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m 6d
the office sits still  
the tremble of it's hands  
the glitch of days within

i walk down some hall  
and a man passes me by with a mop and bucket
i feel the water lick my leg, i feel the grip of hands on it's handle  
though it stays where it is

someone drills an unreadable sign to the wall and i feel the screws dig to my bones  
though they stay where they are placed

i walk through my office door  
they're dismantling my computer  
a piece within it cracks  
and i fall to the floor  
a tool
Mark Wanless Aug 2024
i is
i am

computer says say more
Shofi Ahmed Apr 2024
Knows the secret of the universe
but doesn't know the heart
it doesn't tally up!

Hop onto the spacecraft
fly off to the star
technically that can be done
mathematically can be numbered.

But that deep dive deep down
the sea of the soul
only an interpreter of the heart can play this role.
What AI can mimic that or an art can choreograph
or a computer can emulate this part?
else Apr 2024
And it is now the end,
never again will our cursors
intertwine and roam across
the screen. It will be left
unchanged, last seen a long,
long time ago.

Our repository will be forever
archived, belonging to someone
else, in the hands of a stranger,
never again will i see your quickdraw
pull requests, never again will our
branches merge and conflict.

i know, the last commit it’ll see
will forever be the last fix i made.
just compsci kid things :P
Louise Nov 2023
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Did the past month really occur
Or I just hallucinated that we met?

Consectetur adipiscing elit
Did I regret it
Or did I wish I stayed longer for a bit?

Sed do eiusmod tempor
Did you regret it
Or are you wishing now for more?

I'm just another design page,
whose lips are a passing, familiar symbol.

A replacer,
You're just another pretty face,
whose eyes I already forgot the color.

We move along and away,
Get on with our diring days

I couldn't even dare call you a lover,
we really just both filled each other.
Placeholder text, underwhelming ***
neth jones Jul 2022
questions drop dumb weight from the night
they distribute anguish and fright
battle tight against comfort
moral prattling defeats sleep
international distress weeps
from my seeping device fraught
Cywydd Llosgyrnog  
Brevity Homework

original version

a plumage of anxiety

questions drop dumb weight from the night sky
ample plumb                                            
they plate anguish
       offence of any moral comfort in my sleep
like senility   milking                              
         suction on thumb
           with pained dental needs
         no answers
                     no sleep tonight
                   no piping pan
                            no kingdom come and feed
am i ee May 2022
if you cry
and your tears
fall on your mac

do they harm it
or make it work forever?
published first in 2015 making another round
LC Apr 2022
constant companion
that puts me under its spell -
the world falls away.

it scatters my thoughts,
leaving me in a thick fog
until I slam it shut.
Escapril Day 25! Prompt: computer.
Here are my two haikus related to the prompt. Let me know if this resonates with you, and I hope you have a wonderful day.
I S A A C Apr 2022
you lie like a cheap rug, but I fill in the blanks for my own peace
you are just an actor, I am directing the scenes
you are not as powerful as you seem
all my power is found in the in-betweens
the venom rumors, toxic to your reputation
with all my information like a computer
are you sure you want to test me?
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