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"Clean your room!"  
Oh, Mum, I wish you knew that my room isn't the only thing I can't keep clean.
im sorry
jj Sep 5
tingles start from the back of my head,
when i think about her sweet kiss,
all is good when i see red,
now im flying in pure bliss.
she lifts my feet off the ground,
and fills me with paradise,
its just me and her around,
shes my guiltiest sacrifice.
soon i feel like i will drown,
and my body is fatigued,
i can feel im about to come down,
her soft touch has me so intrigued.
she ****** my arm once again,
im begging for her love,
waits to know she hit a vein,
so i can fly above.
but now im up too high,
my chests about to burst,
please lord hear my cry,
ive finally done my worst.
ive been long forgotten,
not a memory of me in sight,
my body lays rotten,
i didnt even put up a fight.
that needle had me enslaved,
nothing else ever mattered,
she was all i craved,
but she left me feeling shattered.
been clean since 4/19/2022 needles were a main struggle
Ryan R Latini Aug 19
And the steam is gone,
Clean now — everything.
But the tub.
Dirt days and dirt of the day
Ring around the tub,
Stays, a conjunction,
And, but, Baby is gone with the water.

We notice the dirt, the after bath aftermath,
Or I notice the dirt, because it is just me,
And the steam is gone.
Draining is slow:
A clog of pocket watches;
Lovers’ tresses;
First communion necklaces;
And flecks of sparrows’ wings.

The sparrows know better,
Bathing in the sand, brake dust,
The gutter grit.
The irons,
Dirt-day rings around my ankles, a conjunction.
Too fettered to flap like the sparrow,
To shake-shiver filthy clean.
Safana Apr 1
One day, I'll be Habeeb of my sand.
I shall undoubtedly
be the sun on my seashore.
I, like my son,
will be Habeeb for it.
I'll feed my sand greenish.
It will be clean and free of dust.
Devil Atticman Oct 2023
The sun shone down,
Red from smoke in the sky,
Yellow from dust hung in the air.

Then the storm came.

The sky went grey,
The trees blew bent,
Torrents beat the ground into mud.

Then the storm passed,

And the sun shone down
From a wind-cleared blue sky
Through air rinsed clean by the rain.
Ever notice, after a storm, that the air tastes that much sweeter after the atmosphere has circulated?
Corrinne Shadow Jul 2023
I lay a girl to rest in the flowers.
She sleeps softly in her meadow bed.
I stand by, Woman, strong.
I love her with all my heart
But I am glad I am not her.
Not anymore.
A snake slithers through the grass
His name is Death
And I am, at last, afraid of him.
When he strikes at my heel,
I crush his head.
All my force aided by
The blankets of comfort I wear around my shoulders-
Collected from my Dear Ones
And from the One above.

Suicidality fades,
Suplexed by love.
I loved myself with all the violence of a wrestler.
I threw my self-hatred on the ground;
Crushed the head of my snake.

Back straight
Head high
Hair curling around a sun bonnet
Skirt rippling out
Boots splashing in puddles
Music in ear and heart

I graduated at last
From barely surviving
To fully living.
This site wouldn't let me log in for a long time, but I just wanted anyone who has ever supported me to know that you were right. It does get better. ❤️
i have a dream
a dream far from this noisy planet
no one to bother me and my thoughts
not even a splash of light

i have a vision
a pale intensity , with a maximum darkness
a black light with no forgiveness
directly from the hell it started  yelling

a creator or a destroyer
just alone ....
just a pitch black light and me
i will invade everything
its great to be a thoughtful person
lua May 2023
it's dusty, i swipe grime off my skin
my memories piled up in stacks of
knick-knacks, yellowed notebook pages,
and drawings from when i was twelve
i haven't cleaned my room in a year
too scared, anxious
to touch anything
the fear of breaking my fragile sense of identity
that i've clung to

it's desperate, lonely
sleeping in a dusty room

i wipe the sweat from my forehead
cobwebs weave through my strands
clinging in clumps as i
rummage through my belongings

i hadn't seen these things in a while
remnants of when i was
happier, even though i said i wasn't

i'm a year older again
and soon i will be years and years older
and i will leave this room behind

for now,
as i stay for
a little bit longer
let me revert back into
the child i was.
lua Oct 2022
the meadow watches me
eyes hidden in flower buds
while i run through the tall grass
chasing after a ghost
its blurry form shifting colours
like the sunset and sunrise
sweat drips
down my cheeks
maybe i'm crying
i can't tell, really
i just know that
my lungs breathe clean air
for the very first time.
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