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Apr 2019 · 358
War with Words
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019

you're yelling,
it hurts.
This is what I call
a battlefield
creating wounds that may
I hate it when people yell.
Yelling doesn't help with anything.
Apr 2019 · 679
Welcome to High School...
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Welcome to High School where...

You will be bullied and made fun of.

You will be judged on you appearance.

You will see a lot of people who you don't want to see.

You will constantly be bombarded with drama and anxiety.  

You will worry about things you shouldn't be worrying about.

You probably won't love most of those around you.  

You will stay up all night studying for a test that you will fail anyway.

You will get into fights and learn painful lessons.

You will spend most of the day wishing you were somewhere else.

You will waste seven valuable hours of your life everyday.

You will make plenty of enemies but probably not nearly enough

                              HAVE A NICE FOUR YEARS.

At least that's what I think high school will be like!
Apr 2019 · 1.4k
Better than Before
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
can't climb over
every mountain
and you can't win
every war.

But one thing that you
can do
is try to be better
than before.
Try to be a better person than you were yesterday.
Apr 2019 · 291
As is
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
but I ain't changing.
I am who
I am
and I am what I love.
You're gonna have to accept me
as is.
I'm not gonna be who you want me to be.
I am me.
Apr 2019 · 316
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
You welcomed me
as if I were yours.

As if I were
your daughter,
your child,
your bright little sunshine.

You                   me
like no one has before.
With bright smiles
and strong hugs,
you made sure
that I was
Dedicated to a person who loved and still loves me like I am hers. I just want her to know that I love her, too.
Apr 2019 · 239
Person F
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
A, B, C, and D,
started getting along
and were
somewhat happy.
Who knew that a
Person F
would come and make
such a mess.
The letters started fighting,
No one liked that
Person F
who came and made so much distress.
But little did the letters know
that there were
letters still to show...
Person F is here!
For all who read my last poem about letters, here is the Person F you've been waiting for! I know it's not exactly in alphabetical order, but I hope you can still enjoy it!
Apr 2019 · 1.3k
A, B, C, and D
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Person A
Person B
were together and
very happy.
Then came along a
Person C
and kinda ruined everything.
But to make things
a bit
more crazy,
came along a
Person D.
Now person
A, B, C, and D
are anything but happy.
Who knew that
letters of the alphabet
could be so nasty.
Inspiration came when one of my friends was explaining a confusing matter to me, and was using letters instead of name(which is good in some cases).
Apr 2019 · 159
Forgive you?
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Of course
I'll forgive you!
You're my dear friend!
I love everything we do together
and the time
that we spent!


But no,
now you've gone a bit too far.
You're not longer
such a big pleasure.
I don't want
to be next to you
or see your face.
Because what you've done
is not something
I can erase.
You've changed too much. And the things you've done I'm not so sure I can forgive you.
Apr 2019 · 150
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Digging through the things
you left.
Paychecks, bills;
it's such a mess.
The sight of your name
still brings tears
to my eyes.
I still don't know what brought you
your demise.
I come across a small yellow paper,
my hands shaking,
I wish I could see straighter.
I slowly read
the words on the page,
and my heart quickly fills with rage.
You shouldn't have left,
you should still be here!
Look what you've done!

I wipe a tear.
The yellow paper still in my hand,
so I decide to read
over it again.

I love you, my dear daughter. And I'll do anything for you.
     Wherever I'll be, I'll keep you with me.

I read it again
and again,
and again.
Those sweet gentle words still resting
in my head.
You might not be here with us anymore,
but for some reason
I feel better than before.
Going through the things that my uncle left before he passed away. It is much harder than I thought it would be.
Apr 2019 · 3.2k
Never there
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
You were never there.

And you never tried.

You had a chance,
but you stepped aside.

You never read me
or kissed me

You never took me camping,
or even for a bike ride.

Now I'm a big girl,
and you can't buy me toys.

But that's ok,
cuz you never did in the first place,
though you had the choice.
Spend time with your loved ones while you still can.
Apr 2019 · 176
I wanted you to...
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
i wanted you
to see
but you wouldn't open
your eyes.

i wanted you
to believe,
but all you wanted to you was die.

i wanted you
to feel,
but you ****** away.

i wanted you

to love,

but you didn't go that way.
You've  strayed away.

So I guess you're not foe me. I've tried to do so much for you, but you just threw it all away.
Apr 2019 · 354
Point B to Point C
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Point B
Point C
is a distance
I'm not sure I will ever reach.
But I've moved
from where I stood and so far,
I think that's
pretty good.
At least I've gone from point A to point B...
Apr 2019 · 466
You know you shouldn't
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
as inside
of you is
a war. You
know you should
stop, but you simply
c   a   n   n   o   t   .
You take the needle,
and what's inside of it
is lethal. Your hand is
s   h  a   k  i   n  g   ,
you know you shouldn't be
taking. But you just can't wait
for that sensation, one that is beyond
explanation. You push it in, into your vein
and through your skin. You sit back,
relax and pray that someone
will find you before
it's too
Apr 2019 · 221
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
kindness acts
as a house for me. Your
kind words make me feel warm
and cozy on                 the inside.
Even when                       there's a
  blizzard outside        my window,
   with      you      I      feel      warm.
What do you think? It's still just a draft, but I just wanted to get the thoughts of others.
Apr 2019 · 184
Black Hole
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
you a
black hole.
You drew me in,
my heart and soul.
But you could not love,
for that part was fake.
And all you did
was make my
b r e a k .
Apr 2019 · 201
French Braid
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
as is a        
                              French Braid.

Which strand                  
                          should I pick;
which one                  
                         should I use?
Or should I                    
                       just let go
and let them                

   l   o   o   s   e  ?
Inspired by my French Braid...
Apr 2019 · 246
Beautiful sunset
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
purple; bubble
gum pink. Soft, gentle
lavender, bright orange
a bit. A beautiful sunset;
the end of a day. I
hope to wake up
tomorrow and
see it
Apr 2019 · 130
Our song
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
is playing on
the radio. I don't
know why I'm starting to
get tears in my eyes. Perhaps it's
all those things that you said
when you used to pull
me close and

I love you more than ever.
Apr 2019 · 431
After a while
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
After a while,
I start to forget.
From the last time I saw you,
to the moment we met.
you're just a blur;
and I don't want to remember
we once
The past is in the past.
Apr 2019 · 156
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019

it will never be perfect.

make it work.

Apr 2019 · 365
Always be
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
There will always be another
      n t
      u         a
    o                  i
     m                              n

that I'll have to move.
There will always be another battle,
and sometime I'll have to lose.
In life, you can't always win.
Apr 2019 · 233
Keep going
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
"Ugh, I feel like I'm doing this all wrong!"

I say, frustrated,
looking at my math paper.
The boy
in front of me turns around
and says,
"I feel like I'm doing life wrong, and I still keep going."
My quote and inspiration for today. Thank you, my classmate! :)
Apr 2019 · 318
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
I will take the thunder,
the rain.
It might never come again.

I will take the sunset
and the dawn.
Someday it will all be gone.

I will take my flaws
and my mistakes.
And hope that they will only last
for today.
Because someday, they will all be gone. And so will we.
Apr 2019 · 546
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
We     haven't
exchanged     words       now
in        more      than      a     week.
Come   on,
talk   to .  me,
S P E A K !
I'm   desperate;
                                                          in   n e e d ,
I    need   you    to     speak.
I   can't    live    like   this,
I    need   it   to    stop.
Our     words   used   to    be   priceless,
and      now       we         don't         even       have      voices.
Very unfortunately, a true story that still hasn't ended...
Apr 2019 · 382
Every time...
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Every time
you kiss my nose
Read me stories at night.
Hug me in your arms.
Keep me safe from harm.
You are so special to me,
you mean more than anything.
I love you,
I love you so much.
Apr 2019 · 199
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
To be
old and wise,
you must first be
young and stupid.
Apr 2019 · 1.5k
Every time
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Every time when you
my heart breaks.
Every time when you talk
about leaving,
I think it's because of my mistakes.
Every time that you
hurt me,
I try to hide the scars and make them fake.
Please don't do this to me...
Apr 2019 · 310
No matter what
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
I know
I’m not always
the best I can be.
I am moody,
and sometimes
I’m mean.
But you use your patience
and your strong love, too.
And you’re always there
with me,
no matter what
I’m going though.
Apr 2019 · 274
Would have
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
would have
only there were
too many
It was tempting!
Apr 2019 · 269
Trying not to think of you
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
I'm trying not
to think
of you.
All I can see are those
icy eyes.
All I can hear are
those beautiful lies.
All I can feel is that
gentle touch.

I miss you so much.
What did I ever find in you?
Apr 2019 · 512
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
is on vacation
but your
is working
Apr 2019 · 324
Apr 2019 · 329
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
a door, it might open
a window.
It might
be smaller in size,
but those
who truly want
will get through and
open the door.
Don't stop there, go on! :)
Apr 2019 · 349
Stare into your eyes
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
I could stare
into your eyes for
at a time.
Actually, forever would be just fine! :)
Apr 2019 · 897
Masha Yurkevich Apr 2019
Your eyes.
A menace.
Yet something so precious.
Your look.
So cold.
Yet as valuable as gold.
Your touch.
So tough.
No feeling of love.
Your words.
A lie.
Only to hurt they try.
And you smile.
Oh, that smile!
Makes you forget about the rest.

your eyes are soft.

Your look is caring.

Your touch is gentle.

Your words are kind.
So who are you really?
Mar 2019 · 426
Best Possible Time
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
I want
to believe that
you left
the best
possible time.
When you and
big man upstairs
had talked
what would
happen after your
And I truly hope you did.
Mar 2019 · 235
Begging for Spring
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
All this snow.
All this  cold.
All those
All those sunny hours.

That's what I'm waiting for,
the spring.
Come on,
let go.
please, no
more snow!
Dear winter,
though I love you, I think I'm ready for spring...
Mar 2019 · 518
Snow Flower
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
The snow.
Several inches thick.
It gives no chance for the
sun to work its

No green
g r a s s . No
colorful   b u t t e r f l i e s .
No leafy   t r e e s . And
no pretty
f l o w e r s .

But one
flower, braver than
the others, uses all of its strength
to rise and break through
the earth.

Its pretty
light up the snow
and beg for spring.

That one pretty flower
inspires others,
though not just flowers.

Us people should,
rise up and shine bright.
So go on and share your bright colors!
Inspired by my superhero friend! :)
Mar 2019 · 203
Only for us
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
The pretty
The people and crowds.
The hours
All to only bring us
to another end.
The tears
The money and cost.
The tissues
None will ever heal this wound.
It's only
for us.
To you it is
With every second,
your body only gets colder.
But for us,
it's only a sense of
Because up there, you are enjoying yourself with God. While down here, we're still mourning and crying.
Mar 2019 · 304
40 days
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
It's been
40 days
and I'm still
thinking about you.
You're not here
and I still can't believe
that it's true.
I hope that
up there
you see what we're doing
down here.
But I know it doesn't matter to you;
it's only for us.
To try and bring us a sense of closure.
Mar 2019 · 291
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
Imagine that everyday, someone would give you
you would have to spend every cent of this money,
or else it would all be taken away
from you.
Though you get this money everyday,
you never know
what it's going to end.
What would you buy
dollars everyday?
you have to spend it all!
A house,
                        a car,
                                                     a business,
                                                                          an island?
Now how would you react if I told you
that you have this
bank of money
in your life and can use it
as you please?
Is money just
a diget
for you,
or is it more?
Then let me tell you that there are
86,400 seconds
in 24 hours?
How you use this time
and what you do with it
is up to you.
All I can do is suggest you use it wisely.
Mar 2019 · 100
Will we?
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
By the shore.
Where we met.
When the water
s w e p t
our toes
and you
s w e p t
my heart.

On that bench.
In the park.
Where the wind
b l e w
my hair
and you
b l e w
me kisses.

Will we ever
do that again;
the things that we did then?
Will we ever
be called
or is it now
just a you
and a me?
Mar 2019 · 222
If you want to...
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019

If you want to, then you will.

~ A fellow pianist

It was said in Russian, but I tried my best to translate it.
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
Зла достаточно;
любви нет.
Но знаете ли вы,
что любовь это наш свет?
Хватит делать зло, делай добро.
Сделай это, чтобы всем
не только для моих русских друзей, но и для всех, кто может понять.
Not only for my Russian friends, but for everyone who can understand.
Mar 2019 · 1.3k
A Flying Dog
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
I dreamt of a flying dog.
This poor puppy
had a unique talent;
it could fly.
But it was
to show the others,
it was shy.
It was afraid
of what the others would reply.
Inspiration came to this puppy
when it saw a
flock of geese
fly by.
The poor puppy
covered its head with its paws,
and started to cry.
And that's where I come in.
I walked by
and say this poor puppy
standing by.
"Go on, little puppy,
go on, fly!
The puppy tried,
and flew with the geese,
and it was the most beautiful scene!
I felt so special
helping someone get somewhere
through there dreams.
The puppy flew,
as did my heart.
A true dream that inspired this poem.
Mar 2019 · 1.2k
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019

Other days,
I put my
in the fridge.
Or is it just me?
Mar 2019 · 645
No words
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
There are no words
in any
that will help me describe
I think I will have to make
some new ones
in order
for our conversations
to continue.
You are too good for any words!
Mar 2019 · 535
Four Letters
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
It's only
four letters
put together to make
a word.
Living this is like a living in
a different world.

No sorrow
no pain;
no worry,
no blame.

It's only four letters,
spelling out

L     O     V     E

yet its outcome
is strong and more than enough.
And you can make it happen and pass in on to others.
Mar 2019 · 468
Nothing Better
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
There's nothing better
in the evening,
thinking about you.
At night,
dreaming about you.
In the morning,
waking up
remembering you.
Mar 2019 · 441
Masha Yurkevich Mar 2019
▶️ Play the   moments   

             ⏸ Pause the    memories  

                        ⏹ Stop the   pain               
                                       ⏪ Rewind the   happiness
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