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Jeremy Betts Jun 13
I'm almost most certainly about to break
It's only a matter of time but I hate the wait
Holding that familiar panic feeling I can't shake
Leading to a heated, one sided, debate
Pitting good faith against bad take
They're getting more alarming at an alarming rate
Basically arguing that everything's but what's fake is fake
Completely oblivious, a bad trait if you know what's at stake
Because BAM, in a flash, I awaken at my own wake
"Excuse me, there must be some kind of mistake"
But I must admit, the casket occupant is concrete proof I'm far too late

Jeremy Betts Jun 6
Hold on
I already have to much on my plate
Can't go on
Not at this rate
I'll inevitably be crushed by the weight
I'm on
Rebuild eight
At least my life doesn't ever deviate
Will stumble upon
Continuation impossible in this state

Thomas Harvey May 16
How hard is it to wait
I say this in my head
While avoiding feelings that I dread
For I am an anchor that has begun to sink

If I only knew I was falling
Or that I would be blinded
Perhaps we were misguided
Yet here I am, on the phone still calling

If only you fell for me as I, did you
Then the next verse would be an easier write
And the world would still be bright
What more is there to really do?

Though not spoken, my eyes confess my love
There's not a prettier sight to me
There's no other place I long to be
But with you in the morning watching the doves
Danielle Mar 26
I always knew about the ocean's calling, deep in my heart. It keeps me wandering to find what I yearn for — could it testify the animosity of being insatiable?

I wait on the shore like a lighthouse guiding your way back to me, as if I hold faith in it, like it is a perseverance that grew in my chest. I am certain to the florescence of my flowers and to its withering as I know the  durations of its life and death is when I could meet you again. And though, the inconstant desolateness of the ocean continues to wait.
Jeremy Betts Feb 3
You hate me?
'Cause I hate me
Did we just find common ground?

Steve Page Jan 5
Sometimes I close my eyes tighter
Sometimes I hold that breath longer
Sometimes I lose count
before I can release
and breath again.

Sometimes I close my eyes
and take my time in my darkness
and I go anywhere but here.

on days like today,
I have my eyes open,
my vision light bright
my arms friend heavy,
my memories fresh made
and saved for future reference.
And I stay right here.
New Year blues and brunch with a mate
Zack Ripley Oct 2023
I was never tempted to go on adventures because I thought adventures, life,
would call out to me. But now that I'm older,
I see things just a little bit differently.
What I've learned is that you can't wait for life because it will never be able to keep up
with the speed of change. If you do wait,
you may be able to win  the day,
but if you're not careful,
you could lose the night.
And take it from me,
that can make a big difference
in a world where you have to fight
not only to survive, but thrive.
Jellyfish Oct 2023
Part of me wants to scream these words from a high place and hear then echo back; "I'm sorry!"

I'd pretend every person from my past was shouting it back to me and maybe then I'd actually be able to let it all go.

I could stand up straight and look others in the eye without having to wonder about their every lie.

I'd never have to hear my sister tell me I need to forgive again. I could say to her face
"I already have"

That would make me feel so happy and full, to know she can no longer say to herself "my sister is a fool."
Ruhani Aug 2023
You come and go like changing seasons
hot flush in summers, cold like winters.
you come and go without giving reasons
and I always wait for you at dinners.
And in this game of waiting and meeting
my heart goes fragile and soul withers
Memories are vague, just moving figures  
My eyes are little foggy nothing sees clear
you still come and go but I long disappeared.
Beulin S S Jul 2023
I miss you,

You are staying in your reality forever,
I am waiting for you in my dreams.

When will you arrive?

I miss you.
missing, feeling
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