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771 · Nov 2016
China Dolls
Viseract Nov 2016
As a fan of new beginnings,
I would like an end
To this existence made of dolls
All "perfect" and pretend

As fragile as the china that is the fabric
Woven into their souls
But not over the pit of hatred within
That emits through the holes

Pulsating wavelengths of bitter hatred
Black, odious and vile
An energy, the negative charge
That turns down many a smile

The friction within the air
That could tear it apart so easily
But is resisted by social norms...
"Perfection", all pretend..

So pick me up and let me fall
So I may shatter myself into pieces
That may reform into something better
Hiding away in niches...

*Afraid of confrontation and inspection, too strong....
769 · May 2016
Just Shower Thoughts #2
Viseract May 2016
Time is the the most subtle
Illusion on the face of reality
Because sometimes, and we all get this,
Time speeds up for us or slows down
I've heard the term "time is an illusion " but can't remember where...
768 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
A dark and stormy day
Stone-walled house and creaky floorboards
Rain tapping all the windows, streaking them,
As the windows shudder in their housings

A high, keening wind
Clap of thunder and a drawer being opened
The cutlery inside rattling
As the drawer comes to rest

A roving and admiring eye
So wet, reflecting the dull silver sheen
Sizing up the pain within
And the size of the blade to release it

A lightning bolt outside the window
Causes him to look up, through the pelting rain
At his own reflection, to the dark hair
And those sad, sad eyes

He tilts his head a little, wondering
Just how good a scar would look
To beautify what is the exact opposite
And decides, for the time being, against it

The front door bangs open,
Footsteps in the hall
Resisting that encompassing impulse,
He drops the blade, the butcher knife, back in
The drawer

"You need any help, Mother?"
A story, not about me (for once, you self-centred so-and-so) but just a story. Let me know what you think of it. Please, any and all criticism is welcome
766 · Jun 2016
My Solitary Soul
Viseract Jun 2016
Confidence from self-assurance
Reassuring myself, ignoring disturbance
Pushing my feelings back, bottling them up
Ready to burst, to pop my top

An excuse to amuse
To use and abuse
All in the name of happiness
Suppressing my loneliness

Loner I am, I walk a lonely road
Yeah sure, only one I've ever known
Green day fan, not knowing where I'll go
But this is home to me so I walk alone

Destined to solitude
Friends come and friends go
Betrayal, distance or another path
Sure, I'm all alone, and I walk this road

It's filled with potholes, hills and unknown bumps
But no matter the state of disrepair, I only see crows
Some say I'm unique, different, one-of-a-kind
And where I'm going, nobody knows

I cause happiness on sight, and hatred sometimes
But I push on, negativity left behind
Sometimes it catches up, pulls me down
And whispers in my head, the only sound

The only thing constantly with me

As I walk down this dark alley
No sign of the end, no sights to see
Just voices, hatred, laughter and footsteps
Firmly fixed to a road unknown, firmly set

As I walk alone
765 · Mar 2016
Viseract Mar 2016
You siphon the blood from my heart
As I collapse, it falls apart
And I fall for you
758 · Dec 2016
Viseract Dec 2016
With all these voices in my head
And all the messages I've sent
All the replies I never get
They say forgive and then forget

Everything I've done has led to regret
And stood me up right on the edge
Feet halfway over the ledge
Wind in my face and what comes next?

A flashback to memories
With violent ends from violent deeds
I see them right before they bleed
And cold shivers run underneath

I've been called both crazy and insane
Like something's wrong inside my brain
To everyone else I'm not the same
I ain't normal, I ain't plain

But then again, I didn't want to be
It's not my fault I cause unease
I don't see what everyone else sees
I see dead men on their feet

Why fight on and be so strong
In a world where I don't belong?
Where everything has gone all wrong
From ongoing wars to the suicide song

I hear white noise when I walk
And whispering when I don't talk
A shadow behind that always stalks
Paranoid, eyes like a hawk

I'm sorry I'm not what you wish I was
But don't hate me just because
I don't meet your expectations
So give up on my resuscitation

*"You cannot revive the dead and ******"
754 · Mar 2016
Demonic Intentions
Viseract Mar 2016
Didn't wanna be a demon
Thought I could defeat him
But it turns out I am bleeding
Numbness replacing feeling

Feeling nothing in my core
An empty chasm, nothing in store
From me violence waits to pour
And make some bodies hit the floor

Ripped up, no heart
Tearing lives and souls apart
I knew deep down from the very start
I wouldn't win, I can't outsmart

What is a full part of me
Must be
My destiny
I just don't want to see
Me drag down friends and enemies
I don't want them to condemn me
To some ****** up kamikaze!

But I know I've lost
These bones ache and my mind rots
I'm seeing pulsing black and red dots
Violence awakes, now my soul is frost
My mind obviously likes to explore a lot...
751 · May 2016
Distractions and Reminders
Viseract May 2016
Sometimes distractions are better than reminders
In a way they can help to guide us
Through emotional turmoil and troubled times
Sometimes it's better to have them as your guideline

Other times, I may say, reminders are best
To ensure that the past is properly laid to rest
That you understand what was, what has been
And fully acknowledge what you have heard and you have seen
749 · May 2016
Frozen Wasteland
Viseract May 2016
Hey hey,
I've changed
I'm not the same
No not the same

I still talk too much
About life and such
But it was yesterday, no
Oh no, no no

My sister crying on the doorstep
As I left
Those familiar times
Familiar times

And I watched, expressionless,
As I left
As I left

So why do I feel this way?
Have I no sympathy?
No feelings, no tears,
Over the years
I refused to look back
Feet set upon my tracks
Feeling guilty and saddened
In my frozen wasteland

What does this mean?
Where is my heart?
Perhaps countless tears
Tore it apart
ripped wide open, left unspoken

Over the years
Reassurance allayed my fears
I knew I'd come back again
Knew it wasn't the end
No not the end, no

But still
Those tears,
She shed,
This hollow,
I dread
Like where did
It end
My emotion spent
I'm so cold, so cold!

So why do I feel this way?
Have I no sympathy?
No feelings, no tears,
Over the years
I refused to look back
Feet set upon my tracks
Feeling guilty and saddened
In my frozen wasteland

Frozen over, all snow and ice
Hiding in the shadows, as dark as night
Stars above this frozen wasteland
Where my heart shattered and solitude began

So thaw me out, be my fire
Return my heart, for I require
Those feelings I had, coz' I don't want to die
So please, oh please, please bring me to life

coz I don't wanna die
coz I don't wanna die
coz I don't wanna die
coz I don't wanna die

No not tonight!

So why do I feel this way?
why do I, feel this way
Have I no sympathy?
no sympathy
No feelings, no tears,
Over the years
over the years
I refused to look back
Feet set upon my tracks
Feeling guilty and saddened
In my frozen wasteland

With tears running down her face
And a hollow chest I leave this place
My frozen wasteland
To Khaidee, my youngest sister. I am sorry that I seem so emotionless, but I learnt that thinking about all of you, and about leaving, leads to my sadness. Which is something I can't deal with anymore. I guess.... I switched off. I am sorry
749 · Apr 2016
Aggression Attack
Viseract Apr 2016
**** it all
**** myself
**** life
And **** the world

I know there are people out there
Who are actually worth a ******* ****
But the rest of them can all burn
Whilst I grind my teeth and let my anger stir

What is it that you see
When you look inside of me?
Is it something crushed?
My soul with dark claws and violent lust?

This little ******
Gives me the strength
To keep pushing through
Yet another mindless day
And as I make my way
I pay my way
Hoping the world ends today

I'm sick of just sitting and doing nothing
I'd much rather be doing something
Perhaps with fire, perhaps with blade
And destroy this ******-up world we made!

Rend it useless, tear it apart
Watch as the blood spurts from the heart
Make the day the night and the darkness strong
And live in a world where I belong!

Everyone looks at me like I'm a freak
And how dare I open my mouth and speak
And sit back down, no-one cares
Yet they are surprised when he dares, oh how he dares!

Hostility to those who waste my time
Who dis both my body and my mind
When I break, then you will see
How I could break you just as easily!

Oh how I hate all this ****
That was written at the bottom in fine print
And the world we exist in as I speak,
And how we must be submissive and meek!

I will not submit to the torture
I will not submit to brainwash
So you can stand and face my fury
Or rip your maps and just get lost!
So. Mad. Right.Now
745 · Nov 2015
Crushing Leaves
Viseract Nov 2015
Walking down
This empty street
Crushing leaves
Like memories
Unwanted, unneeded,
Relentless and unheeded
As I decide
My worst memories must hide
Or stay and die,
Sneering, snarling, wishing to defy
The Law of the Master
Wishing to prevent disaster

So slowly does the guilty walk
When memories, like predators, stalk
Lurking in dark alleyways
Of the moonlit city of brainwaves

Crushing leaves
Like memories
Unwanted, unneeded,
Relentlessly unheeded
Viseract Nov 2015
I was crying out for help,
As those I loved died all around
The sounds of slashing and blood spurting
Are two of the most torturous sounds

I was looking frantically around for a while,
Looking for a way out
But no matter how hard I looked,
All exits became closed with doubt

I tried fighting solo,
But no man is an island
He may want to stand alone, the Gunslinger,
But he can't fight up a highland

So I finally gave up
I was drowning in the blood of helplessness
My revolvers had been completely destroyed
Leaving this Gunslinger defenceless

But a hand reached down through the gore,
And pulled me out of that sea
And when the problem was dealt with,
"Visionary, I thank thee".
Dedicated wholly and solely to you, Georgia.  For that one time, in P.E, when I was so stressed I couldn't breathe and you helped me. I needed someone to talk to, someone to help me, because I was drowning. Drowning in a sea of nightmares and bullying, and you pulled me out. "A normal man looks left and right, up and down, for the future. But not us. We are visionaries"
743 · Feb 2017
Viseract Feb 2017
I cleansed my hands of corruption today
For I had done a filthy deed
I gazed into the mirror
I saw corruptions seed

In harvest of its fruits
My ends justified my means
And although there's not a mark
I'll not be truly clean

You may question what I did
But it is my belief
That it's better to feel something
Even if it makes you bleed
There lies a sense of resignation, of guilt, of hatred and emotions, where previously there were none. My selfish actions have hurt another, and I am sorry for that

But glad to feel again
738 · Aug 2016
Viseract Aug 2016
An act of surprise when,
For instance, lies
734 · Jan 2017
Viseract Jan 2017
A crutch, a walking stick
Use and abuse so sick of it
There for you when you can't move
Support your weight when you lose

But let me burn when you're cured
So ******* from all us tortured
Swinging in chains, bonded by pain
A snakes skin is all that changes

The venom still gleams crystal clear

So let me burn!
Playing with fire
Let! Me! Burn!
Your hopeless desires

I'll just take a seat right here
Blindfold off its so **** clear
This cinema rolls the same tape
But it's hilarious to see your face

The devil on the big screen
You wanted attention, now act your scene
A snakes skin is all that changes
But your method never rearranges

The venom drips, so crystal clear...

So let me burn!
Playing with fire
Let! Me! Burn!
Your faith has retired

Once again, called you out
It's hard to swim when drowning in doubt
I know, that riptide was far too strong
But in seeking help, I never did wrong

And your life is crumbling, as the venom drips

So let me burn!
Playing with fire
Let! Me! Burn!
Your hopeless desires

So let me burn!
Playing with fire
Let! Me! Burn!
Your faith! Is!
732 · Apr 2016
Apology for G
Viseract Apr 2016
I will not apologise
For what I thought was right

However, I will apologise
For any and all fright

(Boo. I'm not that scary)
aaaaaaand that's final
730 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
A funny little word
Made up when I was hurt
By the skies
I thought "what the **** is murderize?"

I say it to my friends
A humorous little joke
"I'll murderize your family
And on my **** they will choke."

They laugh and sputter
I guess I'm that amusing
Even when I joke about
Killing and abusing

They know I don't mean it
That I'm just *******
So if I say it to you
Know it don't mean ****
I laughed so hard writing this
727 · Aug 2017
Goin' Crazy
Viseract Aug 2017
I'm not a sheep amongst the flock but a wolf amongst the sheep
Not a carcass left to rot but the butcher slicing meat
Because someone gotta survive, and its gonna be me
You can pull the wool over my eyes but you'll end up losing sleep

See you can lie to my face but i can sniff out the truth
Not everybody's buying *******, we are wiser than our youth
I may have a young face but my soul is in pursuit
Of old age, divine space, that's ruthlessness for you

See my stamina is boundless and i have that pack mentality
I can toggle between the two, loyalty or reality
You can make all these promises, but you cant promise me
That you're not another poser because you reek of it to me

Imma howl at the stars just to keep you awake
Outside growling at your window just to drive you insane
Because you messed with a wolf and thats a fatal mistake
Now I'm putting pen to paper just to put you in your place

You, dont know what you're in for
You, aren't getting away
You, are already falling
And now, in your head, I'm here to stay

You, me, crazy
You, me, crazy
You, me, crazy
You dont know what you're in for, and now you're going crazy

The possibilities are endless like the power of Infinity
You stop dead in your tracks like you just had an epiphany
You can't lose the trail when i **** my head, listening
Your voice trembles with fear and I'm feasting on the signaling

Your muscles race with adrenaline, a system overdrive
To face what you can't see admist the shadows of the night
All your senses quickening, preparing for the fight
Because you're in the corner now and there's nowhere left to hide

Hands shake, an earthquake, i hear the drumming of your heart
Jesus Christ, any faster and it could tear you apart
An explosion from the inside, you glow in the dark
From the heat that you expel like the embers of a dart

Eyes wide, pupils large you know this is your fate
Wishing you could go back but you know that it's too late
You meddled with a wolf and now you're filled with doubt
Things are getting serious: head down, claws out

You, don't know what you're in for
You, aren't getting away
You, are already falling
Check under your bed because the monster's here to stay

There's so much left to do,
And so little time,
With nothing left to lose
It's time to set things right

You can't play, Chinese Whispers
With me, because, I hear everything

You, don't know what you're in for...

You, me, crazy
You, me, crazy
You, me, crazy
I've got so much in store, enough to drive you crazy

You, me, crazy
You, look, wasted
You, me, insanity
You don't know what you're in for, and now you're going crazy
just a song i wrote for an EP
722 · Jul 2020
Viseract Jul 2020
Sunken eyes, wretched mind
This void I feel is my demise
The depths to which can't be described
Reality, the biggest lie

I wander roads that can't go wrong
So will you miss me when I'm gone?
I'm right here yet so far away
Will you be the one who stays?
The subtlety of disassociation
719 · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
Star Gazer:  
How are you fellow poet?
I hope the burning sun is keeping you
Warm without knowing it
Through a thin veil of sky so blue.

Conor Blatchford:  
A pure veil of blue
It is beautiful, white fluffy clouds
Keening wind and lapping waves
The most pure of calming sounds

Star Gazer:
Waves rush the rocks
Though the sun pierces the clouds
Crashing, smashing and rumbling
Till the mountains come crumbling.

Conor Blatchford:  
Sun sets and darkness falls
The stars show themselves at night
Calm waves rippling
Reflecting that beautiful starlight

Star Gazer:
Though bright a light may be
The touch of a star is all but lost
When we ask of fun and glee
Amidst all the chaotic costs.
A collaboration/ poetic conversation with Star Gazer
718 · Sep 2016
Hyper (10w)
Viseract Sep 2016
So hyper
My friend reckons I got laid

I wish
hehe, she actually said it too
715 · Jun 2016
Journey's Lights
Viseract Jun 2016
They say we were all born
To run into the abyss
To embrace the darkness
And accept Deaths' kiss

That we are travelling an entire lifetime
Just to die

I'm not so sure

Because it's not about the destination
It's about the journey
Travelling in heat and cold
From freezing to burning

Let emotions run free
Run as wild as can be
See what I mean?
It's all about the journey

The road less travelled and sometimes dim
Is the road we follow even when it gets grim
Attending weddings and funeral days
Sitting in a pub having a beer with mates

Or sitting on your bed with your laptop open
Making words rhyme and leaving some unspoken
To publish your mind, upload it on a website
No matter the time, even when it's 6 o'clock at night

To love and to hate and make something mutual
To reminisce the past or speak of the future
To live and to die, either one is alright
But we do not live just to meet the darkness of night
712 · Jul 2016
A Song of Change
Viseract Jul 2016
I get told to let it go
But I try and just don't know
If it's possible to let things lie
As still as a man willing to die

I've tried before; it didn't work
Instead of peace I went bezerk
All my efforts, meant a total of nothing
And this pain is why I sing

I don't know if I'll be okay
I don't know if I'll be alright
Maybe, someday,
But tonight things are the same
It hasn't changed

It hasn't changed, I will not lie
When you ask for news I will not deny
The truth, the facts, the whole **** case
That at times I wish I was erased

When I get put down I get back up
This vicious cycle never stops
I've tried to break this bonding chain
But I wouldn't sing were it not for pain

I don't know if I'll be okay
I don't know if I'll be alright
Maybe, someday,
But tonight things are the same
And it hasn't changed!

Will it ever change?
It hasn't changed!
Will it ever change?
Because it's boring when this pain
Stays the same
This is a short song, which I hope you enjoy :)
710 · Feb 2016
Time to Wait
Viseract Feb 2016
Waiting for you on my own
Sitting down, all alone

Not a bad thing, I don't mind
I will wait no matter the time

So take all you need,
I will sit on this seat
And wait
For you

Patience is a virtue, one I rarely have
But I will wait
For you

And it really doesn't bother me
So take all the time you need
whilst i'm waiting for my friend, I have just written this. She said she hates feeling like she's leaving me alone, but I really don't mind :)
709 · Sep 2017
Preview: Club of Disarray
Viseract Sep 2017
Every day is the same thing,
What keeps us moving,
The substance and the drugs that some keep abusing so

What is this world now?
Where is the count down?
If this is a circus then we're all just clowns!

The ringleader speaks and so think we must not
Instead we pop the pills that gives us courage once lost!
Amidst all the rot, flowers love me not,
Nature won't forgive for we have forgot!
Work in progress, so this is a lil' excerpt of sorts
708 · Dec 2016
Raving Again
Viseract Dec 2016
Ignorance is bliss they say,
I never found it
When I was being put down
And they were shouting at me like
"You'll never rise up, you're nothing, ain't worth the time"
And it only gave me another excuse to rap and to rhyme
Expressing my feelings just to get it off my chest
While at the same time writing lines simply to be my best, it's a test
And so far I've been passing, they said I can't do it
But watch as I sonic speed right on through it
I'll defeat the Doctor Eggman and chill with my bud Tails
While you sitting in the corner pointing out all my fails
But I don't care, it's behind, another lesson learnt
So that I progress easier and don't be so badly hurt
I like to help others, a saint some would say
A blessing disguised as a kid you see everyday
But keyword is disguised, every man has his demons
They can be so bad that ol' skull-face takes to reapin'
But I haven't fallen yet, I still stand tall
On the hill, helpless just watching it all burn
I know I'm not liked, by many and still don't care
As long as I live happily then I ain't gonna be snared
By the concept that the best must have a good reputation
But solitude for some is the key to salvation
Why would you want to fit in with people that you don't like?
And when they try to conform you, tell em to take a hike
Wrote this off the top of my head
706 · Nov 2016
Viseract Nov 2016
I look down at the blade
And see the scars that I engraved
A mark that'll forever stay and
Torture me every day...
Viseract Sep 2016
HIM: Chaos

Me: My definition is but a simple play on words. To give life meaning. Chaos is in everything, true. Even in perfection, because things such as ****** can be seen as a perfect disarray of mental instability and flawless art, so really, Chaos is an art. Are you saying that life is but a painting of art, a description of life through poetry, of a musical symphony that wears away with time?

HIM**: Whatever you're on, I want some
I am feeling very on the ball right now, as you can see
702 · May 2016
Just Shower Thoughts #1
Viseract May 2016
It is all too easy to blame yourself
It is even easier to blame someone else
It is harder to accept the truth, even when the truth is,
You messed up
Was having a nice warm shower and thought of this. I may make this a series
701 · Oct 2016
Stand Alone
Viseract Oct 2016
I will not stand for you,
You betrayed me
I will not fight for you,
Just yesterday

You left me alone
I drowned and struggled
You just stood there
As they burned me down

So don't bother me no more
No matter what's in store
I will fight alone,
I'll stand alone

Don't trifle with my mind
You're better left behind
No matter the darkness
That strikes me down

I'll do this on my own

A sliver of shattered glass
From a mirror that could never last
This fragment weighs so little
Yet so heavy on my mind

Within it's reflection
Lies memories of you and me
The last piece of a puzzle
I tried to sweep away

I was content when it was only us
But my smile began to fade
As I witnessed my demise
Around me in eternal shade

So don't bother me no more
No matter what's in store
I will fight alone,
I'll stand alone

Don't trifle with my mind
You're better left behind
No matter the demons
That knock me down

I'll protect what I love, alone!

Don't offer that venomous hand
It seems you don't understand
I know you lusted for my pain
That love, born, from sanity slain

I thought you were beautiful
But the truth woke me up
Pleasure from my torture,
Serpentine you are, what the ****!

Don't talk to me at all
You shoved and I began to fall
But no matter what comes next
I will fight until the end


No matter what's in store
I will fight until I'm dead on the floor
No matter the demons
That hold me down


*Don't bother me at all...
Drown in your sorrows
See this message crystal clear...
I don't want you near...
I'm sorry, but you should really go...
Viseract Oct 2015
I may not be positive,
But I'm not exactly negative
Just another 10W
689 · Aug 2016
Remember to Not Forget
Viseract Aug 2016
Respect and accept
The memories you regret
Because each is a lesson
That you'd better not forget

A lesson to learn
And some time to burn
It may be quite difficult
Some are hard to discern

But don't be concerned
Unless you haven't learnt
Only then will you know
How much revenge can hurt
it's more a rap style really
689 · Sep 2016
Music of Sentience
Viseract Sep 2016
I wanna dance to the sound of life,
I wanna live with the sound of love ringing in my ears
Never hear the music of torture
And fall asleep to the lullaby of death
686 · Jan 2016
Sly Gaze
Viseract Jan 2016
A lustrous orb, both dark and bright,
Rimmed with hazel lies the night
A clear-glazed look, yet shimmer slight
Does not affect the gaze so bright

The inner does grow in the dark
And yet in this night there lies a spark
A small glimmer, almost impossible to see
Yet when passion burns, this light goes free

All is hinted, however sly,
There lies a mystery about the eye
Thank you all so much for your support, I have recently hit 11.1k views, which is absolutely astounding. Couldn't have continued poetry without your constant support, so many thanks from the PoetryPhoenix, Conor Blatchford
685 · Mar 2016
For My Friends Part Three
Viseract Mar 2016
When doubt creeps
And you cannot sleep
I will calm you
With a tale of serenity
684 · May 2017
Negative Vibes
Viseract May 2017
You'll catch me by the sidewalk sitting down and rocking
Majority of people look down but keep on walking
They don't understand the pain like electric shocks to the brain
That make you forget your name, what you stand for seems insane

Where chaos reigns and the brave die, it's easy to get lost
Pulled into a vacuum so abyssal the will to live is forgot
Where the blood is Paracetamol, where it hurts like it's physical
Numb like a vegetable yet hungry like a cannibal

Starving where food is plentiful
Dehydrated when you're forgetful
You know you're mental
And it's as smooth as Butter Menthol

Attached to your bed like it's the only safe haven
Wondering if like a ruin, you're broken and breaking
When vultures circle up high and your eyes are gouged by ravens
The dark thick ooze makes you realise... you need saving
684 · Mar 2017
Viseract Mar 2017
Everything I do just seems so wrong
Out of place, and I can't face, that I don't belong
I know we're all different, but I am different still
Every battle I've ever fought, I always fought uphill...

Another nobody in training to belong, to become
And maybe someday, I'll mean something to someone
Recognition for the things that I wish I hadn't done
And I'm done....
Nothing was ever perfect, and so nothing I've become

Nothing was ever perfect, and now I am No-One
Now I am no-one...
683 · Dec 2015
Alone with the Monsters
Viseract Dec 2015
The say silence is golden,
But I think it more like stone
Hits you cold and hard
When you realize you're alone

Seeing figures in the shadows,
Faces on the walls
So go on, face the silence:
Think you got the *****?

Well you'll be thinking twice
When your blood spatters the walls
Not even Halloween #nofucksgiven
Viseract Nov 2017
Well here i am, done being victim
Of thicker than bricks people who just won't listen
This is me letting go, final words
This is me breaking this ******* curse

When you try to help like the Fox to the Snake
Trust misplaced realising too late
Turned around and bit me like wait
I knew it all along now i know the game

Play on your mind and run it over
Like they always drunk driving don't know sober
Hopeless when again he told me so
I never learn coz i hold out hope!

Curtain calls I'm releasing the rope
Turned it into a noose this crow could choke
Liked to hear my pain when i turn insane
Over the fact that neither of us can really let go

I know you know i dont make mistakes twice
Reinforced by the fact that he wished suicide
Except I'm smart don't be a ******
Eminems words become something that hits real hard!

Asking for advice and i try to play nice
You played ***** and i tried that thrice
Told him about how i tried the knife
Can't keep your mouth shut so you run it like strife

Is all you cause my pain cause and effect
The effect you had slowly turned negative
Now we're back to strangers, these words are saviours
And steer me clear of ****, these top notch sailors!

Well the streets are flowing with slick spilled blood
Tsunami on the road causing a flood
You can't see at all you'd probably run
Into it like you do with drama for fun!

Well this **** is over, twas a good game
Insane you brought out but huh well played
Made me doubt my reasons to stay
Made me doubt twice now I've run away

All i ever did never once said thanks
Smelt the poison a mile off that **** smells rank
Ranked among the stupid that had such faith
Can't stop you sinking i came too late

I did so much for what little it was worth
Like Linkin Park I'm breaking this curse
Smash old habits, rap like a rabbit
Reach for the door, turn this handle I'm grabbing!

Huh, but i guess you'll never learn
That my mind is energy that makes me burn
So these fireproof gloves handle flaming doves
I'm a Phoenix ******* and you get no love
it actually ******* fits in Eminems verse, just after 2:38 timestamp
and it fits the song in general
lyrical genius right here huh, yeah im being up myself ahaha :)
680 · Aug 2015
Fly Away
Viseract Aug 2015
Crows circle high above
Cawing to each other, calling
Then down, down, down they come
Lightly they are falling

“I wish I could fly away too,”
I whisper up into the air
“So I could go somewhere nicer
And avoid these hostile glares”.

“I wish I could fly away
To a place where I am not wrong
To a place where I fit in
Somewhere I belong”.

I look down from the sky again,
Back down to the floor.
Sink to my knees upon the concrete
With the weight for years I bore.

“I wish I could just fly away”,
I say again out loud.
I don’t realize I’m crying
Releasing the pain I found.

“Soar away on the winds,
As easily as they do”
I gesture to the crows above,
“So I can get away from you.”

I look down at my hands now,
For I realize I am bleeding
The pain is just trickling away
And my inner demons are feeding.

I now comprehend my mistake
For that way is so wrong
But this is something I cannot handle
For I am not that strong

I’m in a pool of blood now
As I fall down to the ground
My vision starts to go woozy
My head begins to pound

“I wish I could fly away,”
I whisper my last words
But as I die I’m all alone
So these words remain unheard.
679 · Oct 2015
An Other-worldly Test
Viseract Oct 2015
An Angel of Life,
Walks through the night
Bladed weapon and an offer
To leave it all behind

She came to me....
She came for me....

She looked into my eyes,
It was no surprise
That they were wide with fear
Coz' I didn't wanna die

She spoke to me....
She talked to me...

"Honestly who would care,
If you died?
You've got an inner demon
And he feasts on your insides"

She showed me....
She handed me....

Her bladed weapon,
A rather sharp knife
I was to draw it across my throat
And let my throat bleed out my life

She tempted me....
She tempted me....

I switched my grip,
And threw it away
"Maybe some day I'll die
But that day isn't today"

She looked at me....
And I realized...

She was testing me,
Tempting me,
To give up
My right to breathe

She was testing me,
Tempting me....

She was testing me,
Tempting me,
To give up
My right to breathe

Toying with me....
Playing with me....

She looked into my eyes,
And faded away
I know another day that
I will speak with her again

She freed me,
Released me.....
Sweet victory...
She tested me.....

An Angel of Life,
Walks through the night,
Bladed weapon and an offer
To leave it all behind

She tempted me....
Tested me....
This is actually a song, but I thought you could read it as poetry. Enjoy, and thanks for the 885 views, so close to 1000! Thanks for the support
674 · Apr 2016
Voices Up In Here (again)
Viseract Apr 2016
Hey bro how's it going?
I feel a little ****** to be honest
Oh hey, don't feel bad
You've felt way worse before
Yeah I know man,
But I can't help it
Every time I see her
I just want to hold her

Ah, so it's a girl problem
Yeah I get them a lot
I know, I am you
I just want to be with her,
And give her the world

Hey man don't feel bad
You just gotta be patient
And before you say anything further
I know you ain't good at it,
But you at least gotta try

Good point bro,
Thanks, both of you

No problem
**Any time
yet another conversation in my head. gonna make it a thing
673 · Sep 2017
Bitter Beef
Viseract Sep 2017
Thought you could come up in my grill and ignite me, start beef
Well imma cook you through and through until it ruins your week
Because you're a waste of space and meat to me, honestly
I'd rather pull my teeth out with pliers and then slit all my arteries

The ****t that spills out from your mouth, no doubt
That people would rather meet the Father than live in your drought
Not sure which is worse, your words or Beck's bottled beer
When it comes to drying out my love of good things its unclear

Just for the record that ****t is liquid Vegemite
And it'll blow your a$$hol3 open like a six pack of dynamite
I'll stick by the bottles of ***** and my shots of tequila
Then whatever the f**k you call those bars, like
Terminator over being weird!
roasting the roast beef, dead to me
672 · Apr 2018
Viseract Apr 2018
I got another problem, another chance to solve em
But I'd rather lay under the sky and let my mind dissolve and
Sink into the ground, feel the breath leave my chest
In puffy dragon smoke that trails off into the sunset...

Yeah its a little cold, so what
I can run away into my mind and happily be lost
The spiralling air, that greys out with the frost
Can keep me fixated, dilated pupils gloss

With the wind in my hair as I lay without a care
See the clouds in the skies, only go where eagles dare
But I see myself riding one, a cotton ball so light
I'm feeling so relaxed that if I imagine it  just might

Happen and I'm feeling good, feeling pretty fly
I could drift across the air without even having to try
My clothes become the parachute to stop my every fall
Pick myself up, dust off, answer the call

Life picks me up like a wave deep into space
Drifting with the asteroids, spinning like a dinner plate
Caught inside, warm and cosy like a microwave
Open up the door, and I'm as baked as a cake

Grab a slice, I know I'm nice, don't bite me hard be gentle
Tasty just erase me sliding down, I'm feeling mental
Dancing to the sound, the humming through the ground
That makes me see my ears hum, drumming feeling loud

Yet quiet as a butterfly, a fragile autumn leaf
Falling on a windy May, from the branch its been set free
Peaceful like "what's evil", is it live re-arranged?
Watching every play from the back row, but standing centre stage

Every film and every cut where the recording isn't right,
But they keep on anyway to a deadline without a time
Set, and so upset and so depressed i see the fall
Before they get the chance to bow, it's become a curtain call

It's a shame to see such pain when the peace is but a leaf
Independence like the ones that fall, floating down a creek
In the eye of the beholder is the beauty first viewed
Tell me; for good or worse, that's all up to you

Everything that you pursue, do it for the better
And when you are successful be sure to capture every letter
And never let go, always hold the memory close
As though it is the cure to pain you could never do before
also on youtube, done over a song called The Journey. no I didn't steal it, credit was given
671 · Jun 2016
Viseract Jun 2016
If you can't back it up
Don't say you'll bash me
Whilst cowering behind your mates
So man on up, and we'll see

Throwing insults at me
When I'm ******* **** gets ugly
I walk away to save you pain
You try but you can't dominate me!

If I approach you, you run away
If I turn my head you flinch
You back away, eyes wide
Stop being a ******* *****!

If you've got a problem
Then step on up and show me
Until then, shut the **** up
Because fighting ain't that pretty
670 · Dec 2015
Sensing Right and Wrong
Viseract Dec 2015
My favourite haunt is on the roof
And here I write my poetic proof

High above, staring at the sky
Despite the Sun the world isn't bright

The river gleams, but more in spite
Of the Sun failing to be spectral-bright

Yet where shadow falls, the river is night
Where Sun and Shadow compete and fight

A stalemate, from two opposing sides
That only changes with the tides

The riverbank is lush and green,
Though in the shadows lurk the Unseen

White clouds trespass on property that does belong
To Sun and Moon, to Right and Wrong

But which side is wrong? The Sun, so bright?
The Moon, reflecting the Sun's own light?

You can doubt I wrote this on a roof,
Yet here does lay my poetic proof
669 · Jun 2017
Viseract Jun 2017
And here I am just chillin alone, so cold to the bone more frozen than Frozone
Hypothermia, doctor doctor
Got places to be can't you fix me up faster

This avalanche is ever-lasting
Pass the parcel the pain aint past it
Waiting on a whim is it really worth it
Honour and duty but so close to deserting

Flee and be free of fear containment
Constricted and closed off, self-enslavement
Harden up and be tough, roadworks and pavement
Detour and derail to prevent persuasion

Tactical retreat the feet beats down
Live to fight another day or be six feet under ground
The silent treatment is a healing sound
But the heart beats cleanly too lost to be found

No map could make or break this problem
I got a little lost now I'm tryna solve it
Never used the stars to guide my path
But if i have no faith I'm ****** to die fast
668 · Aug 2017
Easy Man
Viseract Aug 2017
So i sit here spinning my pen again
Tryna think straight too late, easy man
Runnin' up, too fuck3d i don't have a chance
Too quick, too slick, made it to the end

Now what should I write before i get sidetracked?
Should i spit a little quicker about rhymes and raps?
How about advertise them jumping jacks
And how exercise is good at keeping down bad fat?

Nah man, that ****t sounds lame
Yeah i know but the actions always stay the same
Eat Maccas life hackers who cant cook a meal
And wonderin' why their trusty rusty weight scales squeal

Yeah dude, i know that a problem, hold
No matter what you sell it all gets cold
Like frozen cokes, just a dollar fast sold
Syrup and sugar that tastes too good to close

**** these hoes,
Wash it all down like a fire hose,
Where this ****t goes even i don't knows,
But I'm the writer y'all
Pshh I'm in control

Its easy too
Whip out the cash and drive on thru
Without a second glance at whats in your food
And why do i try to write to you
I'm just in the mood

Now this ain't a diss track just spittin' facts
But if ya keep buying quick you'll get heart attack
Some cardiac, not police, still arrest
Freeze with both hands up like be my guest

You'll wake on up with an oxygen mask
And wondering why your mouth tastes like a$$
Why you layin' on your back and ya wanna pass gas
But you fear if you do then your life won't last

You look to the roof and see the truth
When the bulge of your belly blocks the blinding view
Casting a shadow across the next street too
And you wonder how the doctor gonna quick-fix you

Well here's some news, flash ****!ng headlines
Perhaps if you were careful you wouldn't hear the sirens
Alarms are sounding both within and without
Never heard either, your lips flap like a trout

Just a fat-**** fish ****!ng gasping for air
Out of his habitat, look in the mirror
Because if there's one thing left to haunt your nightmares
Its the 1-0-0 flashing back to scare

Its easy man, easy man
An everyday person who doesn't really care
Easy man eats like a ****** big bear
And then a little more coz the coin helps to share

Its easy man, easy man
An everyday person who doesn't really care
Easy man eats like a ****** big bear
And then a little more coz the coin helps to share

Like whats your pant size, is it such a surprise?
Your belt buckle bursts because you got large fries?
For every day, and you got sausage thighs
God help the plane freighting you through the skies!

Sorry sir, all luggage is 20 and under
"I cant hear you, my thighs are thunder"
Your baggage sir, its far too large
The amount of fat flesh exceeds the limit by far!

Just danglin' there, and its hard not to stare!
When its in my face like when i trip the stairs!
That s**t could knock me out, fair and square!
Miley Cyrus, i found a free wrecking ball dear!

There's so much to swing from, a chandelier
Of quivering pale skin that makes my eyes go weird
When you take a seat, do you have to use two?
Do you gotta pay extra for the crane that they use?

****, son just take it easy
You spittin so much its makin' me queasy

Sorry man, it doesn't make much sense
Why the easy man cant walk up more than one stair

Like not only is it an inconvenience
You're relying on strangers spaces to be lenient
And then you gotta wonder why you get funny looks
That weight is a crime and they spotted the crook

Just take it easy, but not so easy
I don't wanna see your face shine so god-**** greasy
Like i get it man you eat when you ain't hungry
I ain't your next meal stop lookin' funny

But please, learn to look after yourself
Book a time for the gym to improve yourself
Do some jumpin' jacks it'll improve your health
Take in a few notches off that black leather belt

See? Dude, that ain't so lame
At least there was a message left halfway sane
Yeah i got half a brain, it don't take two cells
To realise that some people just as sick as well

He was an easy man, easy man
A fat fast **** who didn't really care
Once upon a time ate like a ****!ng dumb bear
Now he's callin' out the Rock for an arm wrestle, YEAH!!

Easily the easy man comes real quick,
Jumpin' jacks over the Hungry Jacks fix!
EP definitely
665 · Sep 2016
Karishma Konversation
Viseract Sep 2016
It's easy for me to write a song,
I hum the bars and sing along
Music stirring in my brain
That I can't release so I go insane

I just hope that by posting lyrics
Someone will know what I meant to do with it
That someone will have my music in their head
And that shared like telepathy will be the lullaby to bed
just had this conversation aha, and these words came to me :)    <3 you Karishma! :)
659 · May 2016
Lost in Anger
Viseract May 2016
Got Hollywood Undead just stuck in my head
Playing on repeat, the words I dread
"Pull up my sleeve and see the pattern of my cuts!"
Just playing over and over, my brain is fcked

I used to wonder how good scars look
On the front page of this self-serving book
But now I know better, they just show weakness
Sometimes I look in the mirror and ask why I did this

It was because I felt the need
Suffering at the hands of my own greed
A red line drawn, a stinging pain
And a smile on my face again

But scars aren't all good, I mean they all have a story
How would you tell your friends, that you were falling
ck that, how would you tell your kids?
"I was messed up and that's why I did this?"

"I thought a scar would look good, but I became obsessed
With the idea that my wrist should be dressed
All up in red, my own pretty doll
A dimple on the cheek and a blade that stole?"

I don't think so

I had become obsessed, with the idea
That to cut myself was no sign of fear
So I did it when I was angry, when I was sad
Yeah that's right I did it when I was mad

Usually at myself, but sometimes at others
Made myself believe they'd go running to their mothers
After I'd finished with them, knuckles cracking
And a grimace as my flesh opened to cutting

Sometimes I'd be sad, so sad and depressed
Stuck in old habits or just down and messed
Either way, it was my way, my only way out
Turning to the razor when in any doubt

But I got ugly scars, on my torso and shoulder
On my leg, on my arm and places older
I can't remember them all, there's just too many
And I regret them all, and'll stay till I'm twenty

And some for longer
Although I certainly hope not
For these scars, these scars so horrible
Caused by a kid who in anger got lost
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