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Ayesha Zaki Sep 17
And just like how
wisteria bloom and flourish
in the unbeknownst shadows of spring,
your once befooled heart
shall also find it's way.
Only if it was possible to be as beautiful as flowers.
Estelle Yna Sep 10
I'm in the middle of the street, I stop.
I look around to find a clue tho I am lost..
They say to never lose your hope,
But everything I see is rain and dust
And looking at my reflection in a drop
I think..who's that, a ghost?

I let it out, a sigh, and glance above
Sad smile, dead eyes looking thereof
While falling down are drops of opal
They're dancing..what a spectacle
I'm witnessing a musical
And hoping for a miracle
Those mystic jewels, astral beauty
The sky is crying..or is it me?
Inspired by rain and deep feelings, thank u for reading;)
Jeremy Betts May 17
I'm not gonna sit here and say
Why it is I feel I'm not okay
I'd be here all friggin' day
And you'd only lose interest anyway
Distracted easily midway
Forgotten before the rising sun of the next day
So, if you don't mind, I'll just take what I was going to say
And be on my way

You know it's true when I say
that we are messed up
in our own little way.

We cry and complain
This is a mess
but when it's gone
our life's just too plain
We miss the madness.

But that's human nature
by which we abide
Because the grass is always greener
on the other side.
Block these lines
that come to find
all these insecurities
in your mind.

Let yourself be heard
let yourself be seen
Fly like a free bird
and break this cage that’s never been.

You are confident
You are enough
You yourself are a complement
You are brave and you are tough.

Break these shackles that hold you back
Let all of it go
There’s nothing that you lack
then watch your life grow.

Grow, to the way it’s supposed to be
The way you have always wanted it to be
Never conceal
Always feel

Be true and see what happens
Because that’s the way of life
You attract what you imagine.
Copyright Simran Guwalani
Sadie Grace Jan 23
seems so selfless
how could it be just to keep me from exploding from guilt?
turns out forgiveness is for the offender
there is no comfort for the victim
except a way forward
Amanda Kay Burke Jun 2023
Been lost too long to find the right road
To save squandered time thrown away
Backtrack the past but I'm wasting the present
Cannot erase regret
Tried every which way
I am so stuck right now
Ken Pepiton Dec 2022
{from 07 Feb 2018, reintegrated to my mind today, btw}

How much weight can a word carry,
you know?
I-am-bicly or bib-licly speaking,
What I mean to say is, no word stands alone
the word word itself needs a place to put its foot.

Certainly, we've seen a thing
or two
since you first stopped to see waves forming right
before your very eyes
in stone

Lies. You said you were certain
they'd be lies if you told another soul
what you thought you might have,
might have,
...face-forgotten man wonder who I am
Well, I'll be, if it weren't for me,
I doubt I'd get one ****** lie

Tut, you know what I mean,
we can't go diggin' up the past and get past the present without suffering it to be so.

Just sayin'. Pain ain't, necessarily, part of waiting, now.
Here, if you're hungry, you can eat.
If you are thirsty, drink. The real here, where you are now. You're not in some torture chamber reading this.

Think about what you can't live without and,
watch, time stops, to prove you wrong.

You live on.
Even if you think you died, you still think, so,
you live.

Get on with it. Imagine the reality of truth,
as a place, past physics,
no lies exist there. So,
what else is new, to you? What else ain't
here, where it is said there is no condemnation?

Don't do that.
Don't start imagining all the bad stuff happening here because you can't imagine no lies you believe.
You imagine lies every time you say amen, in-advertently, so be it, as it may
admitted ly,
for gotten-past-things, such as they are, imagined ones are still the worst. Hardest to get past.

If there be any
virtue, praise, rock-candy-mountain-reality, you
may recall them all.
Freely given for giving, dharma karma doing done,
old son.

Fair were the tales the servants told to Grandma's people before the flood.
The ant people, were a diligent folk,
they hid us all in reed boats
they bent with the wind,
like Corn-mammy chill'ns in April sun showers.

But, oh, the way things used to be, they was ab-
used, them servants sent from God.
Good luck findin' one now.

Blue and white, and blue and green, and blue and yellow, and blue and orange, two by two,
on a spectrum of one being the best,
choose blue and white.
Discern the rest.
Be still. There's more.

a -musin', eh? the way things might-a -been.
'lot a good that may do ya', ken ye, kennin' ever things?
Kin folk fallin' from the fam'ly tree be
laughin' sayin' see what he wannabe,
lordy, lordy bless my baby heart.
Pea-pickin' heart.
Historical note: Spring 2018 was when i wrote this, my geriatric psych pro, prompted me to let some one else know how I happened to grow old, against all odds, this was titled "Little Fishes" then... any way, I must say, the readers at HelloPoetry have lifted me from a pit it does little good to speak about surviving, without offering a thread to follow. This was near the time I began to meditate, seek arts intention, Hermes Psychopompos offering to guide me through the mess I made, and now, realized, I survived. With help.
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2022
If you are caught
In between
Past and present

Choose future
Ken Pepiton Oct 2022
Popular vote,
ignorant hermit-scribbler
proverbs and epigrams and memes.

Scattered in the collective unconscious,
not non conscious consciousness, self
feeling fine, in response to the question,
how do you feel, how are we doing today.

fine, well ground, espresso speed, powder
fine ground, steam-pressurized pass,
whoosh, rich man's java, Starbucks,

from the TV show, yeah, maybe,
what TV show, the audience, is only
on average, just past thirty,

so the Space Pilot Starbuck, is, wait,
we can use Ziggy Stardust,
For 2024, he can be VP, and…

whatchewmean, ee ain't real,

I saw him in the crowd,
at the Arizona election Trumps supporters
are buying,

Ziggy is real, he'll help us, give us a
selfie with the Pearl of Great Price,
for the land owners trust, show 'em.

The word of God is the word of God,
if an oath taken on it stands up in Hell.

- oh Lord, please don't let me be
- misunderstood.
That felt great. Amen.
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