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SecondChoice Jan 24
Honestly, I started it.
I saw you and I was glued.
Who is that man? So tall, so handsome.
I flirt with just my eyes sometimes, I don't even know I'm doing it.
I knew with you. So did you.
You said I was Gorgeous, and I made you say it.
Pulled it from you with this chocolate skin, perfect lips, cocoa eyes and my perfume.
You were a goner before you even knew.
I'd already had my hooks in you.
Baby, the things I would do.
Hell, I'm 6 poems in and they're all about you.
Why do I do this?
Write down my thoughts
Will you ever see this?
And know they are of you
The selfish part of me hopes you do
The restless part of me wants you to
Our conversations can be chaos
Pleasant sounding yet world crushing
But our written words can be heard
You've told me things I can't unhear
I've admitted all my biggest fears
How can you pretend to be amiss?
No one else has ever fit like this
I hope you know how much you've meant to me. I'm a different person now and I have to admit it's partially because of you, our conversations and the easy feeling I got with you. I want that. Happiness. With you, if possible.
Archer Feb 1
Expectation and desire,
Of an outcome in a situation.
We might do anything
To push ourselves in the right direction
Stubborn like a wanting child,
Defying their mother.
Optimistic and undiscouraged,
We demand some things we cannot have.
Do not give up hope,
But there are certain wishes that will not come true.
SecondChoice Jan 9
You touched me
You filled me 
You stretched me

You go so deep when you read me

Even deeper when you hurt me

Deeper still when you want me

My body reminisces on the warmth of you

My hands memorized the feel of you

My mind is so full of you
Jennifer DeLong Oct 2024
Wanting your desires to change
Wishing you would fall for me
I can't help but want it to be
Wish as I might I can't make it so
Do I let it stay this way
knowing it won't last
It's temporary
Can I give up more time
For something that won't last
Time is to costly
I want to find someone for me
To be with
To spend time with
To fall in love with
So a decision
I must make
Cause falling for you
Will only hurt in the end
© Jennifer DeLong 09/2024
Benjamin Stamper Oct 2024
Can I Be That?

Can I be the one who knows your mind,
The quiet corners where your thoughts unwind?
Who listens close, with no need to speak,
And holds you steady when you feel weak?

Can I be the one who never forgets,
The small, sacred moments where our souls connect?
Who remembers your favorite flowers in bloom,
And brings them to brighten the darkest room?

Can I be the one who keeps every vow,
Who lifts you up when life wears you down?
To sit and pray, to walk in grace,
To hold your hand in a tender embrace.

Can I be that? The one who sees,
All the beauty and strength within your dreams.
I'll be the promise that never will fade,
The heart that stays, unafraid.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
Everyday, I stand by the port
And wait for the boats to come in
And everyday, when the ship arrives
Not a single person gets off

At least not for me they don't
They run up to their friends
Kiss their lovers hello
Running on the dock with suitcases

They stare at me as they walk past
Only one there with no one to welcome
I feel them staring when I'm not looking
I wish they would stop staring.

Everyday, I stand by the port
Waiting for my sailor to come home
But my sailor never leaves the boat
Please, come home.
this is my 121st poem, written on 8/27/24
Ariannah Oct 2024
In english, we say, "I want you."
In poetry, we say:

I want the moon to shine as bright
As your absence strikes my heart.
I need her.
Emery Feine Oct 2024
A hero to no one except myself
Just there to fill up space in a crowded room
Told that the only things I want are fame and wealth

A Ticking Bomb ignited from the start
But neither I nor you know when I'll blow
And all your comfort will be ripped apart

I want everyone, but wanted by none
I'm just an option, never the choice
I'm just a second daughter, when he probably wanted a son

I'm carrying bombs in each of my 20 hands
And expected to blow them all out in a minute
People believe I'm just someone who can count all the sands

When people are partnered up with me
I hear a groan, a sigh, a rejection
But this is not who I am, just who you think me to be

When I look into a mirror, now dusty and haunted
I don't see a ticking bomb like everyone else
Just a girl who wanted to be wanted
this is my 85th poem, written on 3/6/24
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