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If you wish to **** in the wind, you might want to close your mouth.
Book of Murphy chapter 16:03
If thou wanders the world with the wrong philosopher,
thou might fall off the edge.
Book of Murphy chapter 13:08
You never know who's wrong and right. **** flat earthers.
Zywa Jul 1
There is no wisdom

in the East, no, everywhere --

people are foolish.
Novel "The Enchantress of Florence" (2008, Salman Rushdie), part 3, chapter 18

Collection "Low gear"
If thou is going to make friends with the cannibals bring seasoning to trade.
Book of Murphy chapter 13: 05
Only the paranoid will rule the underdark within their little bunkers and the wise will stay within the sun's light.
Book of Murphy chapter 13:04
Stay in the light.
Well that was awkward
and uncalled for.
Book of Murphy's laws chapter 13:01
The Scribe shouldn't write down everything.
Murphy's law shelby are shepherd,
we shall not tempt,
for to tempt is stupidity and irony.
Book of Murphy's Laws chapter 13:13
For the stupid people out there LOL
Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
I can be the villain that you need me to be
If that's what it takes for you to once again truly be happy
Then that's what's important to me, that's what I want to see
If I can't be that for you then I've failed miserably...

Oh the stupidity

I can play the bad guy, that comes pretty easy
To think love would find me, that in itself was awfully silly
I don't even have the love from my own friggin' family
...apparently no thanks to me...
But to bring you to the reality that it's time to leave me...
...that came all too naturally

Oh the humanity

GaryFairy Jul 2022
The dumbest person in the world thinks they are the smartest person in the world.
When words hurt, stop speaking that language.
Zywa Jul 2022
Do you also make

the mistake of going on --

with what you can't do?
Chase a dream
Sunk costs fallacy

"Hoog en laag springen - Faxen aan Ger #4" ("Like it or not - Faxing Ger #4", 2021, Nicolien Mizee)

Collection "Out of place"
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