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Michael McLean Oct 2014
I remember asking

Can I go to the restroom?

a lot

and getting the same ******* response

I don't know; Can you? as I leave the room

answering myself

with two working legs and a full bladder

returning to a scolding

and everyone watching something

How Ships Sink

I think of some poems of empty people and slouching

and I don't think that I think that

I read it and remembered having read it


some slip

or conjuring of a movie clip of ships sunk



Kevin Eli Sep 2014
Addiction doesn't go away, it just gets put on the shelf.
Mika Azurin Sep 2014
maybe i didn't
fall in love with the way
you smile,
or the way your eyes
light up when you talk about
something you like.

maybe the didn't fall in love,
with the way laugh;
the way
your eyes would crinkle,
and the way you would
lean back a little.

maybe i fell in love
with the way you fall asleep,
and the way you are
as gentle
and as kind
as a butterfly,
pollinating a little,
small flower,
trying ever so hard,
not to hurt it.
this isnt my first poem ever but yeah hhaha
Jamie Aug 2014
I constantly lie to myself
And say I shouldn't
Think of you the way I do

And I shouldn't fall for someone
Who doesn't deserve my love.
But I always miss you the moment I leave you

I just want to fall asleep in your arms
John Mayer - The Hurt
Simao Mendes Jun 2014
She doesn't get to see his tears,
She doesn't get to see that she is in every dream
She doesn't get to see that
But he made a promise, the promise that he will come back
And he will,
Because when he left, there was an emptiness in him
An emptiness that only she could ****
Tate Morgan Jun 2014
A special gift lies on the wind
for each man who dares the blunder
Then rolls the dice to pay the price
to both touch and feel this wonder

As then one finds the reason why
that has thus far been so hidden
Endless the loads that walk life’s roads
with the fear that was unbidden

Therein lies the conundrum
which we know our hearts to command
Now it will be for us to see
how well the ship of life be manned

Our lives have no greater calling
then to comfort a poor child’s tears
Truth shows clearer through the mirror
for he who shares these hopes and fears

But oh the sounds of fatherhood
how narre they touch to the heart
Laughter and tears pour from the years
for each of us who play his part

Life doesn't reveal the secrets of the heart until you look in the eyes of your own child!
One thing I can say about children is that no one can take them from you. If you raise them in love they will be the things of beauty by which you judge yourself and find you're not wanting. Happy Fathers Day all!
Hannah Anderson Jun 2014
throwing papers
up in the air
wonderful bliss
4 years for this
I miss you now
we talked about how
this would be us
throwing it up
not giving a ****
i don't give a ****
i really don't

graduating next week
and i pretend to be sad to go
it really doesn't matter
ill walk and ill bow
ill get my diploma
i really don't know how....
I got the papers from the recycling bin
it says a lot doesn't it
Teressia Jun 2014
my smiles to you means i like you
my laughter to you means i need you.
my jokes to you means i will accept you
my conversations with you, means you might have a chance with me.
i will stop running away if you do.
i will take step closer if you do
i will talk to you if you do.
I wander.
Endlessly, I wander.
Ceaselessly, I walk.
Forever more, I go on.
How many ways can I depict my unrest to you?

Footprints are the timeline of my life.
Where I’ve been, the mistakes and wrong turns I’ve made.
The people who have walked in.
The people who have walked out.
They are etched in the ground, broken in by my feet.

Every so often, a second set of footprints joins mine.
Some go on for months, years.
Those are my favorites.
But they never really last.

Most dip in and out of my path.
Some lead me in circles until I have to leave them behind.
You never know what steps are the right ones
Until you’re looking back at them, behind you.

I wander.
I search.
I trust.
And then, I hurt.

Of these steps I am sometimes wary,
But the set of prints next to mine makes me sure footed, now.
I squint to look ahead, but my vision is terrible.
I can’t be sure, but it seems that there are many sets of prints ahead.

Strong, deep, sure-footed paths are carved out in the future.
Please, take me there.
Please, do not lead me astray.
I don’t want to have look back to judge the way you stroll by my side.

Do not waiver now; I haven’t got time for circles any longer.
Daylight 4U2C May 2014
I get the crust and the gristle of a thistle once a missile shooting out into the sky and I cry, wonder why. Never sure what I feel for the meal of a deal and then words more like air slip the breeze in my hair, butterflies in the skies killing what kept my alive. Oh too bad, well how sad, if the songs last lines din't matter it'd harm, it'd make the soul so very mad. Here I fall, there I stand like a robot dancing to the tunes. It's demand. Hear I laugh, hear I cry. I hear the screams and feel the burn, so why? Why unsure, of what's telling me my life is so impure. Threatened heart, from the strings that wrap it, tearing it apart. Feel the clench of a bundle of what you yourself have drench and so benched. And you threw to me the horror show, I never so have thought would reckon me to be. I, to be, it's master and it's longing family, here I cry. Hear "I" cry. For I exist in heart, but never, not in mind. There I stand once again as a memory of all that I pretend. If I tried, to be real, the pieces fall apart inside. So I hide, then I quiver and I shake as 'me' is inside. I can touch to the shelter covered in the unbelieving, underachieving to be who I know I am to be. Or at least what you see. I crush the old me and start anew, though I grew. I, immortal to myself have stomped the true. And I become something greater than simple little shrew. Do not lie! For I see with one eye, the look through me. What you see is a host, not the ghost, that lives on. "Awh, look at me. I'm so strong!" Laugh along. Child there. Where? Oops, forgot to care. Now I stare, towards the end that's never ending like this script. Never ending. Twist and bending. Don't kid me, I'm no kid. I'm the body of a youth, but I am dead. I've destroyed myself, if others didn't do a perfect job. Hold up stop! I'm letting go, a bubble that will pop. It will burst, destroying me, if it doesn't **** me first. Here I stand. Hear I cry. There I go. I have died.
I don't know if I posted this before, but I don't think so.
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