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aniket nikhade Apr 2017
Images and instances from past
A few glimpses from past
As of now,
while in present,
everything in life is about what was taught in past keeping in mind a cause.
Time now to perform with regards to same.

Competition is a part of  life and will remain in life as long as life remains
No one is indispensible
Hence never take anything for granted because tomorrow might never come
aniket nikhade Apr 2017
Deep inside
Somewhere at the bottom of heart,
somewhere in mind
a thought runs,
a feeling remains
There is this thing called love for life,
which ceases to die.

A sense of attachment makes a way for sense of understanding
Responsibilty comes next on the list of priority,
then comes possession,
a feeling that can neither be ignored,
nor can it be denied.

Till now I was part of team,
however, as of now I want to lead the same.

So if you want to be a leader nothing wrong in it,
but always understand responsibility brings along with it a sense of trust that needs to be developed on own,
by one's own experience.
Apr 2017 · 665
aniket nikhade Apr 2017
The wind that blows
Clouds grow
Trees sway
The sound that they make,
the sound that's peculiar,
the sound is also an indication,
rains are here to stay.

It's a lull before the storm
The storm arrives,
followed by rain
Rains are here to stay.

As of now it's raining since a long time now
Just before a few minutes reached home sound and safe
In nick of time everything changed
Rains are here to stay.
aniket nikhade Mar 2017
Missed a few steps while climbing up,
only a few,
however still felt in the same way like it use to feel prior.
Still felt a stumble is better than a fall

Paused for a while
Thought for sometime
Then continued towards destination with only one change in mind
One step at a time till the destination is reached upon.

Bottom line remains the same,
never repeat the same old mistake
Never do anything in haste or in rush of blood
Slow and steady wins the race.

Few things have changed while in present
Few still seem to be the same
Present is what will decide how to set priority according to available time.

Never think of an uncertain future while in present in terms of short term gains
Often in life it's learnt from one's own experience that success has got no short cuts and hence only one step at a time.
aniket nikhade Mar 2017
As of now everything that comes to mind is apart from what was thought prior
Definitely even after a brief disturbance everything seems to be certain in life with the only exception of future, which remains uncertain.

As of now plans which were been made since long time are laid to rest
Planning takes a back seat as more and more facts get revealed with time that keeps on moving.

Initially what was thought as a possibility now needs to be explored in depth and in detail
Everything is kept on hold, since everything seems uncertain with regards to present and future.
Thoughts of what was planned earlier are kept on hold, since the need of hour is to take the right line of action
By doing so the the next step that needs to be taken can be thought upon and decided correctly and clearly.

Time now to decide upon the right line of action, since need of hour demands the same.
Extreme situations need extreme measures to be taken as facts cannot be ignored and truth will remain firm as it is in it’s place,
as it was prior.
aniket nikhade Mar 2017
Disturbed by the fact that future is uncertain,
as of now,
peace of mind is the only thing,
which is need of hour.

Desired since long,
desired often,
peace is now,
also is need of hour.

Everything in life comes at a price and hence never take anything for granted even if it seems to be a part of your life because you reap what you sow.
Hence always it's better to have a firm cause behind each and every effort that is made in life while in present.

Definitely if not now,
then later on sometime.
If not in present,
then in future,
definitely success will be a part of your life,
which will make you feel and understand the fact that outside world is a lot different from what was thought of it since prior.

Even if you have decided to remain yourself while in present,
always remember,
keep in mind and follow the same,
never take anything for granted ever again in life.
aniket nikhade Mar 2017
If this is something that I want from my life,
if I desire of something like this to be a part of my life,
if I want something like this in my life,
then getting it by using the right way is of prime importance.

When intentions are clean and clear, then future is safe and secured.

Definitely this is not a desire and nor it’s a dream,
it’s more of a wish,
an ambition that has got a firm place in my life as of now in present.

The world is a fast changing place and definitely you are part of the race, once you have decided not to give up in life.

Failure is the first step towards success in life, if you have learnt a lesson from your own mistakes, which were made prior.
Feb 2017 · 752
Time is important
aniket nikhade Feb 2017
A few things in mind,
few important.

A few things planned,
few defind,
decided upon other few

In the meantime also discussed upon something that is important, which needs to be kept in mind.

What remained in mind after doing all this is the importance of time,
really finally it’s time that is important.

Time is important regardless of the fact that most of the time everything needs to be done on time
Experience is gained when efforts are made in the right direction, however, expertise follows later on again explaining the fact that time is important.
Feb 2017 · 645
Ignorance is bliss
aniket nikhade Feb 2017
A great deal of time is spent in deciding what to do next,
later on realized,
many times what you do in life is what you had never thought prior.

Still doing the same is important,
since it’s need of the hour.

If there is anything in life that experience has taught,
then one thing is for sure,
which remains the same over a period of time,
the fact that ignorance is bliss that needs to be kept in mind and remembered.

Over a period of time revise the same, since it’s difficult to tell when it’s application will be required.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Never think that something in life will change on it’s own,
since nothing happens on it's own and everything that happens in life has got a reason of it's own.

Never think that something in life will change on it's own
Never does it happen on it’s own
Never did it happen in the past,
nor will it happen again in present.

Life changes according to what you want,
how you want and all that you have got in your mind.
Life changes according to how you have thought, carefully planned and all the things that you have got and done in life.

However, the world outside is a fast changing place
So it’s always better to be who you are,
especially when it comes to dealing with everything in your own life,
which as of now in the present has a concern.

Do what you want,
in doing so always remember,
future will hold the consequences of all the action taken in present.

Desire and dreams will remain in present and also in future, however, over a period of time it’s always realized that future remains uncertain.
An uncertain future has got all the potential capacity to keep the present on hold; however, the same thing is true in case of odds.

The desire to get something done in a certain way must also be followed by the drive to achieve the same
Once the thing that is desired is achieved, then it is realized that the world outside is pretty much different and that life is better than what you had thought prior.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
All of a sudden, out of nowhere something came across the way.
Exactly what this something is,
it’s quite difficult to say.
As of now the present is on hold because of this something.

Difference of opinion leads to conflict of interest
Escalation in conflict leads to war
Always remember never forget the cause.
Go into details of each and everything,
follow the same.

Over a period of time it will be realized,
time and again cause is the only thing that not only remains the same, but is also important and hence in no way there is an escape.

Never forget that you are facing an odd
Never try to evade the same
Over a period of time it will be realized that odds make a way for many more new things in life that can not only be touched, sensed and felt, but those same things can be a part of  life,
making an otherwise routine life very much interesting.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
The feeling that something is missing is not only a feeling of loss,
but also an evidence to the fact that something like this also happened in the past.
Past is an experience
Present is what you have
Future uncertain
Desire will always remain in life, irrespective of the fact as to whether it’s past, present or else with regards to the future
The only difference been a change in it’s form and way.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Get everything in it's place before it's too late
Get everything worked out in the present to pave a way for better future
Either ways it's only the present that you have always got with you to make everything happen in the way that you want.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Deep inside the mind the same thing tries to find a way out
What else is possible in the present with regards to an uncertain future?
Answer remains the same
Future is somewhat uncertain
Always it’s the present that shapes the future, even if the mind has a desire for something else in an uncertain future.
Failure is a condiment that gives success it's flavor - Truman Capote
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Looking into details of each and everything and all that happened in life,
one thing is for sure,
experience gained since prior paves a way for better expertise,
if the desire is for the same with regards to better future.
Jan 2017 · 674
Substantial Gains
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Every design that you make has got a future
Planning makes everything possible
Hence it's always important to have intentions in place,
the right intentions with regards to everything that you do in present,
not only for the present,
but also with respect to future
Jan 2017 · 4.6k
Truth and Reconciliation
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Reconciliation in life happens when thoughts are in place and intentions are clear
Expectations are raised to higher level when success is gained from the efforts made since prior.
Strange are the ways of life,
strange seems life,
but then that’s life and life continues with the same,
reconciliation and expectations
Last but not least, life is all about hits and misses.
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Every end makes a way to start with something new
Every new start promises something different,
something new,
yet something very much interesting raising the level of expectations with regards to what was set as prior.
Also otherwise expectations have always remained a part of life that has always got good,
if not great results,
despite the different inputs and many different outcomes,
which have been dealt with and faced from time to time,
since prior.
Jan 2017 · 677
Any other plans
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Plan something of which you know everything
Rules of the game still remain the same
of course it goes on,
all the time,
all the way at the back of mind,
since planning has always remained not only a part of the game that you play,
but also an indispensible part of everyday life in every possible way.
Jan 2017 · 588
A lure for better future
aniket nikhade Jan 2017
Plans are subjected to change
Ways of doing and getting things done change
The world is a fast changing place
A strong resolve that something certain will get worked out keeps everything in the present in it's proper shape.

Everything will be in it's place
Everything will get worked out while in present with regards to an uncertain future
Everything in present will find it's way in the right direction,
if intentions are in place,
only if they don't change while in present for short term gains, which cannot be termed as a secured future.
Dec 2016 · 651
Life In A Walk
aniket nikhade Dec 2016
Time flies
Time moves fast and world seems to be very much different than what was initially thought.
Present becomes a thing of past and past becomes a thing of remote past,
what remains in mind are moments from past.

Images and instances from past
Quite a few glimpses from past
Essentially what remains in the mind are moments that went on to define the past.

Annoying facts
Bitter truth
A past that cannot be denied, even if it was disturbing
To add to it there is an undisclosed future, which largely remains uncertain.

In all the chaos and confusion of life quite essentially what remains in mind is the present moment in time, which won’t last forever
It’s always better to remember that the present moment in time belongs to the present, which is the best thing to happen in life.

How fast things have changed in life over a short period of time, which brings the mind back to present moment in time.
Is this the thought that comes to mind over a period of time with regards to what’s going on in life?

If yes,
then better remember,
neither facts and nor truth it changes.
It’s the perception that changes.
Hence even if for a moment or so it’s thought that rest of the things in the world are the same as it is,
as it was,
as it used to be like it was thought prior still facts and truth will remain the same with regards to the present and past.

Hence the best thing to do is to be what you are.
Be what you are
Do what you want
In doing so always remember not a single moment in time is going to last forever
Hence never waste any moment in time lamenting over what has been lost with regards to everything that happened in past.

A thing of past is a thing of past,
from where it came,
to where it belongs.
A thing of past is a thing of past and it will remain in past.

The world is a fast changing place where everything that belongs to the present is going to change with regards to what’s best that’s possible in an uncertain future.
Given the chaos and confusion in life what needs to be thought is something certain in the present, which will also have a place, space and position in the future.

Initially something like this was neither planned,
nor was it thought,
however something like this has happened in life and not only happened,
but now it’s part of life.
A force greater than what was thought continues to exist, remains in life and guides every individual in the best possible way
In whatever form every individual recognizes it,
finally it’s called by the name, God.

First you have to believe in yourself,
then believe in the world around you.
Finally your life belongs to the world in which you live.

So think positively in life
Be positive
A positive attitude towards life is what is going to shape life in a better way

In all the walks of life,
always remember,
if you have a positive mindset,
then the outcome is going to be positive.
Dec 2016 · 665
It's either now or never
aniket nikhade Dec 2016
Everything that goes on in mind is with a purpose
Everything that goes on in the mind has got it’s own purpose.

If not in the present,
then remotely,
somewhere along in the future.
Everything that goes on in mind is with a purpose

Ascertain the same
Underline the cause,
then later on define the same.

Over a period of time it will be realized, understood, agreed and accepted that it’s not only intention that has got it’s role to play while getting things done, but also time is of vital importance.

Defintiely everything that goes on in mind has got it’s own way towards getting things done while in present.

Experience comes first
Expertise later
Once maturity is gained, then it defines the level and depth of experience that is gained with time.

Bottomline remains the same,
understand first,
then move ahead.

Over a period of time it will be realized that everything is not the same
A lot of things have changed in a lot many ways since efforts were made, not only in the direction of getting things done, but also with regards to doing the right thing at the right moment in time.
Thus everything that goes on in mind has got it’s purpose,
try to understand it first, once it’s understood then move ahead.

A few moments will always be spent in understading a stiuation, but then it’s worth the time that is spent, if it’s accepted that not only the same thing need not be done again, but also the same mistake must not be repeated again.

Once the cause is defined,
everything is established in mind, then move ahead.
One step at a time because it’s better late than never
Definitely slow and steady wins the race.
aniket nikhade Nov 2016
A thing of past is a thing of past,
from where it came,
to where it belongs.

A thing of past is a thing of past,
will remain in past.

A thing of past is a thing of past,
will find it’s place from where it all started,
which is the past.

Over a period of time things change,
past becomes a thing of past,
then a thing of remote past,
when realized in the present,
then it comes to mind,
What now?
What next?
What if?

Over a period of time things change,
what was thought before was something else,
something totally different.
As of now in the present what is going on in mind is something else,
something totally different.

Over a period of time things change,
since now at the present moment in time in the present everything seems to be on hold with regards to the future.

Strange are the ways of life
Strange seems life, but then that’s life and life continues along with the present moment in time
Each moment matters
Every moment counts
Each moment has got the potential to make a difference in life with regards to the future.

Surprises and disappointments are part of life and will continue to remain in life as long as life remains.
Surprises and disappointments are part of life,
like dreams and desire,
which continue to play a hide-n-seek,
every now and then,
as and when they get the next available opportunity.

So that’s life and life has got everything in it with regards to what you know,
don’t get surprised if something else happens in life in the present with regards to what you have got in life because that’s life and surprises,
they are part of life.

So say hello to your life with a smile on your face and with no hidden intention at the back of mind.
Time now to smile upon yourself, since the face you are looking in the mirror is none other than your own self.
Smile please!
aniket nikhade Nov 2016
A sense of satisfaction must be followed by the desire to win,
a dream to achieve and accomplish with regards to what has been thought of prior.
The desire to win must be followed by the drive to do and get everything done in time.
In more than one way, a few things that give life it’s meaning and substance include peace, love and accomplishment.

In short while from now, in sometime from now things will change, since everything will not remain as it is in the present as it used to be in the past, when everything was thought of the present while in past.

In short while from now, in sometime from now, past will become a thing of past, then a thing of remote past, since somewhere down the line present has become a thing of past.

In shortwhile from now, in sometime from now things will change,
a moment in time will pass and become a thing of past,
the moment,
which initially,
in the first place itself used to be the present moment.

In shortwhile from now
In sometime from now things will change,
everything will not remain the same,
since time will move on.

Definitely uncertainty is a part of life,
will remain in life and continue to be a part of life as long as life remains.
In life and death,
in past, present and future,
one thing remains the same,
definitely for certain,
it’s the future that remains ucertain.
The sooner it’s accepted,
better it becomes,
since it changes the way of doing and getting things done while in present.

At the back of mind where all the planning is done,
it’s the present that plays it’s part in shaping the future,
which even then it’s clear future will remain uncertain.

The love for life will change the way of life,
if life has found it’s meaning in the way of doing and getting things done and love has found it’s meaning for life.
Definitely the only thing that remains certain in life is future,
which in more than one way,
in many, many ways remains uncertain.
aniket nikhade Nov 2016
Initially everything seems to be clear in mind with regards to what needs to be done at the present moment in time, since steps are there to follow.

Step by step one step at a time.
One by one, only one step at a time.
Every step that is reached upon gets registered in the mind with the next step to follow.

Definitely a moment in time will come when destination will be reached,
however, later on it’s realized that destination is part of what’s there in mind while steps are part of the present moment in time.

In one way or other,
in some way for sure,
what seems to be there at the present moment in time in the present is not what seems to be going on in mind.

Twists and turns are part of life and life is not that simple as it was thought to be in the mind, initially at the first instance itself.

Over a period of time it’s understood, realized, agreed and accepted that with experience many things change in life, however, there are certain things in life that remain the same as they are,
as they were,
a few amongst them are as follows.

A few things are difficult to learn and at the same time a few things that you know are quite difficult to explain.
A few things are difficult to adhere to, but if not done will lead to and result in chaos and confusion while in the present with regards to future.
A few things are difficult to know,
initially at first instance itself,
but still the mind remains firm,
makes a clear resolution that at all cost I will know and learn this new thing of which I have got something at the back of my mind.

Amongst everything and all that you know,
one thing remains clear for sure,
where there is a will there is a way,
make a way of your own and if that’s not possible,
then find one.

Interesting are the ways of life when it seems that things will fall in place,
but then it takes much more time than what’s required by them initially to fall in there respective places and then to follow them with regards to what's next that needs to be done.

Most of the time the desire to achieve success in life is not greater than the drive that is gathered in mind over a period of time,
success then becomes a part of life and life seems beautiful.
Definitely, where there is a will there is a way.
aniket nikhade Nov 2016
Hope and luck have got one thing in common,
both have an association with an uncertain future.

Somewhere down the line
Somewhere along the way
Not exactly sure,
when and where,
but sometime, somewhere met with an uncertain future,
which had got the following things to say,

Here I am back again,
telling you the same thing again,
which was told prior,
I am telling you again,
so do remember and keep it in your mind for the longest period of time,
if possible forever.

Ups and downs
Highs and lows
Yes and no
Success and failure
Everything and all of the above are part of life,
will remain in life as life will continue along with the same.

The only thing that needs to be kept in mind during all the chaos and confusion of life is to make sure, not to give up in life at any point in time.

Continue with what you have got in your mind,
continue with the same.
A moment in life will come when one thing will follow the next and everything else will fall in it's respective place,
the only condition that remains then is not to give up in life till that moment in time becomes a part of life,
however again life will continue with the same.

Ups and downs
Highs and lows
Yes and no
Success and failure
Everything and all of the above,
life will continue with the same.

Life goes on
Life continues
Life follows,
the moment that has gone with regards to the moment that is yet to come and become a part of the present moment in time in the present,
exactly that moment is yet to arrive in it's requisite place.
Life continues.
aniket nikhade Oct 2016
Success is sweet to taste, however consistent efforts need to be made
Efforts need to be made to make sure the sweetness of success remains in mind for over a long period of time, later on becoming part of the memory.

When efforts are made doubts are raised, since each and everyone has his own way of getting things done
Doubts result in question in order to find a better way with regards to what is going on in the mind at the present moment in time.

Definitely at one point in time it seemed that all efforts were made to gain success, but later on with time intentions change for the sake of short term gain.

Questions are asked in one or many different ways so as to clear the doubts that are raised
Questions need to be answered, since doubts need to be resolved.

In one way or other, it’s always better to walk in a straight line without depending on shortcut,
since when shortcuts are taken it might lead to a failure,
if not a complete diaster,
later on resulting into a blame game.
Definitely there is no shortcut to success.

Questions are asked when there is a doubt in the mind
Remarks are made when questions are not answered, the way in which they should have been answered in the first place.

Later on things change
As of now in the present,
arguments and counterarguments is part of the game
Conflicts and contradictions is also part of the game,
if not tradition with regards to the doubt that is raised and also with regards to the question that needs to be answered.

Business runs as usual,
since now it’s time to make a gain from the controversy that’s been made,
if not created,
which somewhere down the line was related to the question that was initially raised.

Now time will take it’s own course before everything finds it’s original place
However till then game of what if and what if not will gain a firm ground
It will be continued to be played between different groups having different players playing in their own way and for their ownsake.
The game continues.

Most of the the time when a controversy is created, efforts are always made to make sure nothing remains hidden,
finally it’s truth that will bring an end to everything going on with regards to the doubt that was raised

Truth will reveal all the right and wrong with regards to everything that is going on in the mind and in this process it will settle down everything,
not only the controversy that was created,
but also the doubt that was raised.

Definitely truth is stranger than fiction, but also need of the hour since it will provide the answer to the question was raised with regards to the doubt going on in the mind.
The best ammunition against lies is the truth, there is no ammunition against gossip. It is like a fog and the clear wind blows it away and the sun burns it off. ~Ernest Hemingway
Oct 2016 · 723
Life is interesting
aniket nikhade Oct 2016
Never did it happen before
Never will it happen in the present
Nor something like this will happen somewhere around in the future again.

A thing of past is a thing of past,
from where it came,
to where it belongs
A thing of past is a thing of past.

A mistake is a mistake,
will remain as a mistake,
if it’s not corrected.

A mistake is a mistake,
will become a bigger mistake,
if the same old mistake from past gets repeated again in the present.
Never repeat same old mistakes from the past in present again,
since it proves to be very costly with each moment that passes by and makes life difficult in the present and also with regards to the future.

Never did it happen before
Never will it happen in the present
Nor will something like this happen again somewhere around in the future again.

Let’s make every effort in the direction of goal
Let’s make life interesting by doing something new, which was never done before in the past.
Probably initially it will not be easily possible,
however, later on the same thing will become a way of living life,
hence let’s make every effort to make life as interesting as possible when and while in the present itself.

Definitely a day will come when the past will seem to be much more interesting than the present, but then that past will be just recent past and if not ,then at least the day that just went by

Let’s keep life simple,
as simple as possible,
in doing so a day will when complicated things of life will seem to be simple and these same things will be done in a much faster way, than what was thought and expected prior.

Let’s try to make and keep life as simple as possible and also interesting.

Smile because there is always a reason for you to smile and it’s known either in the present itself, if not then the reason is stored somewhere around at the back of mind.
Life can be simple as well as interesting, however, the only thing that is needed is to accept this fact as it is and then move ahead along with the same in present.

Never did it happen before that life was seen at such a close distance, but then that’s life and life’s intersting.
aniket nikhade Oct 2016
Over a period of time difference of opinion leads to debate following which mutual understanding might take place.
Somewhere down the line,
something might click,
then signs of mutual understanding will be there in offing.

Mutual understanding will bring the much needed change,
a change that's desired,
since it also fulfills the need of hour.

If mutual understanding takes place, then nothing like that since it moves in the direction of drawing a line of conclusion, which is the only reason because of which the debate commenced.
If mutual understanding is still a viable option,
yet far away,
then it’s time to keep negotiation apart and away from been a part of the debate.

Finally difference of opinion can lead to something positive and healthy, if the debate that is ensued following a difference of opinion is in the right direction,
in right spirit,
focus remaining on point of concern,
substance with regards to what’s going on in mind is not disturbed in anyway,
most importantly the debate is held on proper grounds.

Difference of opinion is also a sign for something constructive, if the mind is determined to make sure that the odds which are going to come along the way will not only be handled and tackled, but also taken out and taken away from the way of getting things done.

Finally it’s difference of opinion that makes team work interesting, if it is taken in the right spirit at the given moment in time.
aniket nikhade Oct 2016
Precious little things of life,
little moments we spent together at some point in time,
somewhere prior in our life.

Strange are the ways of life,
since memories are cherished,
moments remembered,
irrespective of the fact that both belong to the same period of time.
Definitely discretion is part of human nature and also part of life.

Life continues along with the same in mind,
moments we spent together at some point in time,
life continues remembering those moments as of now at the present moment in time.

Life continues along with the present moment in time, which very soon will become a thing of past
Life continues from one moment to the next
Life continues from one day of a week to the next
Life continues from one week to next week of same month
Life goes on from one month to next month of same year, so on and so forth.

Life continues
Life goes on
Life remains

The search is for a desire of which once there was a complete desire to get something like this done with regards to what was thought in the mind at that point in time and at that moment.
As of now at the present moment in time in the present, the same desire seems to have settled down.

Definitely time and tide waits waits for none and so does life, which continues to move ahead along with the passing moment in time.

Life continues
Life goes on.
Life remains.
Life follows with regards to what happened prior at some point in time in life, somewhere around in the past.
A moment in life, definitely which will not last for long period in time
aniket nikhade Oct 2016
Everything in the present is somewhere, somehow connected to what happened in the past.
Over a period of time it’s realized,
a thing of past is a thing of past,
will remain in past,
no matter even when efforts are made to bring it to life in the present,
even then it will remain in past,
from where it came,
to where it belongs.
Definitely a thing of past is a thing of past and it will always remain in the past.

The good thing is what happened in past cannot be changed,
either ways whether right or wrong,
over a period of time it does not make any difference in the present.

Better way is to accept the present in it’s present form,
then move ahead with the same in mind.
Best way is to be a part of the present moment in time in the present,
move ahead along with the same in mind with regards to how everything needs to be done in the present.

One of the best way is to get involved and remains absorbed with regards to what is there that's going on in the mind.
Desire and dreams remain in a contrast, play hide-n-seek.
However, dreams and desire must not affect the mind with regards to what’s going on in the mind at the present moment in time.

A time will come when it will be realized that efforts made till now have got something to do with regards to future and time now is to ascertain future.
Oct 2016 · 2.1k
Never give up in life
aniket nikhade Oct 2016
Let the present moment in time settle in it’s entirety
Let everything come back to normal from where it started as it is,
as it used to be and as it was prior.
Let everything come back to normal
Let today be a part of routine as was yesterday
Everything will get worked out,
everything will fall in it’s place,
if one decides not to give up.

Odds are part of life
Odds have got a place and make there presence felt in life,
however, life is also incomplete without the inclusion of odds as a part of life
Odds when tackled successfully and overcomed they then determine the calibre, capability and expertise of an individual.

If something has happened for good, then good will be followed by better and better by best, if it’s decided to continue along the same line of getting things done.

To start with something of which there is a faint idea that something like this can be done is the easiest thing
To continue along with the same is an uphill task and that is what is known as doing something apart,
different from routine,
however, everything in life happens over a period of time and so does expertise, which is gained only when experience is earned.

So one way or the other
In someway for sure
Bottomline has always remained the same as it is forever,
Never give up in life,
then no matter what comes along your way.
Always remember
Keep it in mind and follow the same
Never give up in life.
Sep 2016 · 724
aniket nikhade Sep 2016
Success is sweet to taste while failure bitter
Everything is not what everything is,
as it seems,
as it does,
as it initially used to be in the very first place.

In the fast changing world past becomes a thing of past,
over a period of time thing of remote past.
Again after a while present becomes a thing of past and future takes it’s place to become present,
however, even then in the present moment with regards to future life seems and remains uncertain.

Adapt to a change to adopt to the situation so as to make a difference in the future with regards to the present.

Even when thinking the other way round, if everything is what as it seems
Everything is according to what was thought prior,
everything is in it’s place with regards to what was desired,
still if there is a hesitation in taking the next step forward,
definitely somewhere the cause seems to be lost somewhere.

Time now to think again with regards to what was thought prior
Time now to revise before taking the next step forward.
Dilemma is a state of mind that needs change of time, place, person and situation, however, this is something that rarely happens. Right information is need of hour, however that must also be complete. Hence it's always said:
“Information can be such a double-edged sword.”
― Jessiqua Wittman, A Memoir of Love
aniket nikhade Sep 2016
The thing will remain the same
Truth will remain as it is,
the same,
it won’t change.

The thing will remain the same
Facts will remain as facts
Facts will remain the same
Facts won’t change.

Need of hour remains the issue
Need of hour needs to be addressed
Over a period of time need of hour will gain all the groud and significant importance
Definitely it’s priorities that matter the most
Priorities come first
Rest will follow later on after priorities are followed,
since priorities are the one that always come first.
aniket nikhade Sep 2016
Defined in the past
Designed in present
What lies in an uncertian future is something that belongs to the present and is also from the past.

As time passes by everything moves along with the same
Over a period of time present becomes a thing of past and then a thing of remote past,
however, what remains in present with regards to past are moments and memories of the past.

Present moment in time will shape the future, of which the present knows very well
So always give your best when and while in the present
Don’t give up
Don’t give away, since there are no second chances
One right move and the right thing will find it’s right place,
However a lot of time and effort goes away in the making of that one right move,
which otherwise not only has the potential to shape the future,
but also it changes everything in present including scope with regards to the future while in present.
aniket nikhade Sep 2016
If something is not there in it’s place of which something was thought prior,
definitely there must be something new in it's place.
As it happens in life so does in race,
Day is followed by night,
night followed by day and again by night.
Similarly also in race
Most of the times it’s the old that replaces the new and makes it’s presence felt
Definitely champions aren't born, they are made.
aniket nikhade Sep 2016
Let peace be there in life
Let peace be a part of life
Peace when attained will give life an opportunity to bank upon an uncertian future in the present and over a period of time define the same,
if not completley, then at  least in part and part of it.

Let peace be there in life
Let peace be a part of life
Let peace occupy a definite place in life, even when it’s clear it’s not going to remain there forever and become permanent.

A little bit of disturbance not only breaks the silence of the moment in time, but it also affects the peace of mind leading to deviation, again which obviously is not the need of hour.

Finally it's peace of mind, which when attained will settle down the chaos and confusion of life over a period of time.

Contentment and finally it’s peace of mind.

Restlessness of mind seeks peace for sure, since devoid of it was life in the past and also prior.
If silence is golden, which definitely it is,
then once when peace of mind is attained the value of silence will get enhanced because life is now moving more towards what is known as satisfaction.

Contentment and finally it’s peace of mind.

Over a period of time it’s understood, agreed and accepted that time passes by quickly,
time slips out of hands,
what remains are dreams as they are,
as it is and as they were.

Dreams have got a place in life
Dreams are part of life
However, dreams play a very important role in shaping the future with regards to what is there in the present.
The only thing that needs to be remembered, then at that point in time is that dreams have got substance while imagination is more of what goes on in mind.

Contentment and finally it’s peace of mind.

If something has changed,
then it’s the presence of the present moment in time in the present,
since the attention it has gained is much more than what is used to get prior.

Definitely odds have their own way of making there presence felt in life
Odds when overcomed change life, since experience gets enriched
In order to shape everything in the present in a better way expertise is put to test and in action.
As of now everything is not the same as it used to be in the past and as it was prior
Things have changed since odds are no longer a part of the way

Contentment and finally it’s peace of mind.

Distinguished from the past,
defined in present,
the existence of the present moment in time in the present gives life the much needed meaning and substance,
devoid of which life was when it came across and against an odd and faced the same.

Strange are the ways of life
Strange seems life, but then this unique strange thing in life called “an odd”, gives life a new meaning and adds substance to life making it much more interesting.
Definitely odds are part of life and they have got a place in life, however, when odds are overcomed life gets a new way to look at the outside world.

Contentment and finally it’s peace of mind.

Strange are the ways of life
Strange seems life, however, that’s life and life continues to go on along with the same.

Life continues
Life goes on
Life follows the present moment in time, which very soon will become a thing of past.
Life will then follow the next moment in time, which at that point in time will represent the moment in time.

Life goes on
Life continues
Life follows the same.
aniket nikhade Aug 2016
Some things that sometimes happen in life are some of those things that are waiting to happen,
however when they happen,
as and when,
whenever they happen,
change the course of each and everything along with the present moment in time.

Better be a part of the present moment in time,
move ahead along with the same in mind.
Much better when rest of the things going on in heart are put at the back of mind while moving ahead along with the present moment in time.

Situation can be differ,
changing from one moment to next,
odd will remain the same unless and until,
if not handled or even tackled properly.

So be wise, remember all you have got is the present moment in time
Better act now rather than depending on an uncertain future

Emotions can be trusted upon when used in the right spirit,
in the right way,
instead of depending on the same in the form of giving an excuse.

Better to be a part of the present moment in time
Better to concentrate on the odd that is there along the line of what is going on in the present,
however in doing so also remember everything needs to be defined with regards to an uncertain future.

Action speaks louder than words also because even when words have got meaning and substance still they can fall on deaf ears, which in turn can ruin everything.

So be what you are
Do what you want
In doing so always remember you, yourself are responsible for everything that is being getting done along the present moment in time.

Trust when proved to be of use can definitely strengthen the process of getting things done within a stipulated period of time
Trust can definitely built bridges between two ends that are away and apart from each other
Confidence and faith can serve as the base of the pillars, which will hold the two ends of the bridges together,
however even then never forget that odds will still come along the way.

So be what you are
Do what you want
In doing so always remember you, yourself are responsible for everything that is being getting done along the present moment in time
Definitely along with time comes experience,
since experience is achieved over a period of time and then it comes to mind, undoubtedly action speaks louder than words.
Definitely two ways about the same that action speaks louder than words.
Aug 2016 · 446
Tomorrow Never Comes
aniket nikhade Aug 2016
As long as you live
So long as you live
Always remember
There is no such thing as tomorrow
Whatever is there is with regards to the present moment in time and that belongs to today itself.

So always remember
Keep it in mind
Get it registered in your mind somewhere
Give your best for the present only and things will eventually turn out to be fine
Agree or don’t agree, tomorrow never comes
Better to go on with what is there in mind with regards to the present moment in time and life will be fine.

Yet another moment passes by
Yet another day progress
Life goes on
Life continues
Life follows with regards to what is going on in the mind
Life follows.
aniket nikhade Aug 2016
Nervous or something
Doing something like this for the first time in your life?

If so,
a little bit of nervousness helps in life,
since a little bit of nervousness is always there when you start with something new,
something which was never done before in life,
thus making a little bit of nervousness always right.

A little bit anxiety gives light to the fact that you are alert, awake and conscious to the fact that any moment in time something might go wrong.

Quite seriously something like this goes on at the back of mind
Quite seriously something like this must have happened somewhere back in the past in life

Never mind, there is always a first time in everyone's life
So what if the mind feels anxious
So what if it comes to the mind that everything will not fall in it's place
Never mind, there is always a first time in everyone's life.

Change of mind leads to deviation
Change of attitude leads to diversion
Finally everyone's makes his own choice depending on the need of hour.

New to a thing
New to something.
Something which was never done before,
then never mind,
mistakes happen in life.

Always remember mistakes are lessons that need to be learnt and revised in the present with regards to an uncertain future.

Mistakes are bound to happen
Since nobody is completely perfect,
at some point in time each individual makes a mistake in his life.

If a mistake is made then the first thing to do is to accept the fact that a mistake made, since facts never change and truth can be stranger than fiction.

Now the best thing to do is to learn from the mistake that is made.
In doing this an otherwise dull life becomes very much interesting,
if not engrossing.

Mistakes happen,
everyone makes a mistake in his life,
however important is to learn from those mistakes,
gain experience through the process of learning,
then see how life changes,
then see how it will boost your level of confidence,
something which will be the need of hour at a given moment in time.

Different will be the way of looking at life once a mistake that is made is accepted as a mistake,
from then onwards life will tend to tread along a different path,
of course, which will be right.

So never give up in life, since there is always a ray of hope for those who agree and accept upon the fact that it's their own responsibility to fight against the odds that come along the way in life.

Strange are the ways of life
Strange seems life,
if routine is always followed,
then it's just not possible to add a new flavor to life.

In doing something different,
one thing is going to happen for sure,
a mistake or two is bound to happen.
Don't worry because mistakes happen
Learn from those mistake.

Life goes on
Life continues
Life follows the present moment in time, which will very soon be a thing of past,
then the next moment in time will come taking the place of moment that has passed and thus becoming the present moment in time.

Life goes on
Life continues
Life follows the present moment in time.
Jul 2016 · 500
The Awakening
aniket nikhade Jul 2016
Experience comes with time and so does expertise,
the right thing when it happens at the right moment in time makes all the difference for the present moment in time.

Also otherwise, no one precisely knows when the right moment in time will get striked upon because it has always remained a matter of expertise.

So as and when,
whenever the right moment in time gets striked upon,
then it's realized that definitely this moment in time has come after a long time.

Always it's better not to give up in life because surprises remain a part of life and when surprises happen in life, then at that point in time it's realized, understood, agreed and accepted that life can be interesting, absorbing and different from the routine and normal.

Different are the ways of life
Different seems life,
that's life,
since surprises continue to be a part of life and life,
life it continues along with the present moment in time.
aniket nikhade Jun 2016
Still remembering the past, what’s the use now?
What has happened is a thing of past and it will remain in the past,
over a period of time it will become a thing of remote past,
however, still remembering the past.

Remember the past is a thing of past,
from where it came,
to where it belongs,
a thing of past is a thing of past,
which will remain in the past,
then no matter how hard an effort is made to bring the past to life,
it's of no use,
since over a period of time it will be realized that efforts are going futile.

Over a period of time it will be realized that the past is a thing of past and as more time passes by it becomes a thing of remote past.

Better way of doing things is to believe in the present moment in time to which life belongs and which has got everything to do with regards to the present and also with respect to an uncertain future.

Definitely life continues along with the present moment in time.
aniket nikhade Jun 2016
Agreed and accepted that there is always a reason for what happens in the present,
however, there has always a reason for the things that happened in the past also,
since efforts were always made in the past,
like they are in the present.
Nothing happens on it’s own, absolutely nothing.

Yet another thing that comes across the mind is the fact that sometimes efforts made in the past prove to be of boon in the present,
but then that serves only temporarily,
however, what follows for the rest of the time is making sure that the picture gets complete with regards to what has been drawn as an outline.
Nothing happens on it’s own, absolutely nothing.

The same thing is true with regards to a change,
since when a change happens in the present with regards to how things have shaped up until now,
till this moment in time,
then the only one thing that comes to mind is somewhere,
somehow, as a person,
one is definitely, linked, connected and associated with the outside world in some way or other,
if not by direct means,
then indirectly.

Time now to tune in to the present with regards to the recent change that has taken place in the present.
Definitely life can always be demanding even when best of the efforts are made to make sure anyhow, at any cost ends are met.
Life continues with the present in mind as efforts are made to achieve the goal that is set in mind.
aniket nikhade Jun 2016
Fill in the emptiness of the moment in time with something well defined, since the emptiness has continued for a long period of time.

Present in the present is the present moment in time.
Utilize it completely by strengthening your cause to the best of your ability so as to make sure that everything in the future seems right.

Memories belong to the past
Predictions belong to the future
Over a period of time it’s realized that the best thing to do is to take a proper line of action at the given moment in time.
Definitely taking the right line of action belongs to the present moment in time and definitely it needs all the much needed attention in the present.

Since the emptiness of the moment has continued for long,
always  it’s better to start with something of which you know something, then later on,
let the rest follow over a period of time.

While doing so, always remember synchronization will come and it needs to be followed then also,
at that point in time,
which is later.

The first priorty goes to the fact that you belong to the present moment in time,
in doing so make sure the direction is not lost,
something which had happened prior,
which lead to the emptiness of the moment in time in the present.
aniket nikhade Jun 2016
Action speaks louder than words,
so does confidence,
which speaks for itself as the right thing done at the right moment in time,
enhances the scope of how things will shape in future,
then also at the same point in time it changes the nature of everything in present, which has got do something with regards to future.

Definitely taking a proper line of action speaks for itself rather than stating it merely on a piece of paper or in the form of words.
aniket nikhade May 2016
A lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then,
time now to start again from where things were left on their own when dealing in the present with regards to an uncertain future.

A considerable time has been spent in waiting for the right moment in time.
A lot of things got ascertained,
many assumptions made during that period of time,
as of now in the present everything seems to be in place,
so now it's the right moment in time to start again with something definite in mind.

Wait for a while
Wait for sometime
Wait for the present moment in time in the present to become a thing of past.
Let is pass
Let it become a thing of past.

Let it pass off on it's own
Let it pass off like an old, dry leaf of an oak tree,
which gets carried away by the force of the wind,
then later on finds it's place on the ground after sometime.

Once the present moment in time passes by and things get settled,
time now to start again.

All this is because there are moments in life of an individual when everything seems to be on the verge of falling in it's right place,
as it is said better said then done,
always it takes time for everything to find it way along the right place.

Confusion, chaos, conflict, contradiction, anxiety, curiousness and everything else will find their way in the mind of an individual that wants to remain calm, cool and steady at same point in time.

Keeping this in mind,
knowing that the future will remain uncertain,
it's important to have something definite along the way with regards to the present moment in time,
always it's better to take the next step very carefully.

Better wait and watch
Better late than ever

A mistake even when it is corrected will still get registered as a mistake in the time that is yet to come because for every mistake that is made one has to pay something,
however a repeat mistake can definitely be avoided when doing things in hurry so as to keep the nature of things in proper shape while in present.
Better safe than sorry.

Atttitude plays a major role in shaping the future
The right attitude,
which is positive attitude plays a major role in building a constructive future,
later on the future can be shaped according to the present moment in time present then at that point in time.

Hence, whenever you find yourself caught in a web of lies with confusion and chaos becoming part of your life,
always it's better to play safe rather than feel sorry.

Always it's better to wait for a while,
wait for sometime,
wait for the present moment in time in the present,
let it pass,
let everything get settled and once things seem to be in place,
then upon finding the right moment in time,
time now to start again.

Finally, it's the right thing done at the right moment in time that makes a great deal of difference,
not only with regards to the nature of things in the present,
but also when it comes to handling and dealing an uncertain future,
which most of the time remains uncertain even when the best of the efforts are made to ascertain the same.
aniket nikhade May 2016
Nothing seems certain
Nothing sure, absolutely nothing in the present that is present in the present.
Still there is something that goes on in the mind with regards to an uncertain future.
It’s here at this point in time an individual recalls and remembers as it is always said by the rest of the world, "A bird in hand is better than two in the bush".

Nothing seems certain
Nothing ascertained and still there is something in the present with regards to the future that can be done as this is what it seems in the present.
A right step taken at the right moment in time makes all the difference
It’s here at this point in time an individual recalls and remembers as it is always said by the rest of the world, "Better late than never", "A stitch in time saves nine".

Nothing seems certain
Absolutely nothing in the present and still the presence of the present in the present can be felt, realized and understood
It’s here at this point in time an individual recalls and remembers as it is always said by the rest of the world, "Don’t give up, give your best and leave the rest in the hands of God. He will take care of the rest and all like he always  does".

Odds that come along the way of getting things done bring to light the fact that experience and expertise have got a definite place in everyone's life
So make the use of the right element at the right moment in time and give your best
Once you are sure you have given your best and once everything is done, task accomplished, time now to leave the rest in the hands of God.
Definitely odds that come along the way not only teach you something new, but they also enrich your experience
Hence it’s always said by the rest of the world as an individual recalls and remembers, "Though times don’t last, but tough people do".
Apr 2016 · 989
Vision and Experience
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
When ascertaining the future over a period of time it is realized that the present has become a thing of past, from then onwards it must be understood that it's time now to return back to the present moment in time because that is where life exists.

When ascertaining the future over a period of time it is realized that the present exists not only because of what happened in the past, but also because the past played a major role in shaping the present.

When ascertaining future over a period of time it must be realized that everything done in the present will shape the future accordingly with what you like, what you want, what you have got in your mind and not necessarily what you demand.

Quite essentially the only thing that must be always remebered and kept in mind is that everything belongs to the present moment in time, it's always better to remain with the present moment in time and continue along with the same in mind.

It's then, at that point in time realized that life can be very much interesting.
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
New to a thing
There is something new in your life
Make sure and do not miss the opportunity of getting very well acquainted with each and everything and all of this new thing in life because also otherwise you have very less time in the life that you have got.

Seldom a lot of time is spent in discussing and deciding on a lot of things that are part of life before drawing a line of conclusion on any of them.
Seldom a lot of time is spent in checking what is going on at the back of mind at the present moment in time.

Life is simple
Life can be cool, clam, refreshing and simple,
if you have faith and confidence in yourself,
believe in making friends rather than going at war with the rest of the world.

So welcome this new thing in your life,
a person, who believes he is your friend and can be a part of the rest of your life.
aniket nikhade Apr 2016
Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Define what you want,
get into the insight of the things that need to be done,
thereafter start with the process of getting things done one by one.

Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Make use of your presence of mind so as to reap the maximum benefit from the present moment in time with regards to everything that exists in the present.

Every opportunity brings along with it an element of risk,
identify, recognize and accept an opportunity as an opportunity and not another way of doing things.
Once an opportunity is accepted, then the responsibility of dealing with risk comes along with it.
Make sure you know everything, each and everything and all when it comes to the process of dealing with an opportunity.
Also make sure you know the importance related to an opportunity, since as and when it is striked upon, it will enhance the scope of future.
Every opportunity brings along with it an element of risk, deal with the risk involved in it so as to make sure you know what exactly lies in that opportunity.

Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Everything that belongs to you is what makes you who you are.
Think of what is there for you in the outside world and gradually the scope with regards to the present and future will become narrow.

There are two ways to it, either you know the thing or you learn the thing,
but even in doing so time is a major factor that will bother you.
So better be what you are, understand the same and in the process you will learn that presence of mind in the present will bring the much needed change with regards to present and also in future.

Everything with regards to the outside world will change only when the approach and attitude changes and this will happen only when the importance and value of time is agreed upon and accepted.
So understand the importance of present in your life,
the importance of it’s presence and more so the importance of the present moment in time.

Present in the present is the presence of the present, which makes the present moment in time very much conspicuous by it’s presence.

Definitely life continues to move ahead along with the present moment in time,
searching for viable options,
confirming at the same point in time if there is an opportunity,
if anything amongst all seems to be there,
not only the present moment in time will get defined,
but also it will pave a definite way to deal with an uncertain future.
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