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Jeremy Betts Jul 15
I tried to resurrect you in every thought I had
I tried to connect through words on a notepad
I have tried to let go of the sad
I tried every coping mechanism I had weren't even a good dad...

Zywa Jul 10
I'm happy and look

around with astonishment --

Is there any hold?
Poem "Gelukkig zijn; en niet weten waarom" ("To be happy; and not knowing why", 1954, Frida Vogels)

Collection "Trench Walking"
M Vogel Jul 9

Bewitching hour..
And the thought of you
taking my words in
has it dripping down the sides
as I stroke..

Building up for the fourth time tonight
in the thoughts of you being
and naked..
and near

I pull you on top of me
and those beautiful hips  of yours
begin to move..
Mouth to swollen *******,
hands under your thighs
as I lift you  up

And then  slowly
ease you back down..
your beautiful luscious,  clenching
down on to my shaft  so tightly

     As its liquid  juices
     come forth, in praise

Connection has always meant so much to me
However it is concerning just being discerning
When you are truly yearning
For that Human touch
Beyond the Internet Screen

It is like living in a F-ing Fantasy
With Imaginings
Even that online creative sense of flow will never replace
Actually seeing your Face

(c) DLR
2nd July, 2024
I think another *** Poem! I am 59 Today and I see life in so many different ways than I use to.  So much as I love the Internet  and feeling some kind of connection with many beautiful E-Peeps. I think I'd Rather Watch the Sunsets Life Willing.  Alone or with Familyyyyyyyyyyyy.
neth jones Jun 25

our collusion                        
lamplight to sunlight
                    our conclusion

our collision                        
boom-town to ghost-town
                    our concussion

our discussion                     
   overnight did mushroom
   but     by the morning light  
                      ceded the fight

Arlo Disarray May 31
i don’t know
how to explain it
something about you
makes me
believe in
magic again
and i’m not
talking about
a fairytale
or cheap tricks
from a magician

but there’s something
that was once cold
that begins to melt
and drip away
and it’s so nice
to break the ice
so things can
finally begin

i count my
good fortune
by the number
of my grins
following my moods
can be tricky
and there is no guide
or map
to help make
any sense
of it

i just really
those times
when i don’t
feel like ****

so i guess
what i’m trying
to say
thank you
for sharing some
laughs with me
and making my
weird, lizard brain
feel slightly more
like a human
or at least
like there’s
another lizard brain
who can be lizardly
with me
Zywa Apr 1
Within every

story new stories, that's how --

the universe works.
Novel "Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights" (which is 1001 nights, 2015, Salman Rushdie), chapter 7 "Within the Chinese Box,"

Collection "Low gear"
A C Mar 22
When I’m in my solitude
Like when I’m in my room
And that’s why I choose
I love to enter my mind like it’s a separate room
Now when I’m forced to enter my brain
Cause what’s on the outside causes me pain
like when your friends do include you with their other friends
and it feels like i’m circling the drain
like when your high school and you the one that’s lame
and you don’t fit cause you dye your hair every color of the rainbow
and each month it’s never the same
or when your boyfriend breaks up with you
so you have to take a break from interacting with the world and every dude
I don’t have to imagine how it feels when shawty did the exact thing she said she wouldn’t do
and you say **** school
so you tell your mom and your mom tells your school counselor she pages you in her office so you can have someone to talk to
but when I choose to be alone
that’s something I own
that’s something that founded
now when you go to a predominantly white institution and get called ****** on the way to dorm on a college game day
you cant help but to feel other
to acknowledge your color
and feel like you cant relate to another who hasn’t had that experience
you just go to your room but not cause you choose
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