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JW Jun 15
In times before, I brushed against death
Different place and time, longing for another
Fractals of horrible thoughts infinite in repetition
But thankfully, she was next

I look back at him, not sure of who he is
So different and chained never to be free
Hell-bent on self destruction and isolation
I can't believe that this was me

Scars don't fade, but I take a breath
Different country, different day, I found my other
Euphoria on repetition through my brain
I am thankful that she is next to me
Thank you, my Destiny
Been awhile since I wrote anything here. Life is crazy, but I am blessed that I have my Destiny.
Bekah Halle Jun 14
Suppression and revelation,
two entwined masters of destiny?
Mama earth Jun 13
Two souls make one Home
Will you be my ride or die?
In your eyes i confide
My love for you is as the Ocean tyde
Pulling you in
We are ancestors of a lost city
Nothing about this is supposed to be ******
Two brains One heart
A complete work of art
How can everything be nothing and nothing be everything
How am I found yet i feel so lost
Learning to write again
Everything feels like Zen
As I write this for you with pen
You have inspired me and set me free  
We are so much the same
I'm back on my game
Good luck taming me
Were changing rearranging proclaiming renaming fate
It's all in our hands
Baby let's get these bands
I hear the commands to conquer these lands I now understand for anything we can withstand
The gods have whispered in my ear loud and clear
Instilled me with fear that our time is near
From this sphere we will disappear
But for now lay your head on my chest
Your heart is free to rest
Please don't be depressed
This life is the last test
igc Jun 13
You know I still find
your horoscope every time
I’m in search of mine
Jeremy Betts May 18
I was able to fool myself there for a little bit
The fraudulent thought was constant
  However, my penmanship captured a consistent internal beratement
But every new piece is the same 'ol shiit
It just pours out different
Duplicate content no matter the faucet
But it's only ever water coming outta the spigot
Forming from the origin of a recurring script
With only a singular way to interpret
You're only going to get one thing from an unchanging mindset
Just gets reworded before print
"Maybe they won't notice it"
"If I rearrange it it'll at least look different"
But the retreating interest is evident
Leading to the realization that was destined to hit
"They've found my secret"
"This pony only has one trick"
Should have paid closer attention to it
I lie and say it's wit,
Which I know is bull shiit
Because I couldn't and wouldn't argue if you called it redundant
The absolute of my failure is pungent
On my best day I'm still repugnant
Any new muse goes out of its way to be absent
Mostly due to the subject,
That's me,
Becoming complacent
Setting anchor in what was my escapement
Befriending my replacement
I wouldn't suggest it
But I ate it
So now I gotta ingest it

I held you
beheld you
with cruelty
with abandon
could have been cinders
the patina of my absent mind
could have been a yesterday
one of many
one, yet uncounted
one, lost in a crowd
uncaring, and unbowed
heartless - ignorant

not today

today I saw you
through the window of my heart
as I always knew you
without me


it occurred to me,
for the first time,
you were without me
and I
was without you
we were alone
and I
yearned to solve your loneliness
your solitude
abrade the fixtures of mutual isolation with warmth
wear down the gloom of silence
with laughter
praise of you
hold you
as if holding myself
loving myself
through you
by you,
loving me
I love you deeper
into the cradle
of our love
where we are born
in bliss
fighting the cold
of our darkening world
while the light dies
our hearts burn ablaze
seeking the truth
the higher power that united us
God, who would wed us,
that can save us,
if only we tried,
if only

for tonight,
I watch you
through the window
of my heart

I shed tears
wishing I were with you
but I will settle
for our dream...
As always

In the tapestry of time
the soul wanders
the soul searches
the heights and the depths
the lengths and the breadths
of this universal existence
to be reunited
with the one that was separated.

As the threads of destiny unwind
each other, the souls come to find
And just as the river, merges with the sea
the two souls converge, dancing in sweet harmony.

They sing, they dance
like a deer in the jungle, they prance
Their happiness knows no bounds
the ears can only hear love’s beautiful sounds.

The flames of passion had sparks ignite
It was their time to reunite.
and what a beautiful sight
As the sky turns light
with purple in hindsight
the stars await
the coming of the night
And as the gods rained petals, in the moons white light
they danced for eternity, ending their plight.

No distance could now tear them apart
For it was etched in the universe from the start
that it is meant to be, fated to a love so true
forever, together, me and you.
Copyright Simran Guwalani
Pax Apr 20
Sins, bites on your conscience
          never to your convenience.
       No salvation, No revelations.
               Unblessed the lucky
       bottomless becomes your destiny
and darkness laments, it’s quite cloudy
     wavy timelines, weary crimes
                   Brooking our doom
                  creating thy tomb
                   as deaths looms.
this was me playing with words. Yet as always there is hidden truth and meaning behind my play. I guess this is me cursing to those who are lucky enough to have sinned and get away with it. As in every truth, sins is also subjective to survival, so we should be careful who to blame.
uv Apr 10
He got up one morning
All charged up for the day
A long to-do list
And passion on his mind lay

A belief in his talents
Strong in his ways
To capture the world
To provide value that pays

To reach the stars was his aim
Work hard he did, never lay
His time was too precious
Successful he was, some may say

He thought the world needed him
Things would not work night and day
There were very few
To take his place in a way

But the world has its course
Its plan, its surreal own ways
Things bound to happen
Will happen anyway

The stars will shift
The oceans will drift
The air will greet
The sun will beat

The things bound to happen
Will happen anyway.
He is needed , but it will happen anyway

I told you I would no longer write for you —
That I won’t hide it in series of poetry anymore.
I was old enough
And I know it’s no longer trendy
I write you letters but I don’t send it anyways.

I wanna tell you how much I cared
To let you go as God says so
At first, I was so scared losing you
As if you were “mine”
Though I never had this “thing” with you.

Honestly, I was left with no choice at all —
I thought you’ll wait for me
Just like what you’ve promised.
But maybe words were just empty words.

Hey, I’m sorry that you got tired of me
I was crazy to let you go without even confessing.
You’re too early and I was too late
But it’s kinda unfair
Coz I believed everything you said.

I know I hurt you too
Many times, you told me you’re no longer at peace.
I hated myself for hurting you
But I have to let myself heal and bloom once again.

The connection I had with you was different
I thought I’m already “home” when I’m with you.
But I never had the chance to cherish everything…
It was the last time, but I haven’t said anything.

The pain within me was more than my emotions,
You’re not just a piece of me
But being with you for a short span
Was like staying where I want to be.

I had so many questions in my head —
But the answer I get was you moved on already.
Seeing you around makes me forgive you
And leads me to forgive myself too.

I ain’t perfect —
But this connection has lapsed
And I have to leave this page.
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