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For sake of argument let's pretend you're right
Smiled to prove that I'm doing alright
Freedom left idle too long
Seemed to be unsure of where it belonged
Who are you taking independence from my arms?
Fireflies caught in fictitious mason jars
To warm dreams on nights dark and cold
For the sake of principle I break the mold
I smile but know it isn't real
Last line drawn separating what I feel
Gaze still trained on love already gone
Saga discontinued from now forever on
Written 3-3-21
I S A A C Jun 4
feed me green grapes
kisses down my nape
sing songs of woven fate
you are my Odyssey
you are my great
the volcanic eruption to set my heart ablaze
the diamond perfection i cannot help but gaze
i cannot help by sway to the timber
of you strumming my heart strings
each and everyday
feed me green grapes
with you i am safe
Savio Fonseca Jul 2023
As I gaze at the Midnight Moon,
breathing slowly as I Sigh.
It wishes Me Goodnight,
and assures Me I won't Die.
The Sun will show it's Face,
after the Moon falls off to Sleep.
When the new Day has Dawned,
My Tears begin to Weep.
Life was a Beautiful Teacher,
that smothered Me with Kisses.
Alas I forget all My Lessons,
Hence I'm losing on the Blisses.
Time was a cruel Companion,
Which I lost somewhere on the Way.
Love was just a Friend of Mine,
Who One Day........ran Away.
Nyx Aug 2022
At the end of the day,
You'll always be the first star that I gaze upon when the night finally falls
You and only you
D A W N Jun 2022
I want to love her with my eyes wide open
and my heart a bottomless chalice
love  should be unafraid
to look me in the eye
when it sees me
so do not look at me with one eye closed
and tell me I am the prettiest thing
you've ever known
I want my lover to take me in
let your gaze
drink at the sight of me
a glass full of love
sip it slowly, my dear
momma, i like this girl. and ure gonna like her too. i cant ****** digress how beautiful she is- not even the poems and the paintings i make are enough to justify her beauty- my god.  her mind is pretty too, momma. ure gonna like her.
Mrs Timetable May 2022
The moon was brilliant
Last night
And yet...
I caught you
At me
Jealous moon
Beau Scorgie Mar 2022
A gaze.
A silver line between
and terror.
A silver line of contentment,
of complacency,
of humdrum mediocrity.

A gaze,
too afraid to gaze
lest we acquaint ourselves
with gold
or bronze.
Too egocentric,
too self defeating.
A silver line of contentment,
of complacency,
of humdrum mediocrity.

A silver safety belt,
clip the lines,
halt the grinds,
lest we acquaint ourselves
with loving gold,
or terrifying bronze.
Lest we stray
from the silver line,
the safety belt,
of contentment,
of complacency,
of humdrum mediocrity.

Lest we stray,
forever shall we stay.
A silver gaze,
humdrum days.
Neither here, nor there,
and perpetually,
A gaze.
YReem619 Jan 2022
Squirming body tied to my bright bed
And flipped with my ice cube cold fingertips,
Tracing your spine.
Bursts of your sweetened moans escaping

Your tightly closed lips.
With your legs spread you lay half alive,
With tingles of more life
I find myself again at lusts feet.

At lusts feet I have fallen again,
Your touch is so gentle,
Vibrations of your body are so tender,
Please just surrender.

Your moans weaken,
Through your rosebuds-like lips.
As you close your hazy brown eyes
And give in to the intoxication of my tongue.

I pulled you near and untangled your hair.
Breathless you lay in my arms,
With your face blood-like red.
You gazed at me with your soft starry eyes,

Looking nearly half alive.
Lust is so hungry with an urge so great,
I looked at you and I
I just whispered I love you to your flesh.
Amanda N Skaggs Jan 2022
Stars bright as diamonds.
Reflect the Creator's piece.
Back into His gaze.
Fey Dec 2021
orbs of blue in the drizzle of rain,
a flesh-numbing cold; myriad of pain;
red-hued cheeks and traces of benzocaine.

russet irides shift with the aegean's quick moves
through the black pupil, colors to exclude
and brows are squinting; just in slight disapproval.

clumsy dance of eyes in the dim afternoon light,
café au lait für Zwei, für dich und mich allein,
as we bid our longing gazes a sorrowful good night.

© fey (25/12/21)
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