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In a world
That makes no sense
I feel like a book
I don't understand
Language is foreign
My chapters incoherent
Mixed up
I love my Title
My cover art
Illustrations are grand
But my story
Makes no sense
Is this how my story
Will always seem?
Will I ever learn
How to read your story
If unable to know my own?
Needing to look up my small
To understand your bigger words
I may
I just hope it won't be
My last words
To be known
Is to be real
To never be known
Means living a fantasy
To be misunderstood
Is to be refused existence
It’s not necessary to be understood, to be in relationship, but it feels really nice. Better than physical union of bodies, is a unity of the spirit.
James Rives Jul 1
can i not bore into my temple
and remove the bitterest parts
of myself when they scream?

am i forced to witness their decaying
motions as they spoil and rot
every good thing I feel?

i say no, because i am worth more
than unspoken disdain, disgust,

fingertips to burdened lips,
I unsilence them and free the raindrop
words that ache to revive the good
behind the hurt.

paintbrush smattered in an ugly
paint of purely human creation,
no divinity in its intent, paints
a picture of a me that doesn't like me.

but it washes off in realization
that water is love is truth.
and that truth, beyond me
and in me, is good.
Karijinbba Jun 8
If you feel sad depressed anxious breathe walk drink water, squeeze lemon in it bit honey relax. Ask the universe creating powers to show you what you cannot see and what it wants you to see to understand.

Just repeat: "This too shall pass, "rejoice true love never really leaves us it bonds with us if we let it and keep doors open.
Be thankful for what it is there's always a karmic reason for the pain a loss causes. Opportunity arises though when least you expect it.
Only make sure you know what you want for yourself, present and future.
If you fail to visualize the future and write it down,make goals, check points crossroads avert slippery ***** if it drags along.
Do not despair. If you feel threatened
You are a winner if aware if such evil lurking.
.how do I know this !? Because I didn't understand the warning signs and lost it all slippery ***** style. Don't let it happen to you..
I've never owned a house but made a home for my girls and me nothing though had permanence but one can build bonds in heart mind and spirit soul that last a lifetime.

The dangers of possible slippery ***** for my life was once upon a time fortold in our book of my true love warnings about it.
I was just too naive and young to avert such tragedy..
I was saved by my Photographic memory chip; reading all the love bestoad to me did keep me safe.

Love feeling loved, stopped my slippery ***** even though all that's saved is my life,as  everyone else faded away.
Like a candle light are our dreams and in the vast universe we are but candles in the wind spelling Love.

Beware if you notice your life is being robbed by jealousy envy and greedy entities. Turn the tables.Do something do move, fly away, don't be a sitting duck, for those who envy you wish to destroy you. Don't wait for evildoers culprits yo change by your loving them in their wrong doings
Lead loved one but leave them to choose their path.
Awareness action correct speech and understanding with comoassion is key..
Moral lesson: For all us heartbroken,-Choose a heart of gold a forgiving heart for a lifetime mate beware of kind men many are there but are evil within. The unkind ride playing hard to be are the real ones owning a heart of gold they hide. Fight for love inside your heart & understand who left you behind and why, so you can fix it, and don't sing like me,  "Fall to pieces."
By: Karijinbba 🌲🗽👪💔🛸🗿
Zywa Jun 5
We don't say much, we

already understood each --

other in our dreams.
Composition "Dreamleaves" / "Traumblätter" (2007, Robert Nasveld), for one piano four hands, performed by Corien van den Berg and Niek de Vente, in the Organpark on May 31st, 2024 - 6. "Dé-jà-entendu dream"

Collection "org anp ARK" #13
no matter how many times
i've crossed these tracks
nor how old i might now be
i will still feel
that childlike excitement
building within
as i look cautiously
left then right and
left then right again
just to be sure
before stepping across
that first metallic line
a symbol of both
danger and adventure
rechecking the signals
as i cross the second
i have never understood
what those lights tell
of the next train's progress
red yellow green
single or double
flashing or constant
no matter how clear
the tracks appear
the uncertainty of
what might soon be
unstoppably approaching
always sets me on edge
momentarily apprehensive
yet exhilarated by
each rushed step
Man Mar 8
Why does no one trust that I am wise?
When my words are rarely argued,
And I rarely use them to argue.
Only to show truth where there is lie.
And, by my own device, I have
The strength to allow the decision
Not to be brought, but arrived.
I only want you to look at what I see, if
You view and disagree,
Then we both learn something.
That I was wrong, and
You were right.
Man Mar 8
I cry at your confusion, truly.
I cannot see what you see,
Why we can not live together
As one people, free.
But tears dry before they fall,
Because I refuse to tend sadness.
Madness? Call it what you will,
If everyone thought as I did
We would be living in peace and harmony.
But, isn't that always the case?
Still I stake, hope and dreams
On the good naturedness of humanity
Because that is what we truly are
That is the core to our being, for
It is in your belief that gives such things life
And the first man did not rise to strike another
But to reach higher up the vine
To protect his young
To share in the gifts granted by the father of lights, these stars that fuel
Mother nature, who cannot stop giving
Even if it were her will,
And it is not. Because she loves you
Even if you do not reciprocate.
That love, unconditional;
Where man can learn.
Man Mar 6
If I can not foster respect from you
In action and in word;
If nothing is ever good enough for you
My respect, you haven't earned.
If you cannot accept me as I am,
You are the problem.
Because I am only human
the flowers that bloom
at the site of this burial
are not a marker
nor memory of
what lies beneath;
they are the reminder
that there will always
be this burst of
colour and beauty
to be cherished
in spite of
what those roots
have grown through
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