It is this four letter word,
when truly felt,
to every soulbwill bring healing. Other than that,
all words are simply to your heart teasing.

Your heart may have many beats, but only one tune,
will leave you kneeling.
Look for what I call a wise love, and set aside what to your eyes may seem pleasing.
The painting that is today flamboyant,
tomorrow will be dull and displeasing.
Upon singed wings i flew
Out of a blackened sky
Into a world brand new
Sailing on healing wings.

Viewing eternal through
Filters of life and spirit--
A somewhat darker hue
Compared to what's in store!

This light filled my eyes
As it gently blinded me--
Burned off thick scales of lies
As I began to clearly see

We are spirit's with bodies
Not the other way around.
Subject to carnal folly--
Diseases of pleasure & pain.

Perception gauging flow
In mind's clockwork askew--
Neutralizing eternal spiritual
Validating only the temporal.
©2024 Daniel Irwin Tucker

The continuing development of the inner world arising to restore that which was lost in a lost world.
apricot Sep 9
In the realm of eternal sunshine,
Where the skies are forever divine,
The clouds are made of cotton candy,
And the breeze whispers sweetest wine.

The flowers bloom in vibrant hues,
Their scent fills the air with dews,
The bees and butterflies dance in delight,
In this place where time stands still and bright.

The sun shines bright with golden rays,
Warming the souls and brightening days,
The waves roll in with gentle grace,
In this haven where all is in place.

The stars twinkle like diamonds at night,
A celestial show of pure delight,
The moon glows with a soft embrace,
In this realm of eternal sunshine and grace.
Stream the album eternal sunshine by ariana grande!
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