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/ˈhɝmɪt /
A recluse; someone who lives alone and shuns human companionship.

One last promise of a kiss; but who hears the words of
someone’s misplaced lips— Memories are all archived, those
experiences, a treasure to bury deep in the chambers of a heart
And any extra time: an excuse for me to procrastinate…how I
choose to express my reasoning, is an explanation for another day

for the all the memories we had, will all remain locked away
our experiences a treasure I’ll never get the pleasure to
saviour in their worth. and any reason to chase after them
all in a day, becomes the procrastination of tomorrow…
our story ends here

In a thin book of divination; the conclusion of a love
that had the fill of a loaf of bread- here we are- with the
crumbs, holding onto what’s left. There is no grasping it.
All climaxes eventually fall into the obscurity of being
an old familiar harmony; the laughs of many, soon becomes
the quit chuckles of one who sits later alone. And all joyous
songs must play their very last chord

anticlimactic will be the story of us, painfully laughing ourselves
to sleep— those fortunate enough to sing our once beautiful song-
the words, chords, keys, and harmonies are all gone…
our story ends here

I am something inadequate; a follower to the gun,
the bullet that led me astray in its cold lead. Still don’t
lend me your sorrow; shunning the idea of love
For the gun that killed a benevolent concern, was
a gun I had pointed at myself.

I value the lips to a modest dream
The fresh lipstick – outlining one’s imagination
In soft brush strokes; as the dreams of my child
Are quite distant nowadays, still silhouettes to a recent age
The metaphysical footprints of walking in faith, the path
It’s… so narrow on the trail of yellow grass; the sun is on
My back, like a long-legged shadow in this urban darkness

Questions bring up less of their answers- my life a riddled
Experience on a dusty path, where manure litters the street,
Pretending the smell is all so vague- but those **** flies!

I am alone, patrolling the ideas of one’s calling, beneath a
Crescent moon – from youthful screams, too loud to hear
The purpose to all my chaotic dreams: perhaps now,
I’m finally awake in the world, to see what it all means?
Jeremy Betts Apr 30
If I can't hold on
If I let life slip by like you said I'd do all along
As the tiniest violin plays my theme song
Would you lose faith in me as a person?
As another flawed human?
Or is it set in stone as a bygone conclusion?
I've begun to become withdrawn
So it shouldn't be long
If I must let go I'll aim for the lawn
And you can sleep well knowing you were not wrong

I would've loved to meet her.
The sweetness you spoke in her honor.
A gentle breeze in a month of freezes.
Electric, connective, explorative.

I would love to meet the next.
The sweetest of peas.
Only bluest when being overly fruitful.

Reflections of trekking tower of the familial tree.
Expectations of expecting in introspect.

Forgive me for being greedy, wanting to be involved in your life.
Forgive me for involving my love.

I shall let the resting rest, the ones that need rest to get rested, and give my mind and soul a rest.

Ifeanyichuku Okoro © 2023
October 24th, November 4th.
Sonorant Jan 2022
I would have sculpted you a shelter from my bones.
—Never yours.
Tea Jan 2021
Under the stars alone and cold...
Remembering what has been told...
Wondering if cold I will stay...
Wondering if alone I'll be all the way...
Wondering what will be up ahead...
Feelings of feathers or lead?
Walking, shivering, further...
Calling, getting colder...
Listening, making no sound...
I can't possibly turn around...
So further I go...
Through desert and snow...
Mountains or sea...
Where is glee?
Tears, why are you burning behind my eyes?
Silence, why are you answering my cries?
Wind, why are you whispering in my ears?
Time, how long and how many years?
Pain, why are you the only one hugging me?
Joy, why do you let me be?
Have I chosen for these scars to be made?
Have I asked to live in this darkness and shade?
Am I responsible for this smile of mine?
How do I make my heart shine?
Maybe, I should stop looking back...
I am the one to make me run faster on this track...
So I lift my head...
And this heaviness, I shed...
There, now I see the sun and the rainbow above...
I now know how to laugh and to love...
Smile, I have missed you so...
Happiness, I won't let go...
Laughter, I'm glad I opened the door...
Love, make me fly above the floor...
I found the missing pieces and am gluing them together...
Heart of mine, you are lighter as a feather...
Soul, don't fade from me...
Even if it hurts to see...
Scars, I know you teach me where to go...
I'm thankful for what I know...
Experience, good or bad...
I'm glad I can learn by losing what I had...
I'm not scared to smile or cry...
Both are necessary, it's no lie...
Hug yourself with a smile...
You are so much more than a computer file...
No matter who you are, I'm happy about you...
Reading this, I hope you are too...
Grey Jan 2021
It wasn’t “I love you”
but at least it was goodbye.
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