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Oct 2024 · 327
Emery Feine Oct 2024
If you've been freezing for a long while,
and hugging a fire is what you resort to,
you won't even notice it burning you.
this is my 103rd poem, written on 6/3/24
Oct 2024 · 288
A Man
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I spin, I twist, and then I twirl
Never first place no matter how fast I ran
I plan, I can, but if I'm still a girl
Then just consider me a man.
this is my 102nd poem, written on 5/25/24.
Oct 2024 · 279
The Shadow
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I looked the demon in the eyes
I saw through its mask and lies

A dark, foggy, circling, shadowy pit
And this shadow, I put my hand through it

I caught sight of my childhood self
Being choked by the Shadow, damaging her health

"Let go!" I called to her
"Never! There is no cure!"

So I responded, "Fly again, my little dove!"
To which she replied, "I just want love."

"In a wound, you are putting salt,"
"I'm telling you, it wasn't your fault!"

And with these words, the Shadow flew across the room
I hugged my younger self, then grabbed a broom

I jabbed at the demon with an angry fit
When younger me whispered, "Do not hurt it."

And before I could try to understand her pain
I saw her darkness and the Shadow linked by chain

I dropped the broom and grabbed a knife
And started to sever their conjoined lives

I heard a faint wail from the Shadow and the child
Severing it and hurting her would be completely wild

I turned to the Shadow, "I have a deal,"
"Unchaining yourself, but remaining by our side would be ideal."

The chain disappeared, and the Shadow hovered
And when I took me and the child outside, us he covered

I led myself to the edge of the world
With all the Shadow's troubles left unfurled

I led her to an empty beach
The sky, the color of a ripe, juicy peach

We laid on the sand, staring at the sky
While the Shadow behind us would fly

We watched the sun slowly go down
Underneath the ocean it began to drown

And when the sun disappeared totally under the sea's blue
I turned around, and turns out the Shadow did too
this is my 101st poem, written on 5/19/24, my birthday !! yeah I don't like this one :(
Oct 2024 · 918
The Fox
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I'm a fox walking around a loaded gun.
I stare into your cold eyes,
And I don't know when to run,
As I stare into my own demise.

I'm a fox waiting around a loaded gun,
Being mocked for my cleverness and wit,
And I'm desperately trying to run,
But I can't plan the timing of it.

I'm a fox running around a loaded gun,
Didn't mean to get myself into this trick,
And as I begin to run,
I hear the gun click.
this is my 100th poem, written on 5/10/24. yay !!!!
Oct 2024 · 252
Emery Feine Oct 2024
It comes, it runs throughout this place
It covers, it hovers without a trace
And everything we once loved
We'll never again face

These castle walls were turned from bronze to rust
Shattered from the years of betrayal and mistrust
And the sands which one sparked our dreams
Are now only replaced by dust
this is my 99th poem, written on 5/10/24
Oct 2024 · 793
Love is Blind
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I say you'll do something soon
But for everything you seem to mind
How can this ever bloom?
Love isn't there if it is blind
this is my 98th poem, written on 5/10/24
Oct 2024 · 173
An Accidental Reflection
Emery Feine Oct 2024
My heart is like a planet
The envy it revolves around is the worst
You'll see I'm a star, if you scan it
'Cause the brightest always die first

I have no moons, though
No planet is my mother
I must then be Pluto
Too small for the other

I've done more and more
But it's all something someone's done before
Everyone else is hard and tough
Yet I'm still not good enough

In a world of diamonds, I'm coal
I'm far away, and never near
For once, I just want to be original
I'm a reflection in a shattered mirror

I've done more and more
But it's all something someone's done before
Everyone else is hard and tough
Yet I'm still not good enough
this is my 97th poem, written on 5/5/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
After an incident of shame and guilt
I left my home misbegotten
And when I returned two years later
I was surprised that I wasn't forgotten.
this is my 96th poem, written on 5/5/24
Oct 2024 · 199
A Mix of Memories
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I remember being alone, stuck in the mud
I remember my hands being stained with red blood
And even when the times got tough
My hard work was never enough
I'm not as perfect as you all see
My whole life I've just been trying to be free
My whole life I've waited to shine
But I'm still waiting for the right time
To you, I'm all a secret
But I'm a stranger, can you feel it?
I guess I'm so used to pain
That I'll take it over warm, summer rain
And when I have to deal with all listed above
There's a weight on my shoulders, that some call love
I've been waiting for something new
And right on my doorstep appears you
I'm running to a place way long gone
I don't even know what I am running from
But I do know I'd run 100 miles, back and to
Just so I could get one look at you
But even if I'm with you and your artists
That is not truly where my heart is
All my memories of the past are fake
I threw them in the thousand-feet deep lake
What was I even supposed to do?
I didn't know what I got myself into
this is my 95th poem, written on 4/26/24
Oct 2024 · 153
Wading with Whales
Emery Feine Oct 2024
After a dark, gloomy period
The days whipped on by
It was sooner that I thought that
Someone new has caught my eye

He's like a fire, one to admire, so much better than me
I went up to the clouds because I swear he was sent down from above
I waded with the whales to get to his island of love

I swear he is funny and extremely smart
I fear the day that we might be apart

I'm scared to love him
And I'm scared to not
I can't even form a normal thought

There's no need for imagining
Because us two, we'll do everything

I waited for love to catch up to me
Turns out, it's already here
this is my 94th poem, written on 4/26/24. yeah this guy ******
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I lit a white, waxy candle
I said I would start when the flame got brighter
And as I expected the light to grow taller
The wax only melted and got smaller
this is my 93rd poem, written on 4/20/24
Oct 2024 · 255
Parents of Rabbits
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Raised by a pair of dragons
Dodging their huffs and puffs of smoke and fire
And if I accidentally step on their tail
I'll burn on my own fiery pyre

And I watch the others with their parents of rabbits
While I'm here, trying not to be burnt
And while I dodge these flames once more
I think about what could've been, was or weren't.
this is my 92nd poem, written on 4/19/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Why do we wish that orange sunset won't ever die?
When we barely notice the normal, beautiful blue sky?
I think why we crave for the sunset to prolong
Is because the prettiest colors are the ones that don't belong
this is my 91st poem, written on 4/14/24
Oct 2024 · 203
I Have... I Swear
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I've moved so far through time
But to you I'm still the same
Does years of changing and healing
Only return back to insult and main?

I've found myself, I've grown, I've seen it all, but
Sour-filled hearts are all you've exchanged
And I'll return it with my white and pink lily
I'm telling you all, I swear I've changed
this is my 90th poem, written on 4/9/24
Oct 2024 · 396
The Reason Behind Secrecy
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I finally had the courage to reveal my truth
Loosening its two-year-long choke
And when I finally told it to a friend
She laughed at my "hilarious joke".
this is my 89th poem, written on 4/9/24
Oct 2024 · 240
I Dream
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I dream, I dream, I dream
I dream for a life much bigger than this
And for the hope of the Lady Wealth's kiss
To be known by both Mister and Miss
I dream for a life much bigger than this
I want a life with a forever lasting smile
A goal, a dream that'll be worth my while
Sailing across a sea of gold
Knowing there's no other way this can unfold
From now on I'll only be winning
Just you wait, this is just the beginning
I don't dream of love
I don't dream of health
I don't dream of fame
I don't dream of wealth
I won't cross paths with the black cat's hiss
Because I dream of a life much bigger than this
I've dreamt of a life much bigger than this
I'm dreaming of a life much bigger than this
This is my redemption, myself I will redeem
I dream, I dream, I dream
this is my 88th poem, written on 3/30/24
Oct 2024 · 151
A Forever Half-Empty Glass
Emery Feine Oct 2024
With one goal accomplished, another will arise
Repeating into an endless cycle until my own demise
I've worked so hard to get what I now have got
Yet all my experiments don't have a conclusion, or final thought
I've had people copy me with their navy blue bluff
But with everything I've learned, it still isn't enough
this is my 87th poem, written on 3/19/24
Oct 2024 · 969
A Revival
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I'm jumping into new with this trampoline pad
I'm hating every poem I wrote because they were too sad
I have passion flowing through all my veins
It twists around the hurts and pains
My passion is like a river, never gonna sit
With any dam in the way, it'll jump over it
I've felt like ash from a fire just extinguished
All dreams I once had had been relinquished
Then after a final heartbreak, it sparked some emotion
A spark in the ashes, a wind now in motion
And with this sole spark, I will use my one chance to fan it
After jumping into the unknown, this time I will land it
I am a phoenix rising from the ashes, no longer defied
My heart is beating once more, but it never really died
I am no longer just a bird flying above
I am an eagle, soaring from self-love
I used to lay at the bottom of the sea, feeling entirely worthless
But now I've remembered to just swim up to the surface
I feel like a rose in a bush, used to being tricked
But for once in my life, I was happy not being picked
And I know that we're no longer looking at the stars and crying
But I'm laying there by myself, eyeing Betelgeuse and Orion
If someone looks into my life, thinking they're so smart
They'll see lots of my friendships are falling apart
I've been gossiped about, lied to, insulted, from the entirety of night to day
But for once it didn't matter, and I simply walked away.
this is my 86th poem, written on 3/10/24
Oct 2024 · 802
A Ticking Bomb
Emery Feine Oct 2024
A hero to no one except myself
Just there to fill up space in a crowded room
Told that the only things I want are fame and wealth

A Ticking Bomb ignited from the start
But neither I nor you know when I'll blow
And all your comfort will be ripped apart

I want everyone, but wanted by none
I'm just an option, never the choice
I'm just a second daughter, when he probably wanted a son

I'm carrying bombs in each of my 20 hands
And expected to blow them all out in a minute
People believe I'm just someone who can count all the sands

When people are partnered up with me
I hear a groan, a sigh, a rejection
But this is not who I am, just who you think me to be

When I look into a mirror, now dusty and haunted
I don't see a ticking bomb like everyone else
Just a girl who wanted to be wanted
this is my 85th poem, written on 3/6/24
Oct 2024 · 477
A Never-Ending Performance
Emery Feine Oct 2024
The curtains open once more
And I look into the eyes of the watching crowd
But even after my performance
I never once felt proud

Then I take a bow and walk off stage
I take off my mask, temporarily free
I see someone who I thought would compliment my performance
Yet he doesn't recognize me

I want to do anything else, be a teacher or a politician
But the next day, I'll walk back onto the stage
Everything in my body is telling me to stop
Yet I keep performing for no wage

I wish I was in the wings, like I was years ago
Pretending it was me in the burning spotlight
And I found my peace in the drowning shadows
Yet I wanted to be louder with all my might

When will this show finally end?
I walk on stage with despair I've so long felt
The spotlight causes my skin to burn and melt

The red curtains open fast
Will this time finally be the last?
this is my 84th poem, written on 2/21/24
Emery Feine Oct 2024
I have seen those Golden Seas
And my name burned on someone's tongue
I locked myself out of life with my own keys
And I gasped for the toxic air in my poisoned lung

I must've forgotten who I was supposed to be
I hoped everything would be okay with a bit of luck
Then suddenly I was set free
And once more, I finally woke up.
this is my 83rd poem, written 2/20/24
Oct 2024 · 1.2k
An Eternal Ember
Emery Feine Oct 2024
On a firefly lit night, the clouds a quiet grey
Plants blowing from the wind of an ending day
With the calming darkness of an eternal evening
Lit by the fireflies from late May

Dancing flames flutter above the field below
Little stars on the ground shine with their glow
And we'd catch these stars in our little hands
We'd admire their beauty, then let them go

There was a faint warmth that lingered on our skin
And a smile that made us dizzy, like a never-ending spin
You could smell the flowers from a distance away
Then wonder if this is where you should've always been

With laughter circling all around
With a light in the night near the darkened ground
With a heart racing from exhilarating excitement
With the despair of a dream that'll never come back 'round

The clouds, now less loud, are not shaken by a shout cheerful and wild
And now the old flower, whether rose or sunflower, are now not contently watching a child

An ember, thought to last forever, burned down to an ash
A memory, thought to last forever, disappeared in a flash

The fireflies still glide with their pride above the darkened ground
In their flight, lighting up the night, a night now with no sound

A memory, gold and bold, that we didn't know we made
In the wear and tear of life was sure to fade

It's fragile beauty danced up and down the trees
Moonlit night clouds with a serene breeze
Though that day may seem like it could go forever on
Our perpetual dreams are now perpetually long gone

Time seemed to move slowly, yet it was only going faster
As I held in my hands the bright petals of a radiant purple aster
If not for those fireflies, we would not be able to see
How this late evening in May would be stuck with us eternally

If we could go back one more time
Back to the night of the firefly's shine
If we could go back to that golden night
Then that would be the most wondrous sight

Though we were all there as kids, just to play
We have no more need to go back or stay
If I returned there, like we had always swore
There would be no one there anymore

Firefly lit nights seemed to last forever on that late evening in May
But like the firefly's dimming light, not even time was there to stay.
this is my 82nd poem, written on 2/15/24. I had to write this for an English class last year and I got the highest score yippee !!
Oct 2024 · 627
A World Long Gone
Emery Feine Oct 2024
We have left our past completely behind
No longer able to live in the present
Always looking for something new to find

We've burned our history and its branches that extend
Say we cherish the tree as we bite into its burning apple
And cut it down every day, with no end

We give our attention to a small thing for a day, like the apple now rotten
But the next day our focus will have decreased
And by a year it will be completely forgotten

As a society, we are forced to move on
And wander away from everything we loved
And everything you hold dear is now long gone

We swear, but can't bear the remembrance of all
We lie, we try to forget the small
We leave, we grieve to solely grow tall

And we break, we take from the world we've won
We'd stop admiring, and firing a book rather than a gun
And we've chased, and replaced, to get closer to the sun

And we've forever been progressing, moving farther and farther away
That now, in the end, not even time will be there to stay
this is my 81st poem, written on 2/10/24
Sep 2024 · 739
You Will See Me
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I want the people who left me to see my face in the streets
I am the face of all people in the filled up seats
They'll hear my voice in all the songs they play
I am the wind that'll show them the way
They'll hate that they'll see me in their afternoon tea
They'll drown when they see me in the swimming sea
I'll come back to haunt them, day and night
I'm the ghost in the fog that gives them a fright
They'll feel stuck, trapped, haunted by me
They'll hear me with every song from bird or bumble bee
They'll finally feel just a little remorse
And try to find me in every book and resource
And on days when the sun has gone away
I'll be the thunder in their mind that will forever stay
For every tear they made me cry, I'll make them cry three
So cry me a river, lake, or sea
I'm just a spirit following them from behind
I'm just a phantom, invading their mind
And with some time, they'll think I'm gone
And they'll peacefully look over their house and lawn
And they'll admire June's scorching sun
And they'll think they've finally won
They'll think no part of them is shattered and rotten
And when they can finally stop living their lives in fear
I want them to hear my voice echo in their ear
this is my 80th poem, written on 2/4/24
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I've lived my life in a stagnant position
And I've eternally remained in one place
I've run from all my problems
Never once looked Death in the face

How can I see the whole world
If I'm afraid of taking one step on earth?
Maybe if I throw away this feeling of safety
Then I'll finally feel some mirth

I've wanted so many more opportunities
But when faced with a problem I just twist and weave
I'll never be able to move on and live life
If at first I don't leave
this is my 79th poem, written on 2/4/24
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I grew independently, totally alone
Forever wanting to just belong
But no one came to me, so I thought to myself
"One day, I'll prove them wrong"

And when I finally became successful
I had fame, I had wealth
No one showed up to my celebration
The only person I proved myself to was myself
this is my 78th poem, written on 1/23/24
Sep 2024 · 724
The Cost of a Genius
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Sometimes, with a roll of the dice
A child receives a blessing that comes with a price
They can be born with the blessing of being smart
Yet in society, they'll always be apart
Who would've known that a bigger or stronger brain
Can make people think you're entirely insane
If you do one thing well in your prime
Then you'll be stuck doing that till the end of time
And if you ever try to quit
Why would you? You're good at it
There's so much pressure on you
That there's nothing you can look forward to
And if you get just one thing incorrect
There's something in your brain that needs to be checked
People will look up to you, but you're up there alone
Sitting down on your worthless diamond throne
And if you aren't better than only some
You're immediately characterized as dumb
Would you really want to feel so apart
Just so you could be a bit more smart?
this is my 77th poem, written on 1/23/24
Sep 2024 · 399
Blazing Star
Emery Feine Sep 2024
A well-known star who performed on stage
Was soon out-shined by the rest
But she couldn't become one of the common folk
She had to be the best

And in the day, she danced with them
And danced until the night
She would wait until everyone left the theatre
Then dance in her own spotlight

And as she danced from day to night
She wasn't the most elite
So she knew she had to do something bigger
So she wouldn't end in defeat

Even though the dancers did perfect arabesques
And chased after an impossible dream
When the night fell and the curtains closed
She lined the stage in gasoline

So when the sun rose, the dancers walked in
They screamed and knew they could never aspire
To the star on the blazing stage
Beautifully burning to death, surrounded by fire
this is my 76th poem, written on 1/18/24
Sep 2024 · 737
The Golden Sand Called Life
Emery Feine Sep 2024
We all leave our footprints on the golden sand
As we take our final breath from this land
Some leave their step close to the water
Some have wept over the death of their son or daughter
So the ones closest to the shore
Will be washed away by a wave
They'll drown and die without asking for more
And give up their final chance to be saved
But some people leave their final footprints further away
Just for a little while longer, they can admire the day
Then they'll see the rest of society drowning in their aquatic fame
Then ask themselves if they should've done the same
But you must leave your mark on this world
Or else you'll be washed away
And you have to live for yourself
Or this world will make you pay
Would you rather leave your mark, or pleasantly drown?
Would you rather leave this world by yourself, or your whole town?
Do you also want to wear society's sea-blue gown?
So when you swim, society will drag you down,
But it is up to you to make sure you don't drown.
this is my 75th poem, written on 1/11/24
Emery Feine Sep 2024
If I went back to my past, would this all really last?
If I cherished all my days, would I still be chasing after grades?
Threw away my life and fell apart
Now all I have left is being smart
Is this the life I'd really choose, if I knew, I couldn't lose?
My whole life ruined from the beginning, but I can't stop that from me winning
And I've carried myself on this path called life, while bleeding out from an 8-inch-knife
So I will go where the wind refuses to blow
And soon I will see that no one can stop me
And I'm sorry if I made your life harder, but this whole time, I've just been your daughter
And even just one mistake will cause this thin ice to surely break
They'll glare at you when you're at your low
They'll glare at you from heat to snow
So you glare back at them like a shattered mirror
So you glare at all the things you once held dear
this is my 74th poem, written on 1/11/24
Sep 2024 · 408
Dear ____
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Your eyes are gorgeous
They are the flowers blooming in Spring
And I always see them in my daydreams
And I'm complaining about that

Your smile is perfect
Just seeing you makes my day brighter
And when we share a glance I feel lighter
My days are best when I see you

I want to know everything about you, sports or band
I want to watch the sunset with you on the golden sand
And we'll run away to buy a house for us in a foreign land

And I didn't want to fall in love ever again
But I've been proved wrong
We could kiss under the Statue of Liberty or the Big Ben

Everyone else sees the sparks as we smile
And when I see you I can't think or know what to do
So I'll keep on loving you for a bit more while
And if you wouldn't mind, you could love me too (?)
this is my 73rd poem, written on 1/9/24
Sep 2024 · 396
Those Firefly Nights
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Oh, how I dreamed of those firefly nights
And our playful games and fights
With the setting of the sun, through the fields we'd run

I remember those memories vividly
But they can no longer be
They are now owned by the past and can no longer last

And now me and my friends have grown up
Yet I still feel stuck
To go back, I yearn, just to return

And one day I was granted a wish
Then with a pop and a swish
I returned to what was mine, I traveled back in time

I returned to that firefly night
But nobody was in sight
They all moved on, they all were gone

They all grew up from day to day
And not even time was there to stay
And I was forever alone in the place I used to call home
this is my 72nd poem, written on 12/28/23
Sep 2024 · 347
Once Upon a Winter Solstice
Emery Feine Sep 2024
It was a hot summer day
And I asked what your favorite season was
You said it was winter, you loved the snow
And that if there was a blizzard, we'd both go

So we came up with a plan
When the winter solstice took place
We'd go out into the snow
And we'd talk in the flurries and so

I waited for the winter solstice
And when it came, a blizzard did too
And I ran into a snow-covered field alone
The cold wind chilling me to the bone

I waited for you to come
And I waited for hours on end
And while my teeth chattered, and my hands turned blue
My heart warmed just thinking about you

And I waited until the disappearance of the sun
When I finally realized you weren't gonna come
But it was too late, the cold had touched my heart
And it stopped and would never again start
this is my 71st poem, written on 12/21/23.
Sep 2024 · 219
Emery Feine Sep 2024
There's never been a poem written about me
But if there was, this is how I'd want it to be:

Her hair looked like the waves from the sea
Her determination was like a bumble bee
She wanted nothing more than to be free
She thought as she drank her favorite tea,
"One day you'll love me too, maybe"
"Maybe you'll love me too," said she
And one day when I climbed a tree
I shouted to the world her name and its syllables of three
But I never really knew her, so I could never see
How her mind was trapped in a memory
And I could never free my love, Emery
this is my 70th poem, written on 12/21/23.. I don't like this one
Sep 2024 · 397
Emery Feine Sep 2024
In your eyes, I see the whole world
I see a story, desperate to be told
I see the universe.
I see in your eyes the darkest of nights
And the dusty stars of forever light
I see whole galaxies
And it is the most wondrous sight.
this is my 69th poem, written on 12/21/23
Emery Feine Sep 2024
We swore on each other with false trust
The universe was chasing both of us
And no poem can ever retell
The fire in my heart from a burning hell
We're simply both moths, scavenging for the light
And we must've bumped into each other on a cold, dreary night
And when you starve, you'll eat anything
So I must've confused this nightmare with a dream
this is my 68th poem, written on 12/21/23
Sep 2024 · 848
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Emery Feine Sep 2024
When you decided to leave
We shut each other out of our lives completely
You changed your "About Me" to quotes to help you grieve
And when I finally thought we were through
You changed your quote to "I loved you too"
Which messed up my mind completely
Then you changed them to song quotes
And you put little hearts around it
I thought you moved on, so I ignored it
I thought you fell in love with someone else, letting me be
When I looked up the lyrics, knowing they had to be about me
And I thought you were silently asking if we could be friends
So I decided to talk to you again
And you spoke dryly and ignored me again
And that was my last attempt, so I decided to move on
And now you decided that I'm the one that's gone
So what now are you trying to achieve?
You lost the one that stayed when you decided to leave
this is my 67th poem, written on 12/10/23.
Sep 2024 · 233
A Recurring Flashback
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I had never met my grandfather
Because he died of a heart attack
And my father got heart medication from the drive-through pharmacy
While I watched calmly from the back
And at the doctor some years ago
They told me there was some foods I'd have to cut back
They both were perfectionists
So with my self-made stress, how can I bounce back?
I'll go my whole life achieving my dreams
Without once looking back
So don't compare me to them, no matter how similar we look
Don't curse me with a heart attack.
this is my 66th poem, written on 12/10/23.
Sep 2024 · 185
The Truth of It
Emery Feine Sep 2024
When I was told I had to get surgery
I was so scared I'd say something strange when I woke up
And I screamed until I felt a silver of rejoice
In hopes I'd lose my voice.

And when they stuck needles into my body
And my body felt like it could begin to glow
And when I felt euphoria in my arms and chin
That was the most scared I've ever been
this is my 65th poem, written on 12/10/23. now I'm terrified of doctors and surgeries!!
Sep 2024 · 353
We are the Stars
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I believe we are all stars, and we grow and grow
And we expand until we must blow
And even the brightest, biggest stars in space
Must eventually go

And throughout time
We distance ourselves from our core when in our prime
So when the biggest stars explode, they cause a supernova
And they die to start a new lifetime
this is my 64th poem, written on 12/8/23
Sep 2024 · 193
Torn Glory
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I was given an award at school that day
And a friend mocked me, thinking there was no way
Someone one would choose me for being kind and smart
And then I showed my friends my award
For once them not seeing me as absurd
Until a friend ripped my award apart.
this is my 63rd poem, written on 12/6/23. I had to throw the award away because it was so messed up :((
Sep 2024 · 565
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Throughout my long life
I collected a flower each day
And I kept them in a little notebook
When I died, they were the last things I had to say

And my roses, lilies, and yes, dandelions too
Throughout time had begun to rot
But one flower surpassed my days
The victorious blue of a forget-me-not.
this is my 62nd poem, obvi, written on 12/6/23
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Sometimes, I believe I am a star
Glowing bright, yet so far
Or maybe I am the whole galaxy
Every planet you know is simply me

Sometimes I believe I am the shade
I depend on the sun, yet hide from it, afraid
But on other days, I am the sun
I am the most deserving of fun

But sometimes I am a tree
My branches covering everything I see
And I know no matter how much my branches twist and twirl
I'm really only a teenage girl.
this is my 61st poem, written on 12/3/23.
Sep 2024 · 217
Invisible Freedom
Emery Feine Sep 2024
As a little girl
I was thrown into a science lab for an experiment
As I sat in the corner of the dusty, white walls
Thinking about what my childhood could've been without this detriment
And I was too scared to move
The only words that could come out of my mouth was a lament

And each week the scientists would open the door
And carry me to a new place
And then they'd run tests on me
Sticking needles into my arm and face
Then I'd be returned to the dusty, white walls once more
Being put down on the ground with the coldest embrace

And one day after a failed experiment
I was put back in the room, poorly patched
And my vision blurred, my eyes ringed
And my body slowly crawled to the door and latched
And my dying body pushed it slightly, and it opened
And with my final breath, I realized there was never a lock attached.
this is my 60th poem, written on 12/1/23
Sep 2024 · 111
A Monster
Emery Feine Sep 2024
One day, while getting ready, I looked in the mirror
And I saw my legs blow up to twice their size
So I quickly left to change my ripped pants
Wiping away the tears in my eyes

And the next day I returned to this mirror
And my face had a dark shade of red
So I shut all of the windows in my house
And hid under the covers of my bed

And whenever I went out in public
I could swear everyone was looking at me
And I knew I wasn't human anymore
For a monster was all they could see

So I kept my head down
Throwing piles of unfitting clothes on the floor
I would probably grow monster-like tentacles for my arms
Or monster-like claws to scratch all the doors

Then I couldn't stand the sight of me
So I shut off all the lights and shut out the sound
But I could still see about one hundred reflections of myself
In the shattered mirror on the ground.
this is my 59th poem, written on 12/1/23
Sep 2024 · 723
A Hopeless Romantic
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I'll never share a kiss
Or receive handwritten love letters
I'll never be given a bouquet of pink and red flowers
Or dance in the street with the late night showers

And when I feel distraught
There'll be no one there
I'll never experience comfort from another
Never the warmest hugs of a lover

I'll watch everyone else slowly fall in love
While I watch in the distance
And I wonder when it'll be my turn
Having something that which years I've yearned

And I'm simply told to get over myself
And find comfort in being independent
But for my whole life I've been on my own
Oh, how I wish to be the subject of a love poem

Must I spend my whole life alone?
Must I spend my whole life unloved?
If only I wasn't drowned in such a frantic
Oh, the miserable life of a hopeless romantic
this is my 58th poem, written on 11/29/23
Sep 2024 · 716
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Oh, I could drown in the air
Suffocate in the seas
I could float in the waterfall
Or fall in the breeze

Oh, I could freeze from the blazing sun
Burn from the coldness of a heart
I could stand on the whole universe
Or on each grain of sand's part

Oh, I could materialize anywhere
Or disappear for good
I've tried to do everything, normal or strange
But I could still never be understood.
this is my 57th poem, obviously, written on 11/27/23.
Sep 2024 · 480
A One-Sided Understanding
Emery Feine Sep 2024
Oh, you'll wander through congested streets
But you'll be walking alone
And you will be celebrated with astonishing feats
But with nobody to see how far you've grown

You'll comfort others with your warm smile
And you'll comfort yourself when you feel down
For someone you'd run the extra mile
When you're merely an outcast in society's frown

And it doesn't matter how big your land
You'll never find someone who sees you as good
Humans were born to be able to understand
But to never be understood.
this is my 56th poem, written on 11/26/23
Sep 2024 · 157
A Human Stargazing
Emery Feine Sep 2024
I remember being the favorite of the family
I remember getting all the praise
Now a new person is getting the attention, not me
It is now the end of those moments, my days

I used to sit at the head of the table
Now there's another girl sitting there
When was it suddenly the end of my childhood fable?
When did this become fair?

She gets help from her family now
While I'm only someone to poke fun at
And I still love her anyhow
But I don't want my situation to just be that, "that is that!"

So I'm watching from a distance, a new star
Giving her my light, which I got when I was young
And I'll give her the notes to a new melody
Dissatisfied from my childhood song being finished sung.
this is my 55th poem, written on 11/25/23.
Sep 2024 · 301
The Anxiety Attack
Emery Feine Sep 2024
In, 2, 3, 4
Out, 2, 3, 4
What's this feeling
I just can't ignore?

In, 2, 3, 4
Out, 2, 3, 4
Need to close my eyes
Need to lock the door

5 things I see
4 things I touch
Everything around me
Is just too much

3 things I hear
2 things I smell
I can't seem to breathe
Hear the ringing of a bell

And finally, 1 thing I taste
But I'm anxious still
Let me experience life freely
Or just go in for the ****.
this is my 54th poem, written on 11/25/23
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