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Viktoriia Jun 10
what hurts the most
is the unbearable duplicity of it all.
i wonder how long you were going to pretend
once you'd changed your mind,
once i'd become too difficult for you to adore;
i guess developing a personality
outside of your own thoughts
was a huge turn-off.
you must've hoped that love had done a better job
at clouding my judgement right before that last fight.
well, self-awareness truly is a double-edged sword;
i found myself but i lost
the last ounce of compassion
towards your ever so unimaginative lies.
now that it's time to reap the fruits of our labour
every bite gets stuck like a lump inside my throat.
but darling, just so you know,
what hurt me the most
was the unbearable duplicity of it all.
Jellyfish Mar 3
I'm anxious,
You called and said you want to meet
A few hours away,
With her and me.

You know about the drama,
The way I feel about things
I'm sure she's said more
But which will you believe?
Max Neumann Aug 2023
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
In the streets the unheard are rioting
Dashing stones into shop windows
Bam! A sound is banging in my ears

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
At nighttime I will stay home
Kids robbing dreams from boutiques
Leaving behind a **** of blood

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
Somewhere I'll be waiting for you
Look for me behind cars shot to pieces
In the silent tunnels of the subway

Go placidly! Go!
You're not made for this life
I am coming in peace; Leave in peace!
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste
Go Placidly Amid The Noise And The Haste
Anais Vionet Jul 2023
(Leeza, my roommate Lisa’s little sister, was off-tha-hook earlier this summer)

peach flesh
fabuk buster
nu-metal priss
sexless *******
bitten fingernails
***** babyskin feet
mirror mesmerized
straight-eyed honesty
without analysis
corollary sister
wide eyed
hot mess
BLT Marriam Webster word of the day challenge: Corollary: something that naturally follows another  (like sisters)

off tha hook = out of control
fabuk = rotten banana
buster = acts like a punk-b*tch
nu-metal = new generation heavy metal, hated by purists
priss = baby
grouchapottamus = someone perpetually grouchy and edgy
hot mess = a handful, a piece of work, a colorful character.
pacer = very smart, hard to keep up with, sets the pace
bella = someone to handle with care
doe = girl
Krispy = super exclusive

*Leeza tested into some krispy mathcamp and that apparently calmed her down.
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