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Justice denied
for another mind of my kind.

It hurts so much to see
the abuse over time.

It's a burden we carry
against our will.

Our hurt is an expectation
we can never fulfill.

But overcoming our "shortcomings"
is what strengthens us.

Our obstacles
are our only path.

Our unique efforts,
the only way to success.

Effort is success.
And success is being free.
And freedom is just being
the kind we were born to be.
I'm struggling with seeing a younger Autistic person receive so much abuse and negativity from her family and her peers. She is constantly struck down and never built up. She is beautiful. She is determined. She is wise beyond her years. She is passionate. She is a warrior.
Àŧùl Jul 4
I successfully survived the accident,
Thanks to my good Karma in this life
Not in a previous one.

In '09-10, I volunteered for the society,
Educating underprivileged kids and
Their parents too.

Now I'm a successful professional,
Thanks to equitable opportunities
Available in Bháràŧà.

I may have lost my golden years,
But I am in no way literally lost
In the competition.

That accident triggered a cascade,
A chain of unfavourable events
In my family.

My mother lost her knee caps,
Due to her efforts to bring me back
And long standing hours for that.

My father broke his acetabulum,
When trying to save me from falling
While he retrained me.

But I'm thankful to Bhàgàwán,
That both of them are alive
And I'm finally successful.

I don't resent my destiny,
For costing me more than
A complete decade.

My ordeal began on May 7, 2010,
When I landed inside the hospital
On my potential deathbed.

But I knew that I must survive,
For my sentence is not yet over
Here on this planet.

My spirit didn't depart that day,
Although I lost years & friends
Due to the accident.

I didn't fall from Grace of the Lord,
Instead I was sent back with a mission
Amidst the humans.

To teach the lesson of love,
Not through conversion
Or bloodshed.

But through the words of wisdom,
Consideration, love, truth
And experience.

Through these poems of decency,
Rhyme, structure, rhythm
And magic.

The magic is love,
The structure is evident
And the rhythm is so divine.

My parents smiling is my success,
The golden sheen of future
Is my redemption.

In the end,
I speak to you, O Gauri,
You do realise that you're my future.

To you I have promised,
The intensity and the
Love you deserve.

Not short of words ever,
Not because of vocabulary
But because of my passion.

The passion for my life,
The passion for my love
And my love is you.

Never forget what you want,
I'm solely yours, darling,
Yes, you want me.
1 poem. 23 verses. 362 words, 1872 characters

My HP Poem #1973
©Atul Kaushal
Zywa Jun 11
You'll live long enough

to celebrate successes --

and suffer failures.
Novel "Victory City" [Vijayanagar >> Bisnaga] (2023, Salman Rushdie), part 1: Birth, chapter 1

Collection "Low gear"
I hiked on the highest Mountain,
Swam the deepest Sea.
I fished in crystal Waters,
but success kept evading Me.
I felt Success, was a Race Horse,
that runs Fast and Free.
So I ran My Races with Blinkers,
but success never greeted Me.
In reality, Success is not a Race Horse.
But it's the field, on which it Raced.
Success had always, held My Hands.
I was Blind, in having it Chased.
Success is in the Journey,
I chose to climb the tallest Heights.
All this while, Success sat besides Me.
Watching Me, for Days and Nights.
Jeremy Betts May 20
In fits of rage
And bouts of pain
I recall all you said to me
And I pound my fists
Against your memory
Till they bruise and bleed
And I concede
And you succeed
In breaking me finally
But in a twist of fate
That's what it took to be freed

Carlo C Gomez May 17
Climbing the chemtrail

But subject to the ladder

Our one hour empire

Stark as a skyscraper

Built to fly then fall

Has bled into a church of

Abandoned factories

And polluted rivers

uv Apr 10
He got up one morning
All charged up for the day
A long to-do list
And passion on his mind lay

A belief in his talents
Strong in his ways
To capture the world
To provide value that pays

To reach the stars was his aim
Work hard he did, never lay
His time was too precious
Successful he was, some may say

He thought the world needed him
Things would not work night and day
There were very few
To take his place in a way

But the world has its course
Its plan, its surreal own ways
Things bound to happen
Will happen anyway

The stars will shift
The oceans will drift
The air will greet
The sun will beat

The things bound to happen
Will happen anyway.
He is needed , but it will happen anyway
Alice Mar 9
I find myself of late,
Without the words or will to write.

But it's not a quiet state,
It's clogged with bad unspoken rhyme.

I am not the brightest star,
But quite surely I'll still shine.

Whether anybody sees it,
It's all here and it's all mine.
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