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MuseumofMax Jun 21
With you I share my faults

I whisper stories of who I once was.

I close my eyes while I reveal my weaknesses, hoping you don’t leave.

I speak the thoughts that have gathered dust in my head.

Each word that falls from my lips
more anxious than the last.

Your arms pull me close so I know I’m safe

You listen.
An old poem that I liked.
Jeremy Betts May 8
...I hear ya, I do
I just don't find what's been said to be true
But if I take a look through your view
And in lue of the downward spiral conducted by the waves of blue that I've now seen you go through
I want to go ahead and attempt something new
What do you say we put aside debate and simply conversate for a few
A little bit of back and forth like birds of a feather seem to do
Why don't you choose a neutral venue
And I'll collect the short guest list of me, myself and I plus you

Zywa Apr 20
I rule out myself

when reading, so I can hear --

what is being said.
Philological study "The Text of the Epistles. A Disquisition upon the Corpus Paulinum" (2007, Günther Zuntz) - "Lesen heißt mit fremden Kopfe denken" ("Reading is thinking with other people's minds"), cited in the philological study "Geschreven en toegeschreven" ("Scribed and Ascribed", 2013, Charles Vergeer), § 7.A: "Lezen is zich verdiepen in een tekst. Luisteren naar de toon en de stem van de tekst zoals we luisteren naar muziek." ("Reading is going into a text. Listening to the tone and voice of the text like we listen to music")

Collection "Glimpsed"
Zywa Feb 12
Listening seance:

rubbing hands, clicking tongues, and --

loud shuffling of shoes.
"Deep Listening" - Composition "Wind Horse - 2" (1962, Pauline Oliveros), performed in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024, by ensemble MAZE, with participation of the audience

Collection "org anp ark" #367
Zywa Feb 12
With dry pods and bags

filled with granules we're rising --

little whirls of wind.
"Deep Listening" - Composition "Wind Horse - 2" (1962, Pauline Oliveros), performed in the Organpark on February 10th, 2024, by ensemble MAZE, with participation of the audience

Collection "org anp ark" #366
Jeremy Betts Jan 1
I've been searching all life long
Placing my bets
Amidst all my missteps

Listening to the same ol' song
Dancing on gass soaked briquettes
Risky as it gets

Find me between right and wrong
Racking up debts
And future regrets

My self hatred is strong
Setting precedents
With no true benefits

Only ever told I'm wrong
No corrective steps
Only more empty threats

Just wanted to belong
But that's too complex
Don't want to know what's next...

...out beyond the smouldering bridges and life threatening safety nets... residence

William A Poppen Dec 2023
Every time I hear you utter
Snort an exasperation

I notice my flinch
An arising desire
Fix, solve
Help it go
Outside of you or me

Thoughts roam
Across my forehead

What if
There is another way
Accepting vexations
Chagrin does not stay
When I see that part of you
Fixing, advising, listening, noticing feelings
What people don't say is already in their words
You either caught it or they flew like birds

Hearing is for any functioning ear but listening is not
The aroma is not that important but what is in the cooking ***
If we can listen careful enough, we can tell who people truly are, how they feel, how they think and what they are going through.
Glenn Currier Jan 2023
I went to my friend
almost afraid to expose the need
I found as I read the book,
not knowing if he would be deaf to it.
As I spoke of my father
who was not there
to show his boy how to be a man
I recounted my losses
and the load of grief I felt.

My sadness clung to me
a heavy suit of chainmail on a dark knight.
I could feel my face
drooping in lamentation
unable to be the smiling grinning buddy
I normally brought to the room.

Seemingly unable to enter into my pain,
my friend, a man of great intellect, character and conviction,
responded only with a litany of his own.
I tried to listen but my burden
made it a mighty climb.

Now I know my pal is only human
and I am wrestling
with my self
sweating MY


Stand there...      wait
Don't stand there...    breathe.
don't breathe...    just feel

Nah.   Yeah..
Ya-sure...  breathe&feel

Or wait...   no..

Ah,  there it is...    Yasss.    Good girl.

When you ghost me
I get a *****

just talking to myself..
and whistling
and singing Winnie the Poo songs
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