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324 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Raining within the theaters
With wounds I was given new life
With words pervading no meaning
A mute sound would escape
The lips never to speak
Yet they moved constantly
Buried in the weeds
Returned to natures ocean
A maze of divinity
The miraculous promotion
I float at the feet of a god
316 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Manufactured moans
My stomach turns to stones
I cannot feel, how I used to is a flare
Each second after I am left
Left to something odd; my mind
My mind can’t place or displace
Everything evaporates
Not much is left to salvage
The rubble vibrates
Turning into winged creatures
They escape through my mouth
It’s over
314 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Warm tone
Leaves of fallen trees
The trees of distress
Nights that howl
Smoke writes letters
Ones to spell truth
Secrets kept before sleep
Oh what it it was to hold youth
311 · Mar 2019
Brynn S Mar 2019
Sometimes I watch the paper as it fills with words; much like an overflow of a cup
Pen ink spills onto the pages with words only to be read in a certain order
If read closely the true intentions are met
If not the words are incoherent and absolute *****
I do love writing with my face centimeters from the page
The words flow like waves and their radiance proves brilliance
Watching someone write shows their heart
Their true mindset
Watching their words curve is like following directions to a new world; one of which leads to the heart.
306 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Breath to chance
Each silent dance
Flesh of moment
The bones of time
Parades of crimson
Blankets of coal
Ivory mothers
Nothing but soul
Touch the night
Caress warm velvet
I’ll see you again
Do not ask when
305 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Beneath the air I breath
I find you
A soldier of youth
Catching stars to bring to earth
For me a present
For you a future

Rosemary covers overhead
Reaching for the words you’ve said
Past revelations
They brought us our now
Clear head
Words unread
305 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Sun bursts into the sky
Leaping colors form under thigh
Bleed into the brush and let moments slip
Concrete your mind yet your thoughts still drip
Propose a masterpiece one of bright blues
For you my eyes speak of faded glues
Stuck in rewind I give you my hand
Lead me by collar to the promised land
Stationary in place frozen you gleam
Staring through reflection my pulse should beam
Strawberries and sunny nights I do watch
Nothing more to our likeness; a room for the klatch
299 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
As the time drags on you can absorb all that surrounds you in a time much different than all others.
You look at the clock and it may choose to go forwards or even backwards, strange.
It is absolute madness I know; but it is also something to make you think. If time is straight forward then why can we feel it bend so easily?
The rules are twisted and manipulated, something as concrete as time is then changed.
It drags on though, like that last drop of syrup from the glass bottle. So sweet and decadent you must indulge in it before it is gone; time that is.
295 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
I reach for more
My grasp holds short
I slip further
Though I stand tall
With or without
The heads and eyes
They bend with me
Watching and wonder
They simply ask “why?”
I ask “why not?”
293 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
I keep it close
A lucky time
Tracing its roots
None to find
I search to reasons
Why I love
It all circles back
It fits like a glove
Entranced by reason
I fall faded to the wind
Past lives may clue
None to know
Stuck like glue
288 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Stairs of clouds
Each step heavenly
I wait for your hand
Reach to me
Soft spoken and howling
Sirens of whispers
Drape me in ivory
The deep lights
Watch as reflection shift
Each color, each touch
Approach the ceiling
Euphoric it was
Lifted to the stars
Each one our own
Soon you will return
Return to the morrow
Bands of darkness
They held an embrace
Comfort in you
Comfort in trace
287 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Return to the skies
Each moment of bliss
Silence spreads
Like a momentary kiss
Rip those thorn
Exhale the petals
Grasping for the handle
Fighting for love
At the smoke of a candle
285 · Jan 2019
Brynn S Jan 2019
You’ll go blind darling;
Power to the top shelf
rush into will
Melt into minds pull
Silent drums and wonders vast
I twisted your hair and grabbed at cloth past
I wanted only a moment to stay forever
282 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Follow sparrows
Each one a mark
Crackles of pennies
Change of dark
Form new silhouettes
Show them a brush
Per chance you’ll fall
Swiped by the rush
279 · Jan 2019
Brynn S Jan 2019
Circles of chalk mend thy breakage
Follow the whisper to know end
Propose a query that might find no answer
Choose to follow that path of the madman send
Silent they wake with their ears tipped slight
Shake the feathers off your shoulders
Wrap tight in hand the skeletal kite
Flight is not with a heavy heart;
But with those who choose to jump first
272 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Everyone wants a poem
Short and sweet; how they love it so
Artistry for some, pretentious to others
“Keep it short darling”
“Let those pretty lips speak of happiness”
I have a true mind, a true heart too
I will not wait to be able to share
I say them when I feel them
To write words is to tell a story
Maybe poetry is too short for me
I do not aim to please the masses, I aim to please myself. I want to feel content with what I write about.
267 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Metallic kisses
Melt my lips
Each drop of crimson
Each silent drift
Blood spills
Spinal thrills
Moments of madness
Each smoke pour
Reach for the gods
You never asked for more
265 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Pierce my spine
Bend me to look north
Words to the profits
Notes to the legacy
Grab my hands and pull
Directions of decent
Paralysis of the edge
Tipping and melting
I spill over sides
The platform shatters
The worlds collide

godly oppression
Insatiable recession
Pulled from one direction to the other there will be conflict. Finding truths in falsities, forming direction through questions.
259 · Jan 2019
Brynn S Jan 2019
We laid there
Untop of pitch
Wading in water’s sound
The spot surrounded by an absent crowd
They awaited our voices
We sang, we kissed
Never did the sun shadow us
Not for a second did we want to move
In the heart of the process
In the absence of home
We found something else
This is in inspiration from a moment from the past where I and another found a stage that, in prior, had a concert and had not been torn down yet. So we just climbed onto it and laid there listening to blowing breeze, Elvis, and the water.
248 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Have you ever followed the demons?
Asking with a gentle eye, bright and mad
The folly of my spouts, they leave without doubts
To love is to lust, and following shows passion
I’ve watch the heels, I’ve clicked stones
Passage ways of tender, placed highest unto thrones
Blessed be, blessed without
I will find another
Take note of her pout
245 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
When they ask you how you got that scar,
What will you say?
A beast
A monster
A fall
Or an accident
Oh yes an accident I was
I ripped the routes
And disgraced the victim
Every truth has two sides
Yet you’ll never learn
All ends meet at the the fault line
A place of the mistake
One of haste
One of poor taste
Aren’t I the one who infuriates you
Drives your bones into each other
Grinds teeth of ivory
Yes I am
It is my fault, though...
There’s fault in you as well
245 · Feb 2019
Brynn S Feb 2019
The gun has been facing me for too long
The final thought and word from the poet
To be someone’s is to hurt self
To be no one’s is far better
Cracked eyes and tiger streams melt
Lashes collect at dripped edge
lept in multitudes, landed not once
Knees buckle under gravity
Chance has torn the light from eye’s view
Teeth scratch, the bite cruel and deep
But words, those words have lead wars without end
Have me listen to poison, falsities proved echos
In dark- clouded minds,  night delivers truth
Harsh truth of moments blind
The nightmare persists
One’s life is not yet to be theirs.
242 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Burning hole
Creator of flesh
Burn into me
Miss sweet sleep
Follow broken glass
Perpetual numbness
The numbers add
Armies formed
The night of blood
Creeks of clear
Walks so silent
Two feet
Attack pavement
Sit for awhile
Rest your head
No not hurt
Swallow those dead.
231 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Chase me like sweet syrup
Running down my throat
Plunging into the swirling pools
Esentric flames, bursts of passion
Only in minutes do I hold your time
Clutches of eminent divine
Glory blossoms
Fawning over youth
Rise lover’s quill
Awake the beast
I’ve been having writers block, my mind has not yet been cleared.
228 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Two small globes
Cover with view
Small and frail
See thy truth
221 · Dec 2018
Brynn S Dec 2018
Life after?
At the end of the line there’s peace
A small fragment in the unknown
to venture it is to walk a line
Telephone wires crosses
Small synopsis of chemistry
bodies we are
Bodies we will be
A short story of mine
One of fleeting time
Strung out on God’s
We are left to feel the mean time
Cruel it may seem
To those lived, now a dream
216 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Smoke floats away like a lovers touch
One to fade, one to clutch
Exhale the roses inhale the flames
Under touch the beast tames
Reaching for comfort
Gasping for air
At peace
213 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Small specs of light
They surround
Arranging themselves
Forming new worlds
Creating constellations
Glorious they watch
The night hours
Those of absolute
The grandeir of the obsolete
floating and falling
Each with a tail
Morning rises
Moons begin to sail
211 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Hands tremble in notice
Cremated they burn
Lung seared moments forgiven
Souls yet wandered
Rise to the ashes to be reborn
Let the stars melt away into graves
The perpetual return
Swept up by chaos
You resent the smokes
Rewinding will be youth
Risen by spokes
The skeletal eyes fixed upon you
Bleating the steps placed
Shattered silence ;the dieties you’ve faced
206 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
This is not for love nor is it for grief
To have one is to carry the other alone
Each shown difference through incredulous perspective
The pieces of truth show no appearance
They merely evoke feeling so raw
One of exposure and vulnerability
Caught in a spiraling emotion that gives no name to itself
A pit that feels free without restraint
A place where all options prove to be correct
One that shows no extent to a human life to live
195 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Words shift
They dissolve
Melting onto pages
Sinking into skin
Each piece faded
Never to return
All memories lost
None to return
187 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Marble domes replace your eyes
The words of truth, the worlds of lies
Sweeping in links, the silent wind
I have not a clue
What am I to do?
Beside myself with anguish
The utter defeat of the speechless
I miss you
To cut loose ends is to make something new
How could I not love someone like you?
Distance makes the heart grow weak
No tunes to hum, none to speak
This is an apology to the one I hurt
Worried to the end
The broken to mend
Tearsoaked eyes
Shine another day.
166 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
A continuation of life is to look for death
Searching and craving with each simple step
A purpose thereafter sets how you lived
Belief in the invisibility of a creature
Dependability on those yet to be glanced
What if the end of the search is darkness?
What if it is light?
153 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
Worlds spin and nights melt to dusk
Colours spill from my chest and tusk
Cascading into puddles
The creeping bones to disconnect
Rearrange my organs to a steady direct
Subtle they scream
Each blood drop a dream
What was creation before man?
152 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
The children lay to rest in their graves
So still they have fallen
Weeping mothers echo into spring
The tears left stained unto pavements
Grown over are the gardens
Below they shall rest
For eternity has not laid awake in years
Content to the masses all lives fallen short
Here lies the troubled youth
120 · Jul 2018
Lest you forgive
Brynn S Jul 2018
From the years of night
Waved hair blackened by crept closets
Ember eyed man with little to none plans
Moonlight swaying and heavy air
Broken glass cuts the soles
Bottled spirits ignite the flames
Prolonged memories in a camera flash
Bouquet of eyes
Irises of full bloom
Perception with conception; warp the honest truth
Legs wrapped about the leg; no more shall you feel youth
Feet gliding across the canvas, for only a truth of likeness
Lovely lorals whisper my names
Speak in tongues of honest grace
111 · Nov 2018
Brynn S Nov 2018
i Taste it
The syrup of truth
It rises to the back of my throat
It burns and urns for release
I have not the will to lend
Those sweet epitaphs

— The End —