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Jeremy Betts Aug 7
Pit answerless questions
Against questionless answers
The stuff no one mentions
It just sits and it festers
The best of intentions
Played out by the worst actors
Heathens and hellions
Aren't the back stabbers

Jeremy Betts Aug 7
Not startin' $hit
Just talkin' it
And I can talk it
'Cause I walk it
I believe in talk $hit
Get hit
I can take a hit
So come with it
Or I'm gonna have to ask you to step back a bit and sit

Jeremy Betts Aug 7
What's gotten into me?
Well, it's spite silly
Despite a lack of a vacancy
Much needed for what's actually important to me

Jeremy Betts Aug 7
My chin digs a ditch stretchin' miles behind me
My tucked tail has fallen off and lost sight of me
Occupying limbo in the company of ennui
A trait from Eeyores' arced personality
No hospitality
Low fruit hanging heavy
Rots gradually
A ******* at the ready,
Presented indefinitely,
Squarely into the faceless face of longevity
As it inevitably gets the best of me
And I seemingly seem to be ignoring the complexity
Like it doesn't apply to me
Oh the irony

Jeremy Betts Aug 7
Eye to eye with a two faced mirror
Stern threats stated towards this duplicate I see
"I'm warning you, don't ******* in there,
You know you don't like it when we're angry"
Though, my mind and I both know I know better
Fully aware I don't have a victory on it's territory
A half baked example of what makes a quitter
There's a lose on every flipped page of my story

Jeremy Betts Aug 6
Time is funny thing
We miss the past
And dream of the future
While paying little mind to a today
That is the dream we will later miss

Jeremy Betts Aug 5
That's the name they gave me
The intentions weren't friendly
They used it mockingly
Albeit creatively
Because my skin was alabaster pasty,
I was Jack Skelington skinny
And, apparently,
My blond hair and blue eyes weren't manly
So then,
I embraced it and turned it on them ceremoniously
No more Casper the Friendly,
Just Casper the Deadly
Turned to the ghost that gave nightmares to Freddy
Made the devil look heavenly
That persona went at any and every enemy
But now that I'm 40
I've let that part of me leave me
Though it was the only part of me that believed in me
The scratched up side of my flipped penny
...I miss is secretly...

Jeremy Betts Aug 5
I asked one time
"Why must we grow old?"
And I was told
"So we have the mind to ask,
'Why must we grow old?'"
So I guess I'll only show
But never really know
Oh well

Jeremy Betts Aug 5
Do it,
Love me
Do it,
Hate me
Do it
Do it
Or don't
It doesn't matter

Jeremy Betts Aug 5
You'd think I requested these
Soul crushing insecurities
That break me down with ease
Like I selected to have bad news to come in threes
In a world that doesn't care about the word please
Closed a blind eye to the forest and the trees
Can't smell my own $hit on my knees
With an A to B through none traversable seas
The promised paradise is vacant properties
What I have are useless keys
And facts with discrepancies
That leaves a heart at absolute zero,
A deep freeze

Jeremy Betts Aug 5
Does it look like I care?
No sir
Easy answer
But you can't see in here
Unaware or pretender?
Oblivious or clueless?
I don't make myself clear
To the goings on between each ear
What takes over top tier?
It's all fear
I checked there earlier
There's plenty of that here
A hypocrite because took second chair to fear
I let it steer,
Did nothing as it ground through every gear
While telling others of the inherent danger
Watching it veere right before approaching what I'm after
I can only look in the rear view or side mirror
One shows issues catching up,
The others closer than they appear
A hard knock heir
There's not a lot to envy in here
I don't have it in me to care
If I could I probably would, I swear

Jeremy Betts Aug 2
Inspired by
Krista Delle Femine
~Still the Fool~
I always find myself here
With little to no explanation
I'm thinking it's because I elicit fear
They avoid my intensity
Every bombastic and overcharged emotion that overflowes from me
I believe they mean to
But they seem to pull themselves through
It's always something I did
Or didn't do
It's so much rejection
I've lost track of the lesson
It's only humility
And wanting from someone
Something they don't have for me
They often pretend
Put up a good front and deny the lie
I have to keep all of me inside
And leave it for everyone else to interpret what one of my issues it could be
Then it falls on me
Only on me
We don't have to wait and see
What I can't be
Even alone I can't be free
Not really
I'm still the fool writing about this
Letting them live rent free in my poetry

Inspired by
Krista Delle Femine
Still the Fool
Jeremy Betts Aug 1
Creating their own hell
Let's keep it simple
Try to be real for a spell
No spiel,
Just an obvious tell
But not doing it well
A sequel
Was always going to be a hard pitch to sell

Jeremy Betts Jul 31
No more...
Feeling unwanted
Feeling unloved
Feeling like there's no one above
I've had e-fu¢ing-nough

No more...
Being "the problem"
Being "more that I can take"
Being no more than "the latest mistake"
For fu¢ks sake

No more...
Fu¢king anything
I'm okay with it being just me
I'm okay with being nothing
I can only be what you see

Jeremy Betts Jul 30
Tonight is not a night
Where we will find sleep
Tonight is the night
That we find something more everlasting

Jeremy Betts Jul 28
There's a want to be wrong
Wanted for so long
So long it seems like a folk song
Rather than a foregone conclusion
Just another drawn in lexicon
A childish tantrum replayed like a sing-a-long
'Till the real "want" is gone
And I have to admit I have no idea what's goin' on

Jeremy Betts Jul 27
I pretty much know what's in-store
I've been here before
Some days I feel I've never left
One day it'll be where I take my last breath

Jeremy Betts Jul 27
Behind deep blue eyes
Like deep blue tides
Is a mystery
Somehow even to me
Behind bright blue eyes
Like bright blue skies
Is not a safe place to be
Not even for me
Behind faded blue eyes
That prove time flies
There's been too much tragedy
Far too much for me
Behind closed blue eyes
That've seen their last sunrise
Is where I'll find tranquility
That's where you'll find me

Jeremy Betts Jul 25
It's hard to imagine anyone loving me
When I hate me so completely
I'm sorry
But if I have to love myself
In order
To feel love from anyone else
I might as well put myself on the shelf
Out of reach from everyone else
I'm afraid love will never win
It's not as easy as just letting it in
I have to keep battlin'
Just to keep from drownin'
Due to a timeline filled with so much abandonment and rejection
Over and over and once again,
I'm sorry,
I'm sorry my sorry means little to nothin'
My devotion didn't start out this thin
This is the outcome of both creation and evolution
Going head to head,
And coming out in the end,
As a problem with no solution

Jeremy Betts Jul 25
Open up you say
I'd love too
If even just for a little something new
A simple change of view
Although to keep this bit of honesty true,
I should tell you,
I don't necessarily care for this solo walkthrough
I'm a little tired of the empty echo in this venue
Allowing someone in isn't worth another self worth issue
One can be a lonely number, but so can two

Jeremy Betts Jul 25
Love and hate
Neither pose a challenge to fate
What even is there to debate?
Prove one is far stronger than the other
Go ahead,
I'll wait right here

Jeremy Betts Jul 25
Forever counting sheep,
Gotta be up to infinity
I'm sure though,
Any day now,
I'll get to see what my dreams might be

Jeremy Betts Jul 24
No minds eye
No dream of a brighter night sky
No minds eye
Trouble seeing through most any lie
No minds eye
A lack of one inside but yet I still cry
Can't go face to face or eye to eye
How friggin' broken am I?

the inability to form mental images of objects that are not present
Jeremy Betts Jul 24
Welcome home
Heart of stone
House of glass
Fault is not mine alone
Karma credit blown
It happens fast
With no receipt shown
The last to know
A forced outcast
I didn't get here on my own
A house of glass
And a single stone
Another broken home

Jeremy Betts Jul 23
I melt like ice on a hot plate
Like a candle to a flame
All I know is pain
Though it now sits as an unforgettable stain
The receptors were never meant too sustain
The onslaught like constant rain
Proving to be too much to maintain
I now feel nothing,
Teetering on the cusp of insane
Not unfamiliar terrain
I recognize fears domain
Spent a lot of time on that plane
Where a single step forward is a strain
And one look back can reattach the chain
Scars from a dangerous brain
Are the only parts of the original me that remain
If need be,
Look for my face in the wood grain

Jeremy Betts Jul 23
Seeds of doubt churn with streams of hurt
Leaving it's mark from brain to heart like ruts in plowed dirt
It all collects and pools, a bottomless oddity here
Who's the capture, who's the prisoner? That's never been clear
Up to the moment life boils over the razors edge
Ribbons of crimson spill quickly, careening off the ledge
You had to have known it's all hollow, must I follow?
Must I always question while you threaten the finality of every tomorrow?

Jeremy Betts Jul 20
A part of me is left behind every door that closes
Like a mourning loved one, I leave roses
Another chunk of me is stolen by future pretend friends
Right when I step through the convenient door they told me always opens
With every new venture a strand of hope ends

Jeremy Betts Jul 20
I run from my inevitable next mistake
Only to find I'm the bait
I'm at stake
Everyone will debate
On why I must participate
Ignoring why I no longer want to partake
I wish somebody
Would have bothered to tell me
You can't possibly challenge fate

Jeremy Betts Jul 20
Even before
My feet hit the floor
I'm short a dollar
And a day late for what's in-store

Jeremy Betts Jul 20
The past haunts,
The future taunts
Leaving one to be the sorry,
Lowly, lonely,
Monkey in the middle amongst the what-nots
I'm not a fan of this short story of hollow dots and vague plots
One man's constant nightmarish thoughts
Are anothers breaking point spots

Jeremy Betts Jul 19
Still stuck on the fence
Forced to traverse a world that still doesn't make sense
I could embrace the ignorance
But I don't want to take that stance
So I find myself stepping on toes during this awkward slow dance
I wouldn't call it happenstance,
Not a chance
The culprit is this toxic, three-way romance
Between anger, my dark passenger and everything I can't forget to remember
Nothing to see here folks,
At least not at first glance
And that's enough to keep me in this trance

Jeremy Betts Jul 19

Jeremy Betts Jul 18
Every now and then,
I'm hit with raw, overwhelming emotions
Doesn't matter when,
Feelings brought in are habitual Trojans
That's just how it's been,
Recklessly driving these knee-**** reactions
And here I am, once again,
Arriving on the scene of irrational explosions
No one but me noticin',
I'm left to bleed out anytime my heart opens
Dark thoughts start creepin' in,
The next door to close might be the stage curtains

Jeremy Betts Jul 15
I tried to resurrect you in every thought I had
I tried to connect through words on a notepad
I have tried to let go of the sad
I tried every coping mechanism I had weren't even a good dad...

Jeremy Betts Jul 12
I'm not scared
I'm terrified
Every step forward
Fears are verified
Every glance over the shoulder
The past gets magnified
Every breakdown in the corner
Bad strands of DNA amplified
I'm afraid if I stay on this ride
I'll be taken out with the tide
Created by the oceans I've cried
Ignored 'cause I say, "I'm good" but I lied

Jeremy Betts Jul 9
Is there inherent good in people?
Who's to say,
Nothing is that simple
With little to no meaningful example sample
One's left to guess what to shed and what's essential
For those not raised to be capable
Those who struggle with both an internal and external battle
Or wound up with a broken porcelain bone handle,
It's hard to shake the fragile label
And always surprising who is willing to use it as ammo
There is good, there is evil
Most linger somewhere near the middle
Remember though,
It's not that simple

Jeremy Betts Jul 8
From my view, while side eyeing beyond the periphery
I basically see a place that's not a place anybody would actually choose to be
But when it's the landscape of your own psyche
It's hard to see any way out of the intensity that will always accompany insanity
And no one can hear your inner voice plea for much needed mercy
Begging yourself to set yourself free
But this inescapable captivity is your eternity
But it just occurred to me,
I can't tell if this is free will or destiny...
Did I choose to fall slowly?
Maybe I decided to come undone gradually
Or did some higher power think this was best for me?
Either way's bad news for my trajectory  
Zero possibly of a redemption story
No guts
No glory
Just constantly repeating "sorry"

Jeremy Betts Jul 3
Dreams provide the building blocks for nightmares
Working with outsourced puppeteers,
Freelance shiit talkers
And unlicensed engineers
Incorporating in-house failures,
Stacked to the rafters,
To orchestrate such fears
A passion project with plenty of volunteers
But after 40 some years
Missteps and heartbreak are full blown careers
With daily bonus checks awarded for tears

Jeremy Betts Jul 1
I watch life's ultimate plan to bulldoze
Play out and target any happy settlement,
'Till all that's left are foreclosed burrows
Unwelcoming ghettoes
A real to life Gotham City narrows
Everyone knows
Shiit flows
Down stream and my life's the delta where it all goes
And it shows
As it never slows
Better days?
I'm out of those...
I don't suppose
You have one you could spare
All I have to offer
Is heartache and woes

Jeremy Betts Jun 30
With each and every smile the lie grows
Gotta live with this Pinocchio nose
Black out curtains dress the windows
So, I suppose,
The only parts of me I expose
Are silhouette shadows

Jeremy Betts Jun 30
...I mean, where do I begin?
Her toxin,
It has me locked in
Open to every sin
A reckless passion
Electrifying the skin
She reminds me softly through a coy grin
That there's no rules but she likes the discipline
So I jumped in
Just for it to be a solo swim
Don't trust a whim

Jeremy Betts Jun 29
A well lit path is not part of my journey
Mine's through a dark ally
The thoughts that emerge from the shadows come in a hurry
A savage flurry of the eire
Physically consumed with how badly this could turn out for me

Jeremy Betts Jun 29
Who knows
How many more of those
Devastating blows
From life's twisted episodes
I can take
Before I get exposed
And everybody knows
This smile's a fake,
Adorned like over warn costumes on Broadway shows

Jeremy Betts Jun 28
Life's biggest illusion is the freedom we're shown
Cause there's only so far you are able to roam
It never occurred to me that it was strange to be in this place alone
At first,
While trying to escape I wore my finger tips to the bone
But now,
I've got it so bad that I call this catacomb home
No land line phone,
No WiFi hotspot zone
Cut off from the outside inside this prison of skull and bone

Jeremy Betts Jun 28
It truly is a shame
It's a shame that this evil never left after it came
The residual, dry back shot residue leaves a stain
After every time I'm sccrewed and they remain
Those ones don't rinse off in the rain
The rain that came all the same
Leading me to aim my point at and then claim
That I'll never see life the same

Jeremy Betts Jun 28
Docile and tame,
A king slain by his own sword
Self inflicted pain
My shelf life would be considered inhumane
A body originally set to be a temple
Is now unlivable domain

Jeremy Betts Jun 28
I hang a mangled backdrop
A set prop
To keep from view
That I got
Behind the scenes rot
And there's a lot

Jeremy Betts Jun 28
Any second now,
I could come face to face with an enemy
Sent by a deity
With the soul purpose to immediately
End this agony
But I can guarantee
I'm not that lucky

Jeremy Betts Jun 28
I sit in this empty room
But I'm not the only one in here
I went and let my demons out
They produce then they feed on my fear
Been here many times before,
More times than I can ignore
I won't shed another wasteful tear
What good's all this crying for?
Both my tear ducts are sore
And it's the same year after year after year

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