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Safana 3d
I congratulate my cat
For future winning
US Election
A coronation, watched by our entire great nation,
Some with trepidation, others boisterous jubilation.
Trump feted, his fawning family silhouetted,
Basking in his light, his confidence and might.

This Grand Old Party, it's followers vociferous and hearty,
Anointing their chosen man, to rule their ever-growing clan;
No harm to love a cause, giving thought and sometimes pause,
To what this passion brings, the words the siren sings.

Whereas strong leadership is good, it can be tainted just like food,
For democracy renounced, cannot then easily be found.
Let’s be careful what we wish, lest it be a poisoned dish,
Our founders crafted choice, beyond just
one resounding voice;

Autocracy is not a word, that in our Lexicon is heard,
We must vigilance ensure, for our country's story to endure.
Unity the dream, but like salmon in a raging stream,
Needs fortitude and grit, knowing when to fight and for the greater good, submit.
To help us reflect
Robert Ippaso Nov 2022
I will very very probably do it again
Anyone who knows me and has a brain
Can see that Biden's old and lame
Now's the time to reignite my reign.

MAGA folks love me and want me back
They need our country set on track
For what I have all others lack
Of running stuff they know sweet jack.

As to DeSantimonius, Short Pants Pence and Chippy Cheney
That they'll burn out I'll wage you money
I'm the one that's smart and funny
My golden touch makes all things sunny.

So once these midterms are sown up
I'll squeeze lame Joe just like a bug
Show the world that he's a dud
For I’m the man, I know it in my gut.
Frenchie Sep 2021
Is it really that black and white?
To choose a side,
is it red or blue?
Whats true for me,
or whats "best" for you?

Where have all the flowers gone?
Burned to dust in California.
Drowned to death in Lousiana.
Blown away in the Central states.

We are left with heartbreak,
                    and rage....

We reap what we sow,
isnt that what they say?
Is this why Violets lie in my wake?

So where have all the flowers gone?
Raise your eyes and see,
count our stars.

Love is free.
Violets are a symbol of peace.
Isaac Spencer Mar 2020
Now, I've been broke since before money existed-
If I ever made it big I'd probably resist it,
And I'm still ****** that I'm just another misfit,
Taking shot after shot even if I'll miss it,

Yeah, I've been high and I've seen the tar pits,
Been so **** ****** up nobody coulda' assisted,
And I got back up so I guess the gist is-
Taking too many shots is my kind of base hit,

And I've been dead since before Death enlisted,
Never get a 1-up cause the church is twisted,
If I had one wish, I'd add billionaires to my hit list,
Taking shots at the top till they sop and eat ****.
Max Neumann Feb 2020
i want to be a...

republican because i am a

i want to be a democrat
because i am a republican.
Today is a good day.
n jacobs Sep 2019
Donkey or elephant?
Rich, middle class, or poor?
Red or blue?

They have us all confused, all duped.
It’s a game of sides, an endless pursuit.

So we begin to hate, one another,
Begin to rate, one another,
Like our worth depends on contempt,
Not resisting the tempt.

But brothers and sisters,
Isn’t this one nation?
Lost our patience,
All things decided by rich white misters.

Because we argue over things that take forever to be voted in,
And ignore the world’s greatest sins.

Because while we argue for feats,
People starve on the streets.

I’m acting my own self, that paper out of range,
Because I can show my fellow human love before my ballot makes a change.
A poem about loving our fellow human, not politics.
as she
is great
and essentially
pink but
bristles her
tears in
white that
social reform
with brother
in arms
whether or
not manifesto
is establishment
in flux
that detox
is the
grabber's phone
a lawless night
rmh Feb 2019
you can't shake hands and greet people with a smile through a wall.
Owen Carter Jan 2019
Blue skies and apple pies
Football games and guns to aim
40 hours of work and fireworks
Heteronormativity and conformity
White tranquility in the midst of police brutality
White terrorism claiming nationalism
What is the American Dream?
Shutdowns and cages and riches for ages
Fascism raises from hateful rampages
Families taken away from their own
These are a few of Trump's favorite things.
What is the American dream?
A flag always at half-mast
In preparation for the next mass shooting
Killing the poor with a minimum wage
That can't even afford rent
Mocking the people we stole this land from.
America the land of the free
Construct of the patriarchy
Thousands of dollars in medical bills
Treating our oceans like landfills.
Oh say can you see by the dawn's early light
A country so broken the end is in sight.
Capitalistic ideals that possess the rich
Destroying the poor as we're thrown in a ditch
Together we must rise above
And show Trump's cult what we're made of.
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