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3.1k · Nov 2014
I'm Thankful For Dieting
WickedHope Nov 2014
I am suffocating.
There are people with smiles and sweaters,
Asking me questions, judging me, pretending to care.
Sitting close around the table,
Trapped with no escape; pinned.
Looking my tormentor in the face, faking fine.
Taking hours to poke and stoke
The unyielding heap on my plate.
Bubbly mindless chatter -- external.
Dread and vile hatred -- internal.
My eyes betray my lie and show the truth I hide.

I am suffocating.
Under my own weight.

I am suffocating.
I am not better.

I am suffocating.
I am not thankful for stuffing.
A familiar kind of painful, not thankful.
3.1k · Sep 2015
Wake up, it's Monday.
WickedHope Sep 2015
Wake up
It's Monday
Lace up your shoes
Walk out the door
No one to notice anymore
There's no one here anymore

Wake up
It's Tuesday
Makeup your face
Walk straight to work
To get a good tip just flirt
Smile so it doesn't have hurt

Wake up
It's Wednesday
Comb out your hair
Go through the rain
The wet can hide the pain
That's on your face in stains

Wake up
It's Thursday
Look in the mirror
Avoid your eyes
Don't listen to empty lies
To whispers in their eyes

Wake up
It's Friday
Brush your teeth
Swallow all fear
No one left to listen here
None to shout, ****, or jeer

Wake up
It's Saturday
Click out your notes
Play back the laughs
You've recorded in drafts
Not much ever seems to last

Wake up
It's Sunday
Button your dress
Go pray at church
Tell yourself it all has worth
How could it get any worse

Wake up
It's Monday
Lace up your shoes
WickedHope Sep 2021
You burned me  
We smelled like Mary and Jane
I laughed hard
Dug my nails in deep
As I writhed in pain  

I was too quiet
But I screamed too loud  
You didn't care
We were like fvcking kings    
Living in a cloud

You tied me up  
So I could stay resting in bed
Lied to me
Betrayed by a kiss too is how  
Jesus ended up dead
How do I stop being a fvcking *****
3.1k · Nov 2014
WickedHope Nov 2014
I have a fear of drowning
And darling, I am underwater
Tried to tread it
Couldn't keep my head up
Now I'm  f l o a t i n g
My thoughts are  f a d i n g
I feel my self spin
As I drift away from consciousness
And from sanity
I am  w e i g h t l e s s
Yet sinking
I want to wake up
But I'm not
d r e a m i n g
. . .
3.1k · Sep 2021
Gambling Debts
WickedHope Sep 2021
don't worry baby it was just a game just a game i know how much you like those i know how much you like the pain and the tragedy and the mother ******* insanity why else would you talk to yourself so much why else would you **** everyone else as often as you **** yourself we know you're self aware don't play stupid even though you really are stupid if this is the game you choose rattling pills like dice hoping at least one of us will be nice but sorry sweetheart that's not how it's played no one loves you that's why none of them have ******* stayed but don't worry at least you have the voices in you head for ******* company i know playing the game is no fun when your alone so just keep tally until we're done and don't worry i won't tell any of them how much of you is really real and how much is pitch black sin you paint brightly to conceal baby don't cry when i'm here just because you want to die if you hate me so much then why don't you ever leave if you hate me so much then why do you garden with me if you hate me so much then why give me ******* roses you know i pluck the petals and watch them decompose baby why play the game if you can't stand to loose you don't have to stomach it if you choke yourself on ***** but that's never been you that's not the ******* good **** that you crave but drink it any way and choose any bottle for the chase baby it's so funny how sad you pretend to be when we both know the scary part is you don't feel a **** thing so let me help you remember how deep the losses can go baby just remember not to let them show
I'm not your ******* baby. ****.
3.1k · Dec 2014
Slow Dance
WickedHope Dec 2014
Stop humoring me
If you don't really care,
Because I'm wasting my time --
Wasting my life,
And I can't afford any more breaks.
Anymore breaks and I'll shatter,
Don't you understand that?
I'm just trying to find a clear image
In this distorted blur;
I want a clear reflection
In this dark pool.
So, take off your mask,
Because I'm tired --
Exhausted -- from all these masquerades.
I just want to dance barefoot in the sand...
Do you want to dance barefoot in the sand?
What the hell did I just write?
Emotions, bleh.
3.1k · Oct 2014
Man-, No, Monster-made
WickedHope Oct 2014
Far too often
I watch myself
Tear up my life
Like a sheet of paper
Watch each
Man-, no
Monster-made snowflake
Hit the floor
Causing tremors
Then I scramble
And watch myself try
To put the mess
Back together again
I'm sorry, no one should ever have to deal with me.
3.1k · Nov 2014
Bruise. Break. Bleed.
WickedHope Nov 2014
Let me bruise, break, and bleed
There's no one who really needs me
My brother and I both have dermatillomania, his is worse.
Don't know why I wrote that.
3.0k · Aug 2014
The Elevator
WickedHope Aug 2014
I can't breathe.
I need to bleed.
Clawing at myself.
Silently crying for help.
Running scared.
Avoid the stairs, the stares.
Hide in the elevator.
Doors are closing.
Need to be alone.
Walls are crumbling.
I am cold.

You catch the doors.
Slip in while they're open.
I try to leave.
You stop me.
You hold me close.
I stiffen with panic.
Strong arms around me.
You say it's okay now.
Pick up what is broken.
You are so warm.
Dear God darling, I miss you.
3.0k · Nov 2014
I'm Sorry I'm Not Her
WickedHope Nov 2014
I'm sorry I'm not 'perfect'
I'm sorry my hair isn't as thick as hers
I'm sorry I'm not as blonde
I'm sorry I need glasses
I'm sorry my eyes are almost black,
          not blue or hazel or something pretty
I'm sorry my nose is big and pointy,
          not small and cute
I'm sorry my lips are weird
I'm sorry I'd rather write and read
           because I can't sing or play very well
I'm sorry I'm not curved in all the right ways
I'm sorry I can't afford nice clothes
I'm sorry I'd prefer to help the community
           rather than get straight A's
I'm sorry I'm a really religious Catholic
           not a really religious Baptist
I'm sorry that we're not twelve anymore
I'm sorry that I'm not worth the effort
I'm sorry I'm ****** up
I'm sorry I love you
I'm sorry I'm not *her
For KB.
Kind of a rant.
This needed to happen, sorry if it isn't well thought out or deep or anything. It's just how I've felt for a very long time. So long, it almost doesn't matter anymore. Almost.
3.0k · Sep 2014
Fan Letters
WickedHope Sep 2014
I'm tired of being the fan-girl
I write for you and I wrote for him
When do the verbs stop
And the actions begin
3.0k · Nov 2014
Empty and Beating (10w)
2.9k · Nov 2014
when i smile
WickedHope Nov 2014
every now and then i forget that no one loves me and i smile
2.9k · Jan 2015
I'm Quiet
WickedHope Jan 2015
I'm the kind of silence at a funeral
I'm the abrupt pause after the drunk passes out
I'm the silence after the twig snaps
I'm the quiet still of a corpse
Does anyone else want chinese right now?
2.8k · Dec 2014
Where Is The Air?
WickedHope Dec 2014
I stopped breathing two years ago
I don't know if it was because of him or not
Maybe it was coincidence
But I was choking, sputtering for fourteen years of my life
Gasping for just one
And now for two years
I have stopped breathing altogether

My lungs are tared black
But I don't smoke
My skin is charred and burnt with open sores
Yet I freeze more with each passing second

I feel like I'm inside a trash bag
Or I am a trash bag
Certainly though I'm trash
I'm a corpse in a body bag
... Sometimes I wonder how much longer I'll be here...
2.8k · Aug 2021
WickedHope Aug 2021
You wouldnt like me when I'm drunk
Or perhaps you'd like me too much

Push pins sting
As they slide into my skin
But after long enough
They go numb
Can hardly notice the blood anymore
Fourth skins are shed
Leaving a raw innocence in it's place
Uninhibited by restraints
Such as logic
Or forethought
Blinders on too tight
Choking out anything that would be
Scandalous in daylight
A deafening scream
That's part siren song
Vice grip fingers
Holding on for too long
The Devil's wife has come to dance
Please walk away
Or I promise we'll both hate me sober
You always wanted me to get drunk...
But then got angry when I went home with your friends
2.8k · Nov 2014
The Leaves Are Golden...
WickedHope Nov 2014
The leaves are golden

     And I am silver

The wind is a howl

     And I am a whisper

The river is frozen

     And I am a blister

The sun is rising

     And I am setting

The people are leaving

     And I am staying

The stars are twinkling

     And I am thinking

The night is alive

     *And I am ready to live again
This is just a nothing little piece. Ignore it, it's not here. Shhh, I said it's not  here. You didn't see it, read it, nothing.
Nothing because sometimes nothings are the best kept secrets.
WickedHope Sep 2021
They say girls like something shiny
And that may very well be true
Bigger is better but I'll take tiny
No matter the size I'll make do

Of course I have my favorites
Or those meant for special occasions
Getting dolled up I want to savor it
Adorning myself prematurely for my sins

Perhaps they get jealous of each other
So maybe I'll take them all out for display
They sparkle perfectly making me stutter
Stroking each longingly before we play
When I get this numb I know I'm supposed to be scared but I don't remember how.
2.7k · Dec 2014
My Outfit
WickedHope Dec 2014
I wore "too much black" today
I wish I was allowed to look like me
I was a "****** on the corner"
I wish I was allowed to wear tight clothes
I wore "goth make up"
I wish I was allowed to wear eyeliner
I was a "no good ***"
I wish I could wear my beanies and caps
Conservative family problems.
I just want to wear what I want.
Almost 18... so close, so far.
WickedHope Dec 2014
I'm here
I'm tired
It's okay
There's no use
I'll never leave
You just want to bleed
I care about you
I don't give a ****
Be strong for me
Leave me out of it
Stop it
I'm not going to stop you
I'll hold you down if I have to
*I'm only here until I find something better
You're driving me insane.
Am I a ******* game to you people?
. . . I'm spinning.
2.7k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
You said you didn't know the line between friendship and flirtation.

Maybe I have the same problem.
2.7k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
Is it too late to not love you?
To take back my thoughts, feelings too?
Because you are a terrible distraction,
Who leaves me without satisfaction...
Wish I could read your mind.

**Wow, I'm extra surprised this trended, it's just a text I sent him. Thank you all so much <3
2.7k · Oct 2014
I'm Okay (10w)
WickedHope Oct 2014
Faking "I'm okay"
Almost hurts
And definitely makes
Me worse
WickedHope Dec 2014
How do I explain to a boy
drowning in numb apathy,
That all of my pulsing
love and empathy is for him?
... and I care too much. :'(
Too many emotions to filter through.
2.6k · Dec 2014
Remember My Neon
WickedHope Dec 2014
There were flashing lights,
lasers, where we met.
There was loud music
and cheap drinks.

I found myself with the three of you,
only one of whom I'd met before.

That was the year I only wore plaid, mostly.
I was protesting make up at the time,
a leftover idea from my two year flowerchild period.
You were arrogant as ever,
self involved ****
with great taste in music.

I remember in all the conversations that followed
you'd compliment my impeccably perfect playlists.
I digress.

You stayed away from me that night,
let me hit on your friends.
But you got me that shirt.
I still wear it.

I had forgotten that night for over a year.
Even when I saw you next,
I didn't remember you.
I didn't remember you
and that has always bothered me.

I don't forget people.
I just don't.
Especially since it was both our first night out with that crowd.

You remembered me though.
And I'll never know why
I forgot and you remembered.

But now you forget me,
and I never shall forget you.
I promise you I'll never forget you.

And if you recall,
I don't break my promises to those I love.
WickedHope Jan 2015
You never looked at me like that...

Together I see you
I try not to stare
That girl do you love her
Or simply not care

Attention focused
On one another
That boy do you love him
Or does it not matter

I don't care and it doesn't matter
Maybe you two will be happy together

You never looked at me like that...
Over you, I swear...
2.6k · Oct 2014
2.6k · Nov 2014
Did You Have Breakfast
WickedHope Nov 2014
I find the black
A pit of false safety
She yanks me out with her nasally voice
"You look pale"
I always look pale, why do you care now
I take as long as possible to reach the destination I dread
Eyes stare at me calculating
I prefer to be invisible
"You have a headache"
"Not really" I just feel so light I could float away
"You look like you're in pain, want to lie down"
"Sure" less time in class, I hate children, peers, tormentors, judgers
I turn to my temporary escape
"Did you have breakfast"
****, I hesitate, barely, they notice
"Here, eat these"
A packet of crackers "Thanks"
Nibble one to humor them as I go
In the trash as soon as I leave
Spitting out what I didn't swallow
I lie down still so they forget I'm here
Clutching my head and my stomach
Finding the black
And wishing to be anyone else
Wanting to once and for all get rid of myself
2.6k · Oct 2014
WickedHope Oct 2014
You told me once never to trust you.
She told me how you've lied.
You even introduced yourself to me as a liar.
What the **** do I believe at this point?
Words are one thing for me to give you,
Though all of them truth,
But I'm terrified to give you anything more.
There is nothing I hate more than a liar.
Some lies can't be forgiven.
(From a few days ago.)
WickedHope Sep 2018
I once felt like words gave me power
Like they gave my quiet shell of a self a leg to stand on
Now I feel like I have none left to speak, to write
I've been drained of verbs and left broken -- immobile
My adjectives fall soft and simple, even the deaf don't pretend to hear
It's strange
Being so far removed from the one you called yourself
I don't know what there is left for me to say
It's like being a young musician on stage
And people have slowly stopped cheering as they realized
You have no more tunes left to play
Yet I've stood frozen, stuck, despite myself
I'm waiting for them to come back
The words
The crowds
The self that I used to know
That I thought I did know
I haven't a clue to where they've left, to where they'll go
But I hope that they find it
The messages they seek
I can no longer provide them
My inkwell bone dry
My spirit missing it's former vibrance, now dully meek
They once called me wicked
I thought it ironically sweet
That for someone so bitter
Many worshiped me
It's been a while, I think, since you all got a nice wordy note from me.

I've been writing poetry for...8? 9? years now... And I've gotta say, I legit cannot tell if I've gotten better or worse. I used to write because I was ****** at life, or violently angry with myself, or if I wanted to do bad things. I don't feel like that anymore. Pretty much never. I've survived some ****, but now (all things considered at least) I'm starting to thrive a bit. When I was at my height of popularity on this site, or at least what my very ****** up and disillusioned perceptions gathered to be the height of it, I was sick. I was having regular dissociative episodes, was severely depressed, engaging in self harm in a variety of forms nearly daily, and very suicidal. If anyone is going through some ****, please seek help, and hold on. I promise it gets better. But yeah. When I was very aggressively using this site as an outlet, I amassed a good sized follower count and trended almost daily. The only poem I ever had make daily poem (which btw was toward the beginning of my worst downward spiral ever) was about hanging myself. Like what the **** lol. But if I helped people -- or even just one someone somewhere -- feel less alone, then I'm glad. But ever since I had started to get better I got less attention here. Which is kinda a weird feeling. I'm not sure if it's cause my writing started to **** or if I got less 'interesting' for lack of a better term, or maybe a mix. Or maybe it's all the changes this site has had over the past 4 years since I joined. Either way, it's weird... I feel like I don't know how to keep writing or improve... Idk, I'm just kinda...
stuck. ...This has been a stream of consciousness.

Anyway, I love you all. And in a special way those of you who have left this world for another. I will never forget you.
2.5k · Jan 2015
I'm On Clearance
WickedHope Jan 2015
I always swore
I'd never sell my soul
But then he told me
How hot I'd look
In sexier clothing
I hate breathing.
Hate it so much.
2.5k · Oct 2014
Distraction Contraptions
WickedHope Oct 2014
i don't work right
haven't enough reason to fight
please distract me
in your arms
enwrap me
when i can't sleep
i'm up thinking
and when i have you
my thoughts fade from dark
without you
i'm in my own head screaming
i wind up bleeding
and not holding you
you are the better distraction
2.5k · Nov 2014
Paint Me, Sculpt Me
WickedHope Nov 2014
I take bright red ink

                  and decorate my arms

I haven't done this art

                  in a while

I take a clean blade

                  and double check my vitality

I have done this

                  every night this week
Staggered strokes,
Staggered slices.
2.5k · Sep 2014
Skipping School
WickedHope Sep 2014
here's to the kids who skip school
not to drink
not to smoke
not for ***
not as a joke
here's to the kids who skip school
to take care of a sibling
to take care of a parent
to help pay the bills
to feed empty mouths
WickedHope Nov 2014
~Christopher McCandless**

My happiness is so temporary
I wish I had someone to share it with
He (1) doesn't love me
  He (2) just wants to **** me
She (A) thinks I'm crazy
  She (B [& C]) believes I'm innocent
And he (3) has had enough

So I'm all alone
Feeling happy
But lacking love
Finally not depressed,
Not like the people I'm closest to care.
2.5k · Sep 2014
Sweet Sweat
WickedHope Sep 2014
your cool sweat
is beautiful
as it rolls down your face
i feel it on my skin
it feels like love
like hope
like happiness
Unexpected moment with a friend that just felt...
like something.
2.4k · Aug 2014
Magic Shoes (Pointe)
WickedHope Aug 2014
This is when she can become herself.
Not anyone special.
No one famous.
She is not anyone at times like this.
Just her.
Moving in ways never to be understood.
Defying gravity with her shoes.
The children call them Magic Shoes.
The world moves because she tells it to.
She needs no one.
Her only companion is the music.
She likes it this way.
They become one.
She is music, the music is her.
They are a blur of color and sound.
The music is the most beautiful rainbow.
It dances across the space.
It is the spot light.
Enhancing her.

Her problems fade.
There is no war, no disease, no hate, her mother is not dying.
The floor is far beneath her, the people are far below, too far to touch.

Comparisons are not able to be made here.
She is fierce with power and passion.
The one place she is strong.
Most would crave praise in such a place.
But no applause is necessary.
Her Magic Shoes send all the feedback she needs in their echoes.
Energy races though her body.
But by watching you can not taste it the way she tastes it.
She can not help but grin.
She feels unstoppable.
She is captive to the music.

Her feet have grown to the Magic Shoes.
They are intertwined.
There are blisters and cuts.
Sweat, and blood.
It is all part of the game.
They are a small price to pay.
They fade away as she continues.
She flows effortlessly.
She is nothing.
No one.

Elegantly she can float.
She floats like the feathers the ducks leave behind in the river.
Like the toy rafts they used to make.
She is reborn here.
The mock titles given to her fall away.
No longer is she plain, boring.
No judgement can linger.
Harsh words are gone.
Time does not exist.
No one can torment her here.
She can not bully herself.

Being in the Magic Shoes she is calm.
When she puts on the Magic Shoes the world changes from a dull grey place of monotone sounds.
What is felt are the colors here.
The sounds.
She feels joy.
Birds chirping.
A downpour.
An opera.
The hushed hum of a distant helicopter.
The music is so loud it is not heard.
Only felt.
Music is her favorite emotion.

The floor hurts.
This is the only moment her trance ends.
She is broken.
Bent out of shape.
It is the source of her imperfections.
She can not be a professional.
Her bones are wrong.

I will never be a ballet dancer.
I have a slight deformity in my bones in my legs; they grew crooked,
not enough to to notice in passing,
just enough to prevent me from dancing.

This is an old piece, a vignette actually, I wrote for a class once, slightly modified.
2.4k · Jan 2015
Backwards From Zero
WickedHope Jan 2015
If I count
The drops
It makes it easier
To forget
I'm doing this
I'm in pain either way.
At least I can control this.
2.4k · Nov 2014
Funhouse Reflection
WickedHope Nov 2014
I see my frame bent and bulging
Convex, concave, corrupt
When I look in the mirror
I'm never the same
I am pretty, ugly
Pretty ugly
It's like a game

Today will I eat
No, my distorted reflection
Is enough of a treat

Small chest
Huge ***
This funhouse is a barrel of laughs

Come on, try
What do you see
All I see is a girl in the mirror
I wish was not
2.4k · Sep 2014
WickedHope Sep 2014
I said I didn't have a gift
He said it was poetry
I laughed at him
KB, you frustrate me.
2.4k · Jan 2015
Pierce Me
WickedHope Jan 2015
Sext: do you remember what my nails felt like, digging into your back?
He wanted pictures again...
2.4k · Mar 2015
Calculate Me
WickedHope Mar 2015
Time for a puppet show
It's been a few months
But still remember
How to play your strings
2.3k · Jan 2015
Sing Myself A Lullaby (10w)
WickedHope Jan 2015
"The dead just seem to sleep so soundly..." she said.
It's all wrong.
I'm gone.
2.3k · Sep 2014
Spilt Paint
WickedHope Sep 2014
My days blur together.
I am spilt paint on the floor, a mess.
Don't say it gets better,
There is no coming back from this.
I broke loose from my tether.
Now I wander alone, useless, hopeless.
WickedHope Feb 2015
Am I boiling beneath your skin yet
You waged war
When all I wanted was peace
Let's explode
Paint all over our bodies like canvases
I promised to paint you
And you promised me pianos and voices
Loudly roaring and softly muttering
I'm tired of all these promises to never lie
Never hurt me
You can't guarantee your future
Sure as hell not mine
So now that your skin
Bleeds purple and green
From my brush and needle
Are you ready
To believe me
Don't forget to breathe when I boil you through
For it was all you
You waged war
It's about **** time, Andrew
WickedHope Dec 2014
Out of place and rather uncertain
Lacking instructions, suggestions and a warning
Bouncing about like a toy ball
Uncomfortable with all my tics
I've always felt so quirkily and small

Lacking order and any sense of being,
Feeling out of place, unloved no ones ever hearing,
Broken and bruised from head to toe,
My scars shining bright against the pale white snow,
Just because I couldn't learn to walk straight,

Crooked toothed but grinning
I always feel like I'm sinning
Every time I'm early I feel late
Burnt to a crisp is the price of the flame
I'm just a solo player stuck in this game*

Maybe I'm the sinner and you're the saint,
Your halo is burning, getting lost in the flames,
Take my hand and join with me,
For we can end the heartache that seems to be,
Lets be awkward together,
There's no one better
I'm bold, he's italics.
(Posted under both our accounts.)
I loved doing this. :)
2.3k · Dec 2014
WickedHope Dec 2014
I stand on top of my little world
And scream his name
Over and over.
The absence, the want
They drive me insane,
And I wait for the day
I hear the hills echo back
My name.
If only I knew what name to yell... :/
2.3k · Feb 2015
Sad Songs And Age Old Misery
WickedHope Feb 2015
Play me a sad tune
And I'll sing to you
Play me a sad tune
And I'll dance to you*

You played me
A song about
A boy who loved
And was broken

The girl he'd die for
Toyed with him when
Her boyfriend was busy
And he treasured their time

The girl who promised to love him
Who made him smile and laugh
Even though she was shy and scared
He forgot to an undaunted charmer

But all she did was wait for
Him to fall
And she never helped to
Pick him up

The shy girl waited
And picked him up
Spent the summer
Trying to remind him

Remember April
And the I love yous
You stopped saying back
And never told me why

Remember both of us
Completely awkward
How hard I tried
To get your blue eyes

I just wanted you
To look at me
The way you promised
The way you used to

September even
I'd sneak up to see you
I threw away everything
For you

Now I know
That your blushes and laughs
Were you shyly embarrassed
Not shyly in love

Now I know
That the girl you loved
Cut you off to better everyone
You lost something different

Now I know
That you weren't heartbroken
You were lonely
With no one left but me to lust over
******* and your social anxiety.
**** me and mine.

You got me into so many amazing sad artists and songs,
you make me want to hate music.
WickedHope Nov 2014
When I see her every now and then
I wonder if she misses the taste of my lips
I can still remember the feel of hers
Each curve beneath my hands
She was so flawless

No one knew about us then
We both agree now we were a mistake
I wonder if she doubts that like I do
Because I miss the smell of vanilla in my sheets
A thing. A thought.
Same girl in First Kiss.
WickedHope Dec 2014
Framed Again
Somehow They're More Intriguing
I Don't Understand
I've Decided To Abandon
The Thought Of You
And I'm Somehow
Drawn Back In
Done? Maybe?
(Written under time constraint... To be finished?)
- - -
Do you get it?
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