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Bea Rae Jun 25
While on borrowed time,
We wasted our minutes 
For the things that did not matter.
Bea Rae Jun 23
He stated to me

I want to do better but

You will not let me
Bea Rae Jun 20
I miss the man I met on happenstance.
Not the unmasked version of you.
Confused ...

As for my cup of coffee today ...
It has mixed feelings ...
sometimes it lifts me up ...
to embrace the sky...
and another time...
it takes me to the verge of insanity...
so, my days ...
fluctuate between this and that ...
so, ...
in all cases ...
I keep sipping my coffee ...
with it's  bitter and sweet ...
with a one only hope ...
to meet you soon ...
as we told ...
in a last meeting ...
when you gave my lips ...
a sweet kiss ...

hazem al ..
Hawley Anne Jun 6
How many times can I write a break up poem?

Just screaming into the page that this is it,
I'm finally

But then I still don't leave.
Is this what its like to be crazy?
        Am I'm insane?
Whos to say?

I guess I could be in an asylum right now, rocking back and forth in a corner,
just talking to myself.

How would I even know?

So maybe none of this is real. ...

...Maybe HE'S not real...

Maybe we never fell in love,
never had our child,
never planned our future together.

But that was all before the abuse.

                       ...The abuse..... 

                        Was that even real?
   Maybe it wasnt.
Maybe, we never even met.

Well if thats the case, and we never met,
I guess thats good.

Because never meeting me, is what you told me you wished for right?

                    I don't  know.
Did you?
Bea Rae Apr 15
Tell me, which is harder.
Waiting for something you know will never be in your cards,
or having to come with the terms that it will never happen.
Bea Rae Apr 12
Maybe closing yourself

Off from me will make it easier

When the inevitable comes
Bea Rae Apr 8
Have you asked yourself

If you are running towards your fears

Or away from them
Bea Rae Apr 6
I fell in love with

The darkness of your soul because

It felt like home
Bea Rae Apr 1
I spend more time

Mourning the living rather

Than mourning the dead
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