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He deserves a dead beating
For justice sake
Everything I hear about him
Makes me want to punch his face
Not just once,
Not twice,
But as many times as it takes
To put that guy in his place
Some dudes act so rudely
Because they've never been beaten
I have been,
I know pain,
I've been defeated,
AND above all, I have learned RESPECT
So let me tell ya,
If I ever see that boy
He will become my punching bag
My fist his wakeup toy
Mark Wanless Feb 28
oh the little fists
happened again this time she
tried so hard to not
MSunspoken May 2021
Fly little birdie, fly!
Tell that ***** to get lost
He'll regret the day he saw your face
Or face the hand from which you came
Fireflies Jun 2020
Get your hands *****
Dirtier, the need for change is a hurry
Take on this fight
Fight for justice, fight for what is right
Must not let this momentum die
Dying is for cowards, dying is for those who are not an ally
If the country is set in flames
Flames shall it be in, for the ones who died. Say their ******* names
Dont't you dare put that fist down
Down shall those murders go, we must do this to protect our children in the playground.
Change is close and we must fight till we get it
Poetic T May 2020
Try wanking with your
   big toe and longer
               toe-ish part..

Its like a ******* with out
                          the awkwardness..

  Except your palm gets jealous,
  and starts showing the pressure
it can put on this

Jealousy is a digit
not giving a grasp when needed,
              cos you choose another appendage.
flitting Apathy Apr 2020
i dont burn my calories
i *******
i n c i n e r a t e      them
         obliterate them
break my fist for their departure
  e                        and     s    v    r
   e                                     a    o    y

no truth login Apr 2020
who can hold the wind in his fist?

~for Ken Pepiton~

your poems full of hints and innuendo,
most of them I don’t get, of stuff, I don’t know, no clue,
my education impoverished, which is why lucky me,
I’m getting my viral signed check for 1200 bucks,
yes siree

but some college educated sharp eyed feller,
said look, see how Ken keen, has the bestus, the real tuff stuff,
hidey holed in the footnotes purposed for you to miss it,
****, he was right, cause I found what you hided!


who can hold the wind in his fist?

an inquisition worthy of a thousand answers,
my Roman slave cautions forbearance, whispering in
my one remaining unconquered Gauguin ear, just the best,
these time of times, hanging heavy, be sweet, leave out the chaff

I, cannot hold the wind in my fist,
for it has always befriended, going
over my life-coarsened skin,
through my-stubbled fingers,
cooling and christening, constant teasing kissing
as it was born anew, a first time poem,
it was meant to be unkept and unkempt

you might want to hold on, keep it, for its touch is indeed
that of a first time lady loved, savoring the cool,
and the heat simultaneous, no fool us, empowering,
the wind forever runs freely, between, never sticking,
going around my body, into my open orifices,
sometimes caressing, sometimes troubling,
its power leaving us atrembling, moved, straighter or bent over

those who created wind and water had many reasons,
but their first purpose was to constant enliven the human mind
with the softest message that true freedom is never bounded,
nature’s song is refrained, “man, be unrestrained,”
it’s majesty then greatest,
men may fool themselves with lines and divisions,
Earth’s best best seen in its unconstrained, searching character
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