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Jul 2017 · 618
The Change (Dark Flow)
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
You, silhouetted against the skyline
******* slumber, slowly putting on
The night

Slipping into moonlight silk
Sliding into ambience
Of darkness laced with streetlights,
A veil of fireflies
Soft curves flowing side to side,
Waves swaying delight,
My nocturnal albi
Jul 2017 · 493
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
the sun god reaches out for me
index finger, a fiery beam
to claim my heart again
for the new day
for today's sunset
for tomorrow's sunrise
pierce the indigo cloak
rip it out through broken ribs
the prison bars asunder
claw it out from me
and make me cling
to dear life
compelled to fight
find in strife
what I lost in comfort
Jul 2017 · 427
War (The Queen, pt.2)
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
To war!
The queen commands,
Battalions defend at once!
The battleship is pounding on her shores;
and past defensive lines extends
the front of the invading force,
retreats, regroups,
rallying the troops,
the enemy is pouring through the doors.
Her thoughts are soldiers finally expired.
Her generals now under heavy fire.
Yet she's the one who, after all,
this battle, skillfully,  provoked.
It seems that she forgot
that cold wars can turn hot.
She managed for awhile to slow down the assault.
Now the end draws nigh when final hill embattled falls.
oldie-goldie (18+)
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
she emits
slight submission;
the makeup of
her heart's desire;
a secret invitation
to a trap,
her bait, infallible
her every fiber
now conspires;
the message,
slightly cryptic,
abandoned at your doorstep
on arrival,
implies an SOS;
a damsel in distress
beneath the armored shell
of self-sufficiency
"come, rescue me
from dull security",
the cypher says...
A one man army
now awaiting orders,
to deploy along the shores,
to breach the borders
to conquer every hill,
capture every trench,
to liberate the thrills,
from every inch of flesh
The queen within
the prison tower
now demanding for a siege,
for deadly force,
relentless power,
and no rest
till she is free
pt.1; pre-war
Jul 2017 · 629
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
I wrote a poem for you

but I keep changing the words

because I'm learning
Jul 2017 · 672
Wet Salt
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
She is loved. She is stubborn
Mad at that part of the world
That loves her
For loving her
Without asking first

She never asked for this
Though the space between her lines
Already did

Those words
Those traitors
How dare I
Understand with
my heart

She needs to need
She wants the thirst
The hunger, the craving
The needing, the yearning,
The lack at its worst

She wants
none of the learning;
Only the burning
That gives her the thrill
The stinging,
The near-numb
In every flutter
Between every pulse
Through every string

Giving her is
Taking from her
Would it work in reverse?

She is loved.
Stubbornly denying it.
Fearing her happiness.
Banishing the ones who care.

Because her happiness
Potentially could mean
Not having things
to write about
It equals change
And breaking out the zone
Of torturous comfort

I’m afraid of what she seeks
And how she sees those burning curls
And what she does with sparks
And why she fosters embers

I’m scared the most
Of her using flames divine
To burn herself inside
A dark obsession
That swallows every light


I’m afraid she seeks love
So she could hurt herself with it
She uses it
As a means to an end
The end being the feeling
Of being hurt
So the ashes of that
Would be her ink
Fuelling her pyre
“behold the beauty of suffering”
I don't usually post more than once a day, but I've been wanting to post those for awhile now... several inseparable poems...
Jul 2017 · 1.1k
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Irreversible impulse
You are sealed in amber
Embedded in my chest
As a jewel
With momentum surging in your eyes
Bringing back the sparks
To the fireplace
Where shadows dance with flames
Vividly reliving the experience
Lighting up the forge of the wordsmith
Awakening within me
Feeding air to the embers
Jul 2017 · 468
To The Rescue
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Distress calls are a Venus flytrap
Don’t come flying to the rescue
Or your wings will be
Its 4 o’clock snack
Can’t seem to shut its flap
Ever hungry for more
Always empty at the core
Traveler beware;
Heed not that mayday;
Move on and pay no care!
Jul 2017 · 442
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Arrhythmia is…
Wondering if next time your heart skips two beats in a row. (translating into “don’t hold your breath for a 3rd one, they just cancelled that show)
Feeling the (ribcage) prisoner starting riots with potential fatalities
Seeing your time so far as “oh well I’ve had a good run, though;
not hall of fame worthy but still, got decades in tow”
Forgetting all about poetry.
Re-syncing your breathing.
Feeling pathetic.
Not missing anything.
Wanting control.
My heart doesn’t love me enough
Despite the fact that I love you all.
just a feeling
Jul 2017 · 544
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Wonder how they came up ahead of me… she’d been leaking information to the enemy. A double agent. She loves me but it can’t be helped. It is her nature. Well don’t you know, my seductive charming spy mistress, that the fuse is lit. Your behavior, a recipe for calamity. We might be the epicenter, ground zero, but no one shall be spared. Everyone involved will be affected. A 360 degree firestorm of shrapnel. Just because. You needed more… to feel more beautiful, more wanted, more seductive, by more parties. Never enough. More.
Love lies spilling guts, from the mess up still partially beautiful. Face almost calm, not contorted. Pain is numbed as she disintegrates like vapour. But we’ve become a desert and it will not rain back for centuries.
Jul 2017 · 546
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
my lungs dive deep
into the marrow
of your embrace

beneath the waves
they find
your heart

please don't
worship me
into ascension

I wouldn't bare
to be your
Aztec sun god
Jul 2017 · 2.2k
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
in your eyes
the sky is twice as deep
and on your lips,
the sun, its hottest yet
Jul 2017 · 554
Point of Intersection
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Broken window
I’m the stone she put through the glass
Of her own room
I will not default on my blame
But what of the hand I was rested in
Ever so innocent
Weighing on broken shoulders of guilt
Fractured to shards
And the stone prays for miracles
May she learn, unharmed
What if we were too careless and self-absorbed or selfrighteous, to learn from our mistakes?
What if we loved drama more than we did ourselves and our loved ones?
Jul 2017 · 677
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
Sugar is bad for you,
saccharine maple thoughts
that you cannot afford
due to the hazard
of overweight ego
dense with the aftertaste
of adipose fantasies
clogging the arterial bonds
that tether you
to solid ground

Stop the caramelized madness
from carbohydrating your soul
into victim obesity
causing the full
arrest of your spirit

The sweet is guilty,
distorted in mirrors,
a negative image
of a past feeling,
present reflection
born of the collision
of intentions and consequences
Not a part 2 of "Note to Self"; even though the first lines are the same.
Jul 2017 · 381
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
She wants every poem
To be about her
She wants the foam
Of every wave
As the skintight
Dress of dusk;
Divine forces be her tailor
And every Olympian as
The servant-king
To every whim of hers
Jul 2017 · 693
Among Clouds
Gabriel burnS Jul 2017
flying high
swooping fast
pulling gravity

lost among the clouds
you among the clouds
where exactly

approximately close
relatively distant
far beyond earshot
and visual

no wings
just me
no dreams
just you
all the way

are you moving
knowing if you stopped
you'd fall
and that
would be the end of us

I am keeping my momentum
incessantly in motion
feeling if I stopped
I'd drop
like a stone,
the impact, our extinction
Jun 2017 · 1.2k
Morning Star Protocol
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
first contact scenario
close encounters of the third kind
well how many
kinds are there anyway

a peaceful delegation
or an alien invasion

because alien we are
under threat of war

your burning desires
my best intentions
a clash
of unspeakable dimensions

this is not a game
we are
one misinterpretation
from mutual annihilation

you’d better tread lightly
I know I will
Jun 2017 · 308
The Last
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
You and I,
The last of our kind,
Let us join
To meet the sunset
And tread together
Into twilight

And if new dawn awakes,
After the darkest of nights,
If morning still awaits,
We could be reborn as rays
Of sunlight
...I used to write like that two years ago...
Jun 2017 · 283
Connected By A Crack
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
You were the bird in the propeller
Why would you do this
I’m just a passenger
You are not yours
And I’m not mine
Nobody’s truly their own
What you do to yourself
You do to the others
lonely but never alone
Jun 2017 · 647
The Vamp
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
The curse of eternal life
Would be, watching
Every one you love, die

...and she felt like
Her bones were buried
In her body

She had eaten eons,
Watched the ends
Of millions of clocks’ lifetimes
Snorted the rust of their
Idle hands, dead still
In the blank stare
Of their concentric silence

She wanted to cease
This void existence,
For boredom was
Her ultimate torture
Jun 2017 · 559
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
a feeling of incomplete awakening
where sleep has not set in before
a glimpse of another time and space
calm primordial darkness
pervading unity
predating everything
before the stars
and gravity
arcane sensation of belonging
expanding intuition warming
self-awareness fading in
thickening drive
for breaking out of comfort
for a journey of discovery
the cracking of the eggshell
the slow withdrawal
of the veil of slumber
outstretched arms will welcome
the emergence
come alive
my eyes are yours now
...all old ones for publishing, recently...
Jun 2017 · 492
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Endless ocean in the sky
Billions of glowing eyes
Watching us
Yet mine
Are locked with yours
And open are the doors
To worlds,
Secrets of the universe
pretty old one, that
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
I don't want to be
a heartbroken Daedalus.
Let me have those wings
so I could be
the one to burn
into the sun
selfish, ignorant, oblivious.
Not grieving and delirious.
Incinerate this youth,
this dream to the root;
an instant ball of flames,
so but memory remains.

* * *

Cut my wings before I'm high
Are you my Daedalus?
We're not mature enough to fly.
I'm not your Icarus.
I'd rather be the liver
of Prometheus,
not himself who did deliver
hope to those oblivious,
misusing now his fire...

* * *

I'd rather be the liver of Prometheus
than live in this illusion of deliverance
The more you know, the more you're faced with ignorance;
and ignorance defeats you with experience

I'd rather be the wings of Icarus
and know the smell of burning feathers
than have a tomb stone like the one of Sisyphus,
no longer strong to push it from the nether
3 oldies sharing a common theme (no point in separating them)
Jun 2017 · 364
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Cheveux noirs,
mystérieux comme le soir,
sachez que
pour vos yeux verts
mon coeur est ouvert

* * *    


Hair of blackness,
Mysterious as the night,
Know this:
To your green eyes
Open is my heart
a dedication with a vague translation
- to Viktoria
Jun 2017 · 1.5k
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Mantis, you are mad because
After our dates my head is
Standing on my shoulders;
Such a disappointment,
Should’ve been disjointed
By your love,
But nature does anomalies
Not necessarily
Related to anatomy
Can we still be friends?
Does it work that way?
I don’t think we’re enemies
Even after injuries are caused,
Yet I’m not automated
In behavior,
Hanging up on risky calls,
I am not a savior;
Secret powers: common sense.
Forgive me if I’m on the fence,
Known so many lose their heads
Don’t look back and thanks for all!
...mantises, a topic I read about recently...
Jun 2017 · 376
The Slide
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Heart is singing loud so loud I can't hear other sounds but the rushing bloodstreams
Head is yelling uncontrollably
"oh my god the brakes are severed; Reason's gonna die in a horrendous high-speed crash"
they're pulling Common Sense out of the wreckage mangled on the seat beside the driver
something happens to the flow of time and there's a comatose thought still left alive
voices fading in calling names some crying some sifting words through teeth
you look what you did you killer, liar, thief, deceiver, cheater, coward, selfish hypocrite
Guilt will lead the trial but the tried is firm with silence
See you, Heart, don't forget to write and the conjugal visits, after all I'll do Your time
re-publishing an oldie I had previously deleted for some reason
Jun 2017 · 738
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
writing like

- a grocery list of metaphors

- for a cooking recipe instruction

- or some kind of

- shipping manifesto;

- let your deductive mind

- interpret its own flow

- since that's the one thing

- we don't naturally grow

- but if you put too much spice in that dish

- bear in mind

(x) it’s best served cold
Jun 2017 · 433
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
You rearrange the constellations
Of my compass
With the grace of an orchestra
With the majesty of symphony
Yet you keep my central star intact
The spine of the cellular staircase
You shine the way
Two steps at a time
Not leading; keeping company
On a voyage in the dark
Beneath the sails of night
Jun 2017 · 620
The Last Hand [collab]
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
In my left hand a joker,
In my right a Jack of Hearts:
A wild card that will break this game
And I know in these crimes nobody can claim-
Their hearts back.

The dealer, the eyes of Judgement
Offers me a King of Spades,
Which I could use to dig up my grave
After you withdraw your red knave.

I dig my nails into my palms
The game is on
the stakes are way too high
my queen of hearts is
reflected in your eyes

Thumb is rubbing on that
ace of spades
the hard way always taught
I should know my place
but I cannot resist your call
A big thank you to Eleni who started me up on this one with her witty stanzas! I encourage you, reader, to pay a visit to her beautiful work! It's been a pleasure :)
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Less and less I’m getting human
At the back of my tongue,
The more I bite of
People’s thoughts;
Here prevails a taste of plastic
Be it cooked, or be it raw
Jun 2017 · 552
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Omniscience is empty
I don’t want to know everything;
I don’t even want to know you.
The evidence is not humane,
No one needs proof of being
I need not fathom;
I need motion,
The dance between the ribs;
Wed the sapient to the savage
Where is the fine line?
You cannot intuit till you cross it,
But keep both eyes open
At all times;
Not the pretty ones with the lashes,
That swallow the light,
But the ones that devour the dark.
just vaguely connected thoughts
Jun 2017 · 563
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Out of the blue
And into the black
A thought passed through my head
It was you who crossed my heart
And went right out
The exit wound
Jun 2017 · 483
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Drunk on liquor metaphors
High and falling fast
No direction in the clouds
Why does winning feel like losing
Why does your image burn
So extraordinarily
On the inside of a skull box
I am tossed away from answers
I’m a coin in the fingers of the sun
The last hundred flips were
The white puffy scarves
Only swirl into themselves
Sympathetic, yet,
Not bothering to reach out
They know they aren’t strong enough
To catch me
Or break the fall
But my lips are wings
Stretching into flight
Jun 2017 · 591
That Kind of Reward
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
sometimes you enter the maw of the beast;
severed heads lie around still watching,
and you march forth into the bowels of hell
fighting off fears, horrors and demons
own and foreign
for the ultimate prize
taking home the devil
Jun 2017 · 517
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Caught by showers in the wild
We hide beneath a tree
The snake is in your eyes
And the apple is my lips

* *

Eden’s’ reach
Translucent touch
Fingers trickle down
I watch the glow
Into your irises
I catch the flow
At the corners of your mouth

* *

Translucent fingers’ touch
Trickles down your face
Slowly close your eyes
And every drop is me

Flood is rushing down
The trenches of my palm
Falling into view
And every drop is you
3 inseparable poems
Jun 2017 · 812
Mindscape Voyager
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Hypergraphia is lacerating carotid
Finally bloodletting into slumber
Hippocampus that
Incinerates its own
Neuron forest and becomes
A conflagration
Because chars are ruby embers
In nocturnal hunger
Of the lens nucleus
Shaken in the tremors
Deep below tectonic plates
Disjointed in the fabric of reality
Severing the empyreal bonds;
Do not hold back,
But onwards, Horsemen,
Hammer that stampede
Unto centaur constructs
Fleeing from the dreamer
Let them shatter in the cracks
Sinking with the dirt into oblivion
learned this writing process from a friend; thank you for the inspiration; you know who you are ;)
Jun 2017 · 922
The Narrow Side
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Smiles, tram cars, stinging eyelids
Transparent brittle shards,
Ashes finding water surface
All of this onto a palm
Locked into a fist

I’m the coin that’s landing on its rim
The odds were slim and yet
I am standing on a grin
The third side says that
Karma always wins
Jun 2017 · 606
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
A pack of wolves is
Sometimes preferable
To a pack of cigarettes
Makes for a coup de grâce
A merciful death
And I’m fresh out of wolves
Jun 2017 · 665
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
staring contest in public transport
and the stranger’s eyes
were her passport
passed the check at customs
crossed the borders of an impulse
I was hers and she was mine
until the station

my coffee daydreams
mad with jealousy
because reality was
standing true in front of me
their eyes met in the train car:
Jun 2017 · 536
Orange Hemisphere
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Deceivingly aquamarine sky
Oversees the madness of summers
Whose days are closing in
But this time your astral projection
Conquers the atmosphere
And my lungs join the prayer of ribs
Asking for
"Please turn this grasp into a caress
Soothing the burns
That I may have the chance
To become remedy"
Wrote this fairly recently as part of a collab. Here's my original part, unedited.
Jun 2017 · 617
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
I am a snowman in spring
Hoping you’d keep
The lumps of coal,
The carrot nose,
The broom at least...
vanishing like the snow
Jun 2017 · 531
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
I asked her “tell me now,
Willow, why you weep”
She said “because, my cloud,
No rain has come to me
In a while”

“But you are on the riverbank
how much more water could you want”

“And yet I long for yours
for it's coming from above
and I'm in love with a cloud”
Jun 2017 · 937
A Mere Moment
Gabriel burnS Jun 2017
Lightning is the fleeting thorn of blooming thunder
The self-erasing crack into the sky window
The laceration of the clouds that left no scar
And sealed itself instantly
And bled to life bountiful
Shifting afloat in deep grey


The lightning showed me the way
To the burning tree
The clouds were dark with worry
That I would not see
The thunder told me to hurry
Before the earth swallows me
a nice song that I found to go along:
May 2017 · 821
Flavors of Thought
Gabriel burnS May 2017
I'm tasting sugar on my eyelids
Syrup on my irises
Sour on my heartstrings
Bitter in my arteries
But we are more than corporeal
Meant to fly
And cross the boundaries
Transcend the frames of nature’s canvas
Spill our colors farther than the physical
We invent what we do not discover
The horizons and the realms of our future
And I am just like you
A mess of senses that
perception blends into
May 2017 · 1.2k
Change of Policy
Gabriel burnS May 2017
“several wolves were introduced...
...rejuvenating vegetation
with the deer henceforth
avoiding those areas”

and now behold sprouting grass
and blossoming branches;
makes you think whether balance
always leans on a quota of violence

I start seeing in my park
the flora is suffering
I’ve let in too many deer
and they’ll eat everything offered;
they know not when to stop
leaving the trees bare *****,
chewing the bark
just because it is there.
And I'm sorry my deer
but our gardens could use some wolves
for the good of the land
(but we’re) learning the hard way,
seeing the truth in
“Too much of a good thing cannot be a good thing”
either the wolves come in, or a habitat collapse
May 2017 · 3.2k
Gabriel burnS May 2017
in the east
there is sand, and fire, and oath;
in the west
there is another plague
of the mind and the soul;
in the north
the solitude of every snowflake
can be felt;
in the south
the ancients are rotting
forgotten because
their stories don't sell
I wanted to make it cultural but it turend out political somehow...
May 2017 · 2.0k
Note to Self
Gabriel burnS May 2017
sugar is bad for you
especially sugary thoughts
you cannot afford

like June is majestic
undulating ozone
from cumulus bones
in its flesh of light blue
masquerading airborne
around the skin
that breathes with beats
progressively arrhythmic
high from the feeling

but beware
for June hides its predators
beneath those waves
elating charm, its Siren song;
Because deadlines,
blood thirsty words
like “expiration”,“elapsing”,
and “due in”,
lurk with sharpened teeth
stalking the smallest of joy-fish

And all of this contrast
is masked with such skill
it remains underrated,
only frustrating to Juners,
for they know its extremes
and how smiles
cover anxiety

Apr 2017 · 2.4k
Gabriel burnS Apr 2017
as we talk
around in circles
words fall
******* silence
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
Gabriel burnS Apr 2017
double long, triple-strong caffeine pinch
hopping round
cardiovascular road strips;
its hues are bloodshot contrasts
blending well in peripheries
alienating sources
of scarlet origin;
eyelips swallow eyeballs;
impossible to bite on,
for their teeth are on the outside
pulling punches,
stopping short of eye-lashing out


the ellipse of Your eyelips
swallows my irises
siamese twin suns
at the luminous breeze
falling asleep on my chest
vivid abreast
the pyre of lungs
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
Gabriel burnS Apr 2017
Cooking beneath the shell
The meat of my thoughts
Like a hermit crab
The boiling of my dreams
Escaping as high-pressure steam
Through tiny fissures
In dye-shifting armor

I never opened up
I never bent or broke
and never cracked
But now is never
All I have, I’m giving back

Plug your ears
To the deafening screams
That no amount of heating
Can make edible
You are the hardness of my shell
Omnipresent and Incredible
I wanted to post this earlier, at the time of writing but I guess it had to ferment a bit.
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