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In their woods; there is a love that is hunted with all
of its goodies in a basket- basking on all that we could
hold onto; as your cheeks blush became the main
protagonist, like a Little Red Riding Hood

Beware the bite of love; beware of the wolf- for the
goosebumps you feel, is a breath howling at your skin
And doesn’t that make you want to scream; in those cries
surely caused by the eyes ******* you in the world
we live in; making you out as its meal

You are so pretty and so wild; to the tragedy of a love being
so blind- as your true blessing is softly masked in a disguise,
For even as there are people who care for you, there are so
many to despise, so many that are truly, and completely vile
Those that treat you like a chicken lost in the woods- people
only interested in the breast and thighs

Love is no fairy-tale- neither anything close to a movie;
though heartbreak is nothing of fiction. Love is sometimes a
crippling addiction; the oxymoron of us always chasing after love
My dearest daughter, don’t get lost in its woods.
Spicy Digits Jun 14
Grounded me earthside
Fingers of twine

Pulled me from him
Steadied my spine

Fingers of dread
Waiting, waiting

Pointing to the door
Aching, aching

Tap my sternum
Baby's lullaby

Help me breathe
Write me right
Zywa May 31
Squadrons fly overhead,

without the slightest shadow --

on anyone's eyes.
Composition "Deviations" (2024, Casimir Geelhoed), for hyperorgan, performed by Casimir Geelhoed in the Organpark on May 29th, 2024, with a light show by Zalán Szakács

Collection "org anp ARK" #6
Andy Chunn May 26
A lovely day, the eighth of May, with sunshine and light breeze
You could not tell, that all’s not well and we felt safe at ease
A little blip, a video clip, showed damage way out west
But that was far, and could not mar our little place of rest

The march of time, brought clouds that climb, into an angry sky
And soon the voice, gave us a choice, as winds began to fly
I stood and watched, the radar notched, and signified a storm
I waited to see, the possibility, of it’s mighty form

In lapsing light, at infamous heights, they formed and went away
With funnels strong, it was not long, I heard the voice say
“Take cover NOW, the storms somehow, are imminent and direct”
So in a panic, acting quite frantic, we sought a way to protect

As sullen skies stopped, the stillness topped our deep distraught concern
And all was still, and quiet until, the skies began to turn
Clouds regrouped, and trees were scooped, like toothpicks they did snap
And running fast, entrance at last, was like a treasure map

We were inside, seeking to hide, from winds and funnel cones            
Windows broke, and trees did stroke, our little country home
Our chimney fell, the stones did sail, the rocks blasted our roof
The wind and rain, sound like a train, the damage is the proof

Well I must say, it went away, as fast as it had started
It seemed much longer, as it was stronger, just before it parted
It buried the cars, with trees like bars, in only thirty seconds
Doors blocked, the driveway socked, and freedom clearly beckoned

We were blessed, and if you guessed, this was real and true
In cleanup mode, our small abode, with so much left to do
I ache for those, whose loss arose, to greater heights than this
With nature’s aim, no one’s to blame, just pray it goes amiss
Spring in Tennessee
Zywa May 19
Dark and menacing

it comes close, it attaches --

stickily to us.
Composition "Modes of Being", part "Attachment" (2024, Elizabete Beate Rudzinska), performed in the Organpark on May 17th, 2024 by Elizabete Beate Rudzinska (*****) and Luka Schuurman (performance)

Collection "org ANP ark" #187
Zywa May 16
The guests run away,

the staff is left with the feast --

left with the rumours.
Novel "Shalimar the Clown" (2005, Salman Rushdie), chapter Boonyi, § 1

Collection "Low gear"
Jeremy Betts Apr 17
Should I really worry about every chip on my shoulder?
Because I'm far more concerned about this planet size boulder that's up there
Knowing it is, still hoping it's not a foreboding place holder
A precursor to a something likely to be far heavier
Representing a multifaceted, real and present danger
I know I know better than to say I can take the pressure
Because inevitably that's when you hear
The crazy train circling life shift and kick into higher gear
Elevating despair to a level superceding fear
No one gets to choose their final chapter
So whatever
Let's just get this over with if it's not going to get any better for here

Jeremy Betts Mar 17
Inside this inconspicuous figure
Is a heart and mind that conspire together
To trigger my rage heavy splendor
That works out for me never
Too clueless to share how but somehow aware
Somewhere in there is fear
Even if just a sliver
So buyer beware
Locate the snare,
It's always there
A danger that's present but not clear
I sense it when giving and losing control,
Compassion and anger
I'm uncomfortable but familiar
With those two in particular

Jeremy Betts Mar 17
Just because you can
Maybe you have,
Danced with fire
That does not mean that same flame will not burn after expired
Leaving a new want to expire
Like desire
Or so I've heard from the choir
But then again most everyone I've met,
Myself included,
Is a lier
And yet,
For reasons unknown,
I'm still a buyer
Then shortly after,
A broken heart supplier

Zywa Mar 1
After the **** breach,

somewhere in the water, still --

a howling siren.
Composition #021 "hYDAtorizon" for paino, string quartet and video ("Rooted in water", 1988, Yannis Kyriakides), performed by Quatuor Bozzini and Reinier van Houdt in the Organpark on November 26th, 2023

Collection "org anp ark" #327
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