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Risen to done, inclined
With a times shadow, to last
Among causes sign's...

Deeds of without...
Sated by roles of history
That a common power...
Makes a chance, of life's epistolary

Crave more...
Than an impunity
To introduce a quiet war
Of a candid salvation of humanity...

Rancor and/or hunger?
Places of distrust, if not deception?
Have a song's life, long before done and gone, were...
The truth of sincerity, is means, from its inception

Taken with the might, of serendipity
Come by the ought, of better aspiration
Mere, has become my voice for liberty
Like a stone, of choices seen, I see a host's generation...
Sing the body electric, and know the times; it's all a reason, has...
Carlo C Gomez May 24
reflecting on
a fragile state of mind

precarious creatures, these
hunters of coal
that outlines both
eyes and words

black paint for blue girls,
they pray in a circle
for their queen's wedding night
to be one of celebratory rapture

deep into the looking glass
they peer for a sign,
a soul, a stigma,
but cannot see
beyond their own glib faces

a universe ago they
caparisoned as pixies
in sunflower corsets,
twirling in a centrifugal forest

tonight in eclipse,
in their all-together,
they merely wear masks
of their former selves

the firelight dramatically shifts
in bacchanalia pratfall
--the oblong menace
of their smiles, fingers and navels
dancing to the age of Sideria

Man Mar 6
I am an ethical capitalist and
A poor philanthropist-
And as for party,
I claim none.
This system is exactly what the founders warned of
Parties that pit parties against each other,
Who forget they are comprised of compatriots of the same nation.
Never swear off community
For the sake of security and comfortability
Because those that tell you that is the bargain we pay
They have shares in lies
Man Mar 6
I tell you all
As someone born to politics,
As someone who when he was born
Was told that everything is political;
There is a far larger nefarious thing
Going on behind the curtain, screen.
You are being tapped of all you know
Trapped, in a snare that closes slow
Man Mar 6
Everything I say, I never believe.
Then, why speak?
It is paradoxical,
That is the purpose

That when you encounter this
You show the cheek, and
Continue to speak your truths.
To not let another, shy you away
From heartfelt honesty.
The beliefs held at the soul's root

To be true to no one else,
But reality
The harsh things that stand
As obstacles for our race
The species run, now from us
Nature rendered with disgrace
Man Mar 8
Did they care
When mothers passed from SARs
Or did they appear on nightly news programs
To kid about killing grandma?
Where was money spent, meant for the grid
Meant for widespread infrastructure
When my brothers and sisters
Died in cold, down in Texas
Of all places, yes, even the desert is cold
Compatriots please, reawake
Before the stranglehold turns to shackles
Man Mar 6
Spit on the ground,
And raise your ******* in the air.
Those things they have
Told you not to do
Out of respect.
Respect, the base too is self-evident;
But men let it rise up in their heads
To control every thought and emotion.
If they do not respect others,
If their values are in balloons
Leaking hot air,
Beliefs in the wind
Those who are not attached, but not free.
Let no man change any other,
Who himself refuses change.
Those that cannot admit wrongs,
Learn from nothing.
Man Mar 8
Keep your cult ****, far away from me.
You know nothing of what it is,
That what is American;
You only can claim it in name.
Those who pit the people against one another,
Deserve nothing but pain and shame
Like those who seek absolute control
And consolidation of wealth and votes
Only aimed upward, toward
Classes who are not entitled to anything
But that which us, the common people, gave them.
It looks as though
It's time to take it away
From politicians who only lobby
On behalf of corporations
On maintaining a broken status quo
Stagnant policy with no change
Votes that go toward killing bills
By the very people who write them;
What sick theater.
How long will we let this aberration of justice continue?
Man Mar 6
I walk alone
For the sake of everyone I love and know
For the blush of unspoiled fruit
So we can walk out into the sun
Freemen and not slaves
So we can get out from under the thumb
Of oppressors who seek to keep us down,
For the Americas
My Americans
For her siblings, allies of dear note to
Fair Lady Columbia
For all that share in the rays of the cosmos
My friends, nature is so beautiful
And once was so full, in this world
Of all the things gone extinct
It is less they do not control
Remember, you too are an animal
Our hands are tied, and most don't know
Man Mar 5
What am I?
I am Apex,
I am Human. I am
He who loves himself, because I
Truly love others.
Who walks weightless,
Because the air that kept us seperate
Is beneath us.
Lifting us up,
In a beautiful eruption of angels' wings.
The shackles of misery,
An enslavement to the self,
Are cast off
And we walk free.
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