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Jon Sawyer Jul 10
You won't get to where you're going,
if you don't actually go.
2024-07-10 - Action requires action.
Bowedbranches Apr 20
Is an illusion
Science shows us
Life is constantly
In flux

Cant keep waiting
On a certain moment, event,
Or epiphany
To button up our suffering
In a neat little package

We've hung on to this hope of
Only "AFTER" is when I'll be healed
Enduring days won't be devastating
And suddenly I'll be this beacon
Of strength, I'll be able to endure anything

In truth,
Grief's a heartache
That never really goes away
The brain starts to play
With what's "fact"and whats "fake"

If this is the way
Then where am I going?
Ken Pepiton Jun 25
Excuses interupt a selfish impression.
Confessed heretic.
Professionally facing ghastly willpower,
initialized inculcated faith
to spark self will,

meditate that.

Well, now, old man
in a whole new economy, abusing
traditional terms of polite exchange, such
suffer less under tyrannies
of knowledge, closely held.

A republic, a public mind form used to regulate a we,
in grown up agreeableness to disagree with the idea
that kings and other divined leaders lead servants,
to follow, with due respect to the laws, any may read,
but those too given to comfortable versions, may watch

yes, see another, as one so familiar, I know
that character, yes, the idea so represented in minds
ready with full tank of recent conversation, defining
finity with ifity thanks begiven, definite fun allude allusive

slip into a textually correct fantacyzysy we make up,
as a painter paints a textured swath of inky wishery,
calligraphic hexable ideographs splash and swirl with
intensifying suction through a we tiny orifice
in interesting times.

For instance, what the Dicken's.
Was polite what the… Euphilitin.

I find the phrase less likely to envoke preprogrammed reactions.
*** and FTA ok,
There are minds, so broken, the makers of them, never reuse
the idea that formed the need to put on a certain kind's mind.
A torq around a loyal protoeuro menial's neck, that idea,

role play deluded ludicrous fun items famous for failure.
Dare dance a taker's chance, fun items insert a wicked twist,

and existence forms a thought, out of mind, an impossible but
none the less, possibly a fleeting maybeso, Nietsche and Jeffers,
sitting on my front porch, smile and admit they never saw it so.
A piece in another slog through philosophy of religions proven false by increasing knowledge resulting from magical mechanical servants of minds.
Zywa May 2023
The people here
are not quite grown up
They live past inconveniences

So I'm gonna settle it
Like a parent for their own good
Comment is all in the game

I don't mind, we have to move on
Who does not act, is manipulated
and my own preferences
don't appear out of the blue
I have experience

I chip and wipe away the chips
I am a doer, a maker
No expensive gestures
no desperate remedies
to reassure desperate patients

I know what I'm doing, there are goals
to achieve and worlds to win
with ambition

the seed of my misdeeds
my taunted pride
to want to achieve something
Evill Intent: Misdeed (out of pride, subordinating fellow human beings "for their own good" to an interest that has your preference)

About pride: poem "Evil Eye" (see May 18th)

Collection "Mastress"
Zywa Feb 2023
It's always the same:

there must be a better way --

So, should I do it?
Collection "From Sacred Scriptures [1]"
Odd Odyssey Poet Aug 2022
Scornful words; as a resting tongue reliant on lies.
Bitter sweet intentions, intentive of it being intentionally
sound. I'll be loud, overly of being too proud when
humbleness isn't found.

The wise know when to hold tongue, not being boastful
of knowledge's gain. They do not entertain the rantings of
fools. Those so few—do not conform to a standard of pitiful
stance. But instead stand out, as ones of content in their
struggles. As with feet with scars, but unafraid to dance.

So trade off those scornful words, but instead let be
encouragement, lest scorn. An encouraging poem.
                    Share your encouragement in action,
                    as much as you share them in words.
Zywa Jun 2022
Friends have the power

of repeating together --

what they are good at.
"Beter niet" ("Better not", 2019, Marcel van Roosmalen)

Collection "Em Brace"
Zywa May 2022
What I would do, I

must, and hope, want, shall, can, may --

begin to do now.
Collection "Mastress"
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