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Zelda Aug 2021
You don't have to reply
I know you're trying, fighting to stay above crashing waves
And avoiding perilous rocky coasts

How do you feel today?
I just wanted to reach out, and make sure you're okay

I'll be your lighthouse
Standing on rocky cliffs
Dancing on the sandy shoals
Forget your shame and your strife
And come dance with me for a while

You don't have to reply
I know it’s exhausting, holding onto an invisible raft lost at sea
Avoiding dangerous shallows

How do you feel today?
I just wanted to reach out, and make sure you're okay

I'll be your lighthouse
Standing on rocky cliffs
Dancing on the sandy shoals
Forget your shame and your strife
And come dance with me for a while

I know you're drifting past everyone
feeling distant from everything
I know you're feeling strange
But this isn't your first time sailing
And I'll always be waiting at harbours and bays
Like I always do to make sure you're okay

I'll be your lighthouse
Standing on rocky cliffs
Dancing on the sandy shoals
Forget your shame and your strife
And come dance with me for a while
TomDoubty Aug 2021

You lean back
Into the wind
On the clifftops at Predannack
It holds your weight
You test its strength
Leaning a little further
It holds, to your Joy
It holds
Arms splayed in crucifix
T-shirt billowing at your sides
Your sturdy ankles
Planted in deep heather
I watch from a rock
At the cliff's edge
Waves **** and swirl
A death's distance below
I am swept over
By Sweet chamomile
Swept over
Reeling on its dizzying scent
My heart is stopped
by the Joy you feel
For the World
We killed
Clive Blake May 2021
The Cornish shore …
Where golden sand lies next
To dappled grey granite rock,
Where the sea breeze sweeps
And the mussels flock,
Where the rock pools gather
And the small ***** patrol,
Where the white foam curls
And the breakers roll,
Where the sea birds call
And the salt spray stings,
Where the seaweed sunbathes
And the limpet clings,
Where a stream’s course meanders,
And reflects the azure sky,
Where a starfish gazes skywards
And white clouds go scudding by.

By all means take treasured memories,
But please take nothing more,
And leave nothing but your footprints
On this sacred Cornish shore …
Cornwall is my homeland and l lies on the South Western most tip of the UK and is largely surrounded by the sea and its beautiful coastline.  Anything which comes from Cornwall, including its people, is/are described as Cornish. Cornish.  Cornwall is 'Kernow' in the Cornish language.
Jay M Oct 2020
It's as though you are out at sea
And I am bound to those cliffs
Staring out, hoping
Waiting for you to return to me

- Jay M
October 22nd, 2020
Colm Aug 2020
I used to run across the Moherian cliffs
And jump to catch the first sunlight nether wisps
As they twinkled like dawning fireflies shone
In the jar of a hopeful wish
For as just as in your hand there mine own exists
izi Jul 2020
A long day,
A winding valley,
Between two ancient cliffs.
A song of a sparrow breathes through the air.

A lone traveler,
Along the dusty road,
Formed by man's sweat, blood, and bone.
Living on until it fades.

Nothing in this lonely place,
Will survive the plague of time.
For in each long lost memory,
Everything will die.

The sparrow song stops, stilled by death,
The winding valley loses its shape.
The two towering peaks tumble into weeds,
And what is becomes what was.
T Inkpoem May 2020
There are highways on the cliff tops
On the short grass amongst the bog pools
Made by rainwater and salt sea spray

Much used they run through
Crowberry and low grown heather
A world wide web of lines

Picking our the dry ground
The high ground by a hares breath
Flattened by the passing of pounding paws
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