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Max Neumann Dec 2019
being placeless is exciting.
being loved without disguise can't be described.
Jep. You have never said "I love you". Because you don't need to say that.
459 · Nov 2020
To The Desirable Singer
Max Neumann Nov 2020
desire is something we can't grasp
we feel it, we experience it, and we cry
we smile, we laugh, and we hope
when you sang for me, i froze the moment

now i'm carrying your voice with me, in the
valleys of my heart, dem heavens of my soul
i'm crawling through the palms of god's hands
while it's raining easy money and faith

the gentleness of your pitch is one of a kind
i want to know more about you and i'm dreaming:
embracing you, holding you, the most precious
what does it depend on? an airline ticket?

heaven yeah! let's go for it and let's unite
it's just a matter of time, a matter of life...

much love, faithfully yours:
max a.k.a. mikey
For you, my girl.
Max Neumann Feb 2020
You are the Sun.
The Sun doesn't move.
This is what it does.

You are the Earth.
The Earth is here for a start...
And the Earth moves around the Sun.

And now...
We'll have an explanation that simple folks like us
can also understand about immortality.

All I ask is that you step with me
into the boundlessness
where constancy, quietude and peace,
infinite emptiness reign.

And just imagine that
in this infinite sonorous silence
everywhere is an impenetrable darkness.
Today is a good day.

Note: I do not own the copyright for this text. It's the transcript of a film opening that you can watch here:

Youtube: Werckmeister Harmonies (Opening Scene - GR-EN sub)
456 · Feb 2020
Zombies and Vampires
Max Neumann Feb 2020
why is it that the zombie can't speak?
why are zombies poor?

why are most vampires rich, educated and always dressed well?

Today is a good day.

Youtube: Falco - Junge Römer [Official Music Video]
455 · Nov 2019
The Door (To Omar Little)
Max Neumann Nov 2019
do me a favor aight
when you go switch off the lights

close the door behind

pay attention to the lock it
makes a sound pay attention

do me this favor
you gotta do it cause

shadows everywhere
voices everywhere
enemies everywhere

ain't no fun though as
gang colors in the nineties

tag watts
tag berlin
tag harlem

shadows everywhere
voices everywhere
enemies everywhere

for twentyseven years
do me a favor aight?

i've been looking for a brother
i've  been looking for a mother

nobody knows about it
they don't know and they
don't have to

when they interrogate you
about last night
when they ask tell em:

i was asleep at night
as civilians do

no talk about turf
no talk about extortion
no talk about capital crimes

private matters
wat matter is you
lock the door baby
YouTube: "the wire omar comin!"
452 · Sep 2020
Crushing The Milky Way
Max Neumann Sep 2020
as it was too late, you crushed the milky way
remote from your loved ones, far away...

i took you into my spacy arms, silver-
purple dots were circling us, babe

i came into you and we made love
the silver sound of a white dove
Spacey Loverssssssss...
451 · Nov 2020
Cigarettes and Vossy
Max Neumann Nov 2020
in times of destruction, you need fierce force
in times of hunger, you need absurd appetite
glowin ******* have been encircling you
try to scream, but your vocal chords rupture

multi-armed street military, covid-19 deniers
9-to-9, 24/7, armies made of plastic angels
everything improvised and effective like:

TIZZOP doesn't always write, swallow dat link
as hate and anger overwhelm, GOD forces me to act
at age 13, they called me "***** Splash", so
i had to install 888 children who now my soldiers

in times of destruction, only family remains
in times of appetite, simply loyalty protects ya
Esteemed Allies,

you learned that we are temporarily in a period of treaty. Every soldier is ordered to relax and listen to this:
Max Neumann Feb 2020
"i have been suffering under a loss. can you help me?"

"ain't no big deal you gotta pass avenue h
then you have to make a left to reach starbucks

when you're standing in front of it
move your head to the right and focus the end of the block you'll spot a lantern

(not the one with the rectangular shape but
the one that looks like a strange cone; mind that difference my man)

and when you have reached that lantern
you walk 25 blocks to catch a ride

ain't no cab i need you to look out for a gipsy car ridden by a female driver

(can't tell you why now would be too early and will be explained later on the phone)

hand out $ 7.000,00 to the driver and tell her to take you to emigration oaks; that's close to salt lake city in utah (never ever try to get there by plane my man)

after you'll have arrived you gotta dial a certain number –– 1-800-reveal-a-secret –– 
and listen to a voice you have been fearing

its message will be relating to you personally

let everything go
show courage
become yourself

one year later smile about your former life.

do you understand that?"
Today is a good day.
449 · Dec 2019
Behind Your Eyes...
Max Neumann Dec 2019 a purple curtain

behind this curtain
is your flesh

behind your flesh
is your ego

behind your ego is the real you
we've been on a journey
like grandpa and grandmom
take me away
take me to the place of the real you
why do we always desire what we don't have?
why do we want to be somebody else?


Max Neumann Nov 2019
one hit right here
hit right here
hit right here

went through right

feel me?
hit up here n###a!

we really in the hood tho
we really with this ****

n###a this **** ain't for
play play this **** ain't
for fun we

really do
this **** we

really live
this life
youtube: "gzuz warum"
438 · Dec 2019
A Happy Meal
Max Neumann Dec 2019
let's put some toys in it!
kids, they love gimmicks

and a flyer depicting heroes
so after parents bought the first
one: the kid wants all; ain't that some fun?

by the way: i thirst
for more: can never sling
too much money
how about an xxxxl- sprite, honey?

Today is a good day.
438 · Dec 2019
An Arrival Poem
Max Neumann Dec 2019
i wrote about civilizations and greed
in order to scent creatures

scent and greed
friends are hidden between the
river's sparkling
hidden on the river like pearls

i don't know if you know
what i'm talking about

but that's fine my man
but that's fine baby

we simply have to ask brother
we simply have to ask sister
if we need answers for our longing

they are sitting by the tracks
close to the trains

they're always there
always: i promise you

don't be scared baby
i promise you:

they are always there
like moon and sun
like a being being overall
in our past present and future

a wonderful power;  in my son's
colorful bible it's called

do you understand that?
can you grasp it?

many african-americans say
"you feel me?" in order to
express and share something
(much love to omar devone little)

on my chest there is a tattoo
the one you copied
in an hour made of

scent and greed
i wanted that

i wanted that you come to me
among the shadows
beneath the greed
above the scent

in a moment of "you feel me"

our skins were sparkling  
our souls were glowing

as we felt each other more
knowingly and more deeply
as ever before

we were two halves
overfilled with the longing of
our childhoods

so i had to come into you
you needed me to be inside of you

and we felt each other
more deeply as ever before.

we arrived:

at an old little house by the sea
green rusty window shutters
it's never cold there like florida

close to the waves you know
this old little house by the sea
it's always warm there

not far there is a train station:
where we find the brothers and sisters sitting by the tracks

we had arrived.
Thank you, Lorraine, DP and Melancholy of Innocence for your answers to my question. And for your wonderful poems.

Thank you, OCB Relax Music, for creating music of calm and peace.

Today is a good day.

YouTube: "Morning Relaxing Music - Piano Music For stress relief and Studying (Riley)"
Max Neumann Nov 2019
you approached me
on my way back home

we stopped
i looked into your
i looked at the core of
your soul

you didn't hide your emotions
i wanted you badly baby
i said:

"soldiers like me need tenderness
and i will give you tenderness"

slowly you took my hand as i
was already waiting
we walked into the night

my big gun was swinging
you pressed your body against it
hey there
430 · Nov 2019
Max Neumann Nov 2019

don't come

here ain't ya place

mommy forgot you
dad burned all
your pictures
dad destroyed your old

i hate you

got some blow?
i be filling gapz  
i been tizzop
420 · Dec 2019
419 · Dec 2019
A Question
Max Neumann Dec 2019
i asked my daddy: "do you trust me?"
and he answered.
Today is a good day.
Max Neumann May 2020
I'm haunting myself
I leave strange notes carved deep
To await me when i wake
In a vain hope
they will evoke some meaning for my sake
The scene that greets me the next day
Is alien and weird
I don't recognise myself
It is just as i feared
So i haunt myself
When the penny drops at midnight
and the demi-gods are in sight
I'll leave a reminder
I hope to find
In the rising of dawn
But when i'm reborn
with a yawn
I find nothing but questions
Dark reflections
In a puddle of beer
and stark rejection
I muddle to clear the rubble and troublesome struggles i near
in my direction
So i haunt myself
I barely remember writing
Never remember feeling
and as soon as i get close to whats real then I turn away reeling
I figure it out every night
But drunk eyes give short sight
and the brain rotten
so as soon as i strain to recall the next day it's forgotten
Amnesia is pleasing when the reason I'm feeling this daemonic screaming is cos it feels as real as the ceiling
Then it subsides for a second
or a minute i reckon
Before the darkness beckons once more
I'm haunting myself
and unsure
I'm scared of the person
I was the night before
I'm host to a ghost
that revels in the terrible things
that cost me the most
Battling with the shadow it casts
hassled by the past like tassels on a cat
Me and the fiend in the glass staring back
I'm haunting myself
I had to ask Troubadour from allpoetry to have his great poem to be published here on HP. He agreed.
A remarkable read.
415 · Nov 2019
5 Minutes
Max Neumann Nov 2019
if five minutes where dem
last five minutes of my life

if i died
in five minutes
i would

kiss my kid
hold on to my wife i'd
call my mom


i wouldn't write a bit
i wouldn't eat a bit
i'd have lots of ***** though

i'd trip
i'd get scared

who would not?

413 · Nov 2019
Bad Boys
Max Neumann Nov 2019
we're from the

we're coming for

we're giving you
the wrong address in order to hunt

don't you worry about it
don't you feel intimidated it's
fine being inferior
don't ya think bro?
Today is a good day.
405 · Jan 2020
January 11th, 2020
Max Neumann Jan 2020
many of us know this date
many of us probably dislike it because...

good words, likes and hearts were deleted.
so i disliked january 11th until i figured that
god (others tend to call it "karma", "fate"
or "the cosm") is testing me.

every trial strengthens the
spirit of a fighter.

I do thank you God.
Today is a good day.
Max Neumann Jan 2020
hook a buddy up my heart
is racing
trapped in purple drops of rain
my pulse has been pacing
like a golden train

we were spacing
out for five hours
my words became your worst
your worst became my words

listen to your inner voice:
nobody is without...
Sins are committed by everybody.

Regardless of skin color, moral values, beliefs, nationality, age, gender, ****** identity, welfare-dependency, wealth.

Fühlst du mich? (Feel me?)
Do you understand that?

It is never about stereotypes but about oneself.

Still, stereotyping helps us to survive in this weird world.

Are you brave enough to distinguish?

Today is a good day.

YouTube: "Bedrock Beautiful Strange"
404 · Dec 2019
Out of Rehab
Max Neumann Dec 2019
nothing worth more

i am listening to my
people's words

i am listening

i am
i will be
398 · Feb 2020
Politically Incorrect
Max Neumann Feb 2020
i want to be a...

republican because i am a

i want to be a democrat
because i am a republican.
Today is a good day.
Max Neumann Nov 2019
dear mr. president do
you know

timothy & bao
ikram & erhard
puja & timon
folami & leonardo

shannon & kavi
kenzō & shaquille
meklit & aleksej
gabriela & hugo?

they all work hard to
make a living

honor diversity america
has been a great team
hasn't it?
391 · Nov 2019
Daddy I
Max Neumann Nov 2019
hey daddy i
would like to talk to
you please

may i?
forgive me to disturb you i
know you are a genius
as well as a soldier

may i?
Today is a good day.
390 · Feb 2020
7 (Gang Jail)
Max Neumann Feb 2020
rivers of dust
ninetynine cents
beastly fightin' wit
glowing nails
ain't no fakirs it is bloodshed
fakers neither knuckles bloodred

feel verse seven: just a bloodbath
Today is a good day.
387 · Nov 2019
Video Life
Max Neumann Nov 2019
dancing in your

your stallion cause
you need what's yours
youtube: "It's My Life Slav Version"
Max Neumann Nov 2019
damals meinte bonez:
"ey wir sind bald stars!

und jeder aus der gruppe übernimmt
sein'n part" (he)

er hat zu mir gesagt:
"setz dich hin, schreib bars! (los)

"denn von den meisten
gangsterrappern stimmt kein satz!" (nä)

back in the days bonez
told me:

"we gonna be stars
every one of us
gonna write his part" (nä)

he told me to sit down and write
bars (aight)

cause german rappers be
phony (nä)
youtube: "187 strassenbande mit den jungs"
385 · Dec 2019
F.L.Y. Now
Max Neumann Dec 2019

forbidden fruit (eden)
little hole (eve)
Yahweh (tizzop)


turn every letter around turn warriors
into choirboys allergic against weapons

turn vampires into

turn around: somebody behind you
spying each letter you gotta

be better
don't turn the page NOW
the paper'd simply fly downwards into hell
with you

besides: the book of your life will end soon enough
welcome to the new world, tizzop. we just WON. love you, buddy.
383 · Jun 2020
Steven, The Animal
Max Neumann Jun 2020
apart from the city, steven is sleeping
his fur is made of sunlight
steven's retinals, archives of memories, are glowing

beneath is a lake that reflects the shining
steven's relaxed glimpse swims on the surface
earlier, his pack was murdered

above his head, an orbital cloud is floating
ghosts of the dead ones
urge to communicate

across the lake, a maze of wishes
drifts through the water
empty faces, eyeless and earless
Today is a good day.
383 · Aug 2023
How To Find Memories
Max Neumann Aug 2023
You know how to find memories?
I am from a place remote
From a quite different world
There I forgot the memories

Sit up and come to me
There is no detour to get home
Just a path made of stars
Strewn by the thieves of light

Find the words in my eyes
I wrote them down way back
Buried in years of waiting
So you finally come to me
To Find Memories
382 · Dec 2019
Max Neumann Dec 2019
people who do something excessively:

having ***
and many more actions

are on a quest.

sooner or later, some of these people discover something much bigger.

something that balances their
minds and hearts.
Max Neumann Feb 2020
Sorry guys, that's not a poem. Had to publish it :-) So much love in it, HEAVEN YEAH!

Today is a good day.

Youtube: Hezekiah Walker New Video "Every Praise"
378 · Dec 2019
Ghetto Of Words
Max Neumann Dec 2019
every written text
regardless what it is about and
how it might be categorized

every written text
is a ghetto of words.

since words do not decide
who they are paired with;
they neither have a body nor a will.

but take at look at their "ghettos":
that humans call "fiction":
marvelous places made of fantasies.

look at them.


for... real: could i please be a word in my next form of existence?
Heaven yeah.
377 · Nov 2019
Working Title Words I
Max Neumann Nov 2019
write the beginning of a
sentence in capital letters

mind the dots please.
you mustn't forget to finish a
sentence properly as
well as writing in accordance to
the given guidelines of
our faculty and its members
esteemed personalities who would never
forget a dot.

can you sense how i
talk and how i
take care
of my writing?
376 · Nov 2019
Max Neumann Nov 2019
far away

far away

stray old
buddy stray

pray think
come back

375 · Dec 2019
Iceblue Gates
Max Neumann Dec 2019
were opened to

**** human beings:

22 murders in 2019 of Black/Trans Woman:
372 · Sep 2020
Unreal Tournament
Max Neumann Sep 2020
an old, decayed mine, far from civilization
psychotic warriors occupy alleys, resolutely
this here is their last match, the death match
only one survivor remains, bloodbath

walls are covered with intestines and *****
fuckburst killed five, a female voice moaning:
double ****, multi ****, mega ****, ultra ****!
each increase is arousing our speaker

unreal tournament, land of fun and gore
your addiction is called "flag canon",
"rocket launcher" or "monster ****"
i'm all in now, no worries, no regrets

bloodshed covers you in bloodred
but i don't know the truth, barktooth
we are drinking silver-blue fantasies
as bullets spraypaint your apartment

you switched the game off, but the
monsters are attacking you, warrior
vibrating echoes and their dark voices
in rainbows, in rockets, in repetitions

shadows eat up your courage
motionless, swooshing swoosh
you are trapped inside their thoughts
no chance to escape, you get crazy
372 · Dec 2019
Max Neumann Dec 2019
dear reader,
will you please help me?

i am starving!

whoever you are
wherever you are
whenever you can:

feed me with money
don't you worry about ostensible risks for yourself your soul or your body:

rumors. spread by liars
who dare to call me a drug

truly, i'm starving for you.

your favorite substance
Appetite for destruction
370 · Jan 2020
Children and Adults
Max Neumann Jan 2020
as a child, you can't wait to grow up.
as an adult, you either suppress or fulfill
your childly needs.

some of us do both; but it's the balance that counts.
Much love to all kids who can't wait to be an adult.

God bless your young souls.

Today is a good day.

369 · Dec 2019
Inside the Rehab II
Max Neumann Dec 2019
the ward physician said
to an addict: YOU are going to relapse

the chief resident told
me: if you want to have  
the numbness in your
right shin examined
you are free to leave

my reaction was a
calm one

no resentment because
i found something
inside the rehab
in the addict's stories

in their human faces
i found a healing secret

"...most substance-addicted people are also
addicted to thinking, meaning they have a
compulsive and unhealthy relationship with
their own thinking."
-- David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest
R.I.P. David. God bless you.
Max Neumann Nov 2020
"Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter."

my crutch
what i want to say 
i build on you 
i believe in you
i need you like nothing else in this world  
when i'm lonesome, freezing and scared 
when my soil is occupied by demons 
when i fall and being plagued by evil

you give me strength and shelter 
how often did you save me 
you winged and carried me 
what i want to say  

i build on you 
i believe in you 
i need you like nothing else in this world  
what i want  to say 

i believe in you 
i trust in you 
i build on you 
lord, you are the rock 

my heart is happy and i want to thank you with my song 
for all mercy and all peace and the luck that you have been revealing to me 
for the castle that you are and the shelter that only you can give me 

for the love, the prospect, the insight, freedom, hope and strength 
all i want to say is i build on you 
i believe in you and i need you like nothing else in this world

i believe in you 
i trust in you 
i build on you 

lord, you are the rock
360 · Jul 2020
Max Neumann Jul 2020
a bluely shimmering stone, for you
well stored memories are floating beneath us
find me all the years we spent together

we are not young, we are not old, baby
the time we've shared will never stop
trust me as you trust your inner child

we are entering a new stratosphere
red frost, blue lagoons, tamed sharks
nothing can ever stop us, my lady

clouds made of golden dust, your face
freeze the day, keep it inside a pearl
we are there for each other like siblings
Today is a good day.
360 · Nov 2019
Looking For Answers
Max Neumann Nov 2019
would you mind telling
me the answer to all the
questions i'm
having ?

every day
every hour
every minute

every time you
are blinking an

i can't answer most
questions by myself

you feel me?

i need you to
learn what the
world is made of

you feel me?
i mean don't misunderstand
that baby

it would just be great
having somebody

what's the weather

what time is

which date is

and most importantly:

where is the

Today is a good day.
358 · Nov 2019
The Language Fiend
Max Neumann Nov 2019
come on
hand me a poem will ya

or at least a stanza i
be willing to do everything

what? then gimme a
a verse kiddo i'm sweating like

not even a verse? cmon!

a word baby!
please just one ****** word

or i mean frankly ahem argh
gimme letters

at least one single meaningful letter
invitation to a fiendship
352 · Sep 2020
Wakin' Up Thoughts
Max Neumann Sep 2020
the snow is playing with your face
our lifes are fast-paced, so fast-paced
stay with you like always, 'till our last days
waking up with you is sunday, sunny sunday

and when i feel jumpy, ****** up or insane
still on the cocktail, still completely awake
you always calm me, my mighty mermaid
happy birthday, our luck is homemade

we don't need a foreplay for play
come on, let's go to your place
i like to place dem dreamcatchers
for dreams captured, mind the screen

hours of a lifetime, welcome to the life style
datin' at nite time, ipod-white, flymode style
lovers of a lifetime, welcome to my soul mode
we be ridin' roads, only talking in codes

fantasies never seen, inhale the galaxies
let's keep it all-flighty, show me your caller id
our knees in high seas, 16 for the diaries
show me your caller id, and stay all-flighty

nite of the niteties, unite me wit dem sprities
dey come so shiny, whisper of a shiver
circle shadows, shoot at 'em wit rainbows
we hug each other and we watchin' our pain go
351 · Dec 2019
Always the Same Dream
Max Neumann Dec 2019
countless nights
the same dream:

awaking in black water
dressed in jeans and a

legs under water so i
am trying to protect my
cell phones from

24 HOURS. Keep coming back.
349 · Sep 2020
Max Neumann Sep 2020
talking 'bout kush, so cali, holy swoosh like nike
doing the right thing: the double truth, spike lee
i am overflowing wisdom and shine out of words
but you'll only see tattoos, my body is a haze

if you're not from me, at the corner of the real ones
i'll be catching whole ones, re-up and ride on
as i put a smile on vivian's face, i live the pace
of something you will never feel, explosionz

wait, i'll be starting the mirror, check out the ring
check out the seal, amber-red, the shining
now, you're acting seemingly dead, eyes winered
after a night with me, you realize your schism

no worries, there comes just a snowstorm, glossywhite flurry
synthies are falling down, bombs are blasting sounds
when i was five, i got bass-addicted, waterfalls splashing
holy swoosh, you are asking for forgiveness

36 souls in a prada bag, the dead, the ashes
morocco and nador, the runner, the hashish
multicultural friendshipz, all the world
16er lifestyle, golden lights, green fog
Max Neumann Nov 2019
four years ago a
three-year old astonished millions

twenty-seven years later
pe’tehn raighn-kem
will have become
president of the united states
souls are souls, baby. feelings are feelings. human beings are alike. all colors are beautiful.
youtube: 3-year-old blows away audience with poem for black history month!
347 · Jun 2020
In Memoriam: George Floyd
Max Neumann Jun 2020
the ****** of another black male
riots, looting and shooting
divides states of america
a crying statue of liberty

the constitution is a shallow bible
some cops are praying before killing
executions of sworn-in hands
invisible dirt on their fingers

blood is dripping from these lines
this ain't a poem, ya feel me?
autoranking be irrelevant today
justice is, and chauvin has to pay

his name is short for chauvinism:
a belief in national superiority
this inhumane being is self-obsessed
he is not a cop but a killer

when will it all finally stop?
this flood of violence
bring it to an end!
chauvin's knees are a weapon

and he's abused it for too long
put him behind bars, punish him
george, you are in heaven now
surrounded by air: now you can breathe

in memoriam to you
much colorblind love
R.I.P. George Floyd
✞ May 25th, 2020
Today is a sad day. Let's all hope that the culprits will be punished and that justice will triumph.
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