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Mar 10 · 428
I Do Not Need a Spark
Emery Feine Mar 10
I have been a raging fire.
I have been an overflowing cup,
Overflowing with guilt;
I wash it down the sink.
I have been too much for everyone:
Too bold,
Too shy,
Too lustful,
Too innocent.
I poured a bucket of ice on my head
To simmer me down a little bit,
And now that I am freezing,
And I cannot feel the fire no more,
I have met you, the blaze.
And your warmth was burning off my skin,
And it was melting my face off,
And it was too much.
Far too much.
You have given me light and burning warmth,
But I cannot handle the smoke.
I now know how he felt.
I am choking,
So I have left.
I will be too little and too much on my own.
I do not need a spark to jolt me.
.... . / ... .- .. -.. / - .... .- - / - .... . -.-- / .-- . .-. . / .- .-.. .-.. / -- .- -.. / .- - / -- . .-.-.-
Emery Feine Mar 2
Is a sheep no longer innocent
When it has grown up with wolves
When its fleece is no longer white
When it is stained with blood?

Is it justifiable when it kills
If it weeps afterwards
If it kills to eat
If it kills to live

Is the sheep no longer pure
When it is in a wolf’s fur
When blood drips down its teeth
The same blood in its heart

And when that “sheep” is torn apart
And left to die in the wood
Will its pack remember it as one of them
Will it be remembered as a wolf?
“In all our lives, there is a fall from innocence. A time after which, we are never the same.” -Patrick Rothfuss
Feb 10 · 222
Emery Feine Feb 10
You feel like light.
You feel like foam.
You feel so bright.
You feel like home.
the forever shelter to the storm
Feb 10 · 329
"Fly, Bird!"
Emery Feine Feb 10
You look at me in disappointment,
yet you have crushed my wings.
You are now furious at me,
now that I cannot fly.
"No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings."
Emery Feine Feb 10
He started his own fire,
then he put it out.
They called him a "hero."
You know who this is about.

(People are incapable of change.)
triginta quattuor felonias
Feb 10 · 277
Emery Feine Feb 10
January 30, 2025

I will write today. I will write about something totally abstract, but the knots will untangle and form a photo of you. I will try to ignore you, I will try to not write about you, but today, I will fail.

September 28, 2033

I will have forgotten about you for many years, and on this day, when I go to write a grocery list, your name will flow out of my pen. I feel like a fire when I think of you.

June 22, 2056

I will remember you today, and I will be okay with it. I will think about you with a smile on my face, and I will be content.

June 16, 2091

Today is the day I will die, and when seven seconds of my happiest moments are flashing through my mind, I will not see you once, and I will perish with a smile.
Ego quid verus amor sit cognovi, et nunc vidi te nihil dedisse.
Jan 18 · 521
Emery Feine Jan 18
There is an exhausted dog following behind
Guilt seeps down his flowing mouth
He's falling asleep, he's going blind
He'll never make it down south

He whimpers for better dialogue
He begs me for energy
But I am that dog
And that dog is me
-.. --- --. -- --- ..- - ....
Jan 18 · 292
My Medicine
Emery Feine Jan 18
She is a medicine that I must take in small doses.
A prescription that I've hated the taste of since I started it years ago.
I can't stop taking it now, we've gone so far together,
And I don't want to cause any issues.
If I take my medicine more often than usual,
She will give me stomach aches.
I hate the taste of my medicine,
But if I take it every once in a while, it's tolerable, and I don't mind it.
Then I think about the fact that I'm taking medicine,
And my body aches once more.
If I don't take it, I'm full of guilt.
If I do take it, I'm full of pain.
She is a prescription that will pain me forever
"You're worse than a heathen-- treating your own flesh and blood in that manner!"
Emery Feine Jan 18
Does ignorance equal innocence?

The sun is a lie; the truth is here, inside
Yet you refuse to take your sunglasses off

He has forever treated you kindly
"He's innocent," you say
I show you the proof against him
"He's innocent," you say?

Take your sunglasses off
They're protecting you from the truth
You are ignorant, you are blind
You are living in a lie

Don't let his warming rays touch your heart
He's trying to trick you
He'll warm it up until it boils
And you still wear your sunglasses

He never harmed you specifically
"He did nothing wrong."
I tell you what he did.
"He did nothing wrong."

Does innocence equal ignorance?
.... . / ... .... --- ..- .-.. -.. / -... . / .. -. / .--- .- .. .-.. .-.-.- / -.-- --- ..- / - --- .-.. -.. / -- . / - --- / -.. .-. --- .--. / .. - .-.-.-
Jan 7 · 242
Fragile Like A Flower
Emery Feine Jan 7
I am not fragile like a flower
Though I’m sure you’d think so
I’m courageous enough to not cower
Though that’s not something you’d know

I’m completely and utterly explosive
If not that then I’m nothing
For I’m not fragile like an orchid
But isn’t that something?

I am counting down to the next hour
I am singing a forgotten song
I am not fragile like a flower
I am fragile like a bomb
.... --- -.-. / ..-. .-. .- --. .. .-.. . / -. --- -. / ... ..- -- / -. .- - ..- ... .-.-.-
Dec 2024 · 464
Emery Feine Dec 2024
I've always been a surprise to you
Pulling a rabbit out of a magician's hat

I've always been the 'villain' in your story
Why is that?

I'm sorry I scared you; I'm just a spider
So let me get out of your hair

I'm a glass of crimson red wine
I've stained your white-cushioned chair

I'm the one who has been blamed
For all your bright purple pain

I guess I'm no longer your daughter
I'm solely a stain
and I may have had my reasons, though you don't know them
Dec 2024 · 516
To The Broken Bird
Emery Feine Dec 2024
to the little bird on the side of the road
i’m sorry i crushed you to bits.
i thought you were just so pretty
that i held you in my soft palms
and crushed you
until my hands were stained with red.

to my friend with the little black curls
i’m sorry i gouged your eyes out.
you see, i thought that i could get lost in them
and since i wanted to remain focused
i dug my nails into those sockets
and ripped them out.

to myself, as i write this,
i’m sorry i tore my heart out.
it was beating far too fast
beating far too lovely
and i left a hole in my chest
because i love myself.

to a name i refuse to say ,
i’m sorry you hurt me.
i’m sorry i hurt you, i mean
you left me… untouched
but since i loved you, loved you so very much
i let you go.
if you love something so much, you will be able to let it go.
Dec 2024 · 242
Emery Feine Dec 2024
Maybe I’ve been staring at my wounds
For far too long now
And though they are now solely scars
I cannot sit here forever.
This is my 138th poem, written on 11/30/24
Dec 2024 · 308
Hideously Hilarious
Emery Feine Dec 2024
Am I just so hilarious to look at?
Do I just make you giggle?
Do I make you roar with laughter?
Do I? Huh, do I?
Am I just that entertaining?
So hideously hilarious?
this is my 136th poem, written on 11/30/24
Dec 2024 · 686
To All Those I Have Loved
Emery Feine Dec 2024
I love you like a storm
Because that’s the way my love comes:
Pouring down.
this is my 135th poem, written on 11/30/24
Dec 2024 · 314
Emery Feine Dec 2024
When we both fell in love
It was as if we were speaking two languages:
Him, English, and me,
The colors of my soul.
There was a language barrier
Since he couldn’t understand my words
My truth
My soul
I wish to find someone
Where I don’t have
To translate my heart
For them to see me
And to love me.

So take this magnifying glass
And when you look into my soul
If you see an ancient text
Then let me go.
this is my 134th poem, written on 11/30/24
Dec 2024 · 521
Blue Jacket Man
Emery Feine Dec 2024
The whole world was gray
November’s first snowy day
Not a single winter racquet

And in the midst of the white
And the foggiest sight
I saw a man in a dark blue jacket.

I’d seen him before
And that I swore
As he was a classmate of mine

In past Fall’s red hue
I remember seeing the blue
Of the man’s dark jacket’s shine

i always saw him in the hall
he wasn’t particularly tall
but wherever i was, he was too

and when i saw him at lunch
my friend told me his hunch:
“i think that blue jacket man might like you”

i admired the admiration
but felt no butterfly-in-stomach sensation
so maybe i had to go and pack it

then the following saturday
when from my classes i was away
i saw the man in the dark blue jacket

he had tried to sit next to me in class
and i told my friends to ask
if i could sit further away from the bloke

in the corners of my eye he was there
How much longer could I bear?
the bare blue of his deep colored coat

so when i was walking home one afternoon
i hadn’t tried to get home too soon
The days only becoming hazier

The winds were speeding fast
A man behind me tried to walk past
I saw the dark blue of his blazer.

he turned to look at me
stopped, starred to see
and began to walk slowly behind

i started sprinting to my abode
snow now down rode
the blue jacket man on my mind

his pace sped up too
and if only i knew
how no one would believe me

was he stalking?
should i start talking?
the blue jacket man’s spree

So I didn’t tell them the truth
I knew their words wouldn’t soothe
His eyes always on me

In the park he was there
Lurking like a ******* nightmare
His aura seemed aquamarine-y

I see him in my room
I know I shouldn’t assume
That that blue jacket is his

How is he everywhere?
You gave me a scare
Now go back to your biz !

He is in my screams.
He is in my dreams.
Blue jacket man, get out!

He is in my eyes
He is in my lies
Flow out with the water spout

He is in my lungs
I’m speaking in tongues
And as my eyes begin to fade

I see a smearing blue
Across my vacant view
That jacket of his facade

That dark blue.
this is my 133rd poem, written on 11/30/24.
Nov 2024 · 1.1k
Emery Feine Nov 2024
I tore my flesh off
Ripped off my muscles
To give to you
But when you asked
For my soul
You deemed me selfish
For refusing to let it go
this is my 132nd poem, written on 11/15/24
Nov 2024 · 533
A Letter to a Young Dreamer
Emery Feine Nov 2024
Dear Dreamer,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry that no one loved you the way you loved them.
I'm sorry no one stood up for you when you needed it, like how you did for them. He never got the prison sentence he deserved.
He never moved on from you. He knew he could never replace you, and yet he hurt you, and I apologize.
They never reciprocated their feelings, even after you poured your heart into them.

I'm sorry that you recognized their footsteps and had to live in fear.
They didn't fight for you when you needed it, but blamed you, and for that, I'm sorry.
They told you that you were the "troublemaker" and the "angry daughter", but why were you angry?
I'm sorry that they crushed your dreams, Dreamer.

I'm sorry that you had to leave.
I'm sorry that they talked about you behind your back, insulting your name.
They destroyed everything you've ever touched and spread nasty lies about you.
I'm sorry that they altered the truth, the same truth you wished people had heard.

I'm sorry that they had tried to crush the hope and heartbeat of a child.
They turned your blazing fire into a simmering ash, and it was almost fully diminished.
But you kept it burning nonetheless, and you kept dreaming.
So though I am sorry that I wasn't always there, I was always hopeful.
Keep dreaming, My Dreamer.

Best Regards,
You <3
this is my 131st poem, written on 11/15/24
Oct 2024 · 368
On Fire, I Breathe
Emery Feine Oct 2024
do you hear the sizzle of my lungs
as they slowly burn to ashes?
my head is an anchor, weighing down
bringing me to the floor
i cannot breathe
i am aching
the doctor said i was fine
but the moment i left
and breathed in the poisonous fresh air
i wheezed
i could not breathe
my lungs were on fire
some people pretend im fine
but i see it in their eyes
how they’re pretending
some people avoid me
as to not get sick
to save their freezing lungs
the fire is spreading throughout my body
my face is red
my throat is burning
im fading out
my lungs are on fire
i cannot breathe.
this is my 130th poem, written on 10/28/24.
Oct 2024 · 680
Autumn Marigolds
Emery Feine Oct 2024
If I received a marigold whenever I thought of you
I would walk in the sun’s rays forever
That peeks out through your hair
And lights up your eyes
Your eyes.
The yellows and reds in my heart
Are shown in Autumn’s turning leaves
Bouncing off in rays of golden light
Like the light in your eyes
Your eyes.
Just the thought of them makes my heart beat
Not the sea-blue of them
But the fact that they were on me.
this is my 129th poem, written on 10/24/24. <3
Oct 2024 · 804
Poison Made In Blood
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I try to pinpoint when my childlike rage started, but it never started. It was passed through my blood, out of the womb. my mother and father gave me this poison, fire in my blood, that is slowly burning me from the inside out.
.. / ... ..- .-. ...- .. ...- . / --- ..-. ..-. / - .... . / .. -.. . .- / - .... .- - / --- -. . / -.. .- -.-- --..-- / -- -.-- / .-. .- --. . / .-- .. .-.. .-.. / -... . / .-- .. - -. . ... ... . -.. / -... -.-- / - .... . / -- . -. / .-- .... --- / .--. --- .. ... --- -. . -.. / -- . / .. -. / - .... . / ..-. .. .-. ... - / .--. .-.. .- -.-. . .-.-.-
Oct 2024 · 592
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Can you see the soil softly shake
As the once-dead zombies burst from it?
They're being revived,
Though they were left to die and decay.
The ice is melting,
And the heat is increasing
Into a blinding fire.
When I finally felt free,
The dead seeds I planted months, years ago
Are slowly sprouting. (A miracle? A curse?)
The world is repeating,
Like they told me it would.
I'm terrified.
The scenes I have escaped
Are creeping around the corner,
Like now-alive zombies.
The memories that I threw to the snow,
They are beginning to grow,
Like flowers in Antarctica.
this is my 128th poem, written on 10/16/24
Oct 2024 · 272
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I looked at the "
                                     and then back at
                                                                    but I could see
sola differentia erat acceptio personarum.
Oct 2024 · 515
Empty Calories
Emery Feine Oct 2024
They should really invent a place where I belong.
Not one with entirely sunshine and rainbows,
God knows I've prayed too little for that,
But one where
I fit.
I don't stand out,
But I'm still my own person
And not that me that I've shown others,
Deceived them for far too long.
My fixation with belonging
It's like a need
That will never once be met.
And I'm left starved and ravenous
For just an ounce of it
And its empty calories
this is my 127th poem, written on 10/11/24
Oct 2024 · 887
Emery Feine Oct 2024
When a project has been abandoned, creators of said project will solve small, irrelevant problems, so as to give themselves an ounce of satisfaction, rather than just solve the problem as a whole.
Mentitus sum. Puer eram. Non putabatur ibi esse.
Oct 2024 · 451
The Butcher
Emery Feine Oct 2024
The way others view me,
Their theories are all incorrect,
But I don't know how to crack my own egg shell,
Show them what my soul shows me.
My heart and mind do not line up.
I yearn for things that did me wrong.
Laziness floods my habits and goals,
Until I drown in unsuccess.
I return to the places of my past
And to their people when I feel aloof.
It's weird to think that my friends barely know me,
And the butcher knows me best.
this is my 126th poem, written on 10/11/24.
Oct 2024 · 165
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I wish to go far in life, but I fear that if I try my hardest, they will see how much potential I lack.
Htwc ewnh hm a vmjhgnw hwppwj hm xwhwjosnw oc psvw. S emgpx zw igyywiivgp. Wfwjcmnw iaci htah. S espp zw vaomgi. S yannmh igyywwx esht app mv cmg. Mnpc ow. (A)
Oct 2024 · 1.3k
About Love
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I've never known love
Yes, I've seen the word everywhere
Seen others experience it
Yet I never have
But I thought I did

I mistook lust for love
And when he lusted over the innocence and
purity of my white rabbit self
I assumed that it was love
Because I'd never been loved before

And when I was younger
And he would always physically hurt me
His parents said it meant he liked me
My parents said that's just how boys are
So I assumed that it was love

And back to the first man I've ever dated
Though I don't like to consider him
When he pressured me into a relationship
When he was ten years older than me
But I stayed
Because I thought it was love

And then my freedom was taken for 768 days
Because they caught me talking to the man
I couldn't tell any of my friends
Any of them that I was groomed
Because I didn't know if it "counted" if it was online
I didn't know if it was love

I knew another guy at the time
One who knew my groomer
And I fell in love with him
I thought that I'd finally found love
But after he broke up with me
And crawled back eight months later
He admitted to talking to other people
In the whole sixteen days we dated.
I was partially loved for sixteen days.

And finally, in the spring
I met a third guy I told others about
But I wish I didn't
I asked him to ask me out
But he never did
He responded to my love
With jokes about ****
And sexist remarks, so I left

There have been many other guys along the way
With the two I've dated
One I talked to, one groomed me, one cheated

Lusted, but never loved
Just to fill in for someone else
And I hold my independence proudly
But I've had it ever since I was born

I've watched everyone else fall in love
Yet I watch from the sidelines
Wondering when I'll be loved
Truly loved
For once in my life.
this is my 125th poem, written on 9/21/24. every poem I have written, every issue in my life, has somehow been correlated to this. I was blamed for when I was groomed, and I did not have the words to speak up, but now I have.
Oct 2024 · 949
Where the Sea Greets Me
Emery Feine Oct 2024
"I am a part of you,"
Is what I say to the waves below
My eyes, the same shade of blue
As the ocean's tide glows

I taste the salt in my mouth
As it drips from my swollen eyes
The same salt in the whale's spout
That in which the ocean lies

From the lighthouse I watch the rocky shore
And my eyes leak more and more
What more could I want of me
Than to be part of that glimmering sea?

I do not even exist anymore
As I sprint across the rocky shore
I collapse into the shimmering sea
Because a part of them is a part of me

The townspeople call me crazy
I'll prove them all wrong one day
I still taste the salt in my mouth
I think I am fading away

The sun is setting on the beach
And salty tears are running down my face
I connect my tears with the water
And disappear without a trace

Stars appear in the night sky
Reflecting on the sea's blue
Below the waves, you'll find me lie
Am I finally a part of you?
this is my 124th poem, written on 9/10/24. this was originally submitted to the Salty September poetry competition :)
Oct 2024 · 237
Yet I Still Cannot Grow
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Like a tree whose roots are forever taking
The nutrients in the soil, ever shaking
The branches of mine never breaking
And yet I still cannot grow

You put me on the performer's stage
So you can get your lousy wage
And write my name on your contract page
A never-ending show

An airport, where to exit you have to pay
And they're so close, yet so far away
Like a phone call you forgot to take today
So leave a message at the tone

Like a turtle racing across the shore
And a robot's still heart at its core
A bird's long-gone partner soar
Forever stuck alone
this is my 123rd poem, written on 9/10/24
Oct 2024 · 845
When I Was 11
Emery Feine Oct 2024
he tore, he wore and ran to me, and tried to eat my brains

the sun and fun that came before, were drowned out by the rains

he left my guts spilling out and a hole inside my head

he left my heart spilling out and left me lying dead

the life that once was part of me had been turned down to scraps

it melted down and seeped out through the earth’s loving cracks

he crushed my light pink lungs and i gasped out a last breath

he gouged out both my eyes, now with the haziness of death

he threw my body to the lake but i floated to the top

blood spilled out of my body but i floated to the top

few citizens of the town saw me floating away that night

but they didn’t report the body, too much of a sight

they blamed me for the fact that i was there, floating dead

they assumed that it was me, with the hole inside my head

upon my blood full of justice, fully full of red

upon my eyes full of revenge, fully full of dead
this is my 122nd poem, written on 9/1/24. it took me three years to be able to write this
Oct 2024 · 311
Come Home.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Everyday, I stand by the port
And wait for the boats to come in
And everyday, when the ship arrives
Not a single person gets off

At least not for me they don't
They run up to their friends
Kiss their lovers hello
Running on the dock with suitcases

They stare at me as they walk past
Only one there with no one to welcome
I feel them staring when I'm not looking
I wish they would stop staring.

Everyday, I stand by the port
Waiting for my sailor to come home
But my sailor never leaves the boat
Please, come home.
this is my 121st poem, written on 8/27/24
Oct 2024 · 525
MY Home
Emery Feine Oct 2024
You have trespassed on my soil, manned
You have stolen my nation and my land
Killed all the songbirds, the larks

You have eradicated any sense of glee
But everything you have taken from me
Around it, you will find claw marks

There's tears on the floor
And bullet holes in the door
And blood and dirt under my nails

You've made me flee from my own home
The place I live in and roam
And yet you still don't know what that entails.
this is my 120th poem, written on 8/17/24
Oct 2024 · 970
The Rain and The Bow
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I looked out the window when you began to leave
Kicked you out through my own front door
I noticed a tree and its turning red leaves
Guess I'd never noticed that before

That same day, I walked down to the river
A breeze came, cold and long
My body shook as I began to shiver
But the river kept moving along

I watched the sunset from a rocky shore
And although I'd never been there before
When the waves crashed and hit me with sea foam
I finally felt, for once, at home

Seasons never seemed to flow
Until I made you go
Every day was the same, you see
Until I forced you to leave me

I noticed how the clouds danced even lighter
How rain made the morning dew even wetter
How the rainbow shined even brighter
Maybe things will finally start to get better
Now that's what I can finally see
Finally free since you left me
this is my 119th poem, written on 8/10/24
Oct 2024 · 1.0k
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I try to find little bits of you in my heart
And no matter how hard I search my ocean depths
For one shining ray of yours
I only find bits of moonlight.
Like a puzzle missing a piece
A part of my perception of you is gone
I cannot leave
No matter how sad you make me
Because my heart remembers
How you'd made me the happiest I'd been
I thought the love was special
But I was standing in the queue
All the others you had been giving love to
Were hidden by walls only you could see
I feel as if my body is being ripped apart
Heart and mind on opposing sides
My body is so numb now
My body is dragging along, like a zombie
Like a puppet, pulled by your strings
Like a heart through the ocean.
I don't even know what I was thinking
Disappointed in you and myself
The person I loved the most
The person I admired most in my life
Has turned a red, beating heart
Into one full of rife
this is my 118th poem, written on 8/8/24
Oct 2024 · 315
Emery Feine Oct 2024
You're like a vampire, and you drained me to the core
And when you **** my blood, I don't give up a fight
But I see how happy you look when I'm dying
And that's why I continue to come out at night
this is my 117th poem, written on 8/8/24
Oct 2024 · 788
A Shared Dream
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I met my rose in full bloom
But it had to wilt too soon

It was a beautiful painting, in a bright wooden frame
And no two ever looked at it the same

You were like a duck, sailing on a bright blue pond
I never knew that you'd have to go, so far long gone

Your comforting structure had turned to dust
And your shining walls had begun to rust

This place was built on a conjoined dream
It was so much more than we'd ever seen

I learned what it was like in my own mind
I learned what it was like for someone to be so kind

When we saw the rubble, we all held hands
Looking at the ruins and thousand sands

It was the one place where I could be wild
The one place where I could truly be a child

But even though you were destined to fail
Thank you for teaching me how to live, My Vale
this is my 116th poem, written on 8/3/24
Oct 2024 · 427
I Wish I Hated You
Emery Feine Oct 2024
No matter how many times our paths cross by fate
I'll never once forgive you
But you'll never be a person I'll hate
Yet I still can't recognize you
this is my 115th poem, written on 8/3/24
Oct 2024 · 377
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I've paid the price, I've sacrificed
Everything to know I'm fighting for the wrong side
You ignited a spark with your deceitful tricks
And I'm left alone with a flaming phoenix
I thought she was hunting me, I'd seen the signs
The glass breaking, and the crowd didn't see
I've been on the wrong side of the lines
Those warnings were coming from me
I feel betrayed, but I stayed, I felt pity for you
Didn't mean to make this start, oh, what could I do?
Pure cranes that once flew in my dreams
Their wings are blooded from you
I have not spent months of recovering
To be treated this way
No more children I'll be mothering
No longer will I stay
I'm disappointed in all people
For you being so deceitful
For all your misleading lies
And I still have to look into your eyes
I'm just surprised that you could be
So confident in the ability to mislead me
The little spark you've created
It has now turned into a flaming lion
If your lies, you'll continue to tell
It'll burn your soul down, and truth as well.
this is my 114th poem, written on 7/28/24
Oct 2024 · 236
The Fish
Emery Feine Oct 2024
In the bowl, you'll find the golden fish
Living for your entertainment, it swims, swish-swish

You stare at its sparkling scales, golden-rich
And it continues to swim in circles, swish-swish

You take the fish out with a twitch
But it can't get out of your grasp, swish-swish

You pull its scale off and give it a squish
But it stops struggling, swish-swish

So you plop it back into its enclosing dish
And it resumes its swimming, swish-swish

But you want it to stop swimming, it's an itch
So you stab it, and it stops, swish-swish

It could never get its last wish
As it falls to the bottom, swish-swish

In the bowl, you'll see the golden fish
Dying for your entertainment, it sinks, swish-swish.
this is my 113th poem, written on 7/22/24
Oct 2024 · 602
The Forgotten Child
Emery Feine Oct 2024
The Forgotten Child always tries
The Forgotten Child never cries
The Forgotten Child will never fly
The Forgotten Child will never know why

Their name, no one will remember
Their future, not even an ember
Their wealth, all will be sold in
Their popularity, all given to The Golden

The Golden Child never tries
But The Golden Child always cries
The Golden Child will always fly
But The Forgotten Child will never know why

Their love, everyone wants them
Their friends, everyone wants some
They keep, everything they've ever gotten
Their future, better than The Forgotten

The Forgotten Child will always do more
Yet they'll never be first
What are they even good for?
They'll always be the worst.
this is my 112th poem, written on 7/16/24
Oct 2024 · 447
The Hawk and The Crow
Emery Feine Oct 2024
The crow was being chased in the air
By the bigger, stronger hawk
While the crow dodged his attacks without a care
The hawk began to talk back

"You know you can't escape me,"
"I'm stronger and faster than you."
The crow replied, "Just let me be,"
"I'm forever quicker and smarter than you too."

While the crow said this very thing
The hawk flew faster and tore off the crow's wing
But while the crow was falling from the sky
Not once did he think he was going to die

And while he fell to his possible end
The only thing crow wanted was revenge
And with his beak, he caught himself on a tree
And with his beak, it cracked in three

The crow fell safely to the ground without a sound
The hawk wanted him to die as he dove from the sky
The crow took a seat on the ground with his cracked beak
And since he had no wings to fly, there he would lie

The hawk soared, he roared as he approached his prey quick
The crow with peace, reached for a nearby stick

The hawk reached him down low
And when he tried to rip his bones apart
The crow picked up the stick, the arrow
And pierced the hawk in the heart.
this is my 111th poem, written on 7/9/24
Oct 2024 · 288
Let Me Fall
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I almost fell down the pit
But I was held up by a thousand strings
I was glad they saved me
But not the pain it brings

It took every muscle to hold me up
For the strings, I had to carry them all
But maybe I want a break
Maybe for once I want to fall
this is my 110th poem, written on 7/1/24
Oct 2024 · 871
Emery Feine Oct 2024
My mind was like a knotted string
And it claimed it would rid me of my pain
I would wake up with the sound of the bell's ring
But the chime never once came

It turned my thoughts into a sparkling blue mist
Which for an instant, shut them up
It left me drained, and my parted lips (face) it kissed
And I still haven't woken up

I tried so hard to understand it
But it left me in a blank, angry fit
It was no longer even fun
Because when I fought back, it had won

For a mere instant, I again felt sane
But my head had an aching pain
It told me I would awake in only ten
But when I stood up, back down I fell again

So I attempted to wait it out the longest
Till early day and late at night
But that's when it was the strongest
And I had lost another fight
this is my 109th poem, written on 7/1/24. no this is not about drugs !!
Oct 2024 · 540
No Friend of Yours
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I don't know what I am to you
Whether hell or heaven send
But why'd you come back after eight months
And still consider me a friend?
this is my 108th poem, written on 7/1/24
Oct 2024 · 870
Emery Feine Oct 2024
a squirrel came and ran up to my tree
he cooled off in my calming shade
he stayed for just a bit of time
and then away he strayed

after months he finally came back
and talked about another tree, now hollow and dark
the squirrel said he wanted a tree to love him back,
saying this as he rested on my loving bark

even if his winds knocked over my boat
i would still continue to float
because even though his waves were meant to drown
my love kept me up and wouldn't go down

i built a flimsy structure
to protect me from the storm
and when all his winds came
it all came back torn

i walked on coals to make it to him
through tsunamis and floods i had to swim

he fed me poison to make the solution
but left before coming up with the resolution

he cried, he lied, to protect my name from grime
he cared, he scared, but there was another boy at the time.

but in my heart, i still hear his name
and those heartbeats are the best
but since i was a player in his losing game
i rip my heart out of my chest

he says he gave him everything
without anything left for me
i gave him all my advice
and he still didn't listen to me

he went through all the things i did
when he left me
but he never even realized
he couldn't even see

but yet still in the moonlight
i call his name
but he's calling another's
and it will never be the same
this is my 107th poem, written on 6/24/24. ugh I hate him so much
Oct 2024 · 1.1k
Emery Feine Oct 2024
We're attached to the screens
Like we're conjoined by them
Our lives drain before our eyes
As we drown in the Internet lies

As our fingers move in the scrolling motion
We're addicted to their anger-provoking emotions
And we stare at photo-shopped celebrities with love and lust
Wishing that they were ugly and sad like us

We'll text, but leave no message at the tone
All our pregiven love and time we loan
And when we're all scrolling, we're all alone
But we don't notice because we're on the phone
this is my 106th poem, written on 6/22/24
Oct 2024 · 310
A Walk to the Sea
Emery Feine Oct 2024
She told me I could never walk to the ocean
But I told her that I can
And as I started to walk to the sea
I accidentally stepped on a clam

It stung a bit, but I was alright
And I looked back and saw
That she was disappointedly saying to me
"I knew you couldn't do it at all"
this is my 105th poem, written on 6/10/24
Oct 2024 · 361
A Ticket, Never Punched
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I stepped into life's train station
But I hadn't noticed their scheme
And they took away my imagination
And they took away my dream

On the train I looked out the tinted glass
But the ride wasn't what it seemed
Because they took away my ticket pass
And they took away my dream.
this is my 104th poem, written on 6/4/24
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