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Echoes Of A Mind Aug 2015
I want to be
The air you breathe
I want to be
Your shadow

I want to be
In your memory
I just want to be
Near you
When you just want to be with the one you love...
Echoes Of A Mind May 2016
I want to touch you
I really want to
But I'm afraid
That I'll lose you
If I ever do...

I want to touch you
You always let me play
With your hair
But what if I said
That I want to touch you elsewhere...

I want to touch you
I want to stroke your cheek
While looking into your eyes
I wanna know how it feels
To feel your lips against mine....

I want to touch you
I really do
I wanna let my hands
Run all over you
To feel every muscle and every bone...

I want to touch you
And I want to feel you too
I want to feel your hands
All over me
Feeling my curves...

I want to touch you
Would you let me
If I asked you?
Or should I skip the asking
And then just do it?...

I want to touch you
To let my tongue
Tickle the edge of your ear
To let my hands
Run down between your legs...

I want to touch you
I want our bodies
To be tangled together
Let's make the neighbour angry
Because of the noises we're making...

I want to touch you
I want to press my body
Against yours
I want to stay close to you
For hours...

I want to touch you
I relly want to
But I fear
That I'll lose you
If I ever do...
I want to feel you.....
Written 26th of march, published 29th of may
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I don't want you
To cheer me up
I just want a hug...

I want to hear
You nag at me
Telling me how stupid
I have been...

I want you
To be angry
Over my stupidity...

But most of all...
I just want you
To be here with me...
I can already hear him telling me "that's a ******* stupid thing to do!" hehe ^-^ <3
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Jeg elsker dig
Selv efter alt hvad der er sket
Så vil følelsen ikke forsvinde
Og det er lige meget hvad jeg gør...

Jeg har forsøgt at hade dig,
Men dette får mig kun til at græde.
Jeg har svinet dig til,
Men det sårer mig kun i sidste ende
Jeg har forsøgt at glemme dig,
Men alt omkring mig,
Minder mig om dig.
Kaffe kan jeg ikke drikke,
For selv det sætter minder i gang.
Jeg har mistet lysten
Til at gå i skole
Fordi jeg kan risikerer
At se dig...

Gad vide om hypnose vil kunne hjælpe,
Så jeg kan glemme,
Alle de minder,
Der involvere dig.
For lige meget hvad jeg prøver,
Så elsker jeg stadigvæk dig...
Skrev dette digt for 3 uger siden...
Er begyndt at drikke kaffe igen i dag...

Et skridt ad gangen bevæger jeg mig væk fra dig, og for hvert skridt finder jeg mig selv igen...
Echoes Of A Mind Apr 2016
Let it burn
Let it hurt
Let the love
Do what have made it famous
Let your heart bleed
You'll be falling down to your knees
The only way to stop hurting
Is not to cool the burning
Just let it hurt
It can't get any worse
Just empty it all
Letting the tears fall
Even if it is in streams
Let it bleed
Let it hurt
Let love
Live up to it's curse
Don't hold it in
Let it all go
This is something
We all know
Don't try to fight
Just give up and cry
Let it burn
Let it hurt
Let love
Do its worst
'Cause in the end
You'll get up again
You'll have gotten stronger
From the burn which he left...
Written on the  14th of March, Published on the 29th of April
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Let's keep it a secret
Let's not tell anyone
Let's delete the proofs
Let the memories be gone

Let the scars be healed
Let the time pass
Let the letter be sealed
Let it all be in the past

Let's not make it weird
Let's not burn the bridge
Let's not fall apart
Because of a secret
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Like tea with lemon
It's not always
That I'm understood
People think I'm weird
And often avoids me
Or that's how
It used to be
Back in elementary

Like tea with lemon
Some people find me sweet
While other won't even dare
To get near me
Since they don't understand
The person I am

Like tea with lemon
You can drink me from a cup
And I'll warm you up
Or you can pour me out
In your sink
Never experience
The warm feeling
Which I might have left

Like tea with lemon
You can add sugar
To make me sweet
Or honey
If that's more
To your liking

Like tea with lemon
I'll only be tasty
When I am warm
So don't let me
Get so cold
That you won't
Drink me up

Like tea with lemon
You'll have to make me
From the bottom
Begin with water and leaves
But don't forget the
I gave myself a challenge a made a impro-poem based on the sentence "Like tea with lemon"
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm just a lost boy
Looking for a place
Which i can call home...

A warm place
Or a pair of arms
Which will hold on to me
Longer than only a night...

A place I can feel safe
When the world becomes too much
For me
To handle on my own...

A shoulder to cry on or a warm hug
When I'm feeling down
I might find it
In the place
Which I can call home...

Lots of arguments will be there too
But without fights
Life would be too

And love...
Well if my roommate
Isn't a cat or a girl
That might be there too...
Just being bored at KUA...working on my feeling of being lost...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
One word
Two meanings
Or psychological
Or action
Not a thing
You can grab
Or pain
Or together
That is
What it's all about...
English translation of the poem "Elske"
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Love doesn't like me
It never have
And it never will...

Love doesn't like me
'Cause it likes
To see me suffer...

Love doesn't like me
It doesn't matter what I do
I always mess it up...

Love doesn't like me
It hurts
And I've had enough...

Love doesn't like me
It has always been like this
You'll find me walking alone...

Love doesn't like me
Neither do I like
I wish that I had never found out what it means to love...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
First time I saw you
Was in the room C17 of our high school
We had music together
But we didn't speak at all
But I remember noticing
Your red n' black
Flannel shirt
And I thought
He seems like a nice guy
And I wonder what there's hidden

Behind his blue eyes...

First time we really spoke
Was when we were together
Working in a group
For the stomp-project
You were wearing a grey t-shirt
With a sad green dino'
" All my friends are dead"
I thought to myself
He's a pretty awesome guy
And there's no way that you can't

Love his T-shirt...

Then it would be a long time
Before we actually spoke again
But to my luck
We had a common friend
Who was also a friend
Of your girlfriend
Who my family and I
Also knew

Very well...

So I packed the growing interest in you
More far than far away
And focused on just being a friend
'Cause at least I could be that
And I got to know you more and more
The feelings wasn't there
They were locked far away
'Cause liking you
Would never be

You like NIRVANA
And you remind me a little
Of Kurt Cobain
Your best friends name is Julie
And me and her,
We didn't like each other
At the beginning
But today
We're best friends
And sometimes I'm even jealous of you
Always being so close to her...

We fast became a trio
We are like the three musketeer
Your are the third girl
In our little group
And I'm still jealous
On you
'Cause your hair is so **** soft
And I just love
To play with it
And luckily for me
You don't have anything against it...

You used to sneak in on me
And Tickle my sides
Making me scream out
In the foyer
Of our school
You really thought that was funny
While I got embarrassed
But again I had to remember
My mission
That no matter what

I mustn't fall for you...

Then time passed
We were at our common friend's b-day
And your girlfriend was there too
She slept in your arms
I thought it was so cute
But I didn't wish
That I was her
Since I liked both her and you...

I loved you
But only as a friend
And I was happy
How things were

'Cause you have taught me so much...

You taught me 'bout music
You made me rediscover
The rock, metal and grunge music
From my childhood
You made me grow into an adult
It was because of you
That my interest for music grew
And you inspired me
To learn how to play guitar myself
We can more or less say
That you are the reason
For half of the person
Which I am today...

It was through you, I discovered
Plato and Socrates
And that had importance
For my choice of subject
The first semestre at the university
So it was my friendship with you

That lead me to him...

But anyway let's not speak about him
'Cause something even worse happened
During the last year of high school
'Cause halfway through it
I discovered
That your girlfriend,
She had broken up with you...

See that's where hell began

Suddenly There was no longer anything
Which kept me
From falling for you
And all the hidden feelings
Began to burst through
My heart and my mind
I suddenly realized
That I had loved you

The whole time...

After becoming aware of
How much you meant to me
I couldn't look you in the eyes
Neither could I speak
Because I felt like I
Had failed as a friend
Was everything I did
Only done because I loved you?

I kept asking myself...

But no,
At the university I discovered
While being away from you
That everything
I got to know through you
Still meant a lot to me
It seems like our friendship
Had always been real
And that we really

Had a lot in common...

And then there's the secret
Which I wanna let you know:
Do you know that it was because of you
That I wear earrings today?
You gave me the peace-pair
Which I always wear when I sleep
They didn't have to be made of silver
'Cause to me they would still be priceless
Because they're a proof
That you've actually listen to me
That you've learned
Some of my likes and dislikes
That was the biggest gift
Which you could ever give me

Price doesn't matter,
but the thought behind it does...

We played WOW and Skyped
And I often found myself
Laughing with tears in my eyes
Because of something that you've said
But when we were alone in the chat
There was only silence
Since I didn't know what to say
I know you hate dumb people
And i'm afraid to make mistakes

When I'm around you...

At new years eve
You offered me
To one day come home to me
And teach me to play dark souls
It would just have been us
You and me alone
But I never took you up on your offer
'Cause being alone with you
Makes me so **** nervous
And then you would also have noticed
That my body temperature rises

When I'm with you...

Now I'm in a state
Where I can't feel anything
I'm not in love with anyone
But I still have a longing after being in your arms
Just like the time
Where you tried to keep me warm
So I hope
That I'll fall in love
With you once again
When you come back home
To Denmark
But I can't force feelings
Neither yours our mine
And I'm pretty sure
It'll take a long time
Before there will be development,
If there will be any
At all,
In our relationship
But I know that if it happens

*Then it'll be worth
Any kind of struggle
Which I'll have to face....
I found an old love poem from my time in high school and edited it a bit...
I'll probably be releasing more old love poems since I have run out of inspiration to write new ones...So brace yourself there's an army of innocent teenage love poems coming at ya XD

[To the "You"]
Let's start over again...As friends
This time I'll take you up on your offer of teaching me how to play Dark Souls - I'll buy the pizza you just have to bring your good mood and a **** lot of patience XD
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
May I ask,
If I even dare to,
Is it okay
If I touch you?...

No, No...
What are you
I didn't mean it
Like that...

I just want
To stroke your cheek,
Pat your back
Or something
Like that...

It's really okay?
Well then...
I won't
Hold back...

I said
As I let my fingers
Run through your hair's soft
Just like a newborn's...

I stroked your cheek
While looking
Into your eyes
And suddenly I
Found myself blushing...

Why was it
That I wanted
To touch you?
And why do I always smile
When I'm near you?...

The truth hit me
Like a lightning bolt
Finally after years
I discovered
That I was
In love...

I'm still looking
Into your eyes
And I feel that I
Had a raise
In my body temperature...

Longing to touch you
This time
In a not so decent way
I looked once more
Into your eyes
And then I said...

Can I touch you?...
And if possible
Can you touch me

And is it okay
If I tell you
That I
Love you...?

Can we whisper
Soft words
To each other
And never let go
Of each others hands?...

Can we become
Old together?...
Just like the relationship
You have
With your minivan?...

But right now
Let's not speak
About the future
Let's just focus
On the here and now
And just enjoy
Each other....

'Cause all
That I want to do
Right now
Is to touch you
And feel your touch
On me too...

So I'll ask you
Once more
Is it okay
If I touch you?...
Wanting to show your affection for the person you love/like through actions, but you're not sure if they're okay with it....Or if they even feel as you do...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I don't want to live
'Cause I'll only remember
Which I want to forget
Which before
Could keep me happy
On a bad day
Now only hurts
And reminds me
That feelings are a burden
But luckily for me
I can no longer
Feel anything...

What before was worry
Have now become stress
I'm all broken down
Not getting any rest
My dreams are affected
By the memories
So that even the sweetest dream
Suddenly turns into
A nightmare...

I want to delete
All these memories
I want to go back
Before they were made
I want to prevent them from
Ever being created
I'll start with the earliest
It all began
With a pack of my favorite chips
And a,
Back then,
Unknown person...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Misunderstandings can be caused
By the slightes thing
Things that have been done
Without thinking
Over the consequenses
Actions can be done in anger
Words can be said in sadness
And in the end
They can both cause problems

Some times actions can
slove what words have caused
And some times words can heal
the wounds created by actions
But sometimes
only time
Can heal everything that have happened
And some wounds
Won't heal at all...
Echoes Of A Mind Feb 2016
She's like a sister
to me
and I love her
a lot

I miss her
when she isn't here
and I really want to give her
a hug

you see this girl
she's special to me
she's funny
she's clumsy
but almost always happy

She's not always lucky
and it might be best
to make a life-insurance
before you hang with her

Still I couldn't be more proud
than to call this girl
My best friend
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Don't make a crack
In my fake smile
I'm doing my best
To keep it on
All of the time...
Have to keep the mask on...
Echoes Of A Mind Feb 2016
My inspiration left me
I just flew away
Can't you please tell me
how to make it stay
every time I try to catch it
I only catch the air
No matter where I look,
I can't find it anywhere...
Echoes Of A Mind Feb 2016
Take with me to Neverland
Here you'll become a never-man
won't grow up, won't get old
but in exchange
you'll loose your soul

The second star to the right
The destination can't be reached by flight
You need a happy thought or two
or else you won't even reach the roof

You're barely soaring
a centimeter over the earth
While I'm having clouds
sticking to my shirt

You can't let go
You're always stuck
Sometimes I ask myself,
when will you have gotten enough

When will you finally
have a breakdown
so I can help you
get back up.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm never able to talk
When other people needs it
But neither do I shut up
When silence is wished

I say what I think,
But never what I feel
Which makes it harder
To let people know when I
Love them

So I leave people unsure
Of what I think about them
Maybe it's just because of the
Haunting memories from my past
Which hurts and reminds me
That my feelings for some people
Are only a bother

So I'll never say
What I really feel...
I write poems instead of talking about it...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
You might see me as a stranger
But I won't stop seeing you
As a friend...

I'll still offer you a hand
If you ever ask for help
I'll still care about you
Though you treat me like air
And I'll smile at you
Though you won't smile back at me...

Your back might be turned against me
And you might give me the cold shoulder
But once a friend of me
Means always a friend of me
And that's a rule
After which I live...

So keep treating me cold
I don't really care
But you can't stop me from worrying
About the people I hold dear
And yes, even after all this mess
You're still one of the people
Which I care about...

So though we might be back
At being strangers
And though we have hurt each other
And that bridges have been burned
Then I won't try
To treat you differently...
I don't know what to say about this poem...
Echoes Of A Mind Aug 2015
You say something to a person
thinking that it won't hurt.
But one single word
can keep reappearing in a person's mind
way longer than a bruise or a scar.
One word can follow a peson
until the day they die.
One word can push a person to the edge.
One word can steal one's confidence.
One word can destroy a life.
So think before you speak.
Maybe it's a little overdramatized, but the message should be clear.
I got the inspiration to the poem from my own life and the famous quote "think before you speak" which I've also used to end the poem with.
I didn't write a traditional type of poem this time and it is my first time writing a poem like this.

To the Grammar-Nazis: I apologize for typos and wrong grammar, but english isn't the "second language" which I've used most energy on.
Echoes Of A Mind Sep 2015
is the only thing I hear
is the only thing I see

But there's no fear
since there's only peace
here underwater
where i'm floating half asleep.

I close my eyes
Still underwater
and lured by the peace
I finally fall asleep...
Remember when you're underwater and everything is just silently peaceful?
Peace there is underwater and a warning that even the peace can lure you to your last breath.
Echoes Of A Mind Sep 2016
I thought I had got rid of it
I really thought that I finally did
The feeling which only cause troubles
Both for me and for others...

This whole summer I did not feel  anything
Protecting the happy memories, which you gave me
Because as soon as I realized that the feeling was there
I ran away from it in fear...

Just this one,  I thought, please, not him
I don’t want this feeling to destroy everything
The friendship I worked so ******* building
Is now in danger cause I begin singing
Each morning that I know I’ll meet you...

So now I’m brought to tears again
As I’m feeling at loss
Don’t want to see you walk away
Like everybody else
Have done
I don’t want to lose another friend
Who I can speak to while being myself...

So now I’m teasing you
I’m trying to make you keep a distance
Cause I know that I’m not strong enough
To keep myself away from the one I love
But I don’t want to ruin our friendship
So I’ll hide these feelings and instead feel pain
Because of the words
Which I’ll never be able to say
Once more
I'm gonna run away...
A random poem...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Sorry, I love you
I didn't plan
To fall for you.

Sorry, I love you
I know it's a bother
So I'll never say it to you.

Sorry, I love you
Everything would probably be better
If I didn't.

Sorry, I love you
If I could stop it
Then I would.

Sorry, I love you
Why does it have
To be you?

Sorry, I love you
I'll put these words in a box
And hide them far away.

I love you
Is the three words,
Which I will never say...
A Love Poem
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Stress keeps me in bed
It is as I have said
I'm not getting enough sleep
So I can barly
Stand on my feet
It's too hard
To keep my balance
I easily trip
Over the smallest thing...

I wake up every morning
Feeling very sick
Actually feel like puking
But never do I do it
Since I just skip breakfast...

Stress keeps me in bed
Once in a while
I fall asleep
Getting some of the rest
Which I am missing...

But that nap is only
One hour or two long
then a nightmare
Wakes me up
'Cause nightmares
Are the only thing
Which visits me at night
My ability to dream
I think I've lost...

Stress keeps me in bed
I feel like a caged bird
Whoes wings
Have been broken
But now I'm tired
And I can feel
The next nightmare
Knocking on my door

So I'll stay in bed
Getting some kind of rest
And if I'm lucky then
I'll soon be able to dream
Sorry if there's still typos in the poem, I'll fix it when I feel better
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Taking pills again
Filling my body
With this and that...

Taking pills again
Loosing the development
Which I had...

Taking pills again
Now I can once again
Focus on homework...

Taking pills again
Now my mood will
Become less cheerful...

Taking pills again
To delete the traces
Of you...

Taking pills again
Now I'm myself
From before I meet you...

Taking pills again
Man... I really wish
That I didn't have to...
Just something random which I wrote
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm confused
And my head is a mess
I got a hangover
And a giant headache...

But at the same time
I can't stop smiling
I'm so happy that I could die
'Cause he kissed me last night...

He was probably just drunk
And it probably didn't mean
Anything to him
But I'm still rolling around in my bed
Thinking 'bout what happened
While giggling
Like a teenage girl in love...
An old poem which I haven't made public before this memory only makes me sad... He really became a bittersweet memory...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Can you tell me why
It is
That I love him
Even after that
He has
Deeply hurt me
Over and over again
Broken me down
To the core
Left me bleeding
On the floor?...

Why is it
That I just can't forget
All the memories
Which now only are a pain?
Maybe I should just go
**** a random guy
So I can delete
The specific memory
Which I want to forget
The most...

Be happy
At least it was with someone
Whom you love
My mom says
Trying to cheer me up
But I'm not
So sure about that

'Cause she don't know
About all the mess
Which happened
She's not the one
Who becomes sad
When she sees him
Passing by...

So tell me why
This boy still is on my thoughts
Together with all the things
Which have been said and done?
My "Age of Depression"
Have now become real
I'm not really eating
And I feel really sick
But I'm trying to look fine
That on the inside
I cry...

Tell me why
I didn't listen
To my friends' warnings
Telling me to stay far away
From this one guy?
But I couldn't
Even when I
Actually tried...

Tell me why
Everything went
As wrong as it did ?
Why everything is a mess
And why is there
All this stress
In my life
At the moment?...

Why can't I eat
Even though I'm hurting
From starving
Through the most of the day
And then only eat a little
At dinner
With my family
To cover up
That I'm in pain...

Why can't I make myself hate
The person
Who hurt me?
Why can't I honestly
My friends
When they make innocent jokes
About him
Just to cheer me up?...

Tell me why
There isn't a remedy
Which can delete
All the bad things
Which have happened

Or maybe a time-machine?
Then I could change
My choice
Of going straight to
The university
'Cause then I would
Never had meet him
And there wouldn't be
All these problems...

Tell my why
I don't feel happy
and why my nights
Are sleepless
Tell my why
The only person
Who knows how
To handle me
When I'm feeling like this
Is out traveling
And won't be back
Before June...

Tell me why
My mind
Is humming
A sad tune...
Just sorting out in my thoughts....
Echoes Of A Mind Nov 2014
The time seems frozen,
Or maybe it was stolen.
This can't be true,
Do I really have to lose you?

The car was crashed,
The time just passed.
His face was bloddy,
And a little bit muddy.

I saw the blinking light,
Told myself "it'll soon be allright."
The other car was lying on the side,
I heard them saying that somebody had died.

The time seems frozen,
Or maybe it was stolen.
This can't be true,
Do i really have to lose you?

My lover he quietly mumbles in pain,
"It feels like I have been hit by a train."
Thank god, he's okay.
I thought that while they carried him away.

Then I heard  somebody say,
"Is the woman over there okay?"
Everyone turned and stared,
At the woman, who was laying over there.
I turned my head too and felt a chill,
Because I was the one who had been killed.

The time seems frozen,
Or maybe it has just been stolen.
This just can't be true,
Did i really have to lose you?
I fell over one of my poems from 7th grade and edited it a little.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
You're the drug
Which I can't live without
You're the caffeine
That keeps me on my feet
You're the final alarm clock
That wakes me up...

And even when you're gone
Then your traces are still there
The lingering feeling of you
Is still here...

The sweet taste
Of bitterness
The warmth that's spreading
In every corner of me
The burning sensation
Left on my tongue
'Cause I couldn't wait
Until you had cooled down...

Even though I know
That I shouldn't get addicted
To you
Then I can't stop myself
From longing after you...

I'm not very happy
The days that I can't drink you
I'm actually grumpy
Until I taste you...

I prefer you black
Just as you are made by the nature
There's no need for sugar
To me you're already perfect as you can be
And I won't let anything
Change it...

I tend to seek you more
When I'm having a hard time
Because you're the element
Which brings me back down to earth again...

I want to treasure you
But that's hard to do
'Cause you'll turn cold
If I'm too slowly drinking you...

Sometimes I look at the empty cup
Imagining it being filled up to the top
With you, the one
Which I can't get enough of...

You bring peace
And stability
'Cause you're the unchanging element
In my daily routine...

For a reason
I don't know why
I know that you are
The coffee of my life...
You're the one thing that  I'm so **** addicted to....
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I'm laying in the snow
Not feeling anything
The cold doesn't bother me,
'Cause it have already
Gotten through my bones...

A lonely snowflake falls on my cheek,
Softly it touches
But I don't feel it...
Thereafter it slowly melts
And runs down my cheek
Just like all the tears
Which I've cried
A thousand of...

My footprints in the snow
Is soon covered by flakes
I think to myself
That you would surely
Have liked
To see this...

This white landscape
That's softly shining
And I'm smiling,
But only for a moment.
Before I remember
That you never got the chance....

The frost bites my nose,
But for the time being
I am a half-sociopathic soul
And therefore
I don't sense it...

'Cause I don't know
How I'm gonna make it through
The day
Which the clock
Soon will great...

The last day, the last hour
Before you'll be brought
To your final resting place,
But right now, I don't want to think,
Don't want to feel, don't want to sense
The chain of sorrow,
Which is slowly pulling me down...

I just wanna lay here in the snow
Before I'll go
Inside to put the last red roses
On your coffin...
English translation of my danish poem "En Afsked"
Since it's a translation, it might not sound as poetic as the original version does...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
If you begin a game
Then you better make a plan
After which rules
it is that you play

Don't hope for the Prize
And don't expect to win
Just enjoy the game
And enjoy the company
This way you won't be hurt
When another player wins

So roll the dice
And let the game begin
Take a chance
And wait and see
What the result
Of this game will be...
The games we play in life...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
There is nothing left of you
I can see it in your eyes
Every single time
It's a fact I can't denie
The person who I thought I knew
He is gone, he died
Now you're just a stranger
Walking around with his eyes...

I lose my ground
When we're standing face to face
'Cause the person who I thought I saw
Is no longer living
He's buried in my memories
So deep that it can't be counted in feet
And I'll keep burying the memories
Until they aren't hurting me...

The boy I meet had the key
To unlock all the love trapped in me
But then you left me in pieces
Now I'm burning all the bridges
But I can't stop the tears I cry
When I think about that guy...

I got burned,
But I learned,
Now I see
That you were never real
I see nothing in your eyes
And the more I see, the less I like...

This should have been over soon
But you keep pouring salt into the wound
Every time that you come around
The pain, it blooms
The boy I loved, he died
Now I'm asking myself, Why
I'm wasting time on this unknown guy
Who only knows how to make me cry...

The hardest ones to love
Is the ones that need it the most
I'll have to remember to tell this
To the next person that I will love
'Cause I am a person
With a thousand old scars on my soul
And some of these wounds
Have just been reopened...

Could have tried to let me be
Now will you please just set me free?
So that I
Can stop hurting
Because of the memory
Which you have buried
Deep inside of me...

Though I burn another page
And though that I look the other way
Then there's still scars left on me
Why couldn't you just let me be?
I guess it's no use
Since I'm born to lose
I'm ******* up every little thing
Which I ever tried to do...

All the lies have made me colder
And the passing days have made me older
Sometimes I don't want to see your face
'Cause I can't look at you the same
The friend who died, is still on my mind
But I try to delete him, all of the time...

Don't know who you are
Don't know who you were
I don't really care
I just want to stop shedding tears
Over the guy who died
Or was he even alive?
So please leave me alone
I want the memory to be gone...

The boy I meet had the key
To unlock all the love trapped in me
But then you left me in pieces
Now I'm burning all the bridges
The person who I thought I knew
He is gone, he died
Now you're just a stranger
Walking around with his eyes...
I want to move on with my life...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
I used to make jokes about
That the guy,
Who I have only known
For a few months
Could be the one
Who I could end up
Loving more
Than the guy,
Who I have known
For almost
Four years...

I never thought
That the joke
Would become
I wish this wasn't true...
Echoes Of A Mind Jan 2017
Darkness was in the tunes
Which the little bird sang
Ignorance, broken hearts, despair and pain
Was all stories which the little bird
Tried to explain
But the stories stayed unheard
Because of a hunter and his aim
He shot down the little bird
And in it's heart
The stories were hidden away
Just something random I wrote the other day
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
The lock on my heart
Have begun to rust
It's not looking healthy
But open it
I can not...

It have been there for ages
Since I was small
And nothing can be done
To make it disappear
It makes sure that nobody
Can take my heart away...

The lock keeps me
From falling in love
And even though
That I've gotten old
I still want
To keep it on...

It protects me
From getting hurt
And neither have I ever
A heartbreak...

So I'm living
A life out love
But you know what
I think that's an affordable price
Since you will never
See me cry...

The lock on my heart
Once had a key
But it got lost
And ended up
Somewhere far away...

The lock on my heart
Is not a burden
But sometimes I see couples
And wonder 'bout
What they are feeling
When they are together...

The lost key
Will never be found
The rusty lock will **** me
Before anyone will manage
To open up
The lock on my heart...
There's nothing as a heart made out of just that people have locked their hearts away and sometimes that lock can't be opened again...
Echoes Of A Mind Apr 2016
Broken dreams
Broken dreams
On this empty street
Or not that empty
After all
A person is walking
All alone

The dim light
The dim light
Form at street lamp
Brightens up the night
The lonely soul's shadow
Is walking beside

Another one
Another one
Another broken dream
Comes to the street
But the lonely heart
Still keeps beating
Through the rain
That's falling

Where to go
Where to go
The lonely mind
It doesn't know
But the body moves
And continues to go
The lonely heart
Seeks for a home

Lives freely
On the empty street
Maybe it's not that empty at all
It becomes more lively
Every time
The lonely soul falls

Pain and tears
Pain and tears
Keeps living in the lonely heart
Through the years
Creating a cold dark web
Of fears
That keeps the broken soul
From mending

Medicin and therapy
Medicin and therapy
Can't fix the scars
Created by life
Breathing is hard
But the lonely continues to fight
Hoping for a day
When they'll find a person
That can open their eyes
Make them understand
That they're not alone....
Again I'm a little inspired by Green Day- "Boulevard of broken dreams"
Written: 28. April Published: 29. April
Echoes Of A Mind Jan 2017
She looked into the mirror
  But saw nothing but tears
How strange, she thought...
*  That this emptiness feels.
Echoes Of A Mind Apr 2016
I miss the laughing
I miss the talking
I miss the feelings
Which you woke in me...

I miss making memories
I miss the funny episodes
I miss hearing you talk
About all the things you love...

I keep trying to fool myself
That the one I miss
It isn't you
But no matter what my head says
Then my heart refuses to listen...

I miss your smile
I miss all the stupid things we used to do
I miss the time when I didn't cry
I miss just being with you....

I miss you being my weakness
I miss smiling like I used to
I miss when my worst sides
Comes out because of you...

My head tells me to move on
It tells me you aren't wroth it
But my heart disagrees
And it still won't listen...

I miss wondering about
How you even feel
I miss wanting to touch
I miss feeling surreal...

I miss the mess I became
When you used to be near
I miss the days out hate
When everything was unclear...

I miss not having to fool myself
Each and every day
Telling myself that my feelings
Was never even real...

I miss not having to force myself
To believe
That it's the other guy
Who I love
I hate the fact that I trick myself
To believe
That the one I miss
It isn't you...

I miss all the small things
I miss when your words sounded true
There's only this one thing I miss
And that is
Just having one of those days where I'm being honest for once....
Echoes Of A Mind Nov 2014
A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

It fly over the town
and under the bridge.
Over the stars it flies.
To the moon, it have been.

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

From a dream it was born.
From a dream of a dying child.
It makes no sound.
It can't be seen.
It just flies...
Just flies in the night.

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.

It flies in children's dreams...
'Cause it's looking.....
Looking for the dream it was born from.
But I know...
Know that it never will find it.
'Cause the child is dead,
and the child was Me...

A purple butterfly
in the dark night sky.
This is my first poem which I wrote i 7th grade.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Once worried sick
I went home from school
But then at home
I got enough
I packed a bag
And took the train
I had an hour
Before it would be too late
To catch up and have a talk
But the efforts was wasted
And I got hurt

I wrote in anger
I made even threats
That's a fact
I can't change what I did
While I was sitting the hour on my Way back with the train
My anger dissapeared,
But I forgot
To take down the thrash,
which I had written
Echoes Of A Mind Dec 2015
I see the yellow brick road
Right infront of me,
I dont know where it ends
And I don't know where it leads,
One foot infront of the other,
But alwas a step behind,
I walk down the yellow road,
But forgot to read the sign.

If i had
What then?
Would I still walk the path,
Keep going 'till the end?
Or would I turn around,
And slowly walk back home,
Or would i face the the trouble,
To find a place where I belong?
Just impro writing- might work more on it later
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
They pretend
That they don't see
What's going on...

They pretend
That there's no bully
And that the girl

She did just fall...

They pretend
That there's no cuts
On her wrists...

They pretend
That she isn't crying
Or feeling alone...

They  pretend
That there was nothing
Which they could have done

To change what happened...

They pretend
That it wasn't their ignorance
Which killed her

In the end...

These pretenders
Keeps lying
To themselves

*It's time to wake up
Stop to pretend...
Anti-bully poem
The watcher is worse than the bully since he holds the power to stop it...
Echoes Of A Mind Feb 2016
This is my grandfather
Or rather
It's his grave
You see
there's just the thing
that he and I never meet

He died before I was born
He didn't even meet his grandson
none of the grandchildren
did he meet
tho' he had always whished for it

So this cold stone
which is covered by grass
is the only kind of grandfather
which I ever had...
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
It's holiday
Now I can heal the wounds
Which you gave me
Not so long ago

I won't have any tears
Hiding behind my eyes
Just because of the reason
That I saw you pass by

I won't have this awful feeling
Of something heavy
Stepping on my chest
Who knows
Maybe I'll finally be able
To get some rest

The fact that I
Don't have to see you
Means that I can start to forget
And reset myself
Back to before we even meet

But don't begin to think
That I hate you
I'm just hurt
And hurt feelings
Are hard to show in a positive way

But the fact that I am
Angry, bitter and sad
Is only a confirmation
Of how much
You actually means
To me
Or else
I wouldn't even care
To waste all this energy
On those feelings...
Holidays... This will either be a struggle to get through the days or a struggle to put everything behind me and start over...
Echoes Of A Mind Apr 2016
Stay strong
Take 10 deep breaths
And if it doesn't work
Then try with some beer...

Don't run
Even though you wan't to
Don't cry
While he's there...

Stay strong
Take a deep breath
There's only half an hour
Before he'll be here...

Don't run
It won't help after all
Don't cry
Your make-up will smear...

Stay strong
I know he's standing right there
Just look away
Imaginate him just being air...

Don't run
Don't give up now
Face it headstrong
Then cry when you get home...

Stay strong
Just hold everything in
And when you sit in the train
Just let the tears fall...

Stay still
But don't be frozen
When you get home
Cry behind your curtains...

Stay strong
Think happy thoughts
And act happy
Act like you aren't crushed...

Don't run
Face it head on
Smile and hide
That inside you cry...
My mind after 11:00 A.m. on Tuesdays and around 02:00 P.m on Thursdays....
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Wandering alone on a dark street
Not knowing where I am
My phone ran out of battery
Now I can't even use "Maps"
It's too dark to see
The signs on the houses
Copenhagen in a nutshell
I'm not surprised...

A stranger walks over towards me
With his eyes fastened on me
In my head panic rises
A thought screaming
******!, ******!
**** paranoia!
Calmly he asks me
Do you know where I am?
He was just a lost boy like I...

We discover
That we both are looking
For the same building
So we walk together
While we keep talking
Just like me
This guy doesn't know
Copenhagen that well
But we found the college
And said our farvel...

It's funny how two heads
Can be better than one
Since none of us
Would have found the college
On our own
But two heads only works
As long as it isn't about feelings
Because then everything
Becomes a mess...

Since there's no one
Who always
Will be feeling the same
As you
And there's no safty
That you and he
Will make peace
After having argued
But that is how
Life's supposed to be...

So this stranger and I
Only managed to function
As a team
Since we were working
On an assignment
Two lost boys
Looking for the college
And then we both know
That we won't meet again...
Just a random poem...
Echoes Of A Mind Jan 2016
My heart keeps calling
it keeps calling on you,
but you never hear it
Heh, why should you?

My heart begins to slam
its hands against the wall
which is my chest
'cause without you
My heart refuse to rest.

My hearts it bleeds for you
and it hurts a lot too,
but I know that your heart
it wont be moved
cause you don't need me,
do you?

I often think about you
knowing you won't
think about me too
I miss you all the time
while you're feeling fine
I see you in my dreams
while you're seeing
somebody else.

I keep looking down
at the foyer of our school
hoping that you'll pass by
so I can catch a glimpse of you
with my eyes
but you never show up,
why would you?
It's holidays after all...

No one really needs me
Not even you.
I just keep thinking
Keep thinking about you,
but i know
that you'll never feel about me
as i do about you.
Echoes Of A Mind Feb 2016
Hip Horray, it's Valentinesday
so you can find me in my room all day
locked up with bottles of ***** and beer
not going out since I know what awaits me out there

Couples walking hand in hand
Both with empty wallets, mostly the man's
whose reward will await him later tonight
If his girl decides that it's only right
to give him something, which he surely will like....

Anyway I don't really care
since I'm busy drinking ***** and beer
I'll probably be sleeping soon
and if i'm lucky then
I won't wake up before noon.
Hopefully this Valentinesday
will be over soon
Echoes Of A Mind Aug 2015
The days just pass by
and the calender
where the pages are beeing pulled off
One after another
Only missing the "He loves me, he loves me not"
Then it could have been a flower.

'Cause some days he messages me
Some days he doesn't
I just keep waiting
For that single message
which now and then makes my day.
Written on phone XD
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