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Grey Nov 2020
The light in your eyes
And the rain from your tears
Mix together to create
The most beautiful colors.
This is a part of a longer, unfinished poem that I started writing for Pride Month this year. I liked this bit a lot so decided to post it separately until the full version is completed.
Grey Dec 2019
I thought I was nothing without him,
Without the planet I orbited.
But I was wrong.
Without him, I became
The sun.
Grey Dec 2019
Wind whistles through trees
Blowing pebbles through meadows
And ruffling fur.
Grey Dec 2019
When I awake,
Will you be there,
Be lying by my side?

Or will I be alone,
Alone again,
Like all those other nights?

Will the sheets next to me be warm
Or will they be cold like you?
Will you be there, finally,
With the love that’s overdue?
Grey Dec 2019
Cliffs tower above
Stars paint the sky with dancing light
As the young doe sleeps.
Grey May 2020
“I won’t lose you,” I say
as you slide through my fingers and fade away..
Dwelling on the past again
Grey Feb 2021
That sweet pang in my heart
when I think of you.
Grey Mar 2023
Throw a bone to the dog
Because i’m hungry hungry
Quiet crunching sinew
White against yellow teeth
Worn against soft gums
Eating eating eating
Gone gone gone
Throw another bone to the dog
Grey Oct 2020
Grey Apr 2020
Blood runs down my blistered fingers
and my hands are cramped and shaking.
My pen runs dry but still I write
yet my resolve is slowly breaking.
If I give up, just die alone
and drown in my thoughts tonight
would anybody care enough to notice,
would they wish I'd put up a fight?
I was told to write out my emotions,
that they'd dissipate like lost love,
but instead there's been a monsoon
that I never will be free of.
Instead of sticking to the page,
the ink is raining down
filling even the vastest oceans
in which I'm going to drown.
So if I am gone before the morn
just know it wasn't you.
It's the ink that got the best of me,
and so I say adieu.
Would they wish I'd put up a fight
or would they be glad I'd given up
and ended this useless plight?

Sometimes no matter how much I write, that horrible feeling is still there..
Grey Jan 2021
One day, you'll whisper sweet nothings in my ear
and I'll fall asleep to your soft lullabies
of stardust skipping stones and rainbow oceans.

One day,  I'll tell you that your eyes
remind me of the universe
and that you shine brighter than the most dazzling star.

One day, I'll reveal that I ask for you whenever I wish on the sun
and that when our fingers brush against each other,
it feels like the entire world smiles.

One day, I'll wake up from this nightmare
only to roll over and see you curled up next to me.

But as I finger the cold sheets beside my lone body,
I know that today is not the day.
Grey Dec 2019
He's not

She's not

They're not

They're human.
And we're exactly the same.
Grey Nov 2020
Without you, the world my not stop spinning
but my heart would cease to beat.
Grey Apr 2020
I can practically see the sand
Slipping easily through the gap
Between the top of the hourglass
And the bottom.
Our once-forever friendship
Flashes before my eyes,
Its highs, its lows, my everything...
I had heard that good things don't last forever,
But I guess I truly believed that love conquered all.
Grey Dec 2019
Smoke obscures the sun
Metal birds soar through the sky
What's this world become?
Grey Dec 2019
Look closely,
Listen carefully,
But Do. Not. Touch.
10w including the title
Grey Dec 2019
I try
So hard
To be perfect.

And yet
I fail
Every time.
Grey Dec 2019
A wise man thinks knowledge is power
A smart man thinks ignorance is bliss.
Grey Jan 2020
Clouds billow around us
as the zephyr gently ruffles
your red-brown hair
so that it falls in waves
across your bright almond eyes
and hides the light freckles
dappled across your forehead.
As you reach out to fix it,
another gust shifts it back
and your laugh is like a magician's spell,
banishing the last few shadows lingering
in the cobwebbed corners of my mind.
I brush the strands of hair
behind your ear,
one finger lingering
to trace the spots where the sun kissed
your caramel skin.
Your lips tug into a smile
and you squint your eyes
so that long lashes hide
all but the swirling royal blue
of your irises.
Head tilted back, your long locks
tumble down to your waist
before everything fades
except your blissful smile
and contented gaze.
You open your sunset-colored lips
but I silence them with my own,
warmth flooding our bodies
as the sky howls around us.
Its salty tears begin to fall,
but your giggle is soft and bright
as you pull away to dance under the stars.
Our fingers lace together
as you tug me towards you again
and we twirl and spin as the sky cries.
Bodies moving as one,
we dance and laugh and smile,
bracing ourselves against the harsh winds
trying to break into our euphoric oasis.
Our fingers and fates were tangled together
as we watched the whole world
fade away in front of our eyes.
Standing in a beam of light,
silky white fog rolled over
the lonely cities and dark alleyways
until they were obscured in a ghostly veil
and all that was left
was us.
end is a bit bumpy
two many "ours" at the end
sentence structure at beginning is a bit repetitive
make the entire poem present-tense?

Jan 19, 2020
Grey May 2020
Only the ingenuity of true poets
could describe the indescribable.
Grey Jan 2020
As her purrs create vibrations in my chest,
I can't help but wish that if I were a cat
I would be purring as well.
Grey Nov 2020
I am lost in the rain,
and the rain is lost in me.
Grey Sep 2020
We sit by the pool,
staring at the bloodied sun,
and watch the ash fall.
This is a true story. The CA fires are no joke. I hope you’re all staying safe <3
Grey Jan 2021
If my teardrops were wishes
life would be filled with the sweetest of kisses.
Grey Nov 2020
Sixty red balloons
Seeping air through barely-patched holes
Falling from the sky.
Inspired by 99 Luftballons by Nena (99 Red Balloons is the English version).
Grey Aug 2021
Ask a question:
Let it dance on your tongue
like a child ballerina —
full of stutters and jumps
and hope.
As it spins circles
through your mind,
tears holes in the soles
of your shoes,
Let it fall swiftly and fast
so quiet it’s barely a whisper
if that at all.
And with no response,
let the hope fade
with a few tears
and maybe some scrapes
or bruises.
Just as the child,
pick yourself up
and walk towards the door,
allowing one glance behind you
before the soft click of it shutting
is all you can hear
and your locked up dreams
will never even know you were calling.
The last line is wacky
Grey Dec 2019
Let us run away
From the troubles of the world
To wonders elsewhere
Grey Feb 2020
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
you found someone special,
who's perfect for you.
Now she's number one,
and I'm down to two,
I'm glad that you're happy
there's not much I can do.
You do things without me,
don't think to ask,
If I'm feeling lonely
is it that hard a task?
I just need a friend
I don't need any more
So please don't ignore me
I feel uncared for.
Written by a friend.
Grey Jul 2020
I'm running out of time
running out of time!
Just one more line
one more line!

I'm running out of pages
running out of pages!
Just a couple more phrases
a couple more phrases!

I'm running out of ink
running out of ink!
Just one last time, let me think!
let me think!

I'm running out of escapes
running out of escapes!
Just let me fix one last mistake
one last mistake!

I'm running out of time
running out of time!
Just let me write one last line
one last line!
So little time, so much of it wasted...
Grey Jul 2020
Grey Dec 2019
If the bar is low,
maybe I won't disappoint
you with my failures...
Grey Dec 2019
She's not made of glass.
She's not worried about breaking.
She's not delicate.

You don't know how she feels.
You don't understand why she doesn't want the spotlight.
You don't get what it's like.

She wouldn't want you to talk about this.
She doesn't want them to know.
She won't want you to tell them when you have it all wrong.

Stop making assumptions.
Stop breaking her trust.
Stop talking for her.

This isn't what she wants.
This is why she's hesitant.
This is what she's afraid of.
My sister is the bravest, strongest, selfless, best person I know. Stop. Please. You don't get it. I don't get it. Nobody gets it, not completely. Nobody but her knows exactly what it's like to be in her mind. So don't tell others when you have it all wrong. They don't have to know. They shouldn't know, not from you, not from anybody but her. I'm so tired of this. You're supposed to be the one who supports her the most. You have to think about what she wants. You have to think about what it's like to be her. I guess you try, but you get it all wrong. So stop it! Please.. just don't...
Grey Feb 2021
It was a shotgun wedding
and the bullet hit 'em both.
Grey Dec 2019
Wind rustles papers
Birds chirp their sweet melodies
Then all goes quiet
Grey May 2020

Lost and alone
He gathers up his things
And disappears into the unknown.


Inseparable, like yin and yang.
They watch the sun set
As their bodies tangle together.


Best friends forever
And the third wheel.
Watching quietly, she’s alone in a crowd.


Laughing, talking, joking.
They form a tight circle,
Keeping the happiness inside.


Watching from the sidelines,
Waiting for an opening.
He wants to join in just a moment too late.


The light of my life
The bane of my existence.
She pulls out a knife to comfort a child.


He reaches out a hand,
waiting to be seen.
She takes it.


They’re closed off from the world,
blinded by reality.
She opens their eyes.


Wishing someone will truly see her.
She looks at her
And smiles.


Alone together,
They’re lost in their own world.
She gives them something to hope for.


He’s achieving the impossible
But not the mundane.
She offers him friendship.


She means love.
She means life.
She means wild card.
Six <3
I’m writing this at 2 am so I honestly have no idea if it’s good or not.
Grey Apr 2020
My heart once drummed a steady tune
Like a contented wanderer it continued on,
s l o w
repeating, repeating, repeating.

But like the wanderer, it sensed you
a disturbance in the equilibrium.
The drum solo arrived, a fast-paced melody

     a     i
  e          n
l                g
                 ­                                     singing.
                   ­                                                   And then...
                                                         ­                                   stopping.
Only to continue again,
just as quick, throbbing just the same.


This time...

The wanderer sensed danger.

This time...

The adrenaline filled my veins
as you filled my gaze
and it was too late.
It's been a rough day. I'm super stressed and anxious. My brain knows that it's probably over nothing but my head, stomach, and heart think otherwise.
Grey Dec 2019
The first time I heard you,
I already knew.
A good beat, nice melody
You were too catchy.

The first time I heard you,
my breath caught in my throat
As you were pronounced
my new favorite song.

The first time I heard you,
you were already stuck in my head
Playing on repeat as I stared out the window,
thinking of you instead of leaving my den.

The first time I heard you,
I tried to change the station
But you were playing on every one.

The first time I heard you,
I was already too deep in love
to let you go.
Grey Mar 2020
Under the pale blue sky
A small bird chirps softly as it watches the world go by.
Soft green grasses wave in the breeze
As the rose's heavy perfume tickles my nose and makes me sneeze.
Your eyes dart toward me, a dashing golden hue
And I stand stalk still to study you.
Long ears flick back and forth, covered in waves of silk
And I can make out a small cotton tail the color of buttermilk.
You glance over your shoulder, wide eyes studying me
before you spring across the meadow, happily free.
Happy Spring! :)
Grey Dec 2019
She opens a basket
Letting stardust spill across our laps
And light the darkness
Surrounding us.
Grey May 2020
I lie on my back,
gazing at the vast abyss
stretching above us.
Grey Jan 2020
You are the sun and I the moon,
leeching off of your vibrant light.
Grey Dec 2019
Colors streak blue skies
as the sun makes its descent
towards the horizon.
Grey Sep 2021
The river of time continues to flow,
and yet here I stand -- unmoving.
At least I'm still adrift.
Grey Jun 2020
Every child grows a pair of wings.
Some are just never taught to fly.
Grey Jan 2020
Did you know
that if you text yourself
you both send the message
and get the response?
It's nice to know
that at least one person
will always respond.
Just a thought. I wasn't going to post this, but then I thought, why not? So here you go. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Jan 7, 2020
Grey Dec 2019
The silence is loud, pressing against tired ears.
Words waver and hesitate, caught between bated breaths.
I feel the glassy surface between us growing and reach out a hand
But just like the sounds, it slips away.
Grey Jan 2021
We sit at the cliff's edge
and skip rocks made of stardust
across the universe of time.
Happy 2021! I was moments away from falling asleep when this suddenly came to me and I just had to write it down.
Grey Dec 2019
As stars cast soft light
and twilight fades into night
the forest sleeps.
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