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Viseract Nov 2015
When time is running out
Do you hear the ticking?
Maybe you don't; so bored are you
That you resort to pen-lid clicking

In a class full of students,
Can you hear the clock tick-tock?
It comes from our hearts
It enters without a knock

Can you hear the life fade from others?
Concentrate hard enough, and I think you can
Chance and fate will have their ways
They've already drawn up your lifetime plan

The louder it is, the longer you will live
Your inner clock hasn't wound down
The fainter it is, like little claw clicks,
And you haven't long until your one with the sound
1.7k · Sep 2016
Thanks to All
Viseract Sep 2016
Grateful for the fact that all of you support me,
Never did I ever believe I'd hit 120
But I'm at it now, so thanks to all for encouraging this
When I see that number I wear a smile of best fit
Thank you all for supporting my work, I remember when I felt awesome for one view... it seems like just yesterday I was staring at my screen for the big 10 views. My first poem was called Fly Away, and my first entry into Hello Poetry was not a positive one that made me stand out, yet here I am. It warms my heart, it truly does... <3
1.7k · Jul 2016
Fury is Fury
Viseract Jul 2016
You play innocent
You're the one who started this
You think it's acceptable to play with fury
By calling him a *****?

I'm sorry Bex
It seems you've been misled
I was a normal caring citizen
Of this fabulous site where I can mend

A helping hand is a healing hand
Or so I first believed
But Woody is bad and gives me reason to write
So I guess looks can deceive

I pity those by his side
He seems respectable, right?
Yet when he calls you a ***** for no reason
Well if not for that, i coulda liked the guy

Nice try Woody. I'm not as stupid as you believe. All I have to do is signout, search my name and then check my activity. Unblock me and take your punishment like a man. You're the real coward here. I'm still in school man, does it feel good to kick a kid in the ribs?
1.7k · May 2016
Dance with the Devil
Viseract May 2016
Slow stepping dance across the floor
You and I, my suit and tie
I'm in black, you in red
A dress, silky sound, brushes the ground

Gaze into a void so deep
Seemingly innocent, innocence evident
Or as I said, so it seems
Reflecting mine, but I saw no sign

The dance becomes jagged, the dance becomes rough
My suit is ruined, my shoes are scuffed
Your dress, you caress, as it bursts in flames
Unburnt, untouched, the fire you tame

I fall to my knees
You stand over me
On a ground unlevelled
I had my dance with the Devil
Just something I pictured in my mind... what else can you see? Tell me in the comments. What does she (the Devil) look like? What is the floor like? What do you think the setting looks like?
1.7k · Dec 2015
Like A Phoenix
Viseract Dec 2015
Like a Phoenix,
Rise from the ashes
Eyes mirror thoughts
As fire flashes

Speak what you wish
I will not take offence
So let your mouth run wild
Give up this polite pretence

Speak with emotion,
So raw that nobody can doubt
That the opinion you voice is true
Whether in a whisper or a shout

Be loud and be quiet,
Be outrageous and subdued
If you wish you can be polite
But I don't care if you are rude

Tell me what goes on
In your pretty little mind
Behind your stunning eyes
To where your true thoughts hide

You can tell me anything
That is why I am a friend
Like a Phoenix from the ashes
True to self, do not pretend

(For I am here until the end).
The first few lines should be familiar to a certain someone.... met her just yesterday... a rather interesting person indeed :) All I need to mention is the fact that you "speak your mind" and "like poetry". I was actual laughing for ages... haven't laughed like that in a while... so thank you.... Mademoiselle Poetress.
1.6k · Feb 2017
Viseract Feb 2017
Judgement is offered without being asked for,
Just remember that.

To be a good judge of character
You gotta see further than the books front cover
You have to look deeper, must find meaning
Between the pages and the paragraphs and what it is you're seeing

Know that every page number is another day on scene
Know that pages are stained from the blood we bleed
Know that pages crumple with the words unspoken
And know each new chapter is a lifetime token

Some may label "money", "corruption", "greed"
But know you can help swiftly as Godspeed
They opened up to you and it's up to you to see
That crazy times make people do crazy things

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound

She opened up to me, for strangers advice
Is easier to get than from others in your life
There's no fear of judgement, disappointment, or people
Who like to spill secrets that are too dark and evil

I looked in the mirror and it became see-through
Not a reflection of myself just Myself Mark 2
It's funny how that works, the lies we pursue
The hope that something worse will surely make a better you

Know that the engravings on each book spine
Is a scar from the past, another mark in time
As you run your fingers you ask "where is the beauty?"
If you look past the cover you may finally see

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound

I can't tell you how to run your life
But I tell you it's dangerous to run with knives
Maybe you don't care because pains the prize
Trust me, it's a trap that'll **** you as you fly

Icarus himself fell from the clouds
And plummeted to the ocean, an arrow straight down
I will help you surely as Jesus Christ
Has been told from three days to come back to life

So I may die, but that's okay
With wax wings I flew too high anyway
The pain is a trap that'll **** you as you fly
And I'm not ready to ready another goodbye

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound

I will hold out for you
Talk to me, make me see
Convince me that its true
That it's not worth helping you

I'm just holding out the hope,
Standing still as I reel against the ropes
Tell me how long til I fall down
Weightless as a feather, gone without a sound
For every denial of beauty, I will say that you are beautiful until it is ingrained that I love you
1.6k · Mar 2016
Lying Through Thin Lips
Viseract Mar 2016
If I could just have honesty
I wouldn't need apologies
You wouldn't need to waste more breath
And wouldn't have my hostility

When all you do is lie
It's like it's your favourite past-time
Your lips are thin and you lie right through
Your teeth and I'm so done with you!

I'm sick of trying to find the truth
When you lie so much and really let loose
Your lips just flap and air rushes out
Of that horrendous hole you call a mouth!

I'd like to close it with my fist
Because you're just so ******* ignorant
You are so much like  Donald Trump
You just talk **** and preach your innocence!
So sick of tyring to decipher what is real and what is a lie... with you, there is almost no difference
1.6k · Feb 2016
On My Own Again
Viseract Feb 2016
Brianna: "Happy Valentine's Day!"
Me: "Happy On-My-Own-For-The-15th-Year-Of-My-Life Day :( "

"Gloomy Conor is Gloomy :/ "
1.6k · Oct 2016
Windows of Opportunities
Viseract Oct 2016
How do you perceive the world
A world as dark and happy,
Suppressive and full of opportunity,
As another headache or painkiller,
Or as much of a heartbreak
Or heart-filler?

Where does one draw the line
In the figurative dirt of
Trust or mistrust,
Of isolation and lust?

How have you been conditioned to view this world?
Through two windows to a compact machine
Cogs and gears turning, calculating...
What am I seeing?
also on if you're interested
1.6k · Jun 2016
A Sudden Epiphany
Viseract Jun 2016
"Truth hurts, so we all take painkillers called Lies."
1.5k · Jan 2017
Viseract Jan 2017
Everything just passes me by
People, hope and opportunity, no matter how I try
The focus of my life is not to focus on the past
And it all goes by so fast

I'm stuck here in my room, on my bed
Reminiscing over things, trapped inside my head
Like this is where I'm at now, no doubt
I've got so much more to do

Way too much to lose, way too young to cruise
Should be getting out more often but I don't wanna bruise
The backlash of my actions, intended or not
Is not something that I've forgot

Not something I can forget
Because I'm not done just yet
I got things to do, much to lose
Now is not the time for me to cruise
1.5k · Sep 2016
Willow Tree Melodies
Viseract Sep 2016
The wind blows,
The leaves twirl
Drifting through the air.

Nature becomes violent,
Sends a storm
And the leaves are whipped into frenzy

Yet even this is a balance,
For too much evil,
Or kind-spiritedness,

Is not good for anything

The wind blows and the willow bends
Stay strong,
For it will pass soon
1.5k · Feb 2016
Solitary Confinement
Viseract Feb 2016
I am always in solitary confinement:
Just me, in my body, with a vague yet distant
Presence of others
1.5k · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
Puddles, puddles, everywhere
Mini rain lakes that make quagmires

How I wish you were puddles of kerosene
So I could set you all on fire
The Pyromaniac within rises.... (jk)
1.5k · Sep 2016
Viseract Sep 2016
Bubbles and smoke
Wavering flames and twisting, spiralling water
Like two tornadoes of varying temperature and temperament,
And equal as different the opposing elements
Earth and air lay dormant as I lay,
By the visions that my very mind manipulates into my reality
1.5k · Feb 2016
Viseract Feb 2016
Put no faith in Serpent, for it will poison you
A Serpents tool is their Traitors Gift
Hard to identify, this is true,
So tread carefully, be wary of shift
Try to avoid being backstabbed. It's not fun
Viseract Feb 2016
A sad, lonely song
A violin thrumming across the strings
Fresh night air,
Stars hanging in the sky,
In fire and beauty
Shining across space

A slight breeze blowing
Ruffling hair,
With sighing sound

Gazing up at the stars,
Watching the world spin
Under the light
Of a full moon.

Life couldn't be
More real
More there
Or more
I love doing this. Listening to music at night, watching the world spin, feeling the breeze.... it's beautiful.
1.5k · Jan 2016
Ironically Comical Habits
Viseract Jan 2016
I curse myself my misfortune,
Yet when it turns I bless it

I say goodbye sometimes,
Yet immediately want to turn around and talk some more

I always worry when I'm not around you,
Yet when ill befalls me and you're not there I tell you not to

Sometimes I feel like I am the worst,
Yet still manage to see the best in others

I am instinctively protective of you and my friends,
Yet all I want to do is rest my head on your shoulder and give up

I rant and rage about some people, all fire,
Yet when I actually speak to them I become ice

I always want to talk to you,
Yet unless in a babbling mood I find it hard to do so

In my mind, I picture myself as a smooth talker,
But honestly? The moment I see you I am tongue-tied

If only you knew my ironically comical habits,
That befall me when I fall for you
A lighter, happier poem. I'm smiling as I upload this, which is a good thing, right? I think it's a good thing. Maybe because it's associated with pleasant memories, and I've always been a sucker for caring, passionate girls. Ah well, big giveaway, but I don't care. So what if I like someone? So what? It makes me happy, so be happy too!
1.5k · Mar 2016
Cherry Blossoms
Viseract Mar 2016
Cherry blossoms fall
Scattering petals across the pond
They drift a little,
Spin a little,
Land and correct course
Setting sail with the wind.

A girl and a boy meet
At a club
Dancing all night
Whilst the cherry blossoms fall
And sail under the moon

They cross the bridge near the pond
Watch as the petals fall
A foreshadowing from nature
So obvious, if you know where to look

But they were blind.

They grew up together,
Married at the age of 27
As the petals scattered.

Years down the track...

A drunken man, a ******* girl
A divorce so imminent
The tears fall as the anger rages
The petals the only evidence.

That something, some force knew,
They were never meant to be

And they turn their backs and set sail
As the wind continues to blow
On opposite paths they will walk
And the petals fall under the moonlit glow
1.5k · Mar 2016
Viseract Mar 2016
Yes then no
High then low
Changing my mind
All the time

I argue with myself,
Only it's not really me
I am a double-edged sword
The other no-one can see

Both edges are sharp
But which is false?
Which is true?
What triggers my impulse?

To talk to myself
In my head or out loud
One side of me is embarrassed
Yet the other is proud

My mood swings like schizophrenia
Two completely different people
You couldn't see the other
Even if we were see-through
Just a little something to think about... also thanks for all the support. I have a total of 320+ likes and 21.6k views for the 124 poems I have. Thank you all soooooooooooo much :0 it is absolutely amazing. Arigato Gozaimasu!
1.4k · Sep 2016
Spitfire #1
Viseract Sep 2016
Demonic possession is what it feels like sometimes,
The way I spit words out and they just happen to rhyme
I sit and think sometimes, about what I wanna write
But then it never comes to me , avoids me it stays outta sight and I

Don't know why I'm writing this, I'm sure I'll find a message
To send across the void that is this world and then the rest will
All make sense, no pretence, nor any pretext
That I'm using just busting words before I forget

I gotta add a little something about what happened today
I got my ****** grade from chemistry it was no A
Just a D, and I was worried but my Father doesn't care
I'm no good at Chemistry, he knows that it ain't fair

It's all about experimentation and adapting
To the strengths and weaknesses that make you a masterpiece happening
This world is full of unique people and you are another one too
So you gotta put your head down, do what you gotta do

I would like to make an announcement, before it leaves my mind
To clear up some other **** that I left behind
Me and Georgia now, you know her? I wrote a lot
About how much I hated her, how I wanted to rot

Yeah, we're good now, so please do not look back
On my works, when I went bezerk and launched a stupid internet attack
Some of it was my fault, and I've come to terms with it
We good now, it's okay, so please don't read that ****

I'm sitting here on my bed, not knowing what I'm about to write
Just knowing that I need another way to pass the night
So I spit fire, I'll retire, maybe right about now
Have a good day or night, my friends, be careful when you go out

may make this a series, I'm not sure... it'll just be me writing a rap about my day or whatever floats into my head
1.4k · Jul 2016
Silence, the Blank Card
Viseract Jul 2016
He twirls and whirls with supernatural speed
His usual blue eyes, with smoky black gleam
In the midst of a battle, sword in hand
Master to master, friend to friend

A metal, black, that no-one knows
Owned by one associated with crows
His messenger, his ally, his beast of burden
Caws and calls his silent song of death

A mercenary, bounty hunter, with just cause
To right the wrong and return what lies lost
To defend, apprehend, to defeat the Kursed
A story riddled into my verse
As you could probably guess, I'm writing a story called Ace of Silence. The main character is Silence, the Blank Card. His calling card? A blank card. Weapons? A katana made from metal nobody recognises, two silent guns with similar make, set in a city called Kortal where gangs, drugs and various illegal activities are rampant. He is a good Bounty Hunter. Because if you're good at something, you never do it for free...
1.4k · Oct 2016
Viseract Oct 2016
Dare I ask after your wellbeing?
When misery, woven in your face
Is all I am seeing?

Dare I align myself with you?
When we are of similar mind,
And speak nought but the truth?

Shall I be the only one,
Who every time I look back
Am the only one to do so?

Similarities convince me to do so
Disassociation convinces me otherwise
We are so alike
That neither wishes to make a move
1.4k · Feb 2017
Petal Storm
Viseract Feb 2017
The rise and the fall
Of the rose petals in a storm
Left to defend with only thorns
And already more than halfway gone

The scent carries on the wind
Of this Rose, I'm guardian
Guarding what is left
Of a beauty left in the past...

Because although they say true beauty never dies
A rose wasn't built to last
1.4k · Jul 2016
As Thick as Woody
Viseract Jul 2016
When you knock the side of your head,
Is anyone home?
Or is the only response
That dull echo?

As dull and as thick as the ******* who owns it
Buys his comments from others, yeah you loan it
You know it's ****** how I can't even be myself
In virtual reality without being picked on by someone else?!

Do I really threaten you by being an up-and-comer?
Do you run home to your basement, just to tell your mother?
******* your thumb and ******* cousins to forget your troubles
But it never works, I'm always here, you daft mother-******!

I'm a mother ******* ghost and I'mma haunt your soul
Turn stupidity to comedy and swallow it all whole
Make it fresh content, regardless of the consequence
Til you leave me alone, ******, and let me be myself!

You know nothing about me, do they call you Jon Snow?
You know nothing *****, so pack your bags and catch the last bus home
You're just embarrassing yourself, you're a laughing stock
Look at all the comments I made telling you to go **** yourself!

Do you see me now, huh? Am I what you expected?
That "woof *****" who by being himself got himself rejected?
Why can't you appreciate others man, and stop being your lack of brains' slave
And give this **** up before I contemplate digging your grave
Yeah, see what I mean? I'm just gonna keep turning it into content. You seem hell-bent on making me successful, and giving me more to write about.... as one poet to another, thanks! XD
1.4k · Feb 2016
Out of Genuine Concern
Viseract Feb 2016
I scared you?
How could this be?
This isn't what I wanted to be
I'm a monster, can't you see?
Should not be allowed to breathe freely

Look around, look down, look up to the sky
Just want to be happy and live a happy life
But instead I am trapped and now I live a lie
Probably the best option is just to ******* die

If this is my destiny,
Because my kindness gets the best of me
And I've devolved into a monster
And I just wanna rest in peace
And not tear anyone else to pieces

What have I done and who am I now?
A demon by accident, lives being devoured

I didn't want to be like this, I just cared about you
An ambulance was in your street
What the **** else was I supposed to do?

If someone that you loved was feeling pretty bad
And a message from two weeks ago was all that you had
Wouldn't you be concerned?
Or would you just sit there?
They could be ******* dying and you wouldn't even care?!

Sorry if it seems wrong, to actually give a ****
About someone to the point that you wanna lend a hand
I'm sorry that my actions had you running scared
But I'm not sorry for the fact that I actually ******* cared

Out of genuine concern
Someone that I love is hurt
The pain of it makes my heart burn
I'm shutting down, signal red alert

So what are we now? Where do we stand?
Because to me this whole incident is rather unfair
I did what I did because I actually care
Not saying you're stupid but you misunderstand

I only wanted the best for you
Without considering the best for me
The rest of me
Contesting me
Condemning me
To solitary

It's just too painful to deal with alone,
If there were any way I could atone...

For actually caring, for not being cold
I'm done with this argument it's getting ******* old!

So I'll say it once again
I only wanted to be your friend
I've explained enough, I won't repeat
Because it burns my heart and I feel the heat

Out of genuine concern
Someone that I love is hurt
The pain of it makes my heart burn
I'm shutting down, signal red alert
Seriously. sorry that you misinterpreted my actions, but I'm ******* that no-one listens to me and that people are spreading rumours about me
1.4k · Aug 2016
Viseract Aug 2016
One cannot see
Where one is blinded by
Vengeful needs
open your eyes to harmony. at least try it
1.3k · Mar 2016
Truth be Told
Viseract Mar 2016
It's not that I'm cold
That I'm heartless
Or ignorant.

For one thing,
My passion for life
Burns bright enough to warm
My whole being,
My mind and soul.

For another,
I am heartless
Because a certain someone
Ran off with it
Yet I still care
For certain things

And lastly,
I'm not ignorant
At least, not fully.

I just selectively ignore
Those who are not worth more
Than a warning

So here's one:
Back off
1.3k · Apr 2016
Disappointing Ends
Viseract Apr 2016
I'm sorry
Sorry I couldn't save us
Save myself
Save you

I'm sorry
I guess I'm not your saviour
Wasn't prepared
A little scared
And I tried

Oh I tried
You held the gun
Pressed it to my chest
Thumbed the hammer

I hadn't the strength
I couldn't fight anymore
So I raised my hands in surrender
And all I heard was the shot ring out

And all I felt
Was disappointment
As I hit the floor

And all I saw was red
And I guess my body bled
But all I felt was disappointment
1.3k · May 2016
Viseract May 2016
They told me to shoot for the stars
But the gravity of negativity
Outweighed the thermals of positivity
And even with everyone's support
To Hell I fell
1.3k · Sep 2016
Viseract Sep 2016
It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

Help me please I'm buried
Underneath these glares from society
Suppressed and repressed
Makes me depressed please protect

I need a hero to return my soul
I sold it so I've lost my hope
But I gave it to the devil so you could live
Now I got nothing to give

If I could go back way before time
Existed as a bunch of figures in my mind
I'd warn myself of all the troubles I know now
Before I ****** my life up and got drowned out

But just you remember.....
I did it for you...

Didn't think of myself
I only thought of you now!

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

Rise up from this grave
The one that only I made
Pushed into the ground
Dead without a sound

I cried for help I remained unheard
I took the hit but don't deserve
The pain that followed, that's how I drowned
Myself in the blood spilled on the ground

Turned on myself and could've died
Held the knife and dared to try
Pushed into my neck I only made a dent
But I went to so I can't forget

These waking moment haunt me,
So I fear to fall asleep

But just you remember....
I did this for you...

Didn't give a **** about myself
Put my trust in someone else!

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

I'll see you tomorrow
If I live that long
They say I should stand up
But I can't do this alone

Stick together, because we're family
**** with us and you'll be dead by evening!

Can't do this alone...
But I'm not alone!*

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And I will rise again

It's time to say goodnight,
It's time to say goodbye
The dead will rise
And we
a song that I wish to send to Hollywood Undead
1.3k · Oct 2017
See All Evil
Viseract Oct 2017
Pick my mind up, brush off the dust
Wait what's this I'm missing a part?
Turn it over there lays a smouldering dart
Flick it off and blow away the specks of rust

Twist my head off, place it inside
Reconnected to my neck for the final time
Flash to the stage, velvet arms wide
Nervous in the presence of grand design

A grander plan I couldn't understand
In prayer to the Devil I clasp my hands
"Please reset the face, such high demand
For just living on a home and residing on land"

Turn to the Heavens I hope you exist
Because its the last place left on my bucket list
Everywhere I go still holds zero hope
And surrounded by people I'm surrounded, alone

I'll fight my way out, only killing myself
Choke another me by whipping out my belt
Turn to a monster, the mirror on the wall
Place a bullet with shaking hands and laugh as the glass falls

Shred my skin off underneath a clear sky
All I smell is blood, my flames never die
The rage that drives me, the fuel in supply
The fact it ends me I will always deny

The only death I see is the walls around me
Closing in on my head is such a bounty
The last time I got lost they never found me
I walked back in because I felt unease

Finally I embraced it, now we are one
If my words are bullets then my fists are the gun
One follows the other, when you're knocked down cold
I laugh at myself and condemn that soul

A tremble of the hands indicates an animal
The smile on my face painted for the carnival
Makeup smudged crying against the door
I turn around and walk because I walk no more

My heart is a nade with two seconds left
The pin was pulled when you stole my breath
I felt the pain of it through my chest
You gave me reason to keep killing the rest

Every day I wake and sling my crossbow
Because when I'll see another me I can never truly know
I **** these demons, I see all evil
I **** myself because they're not real people
1.3k · Sep 2016
Me and Myself
Viseract Sep 2016
This is for the ones who suffer..
We all suffer..
I guess what I'm tryna say is..
This for all of us,
Here we go!

He gets up, another day,
Another laid to waste
Procrastination is the game
Doesn't know the word haste

He looks around, the sights he sees makes him so upset
He's just hoping that someday, he might forget
So that he can rest peacefully, for he never rests easily
When he gets shoved around, smacked down, so unequally treated

Hated for the way he walks, the way he looks, his voice
If it was all left to him, if he had a choice
He'd change it all, because he can't change the world
Something he's discovered, no matter how he yelled

People don't change, they can only adapt
Adaptation across the nation or else get bashed
Fragile and broken lay the pieces of him
So with renewed energy, unleashed the demon within

Now he's angry, upset because he knows the truth
Even though technically he's just a youth
A world that has ****** him since his birth
Now he's cracking down on others making them eat dirt

And taste the bitterness and the blood in their mouth
Words don't do anything, his only option this route
Regrettable as it seems, it's the only way
That he can go to sleep at the end of the day

We suffer at the hands of those who suffered
Suffering on repeat, no opportunity offered
We take offence, take the hits and dish them out ourselves
No us, we or team, just Me and Myself

She feels down, feels stressed but she figures it's just school
However, not the case, treated like a fool
Tossed around, used up, like a rusty tool
Breaking down inside, but the façade must rule

Never show emotion, because it will break you down
Pain makes others laugh so crazy, like a circus clown
Insane in the membrane, but pain's the game
If you don't try to change it, it'll stay the same

She wants to be successful, and get a job
But it's hard when you can't focus, she's feeling robbed
Opportunity passes by, cruising like a ship
But bullies anchor her down, she can't deal with it

So she turns to the mirror, and asks herself, "Why?"
"I wanna be myself but whenever I try...."
She can't finish the sentence, the blade didn't miss
How's she gonna tell her Mum her wrists are slit?

Angry red lines like the rage inside
Finally she let it out and it made her cry
Cruelty to misfits in a world like this
The pain overwhelms her, and a tear does slip

Splashes on the floor, a diamond speck
Thinking she is so ugly, another reject
Across the street, on his feet, he thinks he suffers alone
Head down, small frown, puzzled he doesn't know

Their situations are similar though not alike
He cuts himself too, sometimes, when he feels so like
The demon within, they both got demons to face
But either way, they still suffer, no matter how hard you pray

We suffer at the hands of those who suffered
Suffering on repeat, no opportunity offered
We take offence, take the hits and dish them out ourselves
No us, we or team, just Me and Myself

We suffer..
We suffer..
Procrastination across the faces and pains the game
If you don't try to change, it'll stay the same

We suffer...
We suffer....
They look in the mirror and question life
Later realise they can reach the sky

We suffer
A lot of this is true... "across the street" is not literal, by the way
1.3k · Jul 2016
Viseract Jul 2016
Checks his cards with certainty
Poker face that shows no sign
Of the best cards he has and holds
Structured so, flawless design


He lays the King of Spades
The story goes he digs your grave
A brutal, merciless, powerful lord
On par with Satans' desire to destroy


Spreads his hand, checks again
The end is nigh for you, my friend
He smiles a little, it fits the moment
When he lays the dreaded Joker


Word has it, the Joker, a clown
Is the one who underneath his smile, a frown
He jests and contests with others simply for smiles
No currency has he, amusement his one bright fire


The final card, Uno, one claims
The one thing society brutally maims
For each is unique, a vital part
When he plays the Ace of Hearts


"Thank you for playing me
Not many accept my challenge, you see
They call me Silence, the Blank Card
And my skill with words vastly admired"

*I just don't talk so much
Was going to make this a story, and perhaps I will
1.3k · Jul 2016
The Only Real Word...
Viseract Jul 2016
The only real word that best describes this situation
Used as an insult, for example...
******* Woody, for making an amazing man
A far better mother-******* poet than you
Be removed from this site

**** your supporters
And I don't mean those who like his writes
I mean, they're okay
But **** all those who support his alternates
Big Bad Wilf and all that
R, and whatnot
**** them, you do not understand
The capacity of my frustration
That such trolls would exist
In a place as supposedly pure as this

An even bigger ****
Because I no longer have contact with him
Picking off my supporters huh?
Or just going, "**** it
Let's shoot down the real "problem" here"
******* Woody
There is a special pit in Hell
Reserved for your ilk

******* woody, and I'll keep saying that until the day you stop this *******
1.3k · Aug 2016
Delusion is Evasion
Viseract Aug 2016
You are allowed to believe whatever you want
Believe that rainbows will always double,
That a *** o’ gold awaits you on the other side
Believe that bad men come quickly and go sooner,
That everyone is happy
Every blade of grass hides an Easter egg
Every rock hides a humble, quiet little home
Every river is made of molten chocolate…

Believe that everyone is safe and happy
Believe that people never do intentional wrong,
No such thing as assault, physical, ******, mental, emotional

Just when you do, make sure you open your eyes once in a while
Ignorance could be the death of you
And if you stayed in such a world…
It’s called being delusional.

And I only want the best for you,
So I wish those bad men never arrive
That those rocks remain a hiding place
Those blades of grass contain secrets of happiness
That those double rainbows have a lucky leprechaun skipping across them
That your “*** o’ Gold” shall never empty to gambling or addiction
And that those chocolate rivers never empty
And, most importantly, that such a happy world remains untouched
By reality,
And you, too, remain untouched
So sweet dreams, compadre,
I’ll see you in reality soon.
a somewhat happier poem, not so dark and gloomy. even clouds break, and sunlight may filter through,,
1.3k · Sep 2016
My Lil' Insomniac
Viseract Sep 2016
Something that I try to fight
You fight it too, in dark or light
Together we can win, across the distance and time
My Nightmare that fights me, sometimes he makes me blind

Do not fall to the voices in your mind
That make you cut, leave a ****** sign
Time heals but leaves a scar
When it's over, do not forget your past

Rant, rave, spit or talk
You and I, we walk the walk
The path we dread is a path we share
The demons in the dark, the knife, the snare

Watch my step and I'll watch yours
Together we can unlock closed doors
Find a reason not to, rather than one to do so
It's working for me, why not you, y'know?

I hope you read this, but do not ignore
For me to write this was quite the chore
To have such pained effort fall when it's so near
Would be a reason to cut, ear to ear

I think you're beautiful, regardless of what you believe
For our eyes and mind can trick and deceive
When nobody trusts, compliments or gives hope,
Know that I do, though my responses are slow

Sleep well, my <3
At least, try to rest
Restlessness is eagerness
But eventually, is Death

And I do not wish to lose someone like you

An Insomniac and Pyromaniac message each other... one's mind does burn, the other wishes to burn everything in mind...
<3 you, Maddii
1.3k · Dec 2015
Texting A Friendship
Viseract Dec 2015
Saddened and alone
I'm supposed to be having fun
But the truth is,
I'll be glad when it's over and done

Yeah, call me a stereotypical teenager
I just wanna text my friends and stare at a screen
But you wouldn't know how I feel- no-one does
Or how, without my connections, my heart tears and bleeds

Is it so bad to want your friends, to talk to them?
Surely this means that they mean something
I think it means we have people we would endure the world for:
Survive, or die trying, true friendship couldn't mean much more
let me know your thoughts on this one- I'm curious
1.3k · Aug 2017
Beautiful Nightmare
Viseract Aug 2017
The one i love, loves me not
So am i chasing a beautiful girl
Or a nightmare?

These feelings that I've got
They make me scream
Make me plead
Oh God I'm guilty

Of falling for you

And its so hard to breathe
When you're near me
I feel like an intrusion
On someone, too pure

Admist the confusion

I, cannot sleep,
I am melting
Falling through my dreams

And there's one thing to be seen

I, will wear this Crown of Thorns
If only to be by you,
For one second more

I will fly
Spread my wings
If only to fall
And wake with you beside me...

But i know, one things for sure
I keep waking on the floor
Amongst the dust
And all my broken thoughts

And so you see, for all i say
These words won't change the way
That you perceive
It might just be a bad dream
Or an unfortunate reality

I, will wear this Crown of Thorns
If only to be by you,
For one second more

I will fly
Spread my wings
If only to fall
And wake with you beside me...

*music *

For just one second more...
Oh, for just one second more..

I will endure this pain
Like a cage it contains
My punctured heart

And so i say,
Even though these scars will stay
Are a beautiful girl?
Or are you my nightmare?

Either way it hurts..
But i no longer care!

I, will wear this Crown of Thorns
If only to be by you,
For one second more

I will fly
Spread my wings
If only to fall
And wake with you beside me...

I, will wear this Crown of Thorns
If only to be by you,
For one second more

I will fall
Even if i try to fly
But thats okay, at the end of the day

I'm falling for you
idk if i should make this a part of my EP
1.3k · Apr 2019
Organic Robots
Viseract Apr 2019
I'm a flesh addict, sporadic, adrenaline, I love being alive
Feel my muscles pumping blood as I run reckless- overdrive
And I cannot wait for the day, I get to say, I had the strength to survive
Like alliteration of insanity, inside of me, I to I!

But my eyes would be deceived if I said I see life like it's perfect
Like a roller-coaster, going through the motions, twists and turns a better way to word it
Take a seat, and sit with me, maybe then we'll be, like minded
Instead of you, like a lost moose, in the headlights: blind sided

I hate pretending, so, here's my raw aggression
I would take a second, to ******* bash your head in
But I don't wanna get physical, with someone so pitiful
Let's just keep it minimal, and indulge the lyrical

On sighting you I feel ******
Pity, anger, and anguish
Bullied by this *****
A year my senior, having kids

I feel hollow like a steel pipe, hurting like a rough night
I pull my smile too tight, to the point I'm  showing pearly whites
My mindset like, dynamite, my rhymes like, to takes lives,
Like a steak knife I'll carve you up
Eat these bullets, desperate lunch!

Now make no mistake
I sharpen dull blades
And I get carried away
******, serial, and maim

Just crunching numbers okay?
Nothing has changed
You're still the same old, same old
Here we go, another bomb falls!

Just an organic robot, blowing off steam
Of flesh and metal, robotic zombie
I see the cogs and the gears but I don't see a spirit
All I see is sheeple living lives like corporate business

Where's the fun in this? Leech the Government
Have a couple kids, and some funding with
A faded side *****, drugs kicking in
Go party hard with all your fake friends

You are not a parent, just a pa for rent
She is not a mother, just another chick
Using all that money to hit another fix
Coz you ain't cool if you ain't staying lit!

And that's just how it is, juvy and pregnant kids
People telling other people that their life's ****
Graffiti tags and spit, violence just a bit
Lost dreams and broken bottles, vanished innocence...
Lazy take advantage of a system meant for real struggles that can't be avoided...
1.3k · Apr 2016
Le Lune
Viseract Apr 2016
Watch the moon disappear
Waiting for the new day of fear

Watch the moon come back again
This midnight, this lonely friend

The best one that I have
aaaaaand this is part two :)
1.2k · Jun 2016
Yeah, I'm Fucking Pissed!
Viseract Jun 2016
I get told to get ******
I get told to shut up
Nobody understands
And for me that's tough

I asked a girl why she didn't like me
It was because of my mouth
It flapped here and there and everywhere
East, West, North and South

I asked if she knew why
She kept saying because it doesn't close
I said I knew me better then
In reaction she proposed

That she knew me best
And that I knew me not at all

I spend so much time quiet
You have no ******* idea
I get bullied *****, so take that
And shove it up your rear

You only hear me when it all comes out
I'm more silent than you think!
So why don't you shut up, hypocrite
Because I'm on the brink

The edge of a land I rather dread
And if you went you would too
You're so ******* stupid sometimes
So I hope I'm getting through

You manipulate words so ******* well
But haven't a clue how to read
The signs that someone doesn't care what you think
So please, leave, and at high speed!

I don't want your judgement
Keep it to your ******* self
So that perhaps we'll both be happy
*******. Just. ****. Off. You have no idea, how much I suffer. And I'm sorry if you are around when I speak up, HAVE TO speak up, and talk a lot... sorry you aren't there when I say nothing and get PUSHED AROUND AND ****** AROUND LIKE A MOTHER ******* TOY... but if you have a problem, raise it with someone who cares, because i don't
1.2k · Nov 2015
My Life in a Nutshell
Viseract Nov 2015
Drowning in a sea
Of Uncertainty,
Impaled on the rocks
Of Revenge

Burning in a fire
Of Hatred,
Death points his finger,
"This is where you meet your end".
1.2k · Nov 2016
Viseract Nov 2016
Bright blue skies and country roads,
Dust trails billowing behind the distant rumble of a 4x4
Gravel crunching, stones skipping
Sweat on his forehead and barley in his mouth,
Broad-brim hat clapped on his head
Dusty jeans and boots,
Checked red shirt and plain sandy dirt

This is the image of Australians
...and is somewhat arguable, but whenever someone mentions Australian stereotypes I instantly think of the "working" Australian and not the "bogan" aussie
1.2k · Feb 2017
Sweet Rose
Viseract Feb 2017
McKayla Rose, Tribute to her Love

(I helped)

"When I first looked into your eyes,
Each breath became a thousand sighs,
The air was filled with love bird cries,
That was the day I realized,

How much you truly mean to me,
Chemistry, our synergy
I want the world to finally see...
...How we love, in unity

Since I met you,
I have learned to love the light
You were my lamp in stormy darkness
The day that breaks the night

You showed me a mirror
And inside I saw glimmer
A small shard of hope
That with love began to grow...

...Now I want the world to know,
How I feel and and see where we go, Love swirling around like the blowing snow
Don't say a word just hold me close

And as the day turns into night,
Being in your arms just feels so right, The world is dark but our future is bright
But that's only for us to decide
A collaboration with former poet McKayla Rose. Without her this would not have been written
1.2k · Feb 2016
Viseract Feb 2016
If you're a drug
Then I'm addicted
So easily
This **** just makes me brain-dead
Pleasantly ******* with my head

I may not snort you
Up my nose
But God knows I know you
With both eyes closed

You many not make
My nostrils bleed
But my heart knows
It's you I need

You're my dose of *******
Constantly affects my brain
I may seem calm but you drive me insane
You are the sun in the midst of rain

I may seem crazy
You made me crazy
Bring me into focus
When the world gets hazy
Wake me up when I'm feeling lazy
Like a zombie, ******* Day-Z!

Getting hyper, filled with energy
Your very presence, methamphetamine
You are a drug straight to my brain
Wanting another dose of your *******
A joke lovesong. Enjoy
1.2k · Jul 2016
Hey You!
Viseract Jul 2016
Yeah you, *******!
If you're gonna get mad at being trolled,
You troll,
Don't you dare take it out on my pack
Now I'm a "woof *****"
I was a Phoenix before,
But reincarnation got the better of me this time round
Allons-y, mofongulu!
In case you don't get that, roughly, that's
Later, *******!
Un block me and face me like the man your mother wished you would grow up to be. Oh, and you ain't innocent, so don't even think about kicking that **** around. You ain't even on my follower list
1.2k · Mar 2016
My One and Lonely
Viseract Mar 2016
You are my one and only,
Stay with me when I'm lonely
I like that you like me
But there's a part of me, you shouldn't see

When night comes around, I cannot sleep
I'd rather watch the stars then be counting sheep
The night makes my heart leap
Accelerating my heart beat

I am pure, at night alone
No-one near, don't use my phone
So don't try to text me
Coz I'm possessed
By the night
And it feels so right
To be alone

When day breaks, something changes
My mindset, rearranges
And I can't stand to be by myself
I'd rather be with someone else

And that someone,
Is you
A little something I thought of. No-one in particular (or is there?) ;)
1.2k · Jul 2016
Viseract Jul 2016
What keeps me up all night
Is my own vivid imagination
Creating swirling embers, smothering smoke
And the bright flashes and crackle of flame

What keeps her up all night
Is she simply cannot sleep
And maybe she can't sleep
Partly because of me

Either way, we are both maniacs
And I know I'm happy to be one

So will you burn the world with me?
I shouldn't even have to name the significant other. You know who you are... My lil insomniac <3
1.2k · May 2017
Vengeance of Okami
Viseract May 2017
My hands shake and thoughts clash
I revise life, like flashbacks
I won't last living in my past
Pull back, snapping leash he attacks

The scent is strong he's on the prowl
A predator of beings foul
Revenge dished he's hellbound
Took a vow as hellhound

His loyalty holds no borders
He's borderline disobeying orders
He's ordered but he ignores
Okami, a lone wolf

In midnight his eyes shine
Blood red it contains skies
He's hunting down a worthy prize
Defending honour he can't die

Vengeance and fuelled rage
Powerful and untamed
For too long he's been caged
He suffered so, debts be repaid

With head high and hackles raised
He's raising hell, his endgame
All cards held have been played
Run and hide, its too late
I am Ronin Okami :^)
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