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Stephen Knox Oct 15
Feathers and leaves dancing, wind in the sky.
Sparks reconnected, without even a try.

The moment you knew, is the moment I saw.
Creating together, without even a flaw.

Stronger and brighter, becoming so tight.
Faith in each other, without stirring a fight.

Our colors once separate, begin now to run.
Giving us depth, without weighing a ton.

Aligning ourselves, to be on God's path.
Achieving salvation, without any wrath.
If we could
walk together
hand and hand,
On one accord,
with the same
thoughts of Unity
As in oneness,
wholeness every
race, creed
or color Red,
Black, White,
Charcoal Black
Snow White,
Ivory, Olive
or whatever

By: Belinda Richmond
Date: 10/11/2022
If we only do this our world would be a better place!!!
The presence of the 'Me' is only in the 'We'
For the 'Me' is absent outside the 'We'

Till the 'I' and 'You' is united as One
Till the 'Us' and 'Them" is denounced
Tell the 'We' and 'They' is discredited

The narrative will continue as is
It is in the 'I' and 'You"
That a delusional wall of seperation exists

Validated by the eyes images of 'Us' and 'Them'
Endorsed by the minds stories of 'Mine' and 'Theirs"

Orchestrated by the ego
Played by fear
For its is in this ideology
Suffering is rooted
Pain is ignited

Truth of origin is denied
Light of soul is dimmed
Voice of love is deprived

For there is no truth found of who we are
In the physical existance of what we see
No truth is held in the body
No truth is carried in the mind
For these are tools to be used
Only to serve our soul's purpose

For the error in this believe
Constructs but confusion
Inner conflicts and outer battles

As the
Heart and soul knows its truth

Yet the
Mind and ego created its own truth

With each label we build one more bar of seperation
With each bar stands another column of fear
As we build prisons upon prisons
Walls upon walls, bars upon bars

We indoctrinate our mind
We magnify the seperation

So what we see in the streets of the world
Is but a representation of inner struggles

For we have become strangers among our own
For we have forgotten
An attack on them is an attack on us
For there is no 'Us' and there is no 'We'
For they are 'Us' and we are 'Them'
For we are 'One'

For what we are
Transcends the eyes visibility
Surpass the minds perception
For we are not created by mind
The mind will fail to know us

For the truth of whom we are
The infinite soul
Divinely connected
A representation of a miracle
Assembled of love
In physical form
That knows no boundaries
That knows no fear
That knows no seperation

And let it be known
I say this to me, before I speak it out
In the hope of upholding these words
I choose to extend it to all
With love to us all

For perfect I am not
So mistake not that spoken is
The embodiment of me all

For I fall prey too
To this indoctrination of seperation
So let us all be the reminder for us all
Humanity Is Not Political.
To bare witness to all that my eyes have seen I must voice it - This is how I choose to express it. May the universe listen to this call!

I invite you all to take a moment to call the words forward into reality. This is not a far fetched floating prayer or romantic fantasy based compilation of words. It is our truth. It is our essence. It is at the heart centre of our core being of existence. Let us not be robbed of our humanity by allowing our pulse to be politicised and monetised with the delusional tools of fragmentation, division and seperation.
Ylzm Sep 3
Glimpses, whiffs, and shadows
But suffice to know, fully assured
Even to wager all, life and more
And to forego all, even to fast
For Truth does not mock
And the fullness' unimaginable
But an unseen certain fulfillment;
Awakened is before the dawn
A lightening and not the light
In anticipation and excitement
In joyous fear, with trembling steps
Approach the glowing chasm
In angelic choruses and many suns
Lifted off the ground on many wings
Higher and vaster the sight
Intoxicating the fragrant scent
Fearsomeness in shadows unveiled;
And the chasm's edge is further yet
For even the Perfect waits for All
His wounds unhealed a promise
Of Oneness only when All is One.
MetaVerse Aug 6
I breathe the air of other outer spaces
And use the fingers of my mind to feel
Textures of math equations; databases
Of apocalyptic revelations unseal.
The metacolors dazzle all my eyes,
And every look is diamond-sparkled wonder.
The big is small, the small is big, and size
Dissolves as all I know is torn asunder.

No ground control, no spacesuit, no space-time,
Beyond the great beyond, beyond beyond,
Beyond all reason, far beyond I, I'm
One, one that's all; and every precious bond
With every one I all at once observe,
And every one connected to a nerve.

MetaVerse Aug 3
Creation's whole, a single one who's I,
Who's you.  I'm talking to myself in thee,
O my most kosmic self who lives a lie
Called me and everyone who isn't me.
Space is my mind capacious with the in
finitely finite infinitum ad
The Word is God and every body's sin
Is mine that ever was and has been had.
God is salvation.  Christ is God who's love
With you and in your broken raging heart.
Broken, the light within you shines, the dove
Flies free, and everything is new.  Restart.

I am Creation and so are you.  Let
Go and behold the end that wasn't yet.

Traveler May 16
The goal is love
The roadblocks are our own minds
The programs of our childhood’s
Renders are spiritual eyes blind

Stumble as I may
My heart will never delay
I don’t want to be left behind
In a hell of angry rhymes
Hate is a war within.
It will **** you in the end
Traveler 🧳 Tim
George Krokos Aug 2023
If we sing the Master’s praises
with a sincere and loving heart
the fire of love inside us blazes
and so then we don’t feel apart.
From 'The Quatrains' ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Michael T Chase Mar 2023
Thinking always brings everyone to a common level.
Thinking is the communist of mysticism.
It is a pool of common feelings.
Thinking makes one equal to all creatures.
Every atom is regarded the same.
And so thinking unites existence.
Pondering in my room
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