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It's hard to imagine anyone loving me
When I hate me so completely
I'm sorry
But if I have to love myself
In order
To feel love from anyone else
I might as well put myself on the shelf
Out of reach from everyone else
I'm afraid love will never win
I have to keep battlin'
To even let it be allowed in
Due to my timeline being filled with so much abandonment and rejection
I'm sorry, even though my sorry means nothin'

Jeremy Betts Dec 2023
I've shut down so completely it's profound and I've now lost touch with reality
What I want to be and what I'll never be eventually co-mingle and become one entity
The blasphemy, the phony sanctimony and hypocrisy blast from me
I try awkwardly to juggle all three, run 'em up the flag pole, wait and see
Hear ye, hear ye...another blunder here for your amusement, come see
Woe is me! An empty plea for pity ******* by a request to be put out of my misery
It's plane to see, at least by me, that I'm my own worst enemy, I'm no friend to me
Bad karma stacks rapidly atop the early onset of senility
Losing my mind was an inevitability but that was my only company it's only me...
The notion that behind every smile you'll find your happy is, in it's self, a fallacy

Michael A Duff Mar 2021
She had all of me

Completely consumed by her

There was nothing left
We met like souls long separated lived like lovers and made plans together for a future that we would never realize. Years later I wonder how her daughters are, who is she now, what mask does she ware, or did she finally become herself the one I met all those years ago.
Serendipity May 2020
Sometimes to be completely free
means to be
unfathomably lonely.
Michael A Duff Oct 2019
She was flawed, completely; but not in the way she thought.

She was flawed in the way an artist ruins a white canvas with a beautifully colored sunset.

she was damaged, in the way the night sky is broken by the dawn
At times she had confidence and at times she felt as if she was a scrap of something used up
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
now I lay me down to sleep, I promise you have my heart to keep. the sun rises, sets, and the moon is up above and all the while it is you I love. if I should die before you wake with you my soul will remain for no one else to take. this is promised completely because if you should die later in time you will have all you need to meet me
I thought We had a love so complete it could never be broken or truly disrupted
Michael A Duff Sep 2019
No more beautiful a soul could I touch, no better woman would find, whenever she is not near she is on my mind. She is my match, my equal, my partner for life, so short lived, so completely, she will complete me.
In the time you have which is unknown find something share yourself, dont hide away waiting gathering regrets
D Dec 2018
it use to be me rattling those closed doors
the fear of losing you, the suffering through
of everything; drowning me until there was nothing
more than a shell of who I use to be left

now it's you with a stone in your chest
that quickness of breath, when you think about me
gone; walking away and leaving you behind
nothing more than a shell of the boy you use to be
i'm not going anywhere..
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