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In a world where strangers roam and strangers dwell
In a land of mystery, where stories do tell
Of encounters with those we do not know
How can we navigate, how can we grow

The stranger, a figure of unknown grace
In their eyes, we see a different face
They come from far and they come from near
Bringing with them all that we fear

But fear not, for there is a way
To deal with strangers, come what may
First, let us begin with a kind and open heart
For it is here that all relationships start

Approach with a smile, with warmth and with care
For kindness is a language that all can share
Speak softly, listen closely, show respect
For in doing so, you will gain their effect

Be curious, ask questions, seek to learn
For knowledge is power, and wisdom you will earn
Discover their story, their hopes and their dreams
For in understanding, all is not as it seems

Embrace their differences, their culture, their ways
For diversity is beauty, in a world ablaze
With hatred and fear, let us be the light
That shines bright in the darkest night

But also, be cautious, be wise and be wary
For not all strangers are honest and airy
Trust your instincts, your gut, your intuition
For protection is key in any situation

Set boundaries, be firm, do not be swayed
For your safety and well-being should never be weighed
Against the need to please, to be liked, to be kind
For in protecting yourself, peace of mind you will find

And if ever you find yourself in a bind
With a stranger who is unkind
Do not hesitate, do not delay
To seek help, to walk away

For there is strength in knowing when to let go
When to say no, when to say so
To protect yourself, your heart, your soul
From harm, from danger, from a stranger's hold

In the end, remember this, my friend
That dealing with strangers is not the end
But the beginning of a journey, a path
Of growth, of learning, of overcoming wrath

For in every stranger, there lies a story
A lesson, a message, a chance for glory
To connect, to empathize, to understand
To walk hand in hand, in a foreign land

So fear not the stranger, embrace them instead
For in doing so, you will be led
To a world of wonder, of magic, of grace
Where strangers are friends, in every face

And in dealing with strangers, you will find
A deeper understanding of all humankind
For we are all strangers in this vast universe
Searching for connection, for love, for peace.
"The reality breaks your expectations"
Rachel 7d
So are we strangers now?
As you don't miss me anymore,
And tell her she is all you need.
As you don't want me anymore,
And love her the way you never loved me.
Said I was sorry,
Still you made a fool out of me.
So are we strangers now?
Yes we better be!
I love you more than I hate you
Malia 7d
I long to see me
As you do,
Entirely foreign and
Mundanely beautiful.
I wish to trace
The curves of my lettering,
Attempting to decode
A message I have already
I have already unraveled
All of my mysteries but you
Still startle at each creak
Of the floor, each squeak
Of the door.
That elsewise wonder
Is only reserved for

adj. struck by the poignant strangeness of other people's homes, which smell and feel so different than your own—seeing the details of their private living space, noticing their little daily rituals, the way they've arranged their things, the framed photos of people you'll never know.
Heavy Hearted Sep 24
It seems that I have now become
Part of the cyber crowd,
The digital Audience, now a member
we read the words aloud.

I guess it's sort of flattering
To be considered, just,
Groups consist of individuals-
Statutes, bits of dust.

What signifies the differences
Like similie's as metaphor?
Weak wavering words, written wickedly  
Alliterate yet metaphorically abhorre

well, now knowing it's your birthday
Suprise's Celebration for
In 39 years, will you live it out?
From ***** to **** to *****

For Jason John Valhayes- wrote this this morning in the AM  before Facebook informed me it's actually your BIRTHDAY today too ***? There's my psychic ability acting up again how absolutely queeeeeeeeeeer of me!
Uzziah Ruffin Sep 12
A portion of the wall, concealed deceitfully,
A portrait framed, superficially free,
Yet its distance from truth, painfully clear to see.

A painted smile, deceivingly grand,
But the cracks in the facade, I failed to understand,
A puppeteer's trick, I was caught in his hand.

Beneath the illusion, hidden in the shade,
Chains of despair, with scars never fade,
Unable to voice the anguish, in silence I stayed.

The colors of the photo, a deceptive hue,
Gray like the lies, only tears stay true,
A facade that crumbles, revealing the blue.

A picture of a dream, forever unreal,
A happy family, love he can't truly feel,
On the wall, a tragedy concealed.

In that portrait, lies a departed soul,
A family fractured, the lies uroll,
A better version, I yearn to console.
i have been with you
                      a long time in my head

you are near
                       my mind is clear
Your look is assurance

i sense your gaze
i am old enough
                to not be careless
i fall back into place
i must hit the road
                to play ignorance

You are good
You are good
(eye to eye)

inner susurration:
i would trouble your path
 i would turbid your reason

                         You were forward to notice
                          the best possible situation

more than couple but not lovers
The kindest
Man Jul 9
Be the recluse,
Be the hermit,
And make your assessments of others
Based on short and fleeting interaction,
Drenched in the sweat of "purpose" & "agenda,"
And be met with statements
Which really convey nothing and rarely
Encapsulate honest thought in brevity
But are said only to end the conversation.
Close knit,
The threads choke,
Living your turtleneck life.
No collar to be turned up,
The cotton already hugs your throat;
Nothing to end abrupt,
That which never saw its start.
Those who talk
Simply to hear themselves,
Do they have anything to say?
Those with the blinders on,
They never see the entrance ramp
Neither the turn-offs
Till it's too late.
As with friends too many, but never enough;
Strangers are plenty, yet scarce is friendship
Vickiazaira Jun 29
Kita memang bagai dua pendatang,  
Belum pernah bertemu, hanya dalam bayang,  
Aku mencoba mengurai segala rasa yang tertinggal,  
Walau mungkin pesan ini tak pernah sampai ke ruang hatimu yang menghilang.

Kisah ini bermula dari obrolan sederhana,  
Bergulir pelan, hingga jadi cerita yang tak terduga,
Beralih ke percakapan yang tak pernah ada reda,
Obrolan panjang, enam jam tiada jeda.

Seiring waktu, rasa itu bertumbuh,  
Aku melihat dirimu sebagai sosok yang merengkuh,  
Membuatku merasa aman dalam peluk cerita,  
Tapi, ah, salahku menaruh harapan pada sosok yang fana.

Kamu seorang asing, namun memberi sinyal ganda,  
Terkadang dingin, namun datang lagi membawa asa,  
Menghilang, datang lagi, hatiku tak karuan,  
Seperti naik turun dalam perjalanan yang tak terarah.

Mencoba tenang, tak berharap banyak,  
Tapi perhatianmu muncul lagi, buatku lemah,  
Aku tak bisa menebak, apa maumu sebenarnya,  
Aku melihatmu sebagai pria, bisa lihat aku sebagai wanita?

Bukan aku yang kamu tuju,
Bukan aku yang jadi rindumu,  
Namun terukir sudah warna dalam singkat waktu,
Dalam kesendirian, aku tetap kokoh dalam ruang waktu.

Kamu yang penuh dewasa, tawa yang menawan,  
Batasanmu, pendapatmu, semuanya berkesan,  
Aku tetap merindu meski sering sendirian,  
Mungkin kamu, si asing, adalah pelajaran dalam setiap perjalanan.
Sudah 1 tahun lebih lamanya tidak menulis. So, enjoy! hanya sebuah tulisan yang sedang terpikirkan✌🏻
Àŧùl Apr 8
Tell me your likes,
But emphasize on your dislikes.
I want to impress you,
But more than that,
I want to conform with your desires.
Also, tell me what you like about me,
And while pointing at my greys, just feel free.

We're strangers with a great potential,
Don't procrastinate much,
And just let yourself come closer to me,
I'll protect you, and I'll kindle you,
Dear, you I'll encourage,
I'll also facilitate your success,
Not because I seek credit, but because I love you.

There's an age gap between us,
But it's still less than a decade,
I know you are young and ambitious,
Don't fear me, you I will nurture,
And don’t worry, please remember,
I'll never obstruct your career,
You have told me your aspirations.

You still have half-a-decade,
And I can advise you, dear,
You I can suggest strategies,
You're going to be a teacher,
And I know that you aim higher,
I refer to that dream of yours,
Through you, I can live my dreams.

We're made for each other,
In you, I see a young but mature lady,
I can read faces, like I did that day,
Yes, I'll always read how much it'll bother,
If you're sensitive, so am I,
I know that you like me,
You should accept my care.

You are close to your grandpa,
I don't say that I can love you like him,
Or even your parents, dear,
But my mother will be gratified,
And so will be my father,
You'll receive a similar care like your home,
And my romance, it will be your bonus.

This is a love letter filled with deep promises,
I'll let you follow your heart,
And try to keep you close,
Or rather I'll be there like an umbrella,
Shielding you from the torrential shower,
Let me bear the responsibility,
Just trust me once and be my wife,
I'll shield both you and our child,
From the necessary evils of modern life,
And also the unwanted stares of the society.

Your acceptance of my love will be my gratification,
Eventually, even you will love me,
I know that I hurt you,
But I did so to let you know what hurt me,
You're jealous about my other friends,
So am I, buddy, so am I about yours,
Relax, just relax and embrace me.
My HP Poem #1963
©Atul Kaushal
Zywa Mar 28
He is also there,

listlessly looking away --

we mumble hello.
Novel "De opdracht" ("The Mission", 1995, Wessel te Gussinklo), chapter (1-) 3

Collection "Truder"
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