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3.7k · Feb 2019
Brynn S Feb 2019
Bloom from decay
Follow moss of black rain
Run towards shattered laughter
Pierce nightly noose as if to welcome him
Wait and stay patient
“Time will arrive soon enough
Though, only few understand”
The mystic in teardrop’s reflection whispers
She is a woman, creature, a not-yet-spirit
tallons reach to comfort
Iris torn, fragmented judgment
Those eyes melted off skin
They sunk towards the floor
Deep depths of pit, madness separated weeks
Fall, fall slow, invite the insanity
The lady with the crook smile and stolen wings
1.9k · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
The written worlds of the mad ones
Those who have not learned to fly for all their wings have not sprouted
I chased those clear wholesome night and ended them with bleak sorrow
Grip my wrists and show me goodness for I fear I may never learn the souls
Tell me in whispers those memories of before, the ones that were not yet tainted by lust or grief
Tomorrow holds not promise but heartache, I fear I have fallen deep into caverns
Lost and unchecked they pushed me farther down, my eyes dost weep yet there is no sound
I’m worried, I cannot grasp this reality you’ve placed me in. Everything feels new and I might never see the end
Heal my heartache with physical pleasures, if left alone I will fall into gluttony
Let me not be alone I will become lost
1.4k · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
I tremble before you
At your alter
For lives unreached; all shall falter
Craving touch
Falling into clutch
Sweet lease
Shown to be brief
1.1k · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
A small note attached to the small toe of the not yet dead woman
It read of sorrow and peace as she lay there still breathing
To why was she spread upon the iron table with eyes the color of coins
Displayed, surrounded by mirrors and windows ***** and unbreakable
Not a whimper slipped from her mouth as the small knife slit into her
Tearing the silk gown with precision of an artist,
the butcher masqueraded itself as husband
Emerald eyes shed no tears, reflexes halt to an end, an acceptance was reached
In her hands held a relic, one of the past and future. The piece was a watch
Ticking, counting down each second of breath. Belief in release the ******* death
Feeling of pleasure with each cut, the teasing texture of blood cascading downwards
How tantalizingly horrific the scene of sacrifice; a modern day alter
Rested upon rusted roses and sweet thorns the alive child laid
Silence for she has given voice to the goddess and the body to the God
1.1k · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
The rain bird whistles in my ear
The boustrophedon melody fallowed loud and clear
Breach my windows and ruin my sleep
A ****** delight my eyes do weep
Cradle my head in wretched screams
Erase and memorize fallen dreams
Trapped in dusk my eye does wake
Migraines conjured will soon dissipate
983 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Have you ever watched the stars fall from your eyes?
Not many have, it’s a terror that masks itself as blue
Once the stars fall they reveal the darkness beneath
The absolute
That’s what I call it, it’s an immenant force awoken by madness
It exhumes itself from a dusted space and collects the spare thoughts
It feeds on my lungs, it rips pieces of my soul
Dragging them down to the plunging tides to be washed and preserved into a formulation of unbridled torment
I have not the slightest to why my heart beats in two awful tones
Maybe it’s the excitement, maybe the moans
I need not worry for breath falls short
I always reconcile back to the night it made itself known
A dwelling creature beneath my stomach
Risen from the ashes and buried in self pity
The sad clown of desire without as much as a tear I stood there petrifical in glances
Watching the bottom of the glass come closer, it snuck up on me as it’s fragments plunged into my chest and brought with it the terror
Frozen in silence I heard only the wails of my lungs
897 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Conclude the dream
Dew melt my eyes as a suken scene
Soft spoken words pour from your lips
With bones of greetings how often our slips
Gaze and grasp
Each night to pass
I follow you to heaven
Lift me to the ceilings of above
Paint me unto the walls of love
Grasp the two sides of the bodice
Reach to me closer, call me the goddess
Place unto the petals, leave me your alter
With breaths intertwined movements cease to falter
Eyes melt into one sight
Share with me our night

Loves together in a single moment
Kelidoscopes of rosed colors tint
Small traces to guide the hint
This is my moment to share, racing thoughts bleed into the air
795 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Death is my decision
Not theirs

They act oblivious to what I scream
Each words spun in reverse to the next morning

It slithers down halls
Devouring my mind
Slowly consumes
Rage insues
Chanting the same words
Barely breaching the skin
Each voice a hum
Rotted of sin

Take my life
Do not give it back
Signal the archways
Mask the stone crack

Hopefully hopeless
Nothing will last
Each word a distant
Each promise resistant
As mourning rises
The sun sweeps a day
Returning to rain
Wash the blood away
727 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Like a small cigarette
Your touch wraps around me
The dream fever sets in and I awake
In a trance I lept from my skins
To fall is to never sink
Ease and tension simulataniously working as one
An emotion of heartache and peace
I fear I may never leave your side
Even in miles of distance there is the connection
The maps of stria
The leaflets of lonely-togetherness
All words fall short
Though those eyes have spoken
They imprint themselves onto my soul
Devotion in absolute
I will be yours once I am not
643 · Jan 2019
Brynn S Jan 2019
Tall and dark
A handsome face
She walks amoungst the thorns
Pricking them first
Laughter in angst
Remorse in the joyous

Eyebrows flare, eyes rolled to white
She dulled the jewels on the beetles back
She convinced the bird to veer from flight
She crushed the soul of the earth’s core
Crunched it like a pit
And let bloom decay.
635 · Nov 2018
Autumn pt.2
Brynn S Nov 2018
Burnt leaves
Colors of decay
How slowly they fall
Skeletal trees sway
Each cobbled stone promise
Coated with glass
Rain spots and reflections
Eyes watch in love
For the new birth of season
590 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Shine against cool winter’s skin
Breath in place of crackling voice
The room has been awoken with footsteps
Behind a veil of black the eyes are left hushed
She felt him, electricity buzzed
The motions felt swift, though lingered on cress
Little glimpses, flashforwards to each motion
Electric candlelight burns at edge
The eye of the hurricane ascended
She felt him, his hands like silk
His touch greeted her, she fell
Into the skeleton of the room
Confined to their space of absolute
Stars outlined edges, moments left to soak
She could see without sight
Each spin of the record
Each hum of the base
Comforted by quilt, entangled in skin
581 · Mar 2019
Brynn S Mar 2019
Tear my skin piece by peace
I see the bones leaking in feast
Emmergance of the palest formation
No more turns for degradation
Peal back lids and watch them fall
A shell of a mind once stood tall

Petals of birth
They fall to the ground
Each day another
None left to surround

Lonesome I may
Given with greed
Taken the chance
Most others would flee

Break my neck
My legs as well
Transform me into art
May all others go to hell
568 · Feb 2019
Brynn S Feb 2019
Cycolpitic view
Unedited outlook so bleak
Disabled in ability
Off turns the night
Replace stars with bottle caps
****** glass
Little shells
555 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
The roaches on my doorstep
They show nights of neglect
Follow me to darkness for I’ve not yet wept
Sweep me under doormats and follow path
The untimely death was apart of the wrath
Breaching the veil I’ve not yet pushed through
Legs start to quiver at those thoughts of you
Will I be met by the moon
Or shall she lay dormant
Whispering to stars of my utter torment
Clawing at life she has found her strife
Not until mourning will I be cut by son’s knife
Whisked away the smokes of today
Unable to lay safely in the bed I have made
Clothed in mindfulness
I shriek at joy
Just another game; and I am the toy
509 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Lying in nights true form
I saw you beneath me; the bees began to swarm
Tasting the trails of where finders have lead
Ecstasy leaning to worlds untread
Marks to deliver such sweet sound
Pounding hearts beat as movements confound
Show to me this sweet child of night
What lips have shown each chase cause me fright
I shutter under melodies of hot cress
oh darling you have pocessed my breath
Arches and bones have created your path
Lead me to the promise land and show no wrath
Curves sway as the seas begin to crash
Meet me at the high point, watch it thrash

Dear somber veil
Intertwine the wreaths forming moaned laurels
Little by little each touch shows quarrels
frivolous children under satin minds
Laced with faucets, wax, and rinds
502 · Mar 2019
Brynn S Mar 2019
The night has been soaked in gasoline
Light the match and set the scene
Drops of sun, and brim of dark
It tips it eyes to the cherished lark
Three years of time
Stolen in seconds, paid by dime

My forked tongue wished and whispered
As the light slithered and cut with scissor

Terror in the first degree
Set the stove to burn
Leave it on the timer
The one in which priorities urn

Paint them some smiles
Keep them coming for miles
They only stay around when you flip the bill
Take one chance and then will they spill

Alone, take it as a loan
Another debt to pay onces the moon rise again
Desert eyes with silk vein
Corrode in marrow, then she will be sane
492 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
I float
No longer swimming to suffice
I’ve met at minds edge
The peak of perception
Lies veiled and lay to rest
I no longer need a spark
Ends of tired knives
Too sick to hurt
Power from the depths
I emerge
489 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Pressed against echother under a veil of stars
The pavement scratched my feet
leaving indents of pebbles at my heels
Covered on a summer night
we watched how each moved
We mesmerized sweet promenades
We understood the depth of memories
I fell into your arms
We danced as one
Two souls lost in a two step
A waltz of our own music
Humming the tunes of Presley
Eyes gazing into each others minds

To know what we were was a guess
You were the artist and I was the dancer
A mixture of spontinity and daydreams
Together we floated
Laughter filled our lungs
The music lasted us forever
It was our forever now

You whisked me away to a land of hope
A hope that still has yet to cease

Giving me a new world and a new name
Lover you called me
Affectionate and graceful
Emotions of children
Accompanied by the spark of an old flame
Joined together now
We felt as if we have met centuries prior
Under your gaze
Comforted by heartbeats

Together we have stayed
Who would have known we would make it this far?
483 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
The translucent glass
Small vines wrap around
It connects the inside to the outer shell
The bones of hollow
And the gloss of blues
Vivid to the eye
Reflections of light show themselves
The small mysteries of earthy heavens
The sounds of frigid winds carry
The small angels of earth
They blend and blind the blood ones
Those who stalk its lusterful beauty
To watch it float is like to watch a tear fall
Fall from the eyes of innocence
Glowing with flames of ice
Perpetual harmonious laughter
Ringing like small myths to the eyes
Glorious creature they are
Glorious they will be,
Those who fly
Inspiration from Dr. Faustus, giving light to darkness
482 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
I thank you
Swallow my mind whole
Leave not a crumb
Consume my words
Know my grief
Watch as I sink
Each cry for help
Every bit was for you
Oh sweet audience
How I do love the spotlight
Little candles burn at stages edge
Let me not sear at flame
478 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Those dark cold nights
The ones I held so dear
They dissipate as ends prove near
I was always blind
I fled from the silence
I ran to false profits
Those who gave me solace
A woman of straightedge
Narrowed by the path
Now holding fire
breath in the wrath
Lost in the found
I am poison
Fleeting through time
The hours conclude
The rasping grind
Run to the roses
For the thrones pierced your eyes
Darling of nature
Watch as all lies

With two eyes absent the third appears
474 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Breathes of the room
Each silent creek
Warning the chambers
Footsteps of stealth
Inside the mind
Exhale the darkness
Breathe in new light
Fallen to none
The planets collide
Each star a signal
Lasting comfort inside
Beating heads
Racing hearts
It hurts so bad
But I want more
469 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Open up your doors
The soul of the elder
Rusted keys chirp
Under prints small flutter
Fly into the heavens
Songbird of far
Death until morning
Follow knight’s star
464 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Blood has risin
Fallen under the demise of gluttony
Throats shutter in a flourished gleam
Spilling out their smokes; the evil stream
With closed eyes the horizon did strike
I was the one who favored spite
Invisible to eyes the mind grew thin
Wearing down from the mask of sin
Oh sweet child have you strayed so far?
In the final moment did I become a star
Ripples of triumph
I have fought death
Swimming towards light
For one last breath
Decrepit old sun burnt out and cold
Heart wondered beat less
Fortune favored the bold
448 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
What were words before us?
Inventions of man’s design
Truth lines with their meaning
The heartfelt nothing that is sounded just right
445 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
My eyes are weak
Sunken in dispair
A great plan has me to ensnare
These petty reasons so childish
Heartache as company, and you the
main dish
Blurred vision and soul revision
Reap into my soles, start the incision
Lashes have fallen

Fears have grown
I cannot place these words of rage
Everything seems plotted, set for the stage
444 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
When the writer stopped
The clicks disappeared
Paper lay silent
Words melted into floor
Candle wax measured time
Each drop a new hour
Pens of neglect
The dagger of mighty men
It laid there
Dusted and calm
Nothing was left
There was nothing to right
“Right” is a play on the word “write”, as the direct focus is on a writer without any words left. Or is he to “right”his wrongs/ confess? Ponder this
443 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Dreams slip away
Fogged glasses
Wind chimes sound
Leaves start to crumble
Wind under feathers shriek
Thrills of the splinters
Each mask worn differently
Those who seek will never find
433 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
I hear the scratching in my head
The plates shift and creek
Laying back against a pillow
The mind wonders and the hearts shriek
425 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
I cannot count the nights devoted to you
Wishing at candle flame for your eyes
Adornment and absolute
You were the one to fan the spark
Raging fires under fingertips
Strong hands down onto heartbeat
Controlling breath with trace
Movements like a conductor
I was your muse
The piece that would give you forever
Obtain the stars and guide reunion
Together we shall not fall again
421 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
What has literature become?
Mockery of the new age
They spit on the graves of former writers
They take their names and drag it through mud
Disgrace, distaste
Nothing fuels the flame
The elusive spark as died
We all try to grasp at fame
Only few may succeed
In comparison we falter
We are the ****** ones
left to pray at the alter
420 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Cigarette burnt skin
Rise from within
Marks of the mind
Memories unfold
Unraveled and intertwined
The moments were left short
Though all traces last
Falling to the sky
Racing lungs bite
Pinching and clutching breath
What is the punishment of lust?
Could their loves be condemned?
416 · Mar 2019
Brynn S Mar 2019
Become the young
Breathe the bitter air with vibrancies
Intake the lucid eye
Though you’ll never see it again
Once the juice runs out
Glide with hands spread on both sides
Scream death away
Kick the rain
Believe you can return it to the sky
Know that when you age
You’ll be there too
High as a kite
409 · Feb 2019
Brynn S Feb 2019
Feet under crystal green water
Fragments of debris float in circular motions
Tracing the minds pondering nature
World passes as if turning backwards
Return to the former place one of purity
The corruption brought forth a small death
One of little significance yet large impact
Only personal not important

The clocks are abused
Mistreatment of age delivers hell
408 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Smoke danced off the tongue
Rolling with movements untouched
Breathing with each snap
Moments of the muse
Whisper into my ear
Rumbles of thunder shutter at eyes
Short blinks to realize
405 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Mind these words
I’ve listened before
But what if the music falls short?
The latter isn’t as pretty as the start
Nor is it as tempting to follow
To entice is to be quite precise
Strategy is key, whilst motives are to see

wait for it
The silence
Live in it, fall deep
You’ll hear humming soon after
Like a songbird or wind
But nothing outlasts the the chords
Those notes to mend
A hodgepodge of words and ideas. Later they will be placed into the proper formatting.
401 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Little boy blue
In love with his shoe
Polish and clean
So fondly you gleam
Smile in delight
Scuffs in spite
Return to anew
You and your laced shoe
Title is a play on words, as mending a shoe could represent training the ability to stand tall/ confidence. Cleaning the shoe, getting rid of the faults. Heel to heal.
399 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Deep green
Withered screen
Soft skin
Rotting thin
Blessed boy
Restless joy
I cover it
Each heartache
Each pain
To feel you again
To understand touch
To remember such
Love me once more
Barriers will fall
We shall collide
Extremeties dissapate
Crooked smiles will align once again
395 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Thrown like a disk
I follow where I am led
Not where I wish
Flying through time
Walking through life
I’ve not found my end
Nor am I willing to die
394 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
To feel alive is to have stars in my eyes
Unity for the sun and moon to arise
The times where I’ve lived until the night has died

Each line of words has a meaning to me
They are mine for you
I share them for that one day you understand me
One day you’ll know me
Until then these are left here
392 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Silent ringing
The screeches of dark
They pierce the mind
Shatter the sleep
Alone in thought
Only the screams emerge
They rattle and shake
Until all words dissolve
Standing alone
Waiting for sound
Nothing is left
Engulfed by the ground
392 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
The bin
Silly little boy
You say such odd things
Small quips of a king
Tall steps they must seem
How far you have traveled
How tired you must be
Oh dear child
Save your soft gleam
Thank you for your words
Each little line
Ridicule shall fade
All in good time
390 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Raining within the theaters
With wounds I was given new life
With words pervading no meaning
A mute sound would escape
The lips never to speak
Yet they moved constantly
Buried in the weeds
Returned to natures ocean
A maze of divinity
The miraculous promotion
I float at the feet of a god
385 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Bite your tongue off
Produce no more screams
Melting away
Everlasting dreams
You ****** creature
Each word a mist
Spraying and spouting
Lies of the wrist
I have found no light for all is dead
Writing down terms of those who have said
Once before you’ve shown me light
Never again will I not fight
Break your bones
Grind them to powder
Wash them away
Seep and become prouder
You salt of the earth
What a delight
I see you near
No need for the fright
379 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Burst of nothingness
Fallen into mind
They scream
They bleat
Falling silently
Nothing to fleat
The flies swarm
They fleat
The tombs hide
Continue to eat
Gasp and cry
Buried inside
376 · Nov 2018
Autumn pt.1
Brynn S Nov 2018
Corpsed leaves caress
Wind blows them from their homes
The colors fade from the deep
They return to their roots
Not fallen, but unleashed
372 · Mar 2019
Brynn S Mar 2019
Reflections of endless winter
The trees overhead are left unclothed
Their branches bend as if they were a wise elder
Pebbles covered in dew
Rusted signs follow the path of the beast
A silent engine to watch over the body
Water’s edge, solemn and soulful
As it is measured as low-leveled it reflects the sky
Reaching to it as if they were connected
The hum of birds in return of their journey
They are confused as time stood still in the place they once fled from
The return shows coldness yet comfort to the creatures building life
Light so dim yet vibrancy leaks through shadowed clouds
The darkness only intensified the light
Light that projected from the small droplets upon glass
Little specs of sun, brought from the heavens to give light to the dark world.
366 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Sun bursts into the sky
Leaping colors form under thigh
Bleed into the brush and let moments slip
Concrete your mind yet your thoughts still drip
Propose a masterpiece one of bright blues
For you my eyes speak of faded glues
Stuck in rewind I give you my hand
Lead me by collar to the promised land
Stationary in place frozen you gleam
Staring through reflection my pulse should beam
Strawberries and sunny nights I do watch
Nothing more to our likeness; a room for the klatch
364 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Surrounded by light
You are darker
Follow the peace
But you are darker
Standing out
Knowing own grounds
You are special
Different and new
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