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Still stuck on the fence
Forced to traverse a world that still doesn't make sense
I could embrace the ignorance
But I don't want to take that stance
So I find myself stepping on toes during this awkward slow dance
I wouldn't call it happenstance,
Not a chance
The culprit is this toxic, three-way romance
Between anger, my dark passenger and everything I can't forget to remember
Nothing to see here folks,
At least not at first glance
And that's enough to keep me in this trance

anita Jul 14
beautiful boy with the golden eyes
please don’t make me cry
the weight of your words changed my life
these feelings I have
I’ve never felt til tonight
in this moment it’s like suicide
taking my life
the decision’s all mine
I suppose it’s a toxic love
that’s really all I know
but I’m in it til the end
I won't let go
can't seem to quit you.
I wonder what sweet statements she said
Shall spoil every single thought
Like a pillow to cushion your head
Piece of heart for which you've fought
Not fit for high standards
Anybody can stop to eat
You squirm as I watch you take a gander
Between my hands feel heat
As a snake draws to warm places
Over coals crimson flames dance
To you love is a series of high-speed chases
Always receiving another chance
You only want that which you must pursue
Sof Jun 12
I miss you
You saw the whole depth of me, the awful state of my soul. You didn't run away. You didn't even flinch

Yet as much as I miss you, I won't be changing my mind
My misery prevented you from basking in the light
Though the tears scalded my eyes, and my hands trembled with hesitation
I cut the thread linking us together, giving you a lifeline
Sof Jun 12
My traitorous heart beats for you and even though you aren't looking I feel embarrassed to still be shedding tears over a distant memory. Too far from me to grasp but close enough to imagine in details.
Two dimples digging into the sides of your mouth, an emerging mustache barely noticeable.
Brown eyes liquid with anxiety, your voice going soft when you tell me a pretty lie.
"I love you."
Sof Jun 11
you open the wounds I’ve sewn together
I barely realize until I find myself bleeding
drip drip drip
you clean it up and we’re back to like it never happened.
Elena Jun 2
You don't want me
When I am happy
You don't want me
When I am sad
You only call me
When you need
Your sick pleasure
You only call me
When your loneliness
Eats you up inside out
I am no good.
Not the look of light
And ‘beauty’ that I should.
You say this once ,
Now twice in fights.
Saying my body
Is all but nice.
I am so good to despise.
Not the look of woman
That you need in sight.
But that’s alright,
Your mind has fled.
To dream of a woman
Of ‘beauty’ in bed.
You wear and compare,
The things I bear.
Sorries of none,
Pretending to care.
Scared to share
What you have of me.
Critical of others
That fail to see.
The parts of me
I tend to hide,
You make them scream
Until they die.
But i'm your truth,
And your my lie.
A friend of fake

Is no friend of mine.
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