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Stop all efforting to know, and think
knowing is going on well known, without me.

No childhood duty to cultured honor, do I feel.

No grain of sand among all the stars beyond us,
in the middle of any given night in the desert, we
see, am I nor any other, listening, waiting, thinking
as the we involved in using time to think with, once,

then again, aware more now than ever before, we
are not the first to formulate means for making peace

in time of constant readiness to agressively defend,
the story of us, our nation and vocabulary of knowing,

all the words in all the books, at a touch, see this
means that, gnative tongue tying truths to us,
cognative clear translation is ours, in other words,
we who comprehend the shibboleth as ours to say
right, ya'll say ain't we say do not attempt am not I
in a kind sibalence hush
of meaning seeking mode, hiding
wills to wonder curiously curia classified
rules allowing religious proof of science lying,

while earnest diligence duly done, indeed
instantly acknowledging holy truth is plausible,
as awfully awesome instances of answered aha
per haps, haps may tie it all to me through you,
ready steady friend in times
of deepest lonely me
self deluding independent thought
dominion, in old age, seven decades and above, we
become the prayers of saints, as we choose
to define refined sophia recipes,
in unsophisticated self taught grammars,
using only matter we have at hand, in truth, mere
words, liberally offered and left to show, the way
we made up this mind, this formal structural me
hold, metaphorical jug of ra' towb experience, I
- while sorting idle words from active verbs
imagine, any willing to read a line, ready
to make another think it through, to this end

that we may be in one mind, or of one mind,
preposed to say we agree with exceptionalists,

as by virtue of becoming a breathing word user,
each becomes a knower of how peace is made,

when none has been, in the mind of a long generation,
Prince of Peace, perceive the irony, toes rusting
stuck in the mud we expected… as we see on TV,

the murderous wille zur erste, none recall who won…
now that the long sought, even desperately prayed for,
Northwest Passage by Sea is open, year-round,

and now no fish contain no plastic, tic, tic, tic
and now the shallow seas once teeming with creation,

cover Florida, up to Lake Okefanchokee with detritus.
Titles are tricky to keep totally reasonably tied to why I write. essential background noise... to know what I meant to mean considerable as new known.
kel Sep 30
i looked over at my parents
all their gaze on that laptop
listening to that stupid course
while i eavesdrop

the course is about
how to handle teenagers
and all i could do was
do what teenagers
do- ignore.

i tried my best to not laugh-
i mean after all-
they made the effort to try
but i don't recall
them treating me the way
the talk taught them to-

and all i can do is just
cope with all the
without saying huh

because i'm confused-
i'm trying my best
but i'll never be enough for you :)
kel Sep 5
look at her, they say.
so polite and hardworking.
I reply with an okay-
and try to be like her.

look at her smiling on the stage, they say.
shining with a grade 8 in piano.
I reply with an okay-
and mold myself into someone they'll like.

look at her grades, they say.
getting top marks in every subject possible.
I reply with an okay-
but I'll always be inferior.

and they say, that's just how life works. </3
Ken Pepiton Sep 4
When I begin to fret and fume,
my peace comes up, just rises up.

The woe is not mine, I'm fine.

Contain myself, I wish for money,
in abundance, and settle for a smile
on my face that I did not put there,

saying, just now, enough,

just enough, to know, too much
is superfluity, intentionally let spill.
Some days I only write to live
Antonia Aug 27
as the clouds cover the moon
so do our memories
to my heart

where there used to be light,
not much can come through
since our love died,
you kept it with you.
all i have left
it isn’t enough
to get me to shine
the light inside

i’m slowly fading
just waiting to die
igc Aug 2
Do you think I’m enough?
Mother do you finally think I’m enough?
My precious child, I love you. Listen to me carefully, do you think I’m enough?
Excuse me, sir? Yes! Thank you. Do you have a moment to spare, do you think I’m enough?
Bekah Halle Jul 25
I am enough,
I am tough,
I won’t lay down without a fight,
I am bright,
And if you don’t stop, I’m going to get rough!

You are nothing,
You are smothering,
You try to spread lies,
To make me panic and cry.
You think you're big, but I know the One who is enduring.

So I look to Him,
Breaths calm, anxiety falls back from the brim,
I can change,
I will focus on the feelings that don’t feel strange,
But on the One deep within.
Bekah Halle Jul 7
I don’t feel seen,
which he doesn’t mean,
he just doesn’t know,
how his pain affects me so.
Nurtured by a narcissist, he bleeds
his pain all over us without knowing his greed.
As his air dries up, he uses it not to love,
but to slip subliminal slime:
I am never enough.
Ken Pepiton Jul 6
If life had made up a mind,
in the neighborhood I formed from
communally, we might all notice, we'ld agree,
we might not be the first to say, we know.

But you know, life, or the active agents of it,
makes up our minds willingness to look, see if it

might be meaningful when seen another way.

The flipside of freedom to choose, what may
be taught
to children, and what must not,
under any circumstances, be allowed known,

before a child has reached the bloom of youth,
the useful strength age, draft age,
pulled into the slipstream
of easy will
to prove worth, true grit, traction,
hobnail boots, true secret weapon, stick
and stay, and make it pay, the exploitation
unwinding wars perfected reasonings,
to the victors go the spoils, boys,

discomplication has begun, the unraveling
of ever, once again, the stories tell, the tale,
told in tapestry since Carol King, at least,

during the era of top-forty aimed at boomers,
the largest cohort of like-minded consumers,
ever propagated using pride of new knowing,
to push the value proposition
in Alcoa over Kaiser.

What local tax-base funded schools,
were required to do, in Massachusetts,
as Brahmin first intention to mass convert,
depended on a deluder, and a deceiver,
to do the work,
first make believe God can hate you,
for knowing what Eve knew, some how.

Original disconnection from the wisdom,
sin leaves no mark, but in the faith abused,

to aim, and miss, leaves no stain, aim right…

use the logic words prove, knowing one
is not enough, each can mean so many-
possible provables, using patience, truths as
developed the rules for inclusion in the deme,
the select few among the many called, whom we
deem among the elect, to whom much is given,

from whom much is required, as noblesse oblige,
indeed, duty to God and Nation, County, if you will,

Natural words twist across old sores
from bully brothers, mollified by battle buddies,
those who bore the brunt,
those Bonus Expeditions,
those dust bowl pawns,
those road builders, and bridge builders,
that made the old days look real good
on television… Dizzy Dean,
and ***** Mays, and that one year,
there in the story that took us through
the Sixties, right up to 2024, the summer
any boomer alive in 1954 remembers,
Maris versus Mantle, and the tub scene in ******…
make up the mind that remembers Beatle Wigs,
And Whammo everything, every fad we had,
let that mind never really
recover after the exposure to war, from inside…
that few,
those boys, men, now,
this wedom, tuned to my signal, thinking, dams

break, eventually, all the dams doing damage,
to the original intention allowing letters to work,
break free and wild,
as magi slowly brought back wit,
the bit of branching used
to make us think once
more an old idea, we
think slow, like a all day sucker…
make an image, I, mage of my own eyes,
Lo', I see, and say, hey, you, can you see,

does that flag,
still hold the dowery,
those stars in field of blue
above the BEIC stripes of red,
on a background as white as this?

This vast empty white space,
white wall between us now, you
and we the instigating impulsive wills

to know, sublime, beyond simple,
serious knots to learn to tie,

turbans telling Sikhs, the ontology,
why we are we, the chosen ones, and

the others, those we, must imagine,
have another reason for being, as we

have crossbred, or so it seems, as we
continue using old war reasoning schema

constantly trying to find the art official.

Riches and ease of existing, does, in fact,
lead to slavery, the will is made subject
to the feeding power, always, the owner
owns the user's fees, this is only right, see

first come, first served,
woe be the Juans who come late,

get one shot,
blow it, and you blow it for as long as
the will you failed to do was yours as

in the holy scriptures, all versions, common
thread, the planet we became on,

common, clean enough to make use,
we use raw letter A formt secret intent
to think, we used to say, no word wasted,
to the t we cross and the I we dot. or don’t/
recall each inflection in the fashion shown
courtly, while
in judgment found being wanting,
will to make a way to reimagine, a we to
think the original intention taught to you, for your
attention paid, intently, learning, we who read,

know more than they who can, but don't.

Some learn late, some never learn.
Fools make children laugh, who pays the fools?

If I die before you read this, did the words feel flat?

I trow not, letting this mind found made up, be
just right, among unnaturally neighborly bears,
some thing lingers from first intentions,
it truly can be imagined, just so.

After all the amendments needed.
To undo the original malintentions,

tie your hopes to those whose riches came
from ancient forms of diversion during deciding

the fate of the functioning laboring classes.

This is now the zone f-
from Gol'ilocks, original intent.

fsure, strue, suptyou
step on a crack, breaks yo momma back.
Reasoning was never taught where I went to learn political correctness.

Are there no fifty year olds who want to be President?
Another Birthday
Without You
I've had enough
The pain of unrequited Love


Hang about
It is all in your Head  
Just keep living how you Feel
Because your Love is the Real Deal

2 July, 2024
I think this is a *** Poem! LOL Happppppppppppy Birthday!
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