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Arthur Vaso Jun 30
Possessed very little
other than my heart
a small cloth bag under his bed
in case he had to run
everything precious to him
a favourite book, a poem, a string
a pearl in a cage
he no longer can run
I can no longer hide
the heart that now
must die
Good Bye Hazza, you know you were loved in the end.
Bekah Halle Jun 29
I miss my best friend;
She brought adventure to my life
We hiked Machu Picchu and Kokoda,
Tasted dumplings at Holy Duck! in Kensington.
We were close for eight years:
Preempting needs - bringing her back coffee
after my morning walk around the Kirribilli shoreline.
But somewhere along the way
I lost myself in her
Love turned to hate
She didn't see me, need me anymore
And it became too late…
I miss her,
Well, the idea of her anyway.
what you'd boast
If you were across from me

It's been months, years even
since I knew where you were
Despite you laid against me

That shouldn't be what I long for
But I'll miss your cranium
And being the one
That got to see your mouth turn upright
Or down
When something hits home

All the best, of course.
But ow for now.
Francis Nov 2023
I see you,
Uh-huh, I see you,
I see right through you,
I see you.

I see your desperation,
Your attempts to keep me wanting,
Everything about you,
I see you.

I see you turning older, on the outside,
More mature, like a sophisticated riveter,
But you’re still a talentless shrew,
Daddy’s little princess,
Without the ability to drive forward,
I see you.

I see you for what you are,
I see you for what you always have been,
Always will be,
Always fail to be,
I see you.

I see you rubbing my face in dirt,
I see you trying so hard to be mean,
Free of me,
I see you.

I see that all of that would be okay,
If I didn’t see how you still care,
I see that you still care,
I see you.

I see that if your attempts to move on,
were to help yourself,
Not to hurt me,
That’d be fine,
But I see through you,
I see you.

I see that you are better off,
I see that I’m well on my way,
I see that if you had any courage at all,
You’d stop pretending that we both,
Don’t see,
How much we miss our little era,
Even though we put on this digital show,
Of being fine,
I see this facade we both play.

I see you,
Seeing me see you,
And seeing how phony we are,
Pretending to see nothing,
I see you.
Ngl, the pic she posted today was bomb but it was no bigger of a bomb than the relationship itself. Yikers.
Haley Lana Aug 2023
Just ten days but it feels too long,
being without you's way too wrong,
and I miss you lips latching onto mine.
Miss your hands sliding on my skin,
miss the taste of our sweetest sin,
four long days 'til the finish line.
Your honeyed voice is what I need,
feel your strength as you take the lead;
gotta melt again in your arms.
I feel so safe when you're holding me,
the warmth in your eyes - all I see,
getting lost in your charms.
The way your laugh lights up the room
will raise me up, out of my tomb,
like the Universe is all ours.
Oh my love, my soul, my light,
I can hardly wait for that night,
So I can breathe your scent for hours.
(for G.)
ky Jul 2023
Sometimes, I'd think that I missed it.
All the late-night conversations,
good morning "I love you"s,
glances exchanged in the halls,
awkward smiles,
adorable nicknames,
that bracelet.

But I don't wear that bracelet anymore,
not since you starting doubting all we had.

When the good morning texts were just typed,
sitting there with the send button unpressed.
When we started avoiding each other in the halls
because we couldn't bear to see the other's face.
When those awkward smiles we'd exchange
turned into just plain awkward.
When the adorable nicknames went away.
When that bracelet just sat there,
on my dresser instead of my wrist.

Sometimes, I thought I missed the way we were.
But now I know, we're better off the way we are.
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2023
Not one single day passes without wishing you were here
Stare at your photograph trying to fight back each tear
Hard accepting arms can't ever again hold you near
At least memories I cherish most will never disappear
I miss you mom
Iz Oct 2022
What’s it like on the other side
Where the rivers meet the sky
What’s it like without me
Standing by your side
What’s it like to be so far
But feel so close some nights
I wish I could just feel your touch
One more time

But goodbye
We’ll meet in another
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