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George Krokos May 2017
Man acts like a parasite on the surface of the earth
and eats away at the life of the planet since his birth.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos May 2017
If you go or if you'll stay
tomorrow is another day.
The sun will shine up in the sky
as all the clouds go rolling by.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
May 2017 · 548
A Utopian Life
George Krokos May 2017
In the springtime of our found love
blessings we had down from above
and the things that were said or done
we understood and shared as one.

With every new day that arrived
all our wishes were not deprived
for ourselves and others around
that seemed to be very profound.

It looked as if we both enjoyed
whatever good was then deployed
in that time and place of accord
where true love was also restored.

During the time that transpired
we had everything we desired
meeting needs and situations
confirming our expectations.

We also gave and got back more
than what we had ever hoped for.
Such was our life and existence
that didn't meet any resistance.

It seemed we were in paradise
where everything was very nice.
All thoughts we had of being lost
were soon forgotten without cost.
Written in 2016.
George Krokos Apr 2017
The state of real happiness is much like a supremely safe and warm nest
where no matter what happens you can always feel and live at your best.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Apr 2017
There is a brighter light than reason that shines within the mind
guiding beyond where reason cannot go or when reason is blind.
The light of reason looks at the cause and effect or action and its reaction
but the brighter light perceives the nature of things without any distraction.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Apr 2017 · 844
The Unseen Observer
George Krokos Apr 2017
You are in the world but aren't really seen
and exist there behind a hidden screen.
Whatever that is seen no matter where
can't look back knowing that You are there.

You stay hidden in Your secret place
and look out at everything in space
that is known to be forever changing
which is why it's very wide ranging.

You come and go when the time is right
and avoid being seen in one's sight;
not wishing to reveal to them who
are thereby in the body caged too.

You remain out of all the limelight
that is at times so dazzlingly bright
where other people will not see You
yet from within all You do look through.

You have assumed many an identity
which are all shadows of One Reality,
thus displaying in Your imagination
all the vast live universe and creation.

You have to return to your pristine state
when people go to sleep and aren't awake.
This follows that very well known course
of all things which go back to their source.

You keep a low profile in the background
so unwilling there to be known or found
by quietly minding Your own business
as the unseen observer Consciousness.
Written in 2016.
George Krokos Apr 2017
It is the God in me that seeks to find the same in you
so God may recognise the Oneness of being that’s true.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Apr 2017
The fabric of time and space is made up of God's imagination
an illusion we're all subject to before eventual Self-realisation.
The warp and woof of the universe is one of infinite existence
expressing itself as time, space and matter through persistence.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Apr 2017 · 784
The Helping Hand
George Krokos Apr 2017
When many things seemed to be going wrong
You just then so happened to come along
and lift me up out of my deep sorrow
thereby giving me hope for the morrow.

You also taught me about faith and trust
which in our relationship was a must;
through my self effort and Your saving grace
I yearned to reach for a much higher place.

To get back to where I had fallen from
I would first then have to undo the wrong
of some past karma done in ignorance
which was scored then by disobedience.

Like the story of the prodigal son
who returned home to his father and won
I reflected on those things said and done
at each day's end for a better outcome.

In daily meditation's quietude
I regained confidence and fortitude
for self discipline and transformation
to rise up to that higher life station.

Your helping hand was indispensable
and so very strongly responsible
in saving me then from all of that gloom
I was heading toward failing to bloom.

It would be against so many an odd
that You helped me to gain favour with God
Who was really the One Divine Being
within every person always seeing.
Writen in 2016. The actual theme goes back or refers to my early days on the path.
Apr 2017 · 555
A Bird's Eye View
George Krokos Apr 2017
Can you imagine what it would be like
to ride the wind high on a kite
attached to a string held by someone's hand
while moving around on the land?
The experience would take your breath away
and make you wonder how you could stay
forever there up in the sky
looking down with a bird's eye.
Written in 2017
George Krokos Mar 2017
I am moved to tears when I see the spontaneous goodness of a person’s heart
that at times is surely lacking in many people of the world which we’re a part.
Sounds more like a confession or admission. From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Mar 2017
Whatever goes up, in this world, must also come down
unless it defies nature's law of gravity which is renown.
For anything to rise to a certain height and then have to come down again
depends on the force that initially propels it and how high it attains to then.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Mar 2017 · 928
The Apprehended Suspect
George Krokos Mar 2017
If looks could **** there would be no need to search any further
you would then surely be accused of that first degree ******.
But since you have such a deceptive and changing illusory face
it would be very hard indeed to substantiate and prove the case.

Many would be those who would even defend and plead for you
giving all manner of testimony in saying the evidence isn’t true.
They would also state that in support of their own ignorant belief
nobody could really tell the difference to avail of any other relief.

The allegations against you though would have to be disproved
for all of the suspicions and charges to be thoroughly removed.
There would also need to be absolutely no shadow of a doubt
in respect of your presence which was at the scene thereabout.

It seems that by the evidence available you've had a good run
what some observers would thereby call a ****** lot of fun;
for such a long time now you have been getting away with it all
but you have undermined the circumstances leading to your fall.

Sooner or later it may also happen that the table is turned around
and a suspect is apprehended with the accusations that are found.
The term of 'being innocent until proven guilty' then comes into play
a sure reminder that the system of justice is gradually making its way.
For all those who get apprehended for whatever reason and guilty or not. Written in 2014.
George Krokos Mar 2017
A human being is like a flower with a hidden nectar essence of love, peace, bliss and wisdom inside
but takes the bee of strong determination to draw out or manifest it in one’s life and naturally abide.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Mar 2017
It certainly does matter a great deal whatever we all say and do
because they're the ways by which we express our thoughts too.
It's by our thoughts and ideas that we can justify our reason for being
and by translating them into action we also reveal ourselves for seeing.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Mar 2017 · 694
A Butterfly Dream
George Krokos Mar 2017
One night I dreamt I was a butterfly flying all around and carefree
but in the back of my mind thought how could this ever really be?
And so when flying around in my own solitary and carefree way
I would once in a while stop on a flower and leaf to rest and stay.

Basking there in the warm sunshine without any instinct of fear
I was also then able to spread my wings and expose all my rear.
After a few moments quietly passed I began to fly off once again
and with a sense of purpose flew on ahead in that direction then.

A sudden gust of wind lifted me up high without any effort on my part
and I was carried forward at a pace that me made wander from the start.
I fluttered my wings a little to regain my balance in that turbulent air
which made me get out of breath in my attempt and struggle out there.

The inclination that came to me next was to stop somewhere and rest
so I flew onto a flower matching those hues with which I was blest.
It didn't take long for me to recover my unique composure and poise
when I was startled therein my dream scape by a dark shadow's noise.

I moved in what practically seemed to be a continuation of the dream
and was walking around amongst some flowers growing by a stream.
Having left the old house and going through a dark hallway and door
I was following the flight of a butterfly around the meadow for sure.

My feet were not even touching the ground out there as I moved along
and I couldn't feel anything solid under them which didn't seem wrong.
I would stop for a while and take off again in pursuit of that creature
following every move it was making and so embracing every feature.

It seemed to be unusually deft in keeping itself at a distance from me
even though I tried to get closer to it so that I could myself better see.
When I eventually came to a halt there at the end of my night's dream
I had the butterfly caught in the palm of my hand so it then did seem.

I awoke and opened my eyes expecting to see right there in my hand
the butterfly I had caught somewhere flying around in a dreamy land.
Instead of that beautiful creature something more remarkable I found
a scented coloured tissue which had butterflies printed on it all around.
Written in November 2016.
George Krokos Mar 2017
When worldly human justice falls short or doesn’t prevail
Divine justice will eventually step in and recompense entail.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Mar 2017
The good captain knows that when his ship is going down
he must try to get everyone off safely before they drown.
Only at the last moment he thinks of himself if no one else is around
and his mind is then at peace knowing everybody is safe and sound.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Mar 2017
You have been barking too much
and you seem to have lost touch
with what is acceptable behavior
ignoring the example of any Savior.
The community is also sick and tired
of the noise you make that’s inspired
by the standards you wish to impose
on other people to follow your nose.
You think that when barking you don’t drivel
expecting those whom you bark at to shrivel
by the magnitude of the noise that you make
so as to impress all others for your own sake.
You’re really nothing but a mongrel after all
and don’t give a **** about others who call
often out to you to shut up and stop barking
but continue with a selfish clamor marking.
Could it be those whom you bark at are being
a threat to your own position you’re seeing?
Or is it perhaps due to the diminishing customer base
as the neighborhood is now aware of your sad case?
The time’s coming when you’ll get a kick up the ****
so the incessant dreary noise you now make will pass.
Written in 2016. Inspired by the barking of the neighborhood dogs and some experience on another website.
George Krokos Feb 2017
Something that is true can generally stand the test of time
but that which is false may amount to no less than a crime.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Feb 2017
Intelligence and love are parts of a universal language
that we all communicate with because of our heritage.
They usually transcend all barriers of time and space
which in this world are common for the human race.
From "The Quatrains" ongong writings since the early '90's.
Feb 2017 · 1.6k
To Wake Up Dead?!
George Krokos Feb 2017
At times I happen to wonder what it would be like to wake up dead
and if in fact anyone could really wake up at all from such a dread.
Although there have been cases related by people of coming back
after being diagnosed physically or medically of losing life's track.
In particular those who recall going through a kind of light tunnel
or seeing certain things that resemble looking into a bright funnel.

It seems quite reasonable now therefore to assume an afterlife may exist
and that some people have been given a rare opportunity to say or insist
about what they have experienced on the other side of their earthly life
regardless of who they might be and what strange conditions were rife,
when they had that encounter with their own personal angel of death
and were for a while seen lying motionless somewhere without breath.

Out of our dream life we may also have similar experiences to relate
though it's often difficult to recall them or find the right words to state
about what one has been through or even seen after any such time
let alone have the desire or ambition to write it all down in a rhyme.
For some people it may turn out to be a shame or some kind of regret
if they just brush it aside, don't reflect on it and then try hard to forget.
Written in 2016.
George Krokos Feb 2017
When someone is on a winning streak
they don’t really consider feeling weak.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Feb 2017
When thoughts of despair and gloom crowd into your mind
know them to be only passing shadows of an illusory kind.
When clouds obscure the light of the sun, moon or stars in the sky,
they have a similar effect but if dispersed reveal light from up high.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Feb 2017 · 891
Internet Poetry
George Krokos Feb 2017
We all do try and write for a reason
and each have different things to say
at some particular time or season
we've got to express our thoughts that way.

It doesn't really matter who you are
or in what part of the world living
even if you're unknown or reside far
they're likely your words to be reading.

The 'net has brought distant people to us
who now can read what we have to say
in sharing our inner thoughts between us
together spending some time each day.

At times we do touch on the same subject
which isn't surprising there to see
for then we look forward to the prospect
of helping each other better be.

Many poems posted are badly written
so are, it seems, a few of my own
and takes lots of courage if you're smitten
when you're told or by another shown.

The world has so many problems of late
that some people out there try to fix
because a lot of them are based on hate
where both greed and lust are in the mix.

It would be wrong to ignore this fact now
which is tempered by rising anger
if they don't get what they expect somehow
that reward to offset their languor.

There are also many who suffer from
some kind of mental illness or stress
aggravated by their fear of that bomb
which if ever it's used cause a mess.

Such are the symptoms anyone can notice
when some of the poetry is read
that people have posted with their focus
on the internet by what they've said.

But this isn't mentioned here to scare you
only to highlight what one can see
and would be wrong here to say if untrue;
we'll try to help all those to get free.

There are also some who are harsh critics
and dispute your work to ridicule;
if it's on religion and they're cynics
asking clever dumb questions to fool.

Some of those last mentioned are persistent
and attack your work most of the time;
being doubtful poets laced with words bent
they'll try and accuse you of a crime.

They remind me so much of John X:Ten
or the Pharisee and Sadducee
that were written of long ago back then
finding fault with the One Who was free.

Being amidst them as the Living Truth;
speaking and acting with deep wisdom
He was destined to do since early youth
to help all people find real freedom.

From all of the things holding them captive
whether in body, mind or spirit
with divine knowledge, also to forgive
those who had done wrong and knowing it.

The 'net is a vast database of knowledge
and where poetry is there concerned
those who write, post, and read it all to pledge
never to forsake what has been learned.
Written late last year over the Christmas period.
George Krokos Jan 2017
We tend to embrace technology with open arms
but are not really mindful of how much it harms.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Jan 2017
True inspiration is like a good muse
what it has to give you can’t choose.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Jan 2017
God doesn't really listen to demands or claims made in the language of the mind and stays apart
but comes very close and listens to yearnings of love that are made in the language of the heart.
Only pure love can cross the barrier and penetrate that worldly illusion of separation
which stands between an individual and God Who is the Reality behind this creation.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Jan 2017
Poetry is a sublime art form and can be used to get a message across
of things that sometimes have or need to be said by words to emboss.
Poetical verses then are groups of lines written in a certain style or metre
of various lengths and rhythm which are often like a stage set in a theatre.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Jan 2017 · 726
The Twisted Maze
George Krokos Jan 2017
Caught in this twisted maze of God's creation
one can't very well see the light or destination
of what is supposed to be a stairway to heaven
that ends up being like the steps of the heathen
which are usually known to lead us all astray
that many people do ignorantly use each day.

We must be able to find a path that's new
and to realise it as something that is true.
Otherwise it'll become very dry and brittle
amounting to nothing more which is little
that is seen or known to be just worthless
like anything without a seed is fruitless.

How could we all be left here like this
to moan that we're now lost and amiss?
as compared to that which we once were
and what we could all be again to confer.
But we haven't all gone astray as it seems
for there are those who've realised dreams.

They're the ones who've come and gone before
to that place on the horizon and opened a door
in that sanctified land or realm of possibility
where just about everything is possible to see.
One needs only to have faith and also believe
avoiding those things that are here to deceive.
Written in 2016.
Jan 2017 · 627
Sunlight In The Park
George Krokos Jan 2017
There was sunlight pouring down
in the park and on the ground
where it could also be seen
the grass had a brighter sheen.
All the shadows that were cast
would for a while yet still last
and the beauty of  that sight
was distinguished in the light.
Written early in 2016 to go with a graphic art piece posted elsewhere on the 'net.
Jan 2017 · 383
The New Year's Resolution
George Krokos Jan 2017
Wouldn’t it be good
if everyone could
do what they all should?
Written in 2016. The title had just come to me so I thought it would be OK to post it here now.
George Krokos Dec 2016
A bitter lemon can never be sweet
but it enhances the food that we eat.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Dec 2016
It seems to me that angry people drive big loud cars
and try to get around or go against what heaven bars.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Dec 2016
A poet is an artist who paints images with words cast on the canvas of our mind
and uses expressions to make a point or evoke feelings of some particular kind.
A poem then is the handiwork of a poet who is usually inspired or otherwise,
being the medium through which he or she reveal themselves to peoples’ eyes.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Dec 2016
The universe which modern science says is expanding
is partly due to our perception of it and understanding.
But into what does it expand and has perhaps to contract?
when we're only vaguely aware of what it contains intact.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Dec 2016 · 686
The Joy Of Movement
George Krokos Dec 2016
There's a certain joy in the ability to move
this is reflected when we get in the groove.
Take for an example the urge to dance to a beat
using the whole body while upright on our feet.

It would be very depressing if one couldn't move
and this wouldn't be hard at all for one to prove;
as we get so many things done with this ability
that not having it would be known as a futility.

All creatures in the world exhibit some movement
for them to be alive regardless of their predicament;
whether they swim, fly, crawl, walk or even run
depending on their situation this has to be done.

Even the simple act of breathing is a major event
involving the passage of air in and out to prevent
a gradual slow asphyxiation that results in death
for any creature when they happen to lose breath.

The intake of food whether it be solid, liquid or gas
is another way movement takes place in a body mass
so that it can be converted into energy to facilitate
its movement or survival in life regardless of state.

Casual observation reveals that wherever things are
in this universe and no matter if either close or far,
they're always in some constant state of movement
underlying their individual existence and placement.

The joy of movement is in experiencing one's freedom
that which culminates in self realisation and wisdom.
For in joy we are born and for joy we all live
it would be very hard for anyone not to give
of themselves in some form, manner or other
regardless of who or what they're to another.
Written in 2016.
Dec 2016 · 435
For A Better Place
George Krokos Dec 2016
The world we know could be a better place
if everyone in it would show more grace
where just like it was really meant to be
as the people were not obliged and free.

But the world today is not as we'd like
as most of us now have a troubled psyche
which comes to the fore in our relations
with each other and between the nations.

We should look for any good to be found
instead of seeing the bad that's around
and take it to be what others have sown
as it was from us all while being grown.

Over the long course of millions of years
it's unknown when mankind shed its first tears
and moaned about its miserable state
when hunger, pain and loss were on its plate.

Survival has mostly been a struggle
and throughout history brought us trouble
by thinking too much of ourselves it seems
seeing those less fortunate as bad dreams.

And the world could now be a better place
if everybody here would show more grace.
Without expecting something in return
for this is what we are all here to learn.
Written in 2016.
Dec 2016 · 1.1k
In Love Forlorn
George Krokos Dec 2016
I told you back then what it would be like
but you never really believed me,
by ignoring our love's demanding hike
instead you just tried to deceive me.

I gave you everything you asked of me
and all that I could give was given,
but our love was blind it just didn't see
on that road ahead it was driven.

We tried to make amends along the way
and continued living together,
but our love's seeking of us every day
was heading towards stormy weather.

We were exhausted with ourselves it seemed
and became distanced from each other,
we would soon get to know what our love deemed
when starting to look for another.

We then drifted apart to seek elsewhere
and went our separate ways in life,
wondering who else our love would forswear
to find fulfilment as man and wife.

It would not be again for a long time
that our lives crossed paths in a strange way,
perhaps it was the right season or clime
when we saw each other on that day.

We smiled and greeted then informally
asking each other how we had been,
and how there of all places came to be
that place we had each other last seen.

It was in love forlorn two hearts were bare
and placed inextricably apart there.
A difficult poem and subject. Written in 2016.
George Krokos Nov 2016
When things don’t work out or go according to expectation
we may not have taken the time to do enough preparation.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Nov 2016
With a little determination and effort we can all achieve so much
and if we take the right steps towards our goal it will be as such.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Nov 2016
Some things in life we're not meant to have or see
unless of course they are all a part of our destiny.
The hand of fate does knowingly give and take
and so nothing and no one does it ever forsake.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Nov 2016
Oh God, You're really so big and I am so small
You're everything and I am nothing much at all.
Yet I exist it does seem, though only in relation
to this fantastic dream, which is Your Creation.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
George Krokos Nov 2016
I am the world and the world is in Me
there isn’t anything that I cannot be.
Wherever I go and whatever I may do
are reflections of My Existence there to.

I am in all the people whoever they may be
'cause they're the many different forms of Me.
Nature’s creatures and the way they all live
is another aspect of My Existence that I give.

I am also beyond the horizon that’s viewed
by all those who in their mind get renewed.
If any obstacles have been blocking one’s way
they’re eventually removed; not forever to stay.

I thus create, preserve and dissolve everything
over a period of time that seems everlasting.
In fact all space and time are within My Being
and of My Infinite Stature very few are seeing.

I have unfathomable influence very far and wide
and neither anything nor anybody can really hide.
I see everything happening within space and time
noting the actions people do out of virtue or crime.

I have given many instructions and laws in the past
for people to abide by if they're to succeed and last.
I have also given them the freedom of will to choose
whatever they want to do so they'll gain and not lose.

I can grant to all whatever they desire from above
if they’ll purge themselves in the fires of My Love.
There never is anything that’s impossible for Me
as all is possible to the One Who’s Eternally Free.

An exuberant sounding poem inspired by The Infinite or God. Written in 2015. Two more verses added 28/11/16.
Nov 2016 · 642
Where Would The World Be?
George Krokos Nov 2016
Oh where would all the world now be
without any people writing poetry?
Would it not be like some desert land
without the water of an oasis on hand?
And how could it ever possibly survive
if anybody around didn't really strive
to give something of themselves back
in making the place better and not lack
all those things it didn't have before
brought out through our mind's door?
Or leave behind some lasting impression
for those coming after our current session
is what most are here trying to achieve
and the world of all its troubles relieve.
How could anyone then just fail to see
the real person they were meant to be?
It may seem strange but true to say
we do all look forward to that day.
Though there may also happen to be
some others who think they are free;
from all those things they know bind
serving only as a burden of some kind
by not making any positive contribution
towards the overall progress or solution
of that which is held as the desired goal
and also the main objective of one's role.
Yes, where would all the world really be
if people didn't have time to write poetry?
Written in 2016.
Nov 2016 · 764
An Ode To Textbook Poets
George Krokos Nov 2016
The textbook poets try to bind you down
with all of those rules they call renown.
In a strict meter and rhyme they do write
and like to see others match their plight.
They criticise strongly those who compose
such poetry that doesn't follow their nose.

They put forward the case which they raise
and dispute your work to get some praise.
Some even offer their version of your poem
and with some commentary they do groan;
saying your words could be written better
giving you an example to display the letter.

At times they're justified by what they say
and so you are obliged to heed their way;
as from a certain academic point of view
especially if it seems better written to you.
But regardless of what they all have to say
the fact is that with your creation they play.

Little do they know of free flowing verse
that comes from within which isn't terse.
It resembles an off beat meter and rhyme
which doesn't keep fast to any strict time.
Poetry that's written and read in this way
has its own natural beauty some will say.

It doesn't matter if one line isn't the same
to the following one or seems a bit lame.
As long as the words written all make sense
in what is conveyed by sparing no expense.
That's really the way poems were meant to be
regardless of what a book says for one to see.

There are many forms and styles of poetry
devised by man down throughout history;
some will stick to a certain established rule
a formula which is their own craft and tool.
If one doesn't follow any rigid form or style
it wouldn't mean they couldn't raise a smile.
This is my response to those poets who try to strongly coerce other poets to write as they do and criticise their writing for not doing so. Written in September 2016
George Krokos Sep 2016
You can’t make something better by making it worse
but something may get worse before it gets any better.
One of my odd observations. From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's
George Krokos Sep 2016
Out of the fullness of being comes many a blessing
about which most people really can only be guessing.
From "Simple Observations" ongoing writings since the early '90's
George Krokos Sep 2016
From simple and humble beginnings we have all come a long way
to where we find ourselves this moment now which means today.
Throughout our journey in life we have all experienced a great deal
but what lesson have we each learnt on which we can put our seal?
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's
George Krokos Sep 2016
God really cannot ever be either bought or sold
but is found in the heart where love does unfold.
If we look within ourselves and behold The Light
know it's a sign of His Grace and a blessed sight.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early "90's
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