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968 · Sep 2016
As Though Time Heals...
Viseract Sep 2016
Bound, forever bound
As words to promises are
Across the distance of time,
And the time taken to travel distance

I still feel her
Her conscious
Talking to me, as though through telepathy.
I still care

Although I never show it,
I was once in the spotlight
And now I scuttle in shadows
Wary of what I stumble into

I have to be wary
Or things will never be the same again
you know who you are, although I barely talk to you anymore. We're over *that* scenario. You will never read this, I presume, but it proves I still care
962 · Oct 2015
Losing You
Viseract Oct 2015
My baby girl walked into the cold night, alone
Left a ****** trail for me to follow
I found her body, both wrists were slit
Her body was like ice, the pain was a hard hit

Her blood pooled all over the stone,
It did look tempting, to try and follow
But to do so is an eternal mistake
Suicide, the worst death on offer from fate.

The blood had now become a Blood Lake,
Coupled with my tears, yet it all felt fake
"How can any of this be real?"
Through my chest, a searing pain did rake

I open my eyes, and look at the roof
My chest heaves, my heart in pursuit
All of this because I'm afraid of
Losing you.
Without you, I don't know what
I would do.
To the best girlfriend a guy could have. Mi amas vin
958 · May 2016
Too Trusting
Viseract May 2016
Ever been so angry
That you've started laughing?
Shudders through your body
Just the violent urges passing

When you get caught out
By "anonymous" at school
For posting poems about self-harm
Oh, I'm such a fool

Maybe goodbye to this site?
Maybe move on to another?
Or perhaps I'll stay and not post them
Wow, this is such a bother....

I'm too trusting...
Anonymous goes to my school and told my Defence Councillor because they're concerned... appreciate the concern, but perhaps not right now?
958 · Jun 2016
Carry On
Viseract Jun 2016
I remember a time when I felt happy
Waking up everyday was a new adventure
Some people would say things behind my back,
But I didn't care

I just carried on

I would stroll leisurely into the classroom,
Take off my shoes at the door because I picked at them
Sit down at my desk, right at the front because I couldn't focus sitting next to anyone

And just carried on

I would pick my spiky, plastic ball off of the desk I sat at,
Constantly fidget with it, resist the urge to place it in my mouth
And bite off the spikes, feel satisfaction. Sometimes I could resist.
Other times I couldn't, but I didn't care

I just carried on

That was back when I was in Year Four, in a class filled with students
Who, despite not knowing the word ***** would be one anyways
Only admiring me for my intellect, like when I suggested the word Bioluminescence as a favourite word and the teacher thought it wasn't even a word, because surely I was too young to know it?

Somehow, I carried on

Now, looking back on those days I ask myself,
When did my strength fade? The world become grey?
How can someone so innocent, so lonely, so... weak,
Be so strong and resistant?

How did I be me, and manage to carry on?

When nowadays I am constantly suppressed by society,
I can't be me without being called a ******, a loser,
Loner and so ****** up that surely I'm a stoner?

Doesn't matter that I hate drugs, my "friends" do drugs,
Smoke **** and make fun of me because I don't,
That God forbid I'm clean, don't **** with that ****,
Never will and never have, but this means that they can be mean?

How have I carried on, for so long, falling prey to those call me friend
And fade away faster than the light of day whilst vaping it up,
Faded as ****,
When all along I believed I wasn't strong?

I look at them and see no hope, no future
Not for me in that direction, at least
And I've told them time and again
That it's so ******* wrong, that there will come a time when hitting up the **** won't carry you further along anymore

There will be a time when they will fail to carry on

Maybe I still got some of me left in me
There's more on the inside than what the eye can see
Believe in myself, listen to no-one else and honestly?

I truly believe I still have the strength to carry on
Bit of slam poetry for you there, my first attempt
958 · May 2016
Deep and Meaningful
Viseract May 2016
Humour is my forte
Ask my friends, that's what they'll say
And I pray, I pray, it stays that way
So no-one sees the way I fade

What is the point of life?
No I won't commit suicide
It's just a thought that burns inside
Nagging me, a thorn in my hide

Someone once said, to give life meaning
It hit me hard, I thought I was dreaming
There was my answer, a simple play on words
And of a life like that I'm sure I deserve

My life has meaning with my friends
I can be myself and not pretend
So I'll stick with them to the end
The guard dog, here to defend

And when my friends fade away
The mist gone on a rainy day
I'll stay by the ones left behind
Because this is why I was designed
my friends and family are my existence... take them away, and I'm left with nothing
948 · Jun 2016
Viseract Jun 2016
Go on, press record
Lift your phone to bloodshed
Lift your phone to the sound of hatred
Of bloodlust laid on a foundation
That was never really stable to begin with

Go on, film those frames
As you watch me beat the **** out of
All those who made me feel like ****
The final gunslinger, taking his stand
Draws his pistols, hipfiring
And in his stance, thumb through belt loop
Hat down over his eyes
Ashamed of his instant reaction,
His ability to **** and inability to remain emotionless

Go on, press record
Put it on Facebook
Let everyone know what you really are:
A cowardly bystander
I hate this sort of thing with a passion..
947 · Nov 2015
Division of Spirit
Viseract Nov 2015
I'll put this plainly: I like a girl
Quite a lot, actually
But all my thoughts are all over the place
They all clamour for attention, their beliefs attacking me

"Go for it," says my heart
"What have you to lose?"
"What ****** drugs are you on?" says a part of me
"Would you date yourself if you were in her shoes?"

Nightmare just shrugs his shoulders
"Why would you ask me?"
After all, I am virtually emotionless
I did ****** your family."

Permafrost dictates otherwise
"Follow your heart, because it is always true
Don't let anyone else
Tell you what you can and can't do."

Verdugo believes in chance
"Take the risk, if you dare
Take the risk if you believe
That she knows just how much you truly care."

"But do not get too cocky
You have your limitations"
I believe Verdugo has the best advice
For my current situation.

At least, the most positive advice
I kinda believe the unnamed part of me
But I also have faith in my heart and Permafrost
So my emotional division dictates an unclear destiny
Hmmm.... wonder who these "people" are? maybe... voices in my head?
933 · Nov 2016
Silhouette, Shadow
Viseract Nov 2016
A sliver, a shadow,
Peeking round the corner
I try to shy, to run and hide,
But it's always behind my shoulder

Grabs a hold, won't let go
Can anyone relate? I'll never know
Look in the mirror to try and see
The demon standing next to me

It walks like me, talks like me,
Laughs like me, acts like me
Follows me, tortures me,
Asphyxiating, I CAN'T BREATHE

Wanna run, I know I can't hide
From the demon I released and harboured inside..

And it affects me so...
Can't, let, go.....

So I'll live with it,
Accept it
This is my life now
As much as I want it to go,
It's my silhouette, my shadow...

I'd like it to go
As far away as possible
But as much as I want it gone...
Like a part of me, it belongs...

I'm paranoid, always look around
Turn fast at even the slightest sound
Can't help it, just how I am
Hopefully you understand

I know I'm being watched, by what lies behind
The past and the present like cars collide
In shattered glass, flying past,
Slow-motion, infinitely lasts

Slam the brakes but it's too late
Accelerate guarantees the fate
Things will happen and will be seen
By the shadow that lurks behind the scenes

And it sees me so,
And can't seem to let me go...

So I'll live with it,
Accept it
This is my life now
As much as I want it to go,
It's my silhouette, my shadow...

I'd like it to go
As far away as possible
But as much as I want it gone...
Like a part of me, it belongs...

Let go, let go...
A part of me that I want gone
But like my soul I guess it belongs
Go, goooooo....
I guess I'll just get used to it
Despite the fact it lacks common sense
somewhat cryptic song. song, unsung.
927 · Sep 2020
Trapped by Thorns
Viseract Sep 2020
Mesmerized by what lies inside
Dwells in my skull, lives in my mind
Showing me, these corrupted dreams
Behind my eyes, more than it seems

Wilted roses, pouring rain
Not a word but the roaring pain
Scratching and tearing, flesh left raw
Growling and biting and sharpening claws

Shining eyes belie rage denied
Moonlit skies, moonstruck cries
Enraged and entrapped by thorns, kept safe
Let us loose, witness our showcase

"Your life isn't hard, it has no stress
I am kindred, so I know best"
Without, surveillance, how could you know
I'm all wound up and I'm ready to go!

Don't tell me what I have not felt
Don't tell me about the cards I've been dealt
You suffer too, we both suffocate
Can't ease our symptoms unless we medicate!

Angry you've been, angry I am!
You've walked in these shoes so you should understand!
Crimson is our bloodline, destroy what we hate!
I hate myself so it's only my fate!

Yet tell me I'm joking, call me a mimic
It ****** me off so I don't want to hear it!
How can you act like you knew all along
I don't ******* get it, YOU'RE SO ******* WRONG!

Authorities called, was a couple of years
Seeing you talking, confirmed all my fears
You haven't a clue, you don't understand,
I have no filters, I say what I am!

When I cry out for help and you tell them I'm fine
I can't confess these desires for crime!
You say there's no worry, you say I'm okay

You think you know me, you know nothing at all!

So keep on talking, it amuses me so
This pain and this anguish, denied by your hope
Deluded you are, remember this thought:
No such roses, grow such thorns!
Shout out to my mate Calem, who's metal band is no longer called No Such Roses but is now called Signals
923 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
Desire to run in the dark
And do so as I please
With ****** on the mind
And an urge to appease

Beneath a full moon
Sharp set of tongue and teeth
Four paws and sixteen claws
Released from their natural sheath

Howl my lustful song
Arched back and raised head
****** dripping fangs and red eyes
Maybe you should stay in bed...
A tale to tell children, to keep them in bed.... just kidding
914 · Mar 2016
Living as Someone Else
Viseract Mar 2016
In life,
We have many friends
Over the years

We all have friends
But we stand alone
In life,
You are on your own

So don't live anyone else's life
But your own

You only get one shot before it's gone
Don't be a faker. Don't be anyone else. Live life how you would live life if you were unbiased; because then it is unique, not another life on repeat
914 · Jun 2016
The Suffering
Viseract Jun 2016
He has words
Hiding in his mind
That he's ready to release
A jailbreak, another crime

But he chokes
The words fall
Back down his throat
He can't call

He can't speak
How the hell is he gonna pass his speech
His class looks
They all look up
Simultaneously closing their books

Another failure
Oh wow what a surprise
Contrary to behaviour
He can't talk, so who the f_ck's gonna play saviour?

I will

I'll say what he had to say
Seeing as how he can't say it in his place
Because his face
Is paralysed
As he looks up to the skies
As deep inside his hope dies

Just like it did, that one day
When a strong current almost had him swept away
But a girl came to save him
So stunned by events his response was a grin
The situation grim
She calmly smiled back
Told him everything's okay, there's no pain, just relax

They spoke once the got back onto the shore
Laughing, pushed him, like "why'd you scare me for?"
Introduced each other, so close like sister and brother
In love with one another
But thinking the other doesn't feel that

The last time they spoke, a warm summers night
He kissed her hand in polite mockery, said goodnight
Because to him you see, she was royalty,
And he truly believed
He'd see her soon
But was deceived

He was barely three blocks away,
So caught up in images of her face
He didn't hear her scream

Now every year, on a specific day
He says "Happy Birthday" above her grave
To a corpse rotting underneath, that felt no pain
But was blissfully unaware of his suffering

And every year would you believe he shed tears
This helplessness he felt became his biggest fear
It flowed through his veins, a part of his blood
So in his misery he was so often misunderstood

And nobody knew, because he didn't tell
Of that one day he fell from His Grace to burn in Hell
He felt guilty, despite his hands being clean
He wasn't the killer but was haunted by that scream

The one he never heard

So many people wander, suffering alone
With memories untold, oh so broken and cold
Believing, knowing, that no-one cares
As they huddle by a fire hoping for a share

A little piece of that place called Heaven
Hoping that when they go, sins'll be forgiven
And hoping it's soon, praying that they'll be taken
Don't mean to be rude but in my eyes they are mistaken

How can someone who suffers be sent to God?
So many suffer and I think He just forgot
To come back to us, he's abandoned us
All we need is someone to turn to, somebody to trust!

How can someone so innocent and so **** beautiful
Be taken so easily, misplaced, a broken tool
Who when smelted, smelted down in the flames of Death
Be truly at peace with their last breath?

And leave behind a legacy in just one's heart
That to this very day still shreds him apart?
When this happened back when I was just twelve
And deeper and deeper into my skin I delve

Trying to find an answer to this riddle
Clench my teeth, with a blade and with my nerves fiddle
Trying to dig her out, she left me helpless
And I cut myself, self-destruct because I was helpless!

Kids at school they still tease me
Bully me
Laugh at me
Just to make me angry
Like all I want is just to be happy
But can you be happy when others aren't happy with me?

These are the words he wanted to say
Didn't want a warm welcome or biblical praise
He's just another broken kid with words to rhyme
I hope you understand, and thank you for your time
I believe this shall be my school poem performance.
910 · Jul 2016
Vengeful Needs
Viseract Jul 2016
A kid with a dark childhood
So **** shy and misunderstood
His inability to understand
Leaves him underhanded
As he tries to draw the line between
Foe and friend

He's heard so much talk and walked a lot
He remembers the rage, one day almost forgot
And ever since then, well never again
Because it was the day he faced his end

What man forged would forge his skin
Into a purple and white ugly grin
Traces it with a finger, trembling and cold
No, he could never forget the days of old

Though being not old himself, a youth he is
Still the saying is appropriate, so don't dismiss
The fact that the one thing that killed him but kept him alive
Was a memory, simply directed to reminisce

A vengeful beast, a loyal wolf
Two sides of the same coin that frequently duel
Contradiction to himself, as if someone else,
Murderous thoughts his mind did dwell

Now picture a teenager, dressed in black
Hoodie and jeans, and a black half-mask
See his cold dark eyes, now tell me fast,
Is he both victim and the one who attacks?
Read carefully. Understand. Capture the picture. Memorise. Who is this? Is this true?
910 · Mar 2016
Explaining Myself
Viseract Mar 2016
Some days I seem to care
Then the next I'm not fully there
And other days,
I'm a little in-between.

When I care,
I am entirely selfless
An angel, if you like
Helping the helpless

When I am not myself
I'm restraining the urge to demolish
To tear lives, buildings, the world down
You could say I'm demonic

And then
When I'm in-between,
Expect the best and worst
Of both versions of me
My moods define who I am, and when I am any one of these... personalities
910 · Aug 2015
By Your Side
Viseract Aug 2015
A friend is someone
Who stays
By your side
Through thick and thin
The shoulder to cry on
And when bad deeds are done
Someone to whom you can confess your sin.
Always there for you
Always care about you
Even when times are tough
Someone who helps you through the rough.
The shoulder to cry on
The one who helps you drive on
Through the pain
Again and again.
And still remain standing
At the end of the day.
For a rather special friend, Sarah Forester
904 · Nov 2015
Viseract Nov 2015
The starving cries
Of those who will surely die
Hollow stomachs left unsatisfied

The soldier who fights on
Remains strong
Until he passes his final breath
Safe within the embrace of death

The kids on the street
Heads hung low in defeat
As they struggle to eat and sleep

The slaves that work
Who just want to go bezerk
But haven't the energy after slaving in the desert

A happier world, a better place
Where it isn't shameful to be of the human race
Where our own species isn't cast away in disgrace

A place where freedom isn't longed for,
But had.
Imagine orphans no longer being orphans
Safe with their mum and their dad

A world where our mistakes are erased
A world where we have a clean slate
A fresh start, served on a silver plate
Where greed and obsession never decided your fate.

Imagine a world where everyone belonged
Imagine a world where no-one had been wronged
Imagine all of this, picture this and store this memory in a safe box, where you can peek every now and then. Imagine, if you cannot change, the world without it's man-made flaws
Viseract Jun 2016
I don't wanna die alone
But I'm the only one that walks this road
Flashing in my eyes
Blinded by falsities

(I walk alone)
boulevard of broken dreams, is what this is based off if... enjoy
899 · Jan 2021
Viseract Jan 2021
Falling silent when I speak
Clamour loudly as I weep
Stitched up mouth, who am I now?
Grunts of pain, the only sound

Ignored back then and still today
Excluded always, as I fade
Then they ask me why I'm quiet
I don't choose to sit in silence

Are you ok? I'm just fine
My reply, a dotted line
That which i ask is what I fear
Query turned, and so I steer

I speak of games, I speak of songs
I ignore the list of wrongs
All the shadows' whispered words
They cause my skull to hurt

I am calm, I am the storm
In the dark I'll be reborn
In my lust I drive away
They do not need to stay

Woe is me, I'm all alone
Typing poems on my phone
Isolated by personality
Dissociated from reality
894 · Dec 2015
I Drown Myself In Music
Viseract Dec 2015
I drown myself in music
So that I cannot hear
My own mother beating my sisters
There's nothing I can do, and that is what I fear

I drown myself in music
Because if I don't I'll drown in anger
Why the fck do you hit my sisters?

I drown myself so I cannot listen
To my sister's innocence being beaten out
They'll be as FCKED AS YOU!
Driven by anger, primal instinct and DOUBT!

Told you I was angry...
892 · Aug 2016
We Are Machine
Viseract Aug 2016
A dysfunctional mechanism
But held by robots
Is classified as "professionalism"

And relentless prejudice
Two words in synchronicity
That enforce the "Law"
But do help enforce corruption

Oxidising parts
The very oxygen that we breathe
Helps to end our heart

Our oft-polluted oil
Helps keeps parts running smoothly
With which we argue and spoil

The reason we **** each other
And **** ourselves simply by living
Tell me, would you **** a close brother?

An impossible goal computed into the code of humanity
It's impossible to obtain,
So stop trying and give up

Accept your flaws
891 · May 2016
Hypocritical Me, Me, Me
Viseract May 2016
I always asked if she were alright
Before I knew she wasn't
Always and always, sometimes I though it annoyed her
But to have someone must've been a relief

She began to be honest with me, said that she wasn't
She didn't cut but she hurt herself
At first I was concerned, I tried to help
By telling her to talk to a professional

She did, eventually, but by then I had gone
I guess, the stress... I couldn't take it anymore
The length of time where all I did was talk
Not capable of action, and she just kept at it

Not sure if she still does, if she does she'd say nothing
For I left her, my selfish reasons, my limits pushed
My way out of self-destruction, was only to leave behind
A girl I had grown to love

Now I destroy myself anyway
I harm myself to release myself
Stress, anger, depression or impulse
Now I see why she harmed herself
True story
889 · May 2016
Smoke & Mirrors
Viseract May 2016
I over-react quite a lot
It's one of my biggest flaws
I get angry real easy
This kid has got some claws

I'm over protective
Just a little defensive
Sometimes, quite offensive
But nobody's perfect

I slink in the shadows
Do you know who I am?
I might say I'm okay
But do you really understand?

I have scars on my body
And one pasted on my face
Ever heard of a façade?
This one is black buttons and lace
the first part is just the mirror. the second is both, parts are just illusions
885 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
As a Phoenix I will rise
Spread my wings, take to the skies
No Phoenix ever really dies
It literally death-defies
a 4 liner I randomly thought of
879 · Sep 2016
Viseract Sep 2016
Anyone else hear the sum of their life
Not in the ringing of chimes
But the hum before they fade away?
873 · Nov 2016
Life Masquerade
Viseract Nov 2016
Yeah I've seen some ****
And felt deeply about all of it,
Been places and seen faces, wish I could forget
And some things I wanna take back, that I shouldn't have said

But it's easier said than done,
The past catches me up whenever I try to run
So I reflect on how I'm such a reject
Not accepted simply because I'm different

But not everyone sees what I see
That everybody's different, in their own way unique
Some believe in love at first sight, I didn't
And if she sees this she'll probably be suspicious

But there's so many different meanings for the word love
And so many times I think I've had enough
Of trying my hand at trying to hold another's hand
I put in more effort than I seem to, understand?

It's just another facade, another masquerade
Of people hiding thoughts and ideals so that they stay safe
But how in the world is this world gonna change,
When nobody opens up and it all stays the same?
Ahahahaha, I love the way you think. Reminds me of me
872 · Jul 2016
In Suicide, In Farewell
Viseract Jul 2016
A girl with a gun and nowhere to run
The last bullet loaded, a mission to be done
Completion will defeat her demons, her beast,
The voice that keeps her awake at night, prevents her sleep

It compels and yells at her, gets her to cut
Her wrists are slit and she knows its ******
So she clicks the safety off, and draws the slide
The bullet and her skull like planets collide

Looking down at her body, she sees the blood
A tidal wave of red, a sluggish flood
Her sight fades to black, and then it's gone
The weight off her chest and in Death; alone

She forgot about me...
866 · Mar 2016
Viseract Mar 2016
"At least I have a girlfriend...."
everyone laughs

Yeah I may be going solo
Here's something you should know, though
I had a girlfriend once too
But now I am on my own

"I bet you think you're so hard
Did she get rid of you?
Did you dump her?
Was it because you're a ******
And have nothing better to do?"

everyone laughs again

Nah, I am not *******
I just extinguished the fire I started
Because the stress was killing me
I may be cold sometimes,
But I ain't no beast

I've got a heart too, I guess
Though I wouldn't mind if you were laid to rest
Because if these insults are some form of test
The only thing you're wasting is your breath

"Nah, I'm just showing how much better I am
And how having a girlfriend makes me a man"

Last time I checked, to be a man,
You didn't need
A girl to beat
Do you understand?

"Aw, ******* ****
You're just being a *****
Why don't you just bend over
And go **** on someone's' ****"

A few people shake their heads

I just said I had a girlfriend
What, because I'm single means I'm suddenly gay?
Tell you what mate, I still like girls
Oh, and by the way...

If you don't beat your girlfriend
Why is her face all cuts and bruises?
Did you do it because you're a "man?"
I really hate you losers

Hit a girl for no reason
"Awww it's coz I'm tough"
impersonates drunk, gets a few laughs
It's pronounced "girl" not "punching bag"
Do you want to know what's rough?

"No, what's rough"
Drunken man takes a swing, misses

"My fist"
just something I thought of. don't know why, but probably because of past things I have heard, of girls being beat up by drunks. Not cool
865 · Jun 2016
Viseract Jun 2016
Some days when I wake up
I look around, wanna burn the world
All we've done is fcked up
Now its time to get f

All these empty threats
And all these meaningless bets
Could only ever make us
End up at the edge

Other times I wake up
And look up at the ceiling
Wondering about my purpose and is it
Really true meaning?

To make others happy
They say you gotta be happy
A puppet on a string a smile
And a diamond ring

Don't sugar coat it
I'm allowed to feel like ****
And still make others smile
Even though it's been a while

Since I did so myself
I get angry. I get upset. Making others happy can make me happy. Beating up a punching bag makes me happy. Dressing up as Deadpool made me happy. This is tribute to my past self. There is so much more than others satisfaction and your own hatred
858 · Feb 2017
Viseract Feb 2017
Impatience is the impairment of patience
Where it is imperative, should be noted
That the implication of impatience
Is the lack of it thereof,
That is, patience
And not having the time to
Improve upon waiting

It's not necessarily a bad thing
Sometimes it's best to rip the bandaid quickly
Lots of impish little "imp" parts within words :)
Viseract Oct 2016
It's another day,
Nothing's changed
You'd think it boring
When it stays the same

Perhaps it is,
But not to me
You could call it bad,

I get by,
With my wicked ways
I'd load up
Though I know the names

**** digging my way to hell
I'll just take the elevator
meh, why not
857 · May 2016
Trust Issues
Viseract May 2016
My friends constantly ask me about trust
They ask
"Who do you turn to
When your life suddenly gets ******?"

It's not who I turned to
But what
And suddenly the atmosphere in the room
Gets really hot

Because they realise, and remember
Who they're really talking to
I may be caring on the outside
But inside I'm just as ****** too

I remember reflections
Of my face in the mirror
My hope, my life and my love
Slowly getting thinner

Colder and colder
As the years make me older
Still young and growing bolder
Another file in the folder

Getting back to the subject
I see their eyes widen
As it hits them that
I've done things I can't take pride in

Every day in the shower
A razor in my hand
And red lines on my body, angry
I supply what I demand

Blood turning the water red
As it flows down the drain
Every day I suffered, for you
Mental and physical pain!

So what the **** do I know of trust,
When all I turned to was the blade?
Don't ask me stupid questions
That show my sorrowed shade

I want to forget all these sins
That I have committed
Now I commit them to paper
As my form of punishment

I was weak when you all needed me
And for that I can't forgive
Myself for being so **** stupid
So I suffer as I live

And I'm sorry, mother
For not telling you sooner
I have scars all on my body
Now you know that's ******* super

I apologize Father
You knew but I said no further
That each and every day I
Pledged myself to self-******

I'm sorry Aysha
I tried to stop you from doing it
But now I know better
This is the ******* ****!

My sincerest apologies Georgia
I know I promised
But I did it in the heat of the moment
Not when i was at my calmest

But why should you truly trust me
When I say I am so sorry
I mean I have so many issues
I could be telling stories

Didn't know that my trust issues
Pierced that far into my soul
Bet you didn't even guess that
My thoughts smoulder like coal

Ironic, isn't it?
I just said I was like fire
Yet I am more so like ice
Another ****** for hire

If ever you need words
Put into some order
You can try and trust me
Me and my delusional disorder
This is a rap btw.
853 · Feb 2017
Viseract Feb 2017
Isn't it strange how strangers
Aren't at all strange
And "friends" and "family" are the ones
Providing you with the dangers?
850 · Jun 2016
Impure Wisps
Viseract Jun 2016
Red ink through clear water
Tendrils, wisps

Red ink spreading
Water no longer clear
Fingers stained with impurity

Isn't it a sin to cut?
just something I thought of off the top of my head. Picture it, if you want/can
846 · Jul 2016
Mirror, Mirror
Viseract Jul 2016
Every glance in the mirror
Seeing the spitting image of my dad
And mad because
I could never be that

That man
Worth ten times what I could ever be
And all this I see
Every time my eyes wander

Over a reflective surface
The pain he keeps bottled up inside
No **** it hurts
He looks into a puddle, that
Shows him his own sorrow

And it endless
And like a newborn baby
Helpless, defenceless
And as always, friendless

They say appreciate what you got,
I got nothing
I sometimes wish I could turn it
Into something

But who is really there for me,
When I need them most
And I bet you all probably
Raise your hands in support

But I know next to none of you
And you can call this a pity party, if you will
But it's the only sorta party I get invited to
So pardon me while I pop this pill

The one that takes me to Wonderland
Right before I die
The one that makes me fade away
At the end of the night
feeling pretty sad right now and I don't even know why. How f*cked is that?
845 · Mar 2016
Can You Keep Your Feet?
Viseract Mar 2016
As the world heaves and crashes around you
Can you keep your feet?
Will you balance, as flexible as a willow
Or suffer painful defeat?

When the ground quakes
And you've got the shakes
From memories, so bittersweet
Can you keep your feet?

As the ocean roars
And dams leak
When hurricanes rage
And floorboards squeak

Can you keep your feet?

When others talk behind your back
Ambush with ferocious attack
Will you have the courage to speak?
Will you be able to keep your feet?
When people talk behind your back
Devilish thoughts, a planned attack
Will you keep your balance
And not fall for their taunts?
840 · Apr 2016
Voices Up In Here
Viseract Apr 2016
Dude, stop looking at her like that
Stop looking at her like what?
Like you wanna get in there
Fine, how's that?

A rather interesting ceiling you got there
How the **** did someone get gum on the roof?
You know it's Grove right?
Oh yeah, I forgot. ******* high-schools

She's talking to you, *******
Oh ****, sorry
"You are weird, you know?"
"Why's that?"

"Talking to yourself like that"
"Eh, tell me something I don't know"
Hey, just joined the party late. What's up?
Just telling Conor he shouldn't stare at girls
Hey, shut the **** up, she's alright
She's also taken, fucko
I'm aware, doesn't mean I'm not allowed to admire
I agree
Course you do, you're a ******* **** too
Am not
Shut the **** up guys, trying to study here

"So, what did I miss?"
When you talk to yourself in your head and out loud, and when it's in your head the voices are different. The one in bold is deeper, the one normal is high-pitched. My normal voice, in my head, is the (surprise) italics text. enjoy!
834 · Jan 2016
A Shroud of Nightshade
Viseract Jan 2016
Too long I have spent,
Shrouded in shadow
That I have forgotten the sunlight,
And within my pain and suffering grow

It is time to shake off
This lethargy that binds me
And blinds me
With lies and such atrocities

I yearn for the light,
But the shadows are all too familiar
It clings to me, my family,
Even though it brings pain and such things similar

Shadows are an absence of light,
Therefore no good comes with it
Yet shadows are always with me,
And I am finding it hard to split

I will try with all my might
To crawl out of my shadowy hellhole
And bathe myself in brightness,
Whilst I reclaim what the night stole

(My Hope)
I am trying to get better, guys. To stop constantly thinking dark and unhealthy thoughts, to become a better person, and as such this will impact my poetry a little. Hopefully for the good. I hope you don't mind the change, whether pleasant or not. Happy Holidays!
825 · May 2016
Younger Times
Viseract May 2016
Back when I was younger,
Still growing and getting stronger
I was asked "what do you want to be when you're older?"
I said I wanted to be in the Army

Looking up to my Dad,
My absent role-model
As he fought overseas
He was my only idol

I wanted to serve a greater cause
Fight for what is right, no hesitation no pause
Just end what is wrong to make the world a better place
Meet these terrorists with a gun, fighting face to face

But then I heard some stories of war
A man went over not knowing what to fight for
Should he fight because he must, who could he really trust?
So many doubts and he ended up at Deaths door

Could you just imagine
All the carnage and the damage?
**** that, imagine standing next to
What remains of your friend

Being the one to carry him
Off of the battlefield
And laying him to rest in
An unscarred, peaceful, quiet field

I just don't think I could cope
No matter how much I want to fight
Torn in two, between wrong and right
Between the warmth of the dark and the cold light
Just reminiscing over some younger times
818 · Aug 2016
Warning Shots
Viseract Aug 2016
I forgive too quickly,
To me this is sickening
The beast inside of me, unleashed
Wishes to be a blade, unsheathed

Released into the world
Spinning, twist and twirl
Manipulate events, unfurl
A masterpiece, coloured swirls

It makes me feel helpless
I have too many morals
I follow them whether they help me
Or alone, I call

I have warned them
It's the last chance they will get
The satisfaction may be real
But I may end up in regret
a short, sharp ******* poetry... I am not satisfied even though it feels right. I guess the message is clear though, and that's good
816 · May 2016
Experiment: Failure_001
Viseract May 2016
Restricting your airway
Throw you down the stairway
Violence made my mind break
Oh wait!

You think you can escape?
Leave me after you played your game?
The silence was a mind-****
And now you try to escape?

Why the **** are you doing this to me
Am I your ******* experiment?
Just another play-toy, just another boy
Only this time this one rises with the decision to destroy

Why'd you **** me over like this?
What I did wasn't this bad
I become obsessed, it's true

Yet I still want to talk, God knows why
When clearly you've made up your mind now I gotta decide
Whether or not to fade away, turn to grey
The mist through the hills on a cold and rainy day

Or stick around and get ****** over more
I demand answers, I need some ******* answers
I have too many questions and I never was a dancer!

So stop waltzing with my conscious around this God-forsaken floor
Find a better one, a cleaner one, before I'm missing you when I destroy it all
**** this stupid little game... I need to talk to her. she's ******* me off. We need to talk one. Last. Time. Before I totally lose my ****
816 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
Fogged-up glass
Rain drops
Blood drops
****** handprint
Streaking down like the rain

Imaging flashing into my head
I need to turn this into a proper poem
810 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
Infected by my hatred
Yet you're the one who gave it
Now you come back to take it
I was a carrier but now it's faded

Now I have no drive
What's life if you don't feel alive?
What can be done
To bring back all the fun?

A sad sky and dark eyes
Tears fall, the world cries inside
It cries, as do I
At all the pain I left behind

Dead yet I'm still breathing
Dead yet my heart's beating
If you cut me I'd still be bleeding
A demon awakes and it is feeding

I've got nothing left to lose
Except, perhaps, just you
This emptiness runs right through
Makes me not know what to do

So I was a carrier of hatred
Now I'm a carrier of nothing
This body was so tainted
With the thought of somebody
806 · Apr 2018
Sell my Soul
Viseract Apr 2018
I love you, immensely,
Intensely, you set free,
The best of luck, to lust and ****,
Nobody tries contesting

Everything that you see, I don't, can't believe
Let me see the best of me
Perhaps then I won't seem

Im loyal, and trusting
Guidance is everything
For you I'd give anything
My heart my soul for a diamond ring!

For you are worth more than the stars
That twinkle in the broken glass
The shadows the voices the blood and the pain
I'd suffer it all for you to smile again...
To my dearest, with love...**
805 · Aug 2016
Please Help I'm Scared
Viseract Aug 2016
When your friend says goodbye,
But she also says,
"I can't be here anymore
Nobody understands my pain"

What do I do?
I'm scared...
she just ******* said that I'm shaking what do I do? I don't know anything really about where she lives or what, I don't know if I'm overreacting but I'm scared...
797 · Jul 2016
Not Alone
Viseract Jul 2016
Every room is empty
And every seat is bare
There's no-one home I'm here alone
Yet still I feel the stares

It follows me into my home
When I sleep I'm not alone
I shrug it off but it won't get lost
It's with me when I roam

The feeling of being watched
It gives me paranoia
I twist and turn, I feel the burn
Around my neck it coils

This weight on my shoulders
Combined with this glare
Buck and roll, duck and dodge
It's with me everywhere I go
the glares of society and the weight of the pain I get... it burdens me so
789 · Mar 2016
Silent Pretender
Viseract Mar 2016
Walking through our midst
A pretender, full of ignorance
She cuts and she bleeds
And she likes to scream
But compared to real agony
It's like she's singing

And we all know that
And violence
Go hand in hand
And she preaches
What she doesn't understand

And we know
Oh yeah we know
She's just a pretender

You talk like you know what you're about
But the reason you do it leaves no doubt
In our minds
That you're secretly a spy
Working through
Enemy lines, and we all know that

And violence
Go hand in hand
And she preaches
What she doesn't understand
It's like it's a trend or her favourite band
As she smiles at the cuts all on her hand

Mine were done out of endless pain
The sort that you feel when you've nothing to gain
The meaninglessness of each passing day
And you hope that your blood will wash it away

We see the scars, all up your leg
When you pull your shorts up and it's like you beg
For attention, the sort that we don't seek
We rarely let loved ones have a peek
We hide in the dark, not in the limelight
You're after attention and you've found the wrong type

Because we know...
Oh yes we know....

And violence
Go hand in hand
And she preaches
What she doesn't understand
Self-harming whilst humming to her favourite band
You try to fit in but you don't understand

It's for the pain
When you've nothing left to gain
And your mind hurts too much
And life is a crutch
Blood loss brings us back to life
Whilst it drips
From the tips
Of our knife...

And violence
Go hand in hand
Here is a song that you might understand
Whilst I write this alone, with no back-up band
It's been written just as I planned
For you
And hopefully you'll understand
Why we do
What we do
A song from yours truly. Hoping to shed some light, not all who cut are real. Especially the ones who spread it around. So keep this to yourselves, please. Thank you. It took great effort to write this.
785 · Jul 2016
Roar Beast, Roar
Viseract Jul 2016
I'm tired of chasing,
Unwillingly hating
Everything and anything
That makes my mind all hazy
If I understood things just a little
Then maybe I'd be squeaky clean
From now till

But I love to hate, and hate born from society
That unfair mother-f_cker that destroyed the best of me
My own little sister
Whenever she needs comfort
Turns away from me and toward
Her supposed loving mother
Who harmed me with wicked lies
That made me die inside
And I cried
Determined into her past I pried
And I found something
I should've let go
But it's hard to release a part of your heart
When it's bound to you,

But I tried
It's a struggle to push through everyday
Memories and pictures that within my own mind
By the natural instinct, desire to hide
To hide away someplace,
Give up and

But I gotta stay strong
Fight my urge to wrong
I at least owe that to a "happy family"
Those who wronged me
I see this with clarity
But it's the part of me that takes pride
In donating to charity
My split and splitting divisions
Mindset, shows

But not the monster I hold
In the darkness he grows
And even though I hold him
So close
He grows bold
And I try to make him obey
Doesn't do what he's told
This vicious beast of fangs and claws he
Loves to roar!

But control is necessary
Others better be wary
Of angering
The demon that can be
So please, just leave me alone
Because I'm an archive that holds everything you ever
Did wrong
To *me!
just some free flow poetry
779 · Oct 2016
Fault Line
Viseract Oct 2016
Walking through the mist
Barely seeing anything but haunting faces,
Making me feel as though I am a time traveller,
Caught in a present where he does not belong,
As an integral part of an experiment he had no choice in joining,
And when he hits the line between chaos and order
With enough force to divorce such fault, and mix it,
It becomes himself.

It becomes me

So thank God for this mist
That I may not see the evil that is me,
And live the good that is the rest
Funnily enough, inspired by showering. Weird, huh? the "mist" is just steam from a 30-minute long, more than warm shower
777 · Feb 2016
Viseract Feb 2016
An acid that burns me up
Falling slowly, drop by drop

Too caught up in my own affairs
To really show that much care

Self-pity comes so easy
I don't show it much but my heart is bleeding

And once again, I pity myself
And shudder at the name of someone else
776 · Feb 2016
Memory Devoted to Poetry
Viseract Feb 2016
Star Gazer:
Unlucky overlord from sydney australia. Named hidden agenda before.

We conversed in only poetry remember?

For once where the tyre swing hung on the tree
Now hangs a broken noose....


Conor Blatchford:
I remember, for our poetic talk
Became our poetry
And I always did enjoy
The leisure of a pleasant memory

Star Gazer:
A pleasant memory twas,
But memories get forgotten,
But I do send applause,
For a memory unlike cotton.

Conor Blatchford:
Applause graciously accepted,
No roses are thrown but none needed
That memory was but a play, one of many
That in life will continually be seeded

Star Gazer:
Until uprooted without reason
Dangling onto what is left,
And heart plays traitor in treason,
And memory is but a theft.

Conor Blatchford:
True, memory is not quite the event
But tend and care for it like any plant
And it will grow into something fond
Something that becomes more real and less like a mask

Star Gazer:
Humans are attracted to masks,
Cruel facades are what we have known all our lives.

Conor Blatchford:
A façade makes life worthwhile
A display of grace and eloquent style
Hiding what we truly are
Is perfectly understandable, not in the least bizarre

Star Gazer:
But where is the line between imaginary and reality,
Feeding false hopes and liee to banality,
It is just one step closer to hell,
And one stop further from heaven as well

Conor Blatchford:
Heaven and Hell are concepts designed
To induce goodness and quell pride
For even though evil creates a social reject,
An old saying re-written: no-one is perfect

So how are we supposed to climb
The stairway to Heaven with imperfection in mind?
Wouldn't it be just easier to fall
Into the Hellhole that awaits us all?
The poetic conversations are back, and I am glad :)
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