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396 · Jan 2022
What does it mean
Zack Ripley Jan 2022
What does it mean to take a chance?
What does it mean to make a change?
What does it mean to be strange,
and why is it so scary?
"Where should I go? What should I do?"
"How should I know? I'm not you."
So many questions. So little time.
I guess the good thing is,
you get to decide the answers
395 · Dec 2020
Operation happier holidays
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
Holidays are usually exciting.
But for people who are depressed,
Holidays can be exhausting. Excruciating.
They can be so stressed
Trying to wear a happy face,
They might have a hard time
Eating anything on their plate.
So, if you feel this way,
I have a challenge for you.
It's called operation happier holidays.
Instead of protecting them,
Tell your loved ones if you're not okay.
They may be upset, confused, or even angry at first.
But almost everyone secretly wishes
For their loved ones to be happy and healthy. So do it for them.
But do it for yourself too.
Because you deserve to be happy.
394 · Jun 2019
You make me ready for more
Zack Ripley Jun 2019
I need to get something off my chest.
When it comes to friends, there's no second best.
And when it comes to people I love,
every time I look at you i forget about the rest.
It's amazing how your words give me so much hope.
Like a street lamp guiding me home in the night.
And yet when I finally find the words I want to say,
I look at you and it's like I'm being hit with kryptonite.
I don't know what the future has in store, but as long as you're in my life, you make me ready for more.
389 · Feb 2020
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
The air should be light.
Filled with joy, not fright,
On this cold winter night.
And for most, it is.
the difference between
them and me, you see,
Is that they are not prisoners
Of their minds. They are free.
I was sentenced to this life alone
Without a home to call my own,
After I served my country.
Oh, what a world I was shown.
Don't misunderstand. I had a good life.
I lived the American dream,
Complete with a house, a dog, a beautiful wife.
But once I signed up for another tour,
Her heart couldn't take it anymore.
She walked out the door.
When I came back, I was too embarrassed to ask for help.
So that's how I got here,
Feeling like I only have
myself to blame.
But even as I join my fellow outcasts,
Forgotten, and unloved,
I smile with pride
Knowing I was brave enough to play the game.
388 · Jun 2020
Lost. Ready to be found.
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
it's scary being lost.
Feeling lost. Alone.
So cold, you can feel it in your bones.
But the thing about being lost,
You can always be found.
Found by a person. By faith.
You can even find yourself.
If you're out there,
And you want to be found,
If you're READY to be found,
Call out your name.
Someone who can help
Will listen for the sound
382 · Jun 2020
Mother's day poem
Zack Ripley Jun 2020
thank you for your love.
Thank you for your guiding light.
Thank you for being someone
I could talk to when I couldn't sleep
At night.
Thank you for making me smile.
Thank you for letting me cry
On your shoulder.
And know I'll do the same for you
When I get older.
379 · Nov 2020
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
You could know everything,
But that won't mean a **** thing
If you don't start listening.
Listening to yourself.
To your body.
To your friends and family.
Listening to the people
Who ask for information.
Because they won't be interested
In what you have to say
If you don't care about
What they have to say.
376 · Mar 11
Zack Ripley Mar 11
It seems like it's getting harder to know
if it's OK to say or do something these days. Maybe it's because I'm getting older.
Maybe it's because I care more.
Regardless of why, I must admit I find myself somewhere between sad and scared.
Sad and scared that I can't keep up.
Sad and scared that I'm slowing down.
Maybe you are too. If that's the case,
I'll tell you what I've been telling myself
when I feel this way: it's healthy to be sad.
It's healthy to be afraid.
And if you're being healthy,
you don't have to feel guilty
or let it ruin your day.
376 · Dec 2019
I forgive you.
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
There I was, sound asleep in my bed.
Memories of my wife and I
Danced in my head.
All of a sudden,
I woke up to a chill in the air
And I couldn't help feel
Like someone was there.
As I laid back down,
I heard a knock at the door.
I looked at the clock
And it was half past four (a.m.)
"Who could that be?"
I put on my robe,
And as I crept down the hall,
I checked in on my daughter.
"Wow. She's not even five
And she's already so tall."
The stranger knocked again,
So I hurried my pace.
I was about to scream,
But then I saw his face.
It was snow.
I was so angry, I couldn't speak.
All I could do was glare.
Finally, I said "what do you think you're doing, standing there?"
"Hey! I just wanted to let you know
I was back in town."
He was wearing a smile
But when he saw I was mad,
He replaced it with a frown.
"What's wrong?
Aren't you happy to see me?"
I scoffed. "Happy? To see you?
You killed my wife!
Last year, she was driving home.
That night, you covered her windshield and she got into an accident because she couldn't see.
Snow was horrified.
He looked me in the eye,
Said "I'm so sorry,"
And as he walked away,
He started to cry.
Just then, my daughter snuck out.
"Snow! Don't go!" I heard her shout.
I couldn't believe it, but she hugged him. I knelt down beside her and asked "if you know who this man is, why are you happy to see him?"
She said "because even though it's sad she's not here, snow was the thing mommy looked forward to the most every year."
After a moment, I knew what I needed to do.
"Snow, I will never forget what you did or the pain you put me through.
But in honor of my wife and daughter,
I forgive you.
This was inspired by a prompt to write a poem about snow returning. And I wanted to highlight seasonal depression and forgiveness.
375 · Apr 21
Zack Ripley Apr 21
Everyone's been hurt.
Everyone's hurt someone.
Everyone's been angry.
Everyone's been scared.
Everyone's cried.
In that way, we have more in common
Than we'd like to admit sometimes.
But at the end of the day, none of that matters. What matters Is what happens after.
373 · May 2020
be afraid
Zack Ripley May 2020
don't be afraid to fall in love.
don't be afraid to have your heart break.
don't be afraid to start over.
don't be afraid to do whatever it takes.
don't be afraid that he's the one.
don't be afraid if she makes your heart run.
don't be afraid of what your family will think.
don't be afraid that you're too young.
why shouldn't you be afraid?
because love is worth living for.
because if your heart breaks,
when someone helps heal it, it's going to mean that much more.
because you never know what life has in store.
because we all have the right to life, liberty, and happiness.
because it starts with one.
because whatever or whoever makes you happy
is your business and yours alone.
because even if it doesn't work, trying is the only way to grow.
372 · Feb 11
It's all valid
Zack Ripley Feb 11
You can be hurt, but not feel pain.
You can be scared even though you seem safe. You can feel trapped even when you're alone because everyone processes their own experiences and emotions differently.
It's all valid.
371 · Nov 2020
Dream chaser
Zack Ripley Nov 2020
If you could live forever,
Would you ever
Let anyone stop you
from chasing your dreams
To be a singer,
do something that matters,
have all the money and material things.
I know that's not something
We can do,
but if that doesn't matter to you,
If you can handle the bad times,
If you can handle the cold nights,
If you're willing to do
whatever it takes.
If you're okay being lonely,
Then you're the only,
The only one who
can stand in your way.
If you don't let time be your enemy,
You can be whoever you want to be.
371 · Sep 2020
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Every day, you make a choice
To stay silent or raise your voice.
And that's your choice, and I respect it.
I just want you to know
That if today, you decide you want
To be a lion
and let people hear you roar,
I'll roar with you until you don't feel alone or broken anymore.
371 · Mar 2019
I remember
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
So many things I've said.
So much i have left to say.
But I don't think I have enough time
to find the words that keep getting lost along the way.
Don't be afraid if I forget who I am today
because I still remember who we were yesterday.
I remember the nights by the fire with a bottle of wine.
I remember the the day you said you'd be mine.
I remember all the years we were young, wild, free.
I remember all the dreams we had
of how great our kids' future would be.
I remember the love. I remember the fights.
I remember the summers on the island
watching the fireworks light up the night.
Even if it doesn't show, there's one thing I need you to know.
I remember
i wrote this for my aunt who has struggled with my uncle's fight with alzheimers
371 · Dec 2019
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
You live where you dieĀ 
and die where you live.
You give what you've got
When that's all you have to give.
Don't be afraid to feel like a star looks; so light, bright, high as a kite.
And remember if you feel someone's bite is worse than their bark, the bark is usually worse than the bite.
370 · Sep 2020
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Why do we ask the same questions
Using the same words
And hope it is any more relevant
And meaningful
Than it was before?
370 · Apr 2019
In your honor
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
I breathe in and out trying to clear my head
of all the things i thought about but never actually said.
Even though I never got a chance to tell you
you meant the world to me, i know you knew it; it was plain to see. You took so much of me when you left, i still don't know what to do. But in your honor i will keep on pushing through.
I know someday you'll show me the way
but for now, you're in my heart and that's where you'll stay
369 · Aug 2019
cherry blossoms bloom
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
when can I go home
when can I see you
cherry blossoms bloom
when I think about
you, friend
I left you behind
when I was afraid
To love
first attempt at a lai (9 line poem with 3 sets of 2 lines of 5 syllables followed by a line with 2 syllables
368 · Feb 2020
For me
Zack Ripley Feb 2020
I'm not here to tell you
how to live your life.
All I ask is that
you don't look at the knife
With admiration or longing.
Because there's so much coming
That you can't see.
So please hold on.
If not for you, for me.
368 · May 2019
Zack Ripley May 2019
There's this feeling inside.
It's something I've never experienced before.
But suddenly, I feel so alive.
I looked it up and it's called pride.
It all started the night you left.
I got a phone call from one of your friends.
When I hung up, I knew it was the beginning of the end.
You told me you loved me.
And when I realized you lied,
I crawled into bed as I screamed then cried.
After i let go of the anger and the pain, it was like the sun came out and dried up all the rain.
I found the strength to let you go.
It's ok if you feel bad but I want to thank you.
You taught me I'm stronger than I know
368 · Nov 2019
X-ray of my heart
Zack Ripley Nov 2019
If you saw an x-ray of my heart,
I wonder where you'd even start.
366 · Jun 2020
In case you didn't know
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
You hate the gray in your hair.
I hate my weight.
You hate your freckles.
I hate my dimples.
We both hate when we get pimples.
You don't understand why people love your nose.
But that's the way it goes.
These things embarrass us.
But honestly, they're the best parts.
Because we find proof that we're human in the reflection
given off by these things we call imperfections
364 · Sep 2020
Am I lying or denying
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
If the truth is a lie,
Does that make a lie the truth?
Or is it simply denial?
Another example of the mind
Trying to find meaning
When it comes across something
It doesn't understand?
360 · Jan 2021
Everyone is someone
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
Everyone is someone
In some way, shape, or form.
And everyone has been through hell
Or survived a storm.
Some made it out better than others.
Some didn't make it out at all.
Some were thanked for their bravery
By immortalizing their names on walls
But even if their names
Aren't on display for the world to see,
Everyone has someone
live in their hearts.
Even you and me.
359 · Oct 2021
Im my own worst enemy
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
We don't need to save the world
We don't need to save each other
We need to save ourselves from ourselves
357 · Sep 2019
Storm in my head
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
With the future ahead and the past behind,
It's safe to say I've got a lot on my mind.
All the things I've said and the things I'll do
Swirl around my brain like a twister passing through
356 · Oct 2020
Zack Ripley Oct 2020
Physical death is permanent.
But emotional death,
(numbness, "feeling dead inside)
Is a starfish.
It can grow back
through a process called support
356 · Jul 2020
Not interested
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
I'm not interested in what you'll say.
I'm interested in what you'll do
356 · Dec 2019
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Gray skies, no sun.
All work, No fun.
That's not okay.
If you have passions,
And your parents say
"Don't waste your time.
You'll never make a living that way."
Please don't walk away.
Because in a world
Of so much stress and so much fear,
Balance is crucial to your health.
Even more so when you get closer
To your older years.
And when you have doubts,
And you feel like no one believes in you,
And you don't even believe in yourself, know that I believe in you.
I really do.
355 · Oct 2021
Can I sleep in your bed
Zack Ripley Oct 2021
Every day, I wake up
and im reminded of the mistakes I've made.
Every day, I wake up
lying in the mess I've made.
Every day, I wake up, and I pray for some relief. But at the end of the day,
the only thing I'm gifted with is more grief.
I want to get better,
but I need to get out of my head.
Even if it's just one night,
can I sleep in your bed?
Zack Ripley Sep 2019
Love is more than just faith, trust, and pixie dust.
It's also stress, responsibility, and lust.
But that doesn't make it any less worth fighting for.
Everything has negatives. And sometimes, it can be hard to focus on the positive.
But no one knows what the future has in store.
So if you take it day by day, and don't forget to have fun along the way,
Your love will grow. And who knows.
It could eventually lead to something more
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
My mind wants to sleep,
But my body stays awake.
I'm starting to wonder
If my body's a *******
Because all it does is ache
A little out there lol. Title is a reference to the John mayer song your body's a wonderland
347 · Sep 2021
There's nothing wrong
Zack Ripley Sep 2021
There's nothing wrong with grieving.
There's nothing wrong with taking your time. There's nothing wrong with saying "no."
There's nothing wrong with not being ready to go.
There's nothing wrong with you
if you feel you want to be alone.
There's nothing wrong if you're feeling blue.
But most importantly,
There's nothing wrong with you.
341 · Aug 2019
the dreamer's sky
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
She may have drops of Jupiter in her hair,
But it's her eyes as bright as the moon that made me stop and stare. The night I met her, she was on the beach looking at stars.
When I walked up to her, she smiled and said look! there's mars.
That night, we talked about everything under the sky.
She told me "that's where I hope I live when I die."
That moment, I knew I had to make her mine.
I would do whatever it took.
I would rewrite the stars
So that our hearts would align and the world would be ours
yes, I was listening to rewrite the stars and drops of Jupiter when i was writing this.
340 · Sep 2020
Zack Ripley Sep 2020
Red cheeks.
Flaming heart.
Soul stains and rusts
As it's consumed by lust.
But not for you.
Zack Ripley Jul 2020
Another day here.
Another day gone.
Another day wishing
I had somewhere I belonged.
Another day comes.
Another day goes.
Another day with nothing to show.
Another day begins.
Another day ends.
Another day with no new friends.
But in spite of it all,
I still hold on to hope
That someday, someone will help me
Be more like a river
And less like a wall
Title based on song by MacKenzie Phillips, featured in 90s Disney show called so weird.
339 · May 2020
Zack Ripley May 2020
First, I forgave the bullies
Who made me cry.
I didn't know your story.
You didn't ask for mine.
Now the hard part.
I forgive myself
for the mistakes I've made.
It's been a long, weird game.
But so far, I don't regret
The way I've played.
337 · Jul 2019
Your biggest fan
Zack Ripley Jul 2019
I need to say what's on my mind before I leave this life behind.
When I'm gone, please don't cry too much
I'll still be with you even if you can't feel my touch
I want to thank you for changing my life for the better.
You inspired me to be a better man.
And as I make my peace, just remember I will always be your biggest fan.
335 · Jan 2021
Can you live?
Zack Ripley Jan 2021
Can you live without hope?
Can you live without friends?
Can you live without love?
Can you live alone
until the bitter end?
And if you can,
can you say you were happy?
That your life felt whole?
When it's all said and done,
Do you really believe
You were better off alone?
I'm not judging.
I'm just trying to understand.
How can you be truly happy
Without wanting to embrace someone
Or at least hold their hand?
331 · Dec 2019
Happy holidays
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa, new year's eve.
All the holidays that make you believe.
Belief in family, community, hope, love, and joy
That magical time
you can feel happiness
when a child receives a new toy.
Whatever you celebrate,
Whether you light a candle, menorah, or tree,
I wish for happy holidays for you and your family.
I know you guys are all over the world. What do you guys celebrate?
329 · Jan 2020
Your move
Zack Ripley Jan 2020
I'm sorry, but I'm not ready.
I'm not ready to love you.
To be with you.
To offer more of me
Than a hug or a kiss.
I know it may sound strange, but I'm not ready for the potential, perpetual bliss.
I'm not ready to take your hand, or get out on the floor and groove.
Maybe I will someday,
But until then, whether you stay or go, it's your move.
329 · Mar 2019
I love you. Please stay
Zack Ripley Mar 2019
Every day I worked that nine to five.
*** of coffee every morning made me feel alive.
But by the end of the day, after dinner with the wife and kid,
the demons I kept away came back.
So I had a date with jack until the world went black.
For years, i suffered in silence.
I eventually turned to drugs
to try and escape the violence gifted by the tyrants.
But no matter how many times
I pushed the trigger and pulled the thread,
every time I came down I couldn't help feel i was better off dead. Just when I was ready to quit, that's when I met her. That was it.
I finally found someone who cared.
We got married and our son was born.
I had never been more scared.
But we survived. We pushed through.
Life was perfect until the fight we had when he was two.
We said some things we didn't mean
and i walked away again never to be seen.
I'm telling you this because it's too late for me.
But it's not too late for you.
If you feel like you're ready to face the end,
please let me say what i needed someone to say.
I love you, please stay.
With this poem, I wanted a "voice from the dead" vibe. Like, what this guy who regretted what he did would say to someone who was considering ending their life. Also, as someone who has been suicidal and depressed, I wanted to talk about the fact that that level of depression never really goes away. Anything can trigger it. One thing I want to make clear though...I have never done drugs or even smoked.
328 · Dec 2020
Because I care
Zack Ripley Dec 2020
You keep pushing me aside
Because you're afraid I'll ask
What's on your mind.
The thing is, I'm not going anywhere
Because I care
327 · Aug 2019
10 miles from home
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
When she goes out, it's like it's her last night alive.
When he goes out, he clears his mind by taking a midnight drive through the countryside.
After a long night alone in an empty bar, she decided to take a chance and get in her car.
He went out too but didn't make it very far. Only 10 miles.
10 miles from home, 2 lives were lost.
10 miles from home, she didn't think about the cost.
10 miles from home, 2 families will never be the same.
10 miles from home stands a memorial with a picture and their names
The name comes from a statistic that nearly 70 percent of car accidents happen within 10 miles from their home. Please be safe
325 · Dec 2019
Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Shadows are the darkness in the light.
They're harmless during the day,
but can be scary at night.
So if you're alone,
And the shadows give you a fright, Now you know their weakness.
Now, you can fight.
321 · Aug 2019
Rise again
Zack Ripley Aug 2019
it doesn't matter how many times
you win or lose, my friend.
So take my hand and I'll help you rise again
320 · Aug 2020
Zack Ripley Aug 2020
Take your time.
Take someone's hand.
Take control.
Take a stand.
Take a bow.
Take a breath.
Then, when you're ready, take that first step.
319 · Apr 2019
My daddy
Zack Ripley Apr 2019
Daddy says he's got to go. "No. You can't go with me today. I'll be back before you know it. But for now, I need you to stay." So I obey. As I look out the window pane, I know he'll be back but it still hurts to see him drive away. But he saved me. He gave me a home. He gave me love. So even though it hurts to see him drive away, I'll stay. Because he's my daddy and that's all there is to say
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