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Jeremy Betts Jul 18
Every now and then,
I'm hit with raw, overwhelming emotions
Doesn't matter when,
Feelings brought in are habitual horse Trojans
That's just how it's been,
Recklessly driving these knee-**** reactions
And here I am, once again,
Arriving on the scene of irrational explosions
No one but me noticin',
I'm left to bleed out anytime my heart opens
Dark thoughts start creepin' in,
The next door to close might be the stage curtains

Jeremy Betts Mar 29
Laying motionless on a riverbed,
Drowning at rock bottom constantly
I hate to admit it but
That's where you'll most commonly find me
No landmarks, no marked miles,
Got lost on the back roads to recovery
I finally pulled out of this nosedive of false certainty
Just to expectedly fall back into the same trajectory
Distractions follow closely,
Waiting to complicate the wrong actions I already make consistently
That's a disastrous recipe
That's what has made my present day a fraction of what I think it oughta be
This has to be far more than what I have coming to me
Like what I've repaid triggers karma's selective memory

There is an opposite, to everything,
In life this time, moments, you will make,
Mistakes, decisions in your mind,
Other days you will glow so bright,
Everything you touch or do, will,
Turn out right, be honest with yourself,
So much time can be wasted,
Trying to chase dreams, your soul and spirit,
Will let you know, they will never be in your sights.
I treat everyone the same, honest words, no games,
Life is to short, all the people, since the first two,
Adam & Eve, we each are equal to one drop of water,
In the largest sea, or one grain of sand on the beach,
You see, your words, stories, and made up excuses,
Are not as important as your actions every day.
Think of someone you loved that has passed away,
You do not picture, clothes, cars, or any other,
Material thing, You feel the energy, they shared,
And gave, while taking time from their short life,
Through actions, showing you, they truly cared.

                                               The Original Tom Maxwell  © 7/26/23 AD
Glazel Salundro May 2023
And if hope has no ears,
why did it hear the whispers of my heart?
If it does not have eyes,
why did it see its desires?
If it doesn’t know how to feel,
why did it feel the need to change?
To change the world that grinds down the poor and the marginalized. And if hope has no voice,
why did it urge the call for action?
We often judge others, by what they do, and say,
Gossip about someone spreads like a sunlight ray,
You know when others, like and agree, with you,
Many say nothing, no recognition, or praise,
We should take time to examine ourselves,
Our life, words, and actions are the very same way.
Small things we do on any day, if we accept,
Keep and practice, they become a habit, every day,
The earth is our stage, we are the actors, today,
Like those before, our part will be eliminated,
As will our character, in this current life’s play,
Where next, practice positive now, learn to pray.

The Original: Tom Maxwell© 4/6/2022 AD
12:00 pm
Deep Jan 2022
This existence is merely a shadow
Your actions imitating someone's plan,
The ideas you cherish are the discarded items
And everything around you is a sham,

So, detach yourself from this world
And saunter like a black panther
In search of meaning,
Only to find it beside a river
One evening,

I'm neither a sage nor a pundit
But a sheep,
Well, let's forget all this wisdomry
And try to sleep.
A big part of who we are,
A major ingredient of our life,
Without, ideas, we would always be the same,
Something needs to be adjusted, in our life
Only ideas, with plans, and the right resources,
Can create, positive change, we never know,
The value of our ideas, until we release them,
Take action, play with them, like a game,
As we examine a situation, with an
Attitude, to rearrange.

                                                               The Original: Tom Maxwell ©
                                                               10/21/2021 AD 4:20 am
I had an idea, wrote about it..
Big Virge Sep 2021
Now This Poem Is Steered...
Towards The Crazy Things...
That We See And Hear... !!!
From Women And Fellas...
Who Are Changing Their Genders...
To The Type Whose Agendas...
Prove That They're Pretenders...
When It Comes To... ***...
And Who They Like To Bed... !!!
I’ve Said It Before...
And I’ll Say It Again...
It Doesn't Seem Pure...
To Be Wanting Children...  
If SAME *** Movements...
Are What You Choose...
To Now DEFINE YOU... ?!?
Cos It’s Just CRAZY To Me... ?!?
That It’s A NATURAL Thing...
To... Claim To Want Kids...
If You Are A Man...
Who Likes To **** *****... ?!?
Or If You’re A Woman...
Who Loves LICKING *****... ?!?
Now To Me That’s... CRAZY... ?!?
But It’s What We Now See...
From Those In The Movies...
To Those We Now See...
On Our Flatscreen TV's  ... !!!
So These People CLEARLY...
Have ALWAYS Been Part of TV Teams...
That Work … BEHIND The Scenes... !!!
It Seems... LITERALLY... !!!
That’s Just A JOKE OKAY...
So Don’t Get Bent Out of Shape... !!!
Cos’ There Are CRAZY THINGS...
That Live In... DIFFERENT Skins... !!!
Like Men Who’ve Been Jailed...
Due To Charges of ****... !!!
Who Then MARRY The Chick...
Who ACCUSED THEM of It... !?!?!
Once They've Served Their Time...
For A SERIOUS Crime...
That They DIDN'T Commit... ?!?
And That’s A... REAL Thing...
Because I’ve Met A Man Who DID... !!!
Now Does That Seem Right... ?
Or Is That Just... CRAZY...

To MARRY... A Lady... ?!?
Who CHANGED Your Life...
Because of Telling LIES... ?!?
There Are TOO MANY Crimes...
To Now Write Within Rhymes... !!!
But Here Are … One Or Two...
That Prove That CRAZY MOVES...
Are Pulled By Youngsters Too... !!!
I’ve Recently Seen...
A Girl of... Nineteen...
Treat Her Own MOTHER... !?!
Like Some Kind of Lover...
Who'd Abused Her Trust...
So Then Figured She’d Shut...
And Then LOCK OUT Her Mom...
From Their Shared Apartment...
On Her Work Vacation In The Caribbean... ?!?
Because of... IGNORANCE... !!!
And Her Temper That Runs...
Within Her Like The ***...
That Bajans’ Drink For Fun... !!!
A Vision That STUNNED...
And Left Me Rather SHOCKED... !!!
To See That One SO YOUNG...
Could Act Like Who She Was...
Was GREATER Than The Lady...
Who Raised Her From A Baby... ?!?
To Me That’s JUST CRAZY... !?!
Because... To Put It PLAINLY...
If I’d EVER Shown...
... Such DISRESPECT... !!!
To One of My Parents...
Back In The Days...
When I Was Teenaged...
You’d NEVER of Read...
ANY Big Virge Poems... !!!!!!!!!
Because I’d Be DEAD... !!!
Due To The Punishment...
That Would of Knocked Some SENSE...  
... UPSIDE of My Head... !!!
Because Those Were The Days...
Where Disciplines REIGNED...
That Are Seen Today...
As... ABUSIVE Traits... !!!
Systems WON’T TOLERATE... !!!  
The Things That We See And Hear NOWADAYS...
Like Hearing These CLAIMS...
That... Black Lives Matter... !!!
When It’s CLEAR That Some ARABS...
STILL SEE Blacks As... SLAVES... !!!
Any... Arab Babe...
Who Picks Some Dark Skin...
To... Truly Bind With...
Because They CLAIM...
Or The Word... “ HARAM “...
To Be Linking UP With...  
Any Man Whose Skin's DARK... !!!  
SLAVES Shouldn’t Be...
Part of Family Trees...
That Some Arabs See...
As Needing PURITY... !!!
Which Is TRULY CRAZY... ?!?
Cos’ When It Comes To DARK Breeds...
Their Philosophies Seem...
To Resemble... NAZIS... !?!
While Supremacist Teams...
See THEIR People As Weak... !!!
And EXTREMISTS They Deem...
To Be Those UNWORTHY...
of Seeing... UNITY...
When It Comes To White Crews...
of Supremacists... Who...
Even In This NEW Age... ?!?
Where Black Lives Now MATTER...
Well... “ APPARENTLY “... ?!?
Which Is CLEARLY CRAZY... !?!
When You See How Police...
Treat Black People In Streets... !?!
That Are TRULY CRAZY... ?!?
Clearly Rule What We Deem...
To Be Our Human Breed...
Like The CLAIM That We're FREE...
To Air Our Views FREELY... !!!
UNLESS You Air Views...
That OFFEND Certain Groups...
Like The... LGBT... !!!
As Well As The Queers...
Who’ve Now Made It CLEAR...
That They Now EXPECT...
To Get Some RESPECT... !!!
For... WHO They Are... !!!
Or You’ll Face Being Charged...
With Crimes Now Designed...
To Keep Thinking IN LINE... !!!!!
With New Age Policies... !!!
Which We All Can Now See...
May Be Somewhat Off Key... !?!
When Opinions Can't Be...
Part of... SOCIETIES... ?!?
Or New Media Feeds... !?!
Which Is Why I Believe...
That A BACKLASH Is Coming......
Due To Things Being Steered...
Towards What's … Corruptive... !!!
That’s Stirring Up Things...
That May Well Prove To STING... !!!
Due To Falling Victim...
of Simply... OFFENDING... !?!
And The Things That We’ve Heard...
And Now Seen... APPEAR...
“ The CRAZY Things That  
     We See And Hear ! “
We really do see some strange things in each other !
GQ James Sep 2021
I get silent instead of getting loud,
No screams or anger in the space,
You stay out my space,
I stay out of your space,
No invasion of space.

Listen to my words,
Follow the language i speak to you,
My language is deeper than words,
Pay attention to my actions,
Follow my lead.

Stop making up sh*t in your head,
Listening could go a long way,
Don't judge me but get to know me,
You can't know me,
If you're always trying to judge me.
Your actions
Are like a bold pen.
Never erasable.
Always visible.
think about that before you do something you can never take back
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