She deserves to be spun around at a ball.
She deserves to be treated like the queen.
She deserves to be gazed upon as regal.
She doesn't deserve ridicule and tease.
She tries to see the good in others' minds.
She tries to be the good girl next door.
She tries to be happy, not for show.
She deserves to be a princess, brave and sweet.
She deserves to be the heroine who saves.
She deserves to be the one you smile at and greet.
She doesn't deserve lonesome misery.
She tries to smile through the pain that haunts her eyes.
She tries to hide the clouds that block her sky.
She tries to act mature and sassy all day.
But at home she knows life won't go her way.
Someday, not today, I see her getting married.
Someday, not today, she'll start a life to lead.
Someday, not today, she'll see life isn't always high school.
Someday, I hope today, she'll be the woman that she needs.
The woman with the brave heart I see.
But on this night, she will go home crying.
But on this night, her dreams went down in flames.
Her lover lied, now her feelings need a restart.
Another sad victim from a colony of lustful hearts.
If you love her, stay.
Don't abandon her in shame.
She's no toy to play.
Hold her heart steady.
Treat her like royalty.
Don't **** with her feelings.
She's no toy to play.
Hold her heart steady.
Not because she needs a white knight.
She doesn't.
All she needs is what every other human being needs:
She deserves more