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25.4k · Jun 2018
pk tunuri Jun 2018
I left my home in the name of education
I left my hometown in the name of higher education
I left my state in the name of graduation
I left my family in the name of aspiration

At times, I miss my childhood
Although, the fun & friends weren't the same in my adulthood
In order to get rid of their falsehood
I left them too, for my own good

I have traveled so far away from home
Now, When I let my thoughts to roam
All they bring back is sadness and pain
And then, I left my tears to drain

I lost myself in this whole journey of life
There were times when I often looked for a knife
Not just to **** me but to end the pain
I left everything and I'm waiting for a magical rain
18.2k · May 2018
pk tunuri May 2018
I hate the people who send me
Good Morning & Good Night Messages

Because they just skip sending me
all the other IMPORTANT messages
15.1k · Jun 2018
Train Journey
pk tunuri Jun 2018
To see more and more
Every time, I used to sit at the train door!!
I didn't capture this imagery before
So, I kept my eyes wide open to store!!

Well, I must agree
You'll get to see
Wide angled views for free
All that I can recapture is a tree
And, It never stops surprising me
Meanwhile, the people who come to ***

Will mistake me for a *******
Thinking that I'd jump off to make my life Departed!!
They'll try hard to get me safe Guarded
Finally, they'll close the door and have me Discarded!!
15.0k · Mar 2018
Spa D
pk tunuri Mar 2018
Spa D is on fire
Administration is a liar
Student body has a desire
Let's fulfill our needs before we expire

You think your threats can stop us
I'm sure we didn't want to make a fuss

What makes you be at a nonplus
Let us know when you are ready to discuss

For how long will you bluff?
Don't you think it's enough?

We've suffered enough over the years
We have overcome all our fears

Don't light up the fire with our tears
You better stop playing with our careers

All that we ask for is some trust
But you left us all in utter disgust

Spa D is on fire
Administration is a liar
Student body has a desire
Let's fulfill our needs before we expire
13.0k · Feb 2018
Hard Times
pk tunuri Feb 2018
You're the bravest I've ever known
I don't know what's hurting you to moan

When life was a problem, You stood tall
When there is a problem in life, You shall not fall

Stay strong my friend
Hard times are meant for the pain to end
We all face Hard Times.
Though it tries to knock you down,
all we have to do is "STAY STRONG".
12.3k · Mar 2018
Happy Women's Day
pk tunuri Mar 2018
When you're a girl
The more beautiful you are
The more problems you will face

When you're a woman
The more stubborn you are
The more future you will create

Over the years, many men might've tried
To let you down and suppress your dreams
But, you've never lost the hope
Kept fighting & proved yourselves at times

In fact, you moved us
Motivating every single day
By achieving your dreams
You made this world a better place now

Thanks for being so kind, sweet, loving & caring
All that we(men) can give you is our pure-hearted love

I love you Granny, for all the stories you told me
I love you mom, for being there, every time I failed
I love you sister, for all the fights & advices
I love you, my dear friend, for trusting me

I can't imagine a world without you all
Happy Women's Day!!
Happy Women's Day to all the wonderful women in the world!!
7.7k · Apr 2018
Betray No one
pk tunuri Apr 2018
If someone, you trusted the most betrays you.
People blame you for trusting him "Blindly"
and also quote "Trust No One".

But have you ever seen anyone pointing their fingers
at the person who betrayed you, looking him in the eye
and asked him why would he do that to you
or how dare he betray you or anyone?

No! right?
I feel, the people, the society encourages this betrayal and the betrayers.
If anything such happens around you,
stop giving free pieces of advice and
stop backing him(the betrayer) up.
You better warn the betrayer not to betray anyone
and also quote "BETRAY NO ONE"

What kinda foolish statement is "Trust no one"?
How can you not trust anyone?
So everything you do is just drama!
Acting like you trust him/her,
that's where these betrayers come from.
They are you, who sit silently when betrayal happens
You got to trust! Nothing works without trust!
Why is it, not trusting anyone even an option?
Let's say let's "BETRAY NO ONE"
5.3k · Feb 2018
Can't Help
pk tunuri Feb 2018
When you can't help yourself, they say
You are not passionate enough okay

You can't run away
You will end up regretting every day

Is this how you repay
Your parents! Think before you betray

When you can't help yourself, they say
Even gods can't help you today
There will be a point of time in everyone's life where they can't help themselves.
We get to listen to all types of
discouraging lines unfortunately
when we CAN'T HELP Ourselves.
4.8k · Apr 2018
Never Forget
pk tunuri Apr 2018
You may travel long!
but never forget what/who
made you suffer/strong!!
4.7k · Jul 2018
Be Yourself
pk tunuri Jul 2018
If someone you once loved the most
Ends up creating problems like a ghost  

Either by developing grudges on you
Or to prove what he/she did is true

Be yourself. You are doing great
Stick to your opinions no matter how much they hate

It is just to make sure you hold back onto him/her
And to Cover up thier mistakes by making them blur

Don't let anyone hurt you
It's not at all worth, the pain you go through
4.4k · Oct 2018
Into the woods
pk tunuri Oct 2018
To let go of the struggle and strife
I wish to spend the rest of my life

Going into the woods
Escaping falsehoods

Dancing in the rains
Freeing myself from all the chains

Watching blue skies
Catching fireflies

Playing with rays of sunlight
Counting stars in the midnight

Admiring the nature
Identifying it as my teacher

To let go of the struggle and strife
I wish to spend the rest of my life

Going into the woods
Escaping falsehoods

Pain is the only thing which is real
It’s hard to find all my wishes are virtual
4.3k · Mar 2018
Fly High
pk tunuri Mar 2018
I wish we could fly
High on sky
Hope you don't deny
I'll always wait for your reply

Could you stay along till we die
If not, may I ask you why
Please don't lie
And make me cry
4.2k · Mar 2018
Neither Nor
pk tunuri Mar 2018
I’m neither glad nor sad
I don’t intend to, make you feel bad

Have you ever thought
What made me wait
To ask you out

I’m neither right nor wrong
That's quite, where my fears belong

Thought of approaching Straight, if you'll stay along
Although it was a dream, made my feelings strong

I thought it'll be me, to whom you belong
But tonight, you made me hum a sad song
4.0k · Apr 2018
True Friends
pk tunuri Apr 2018
An Umbrella is a cover!
when the rain comes!!

True Friends are the power!
when the problem comes!!
4.0k · Mar 2018
Middle Finger
pk tunuri Mar 2018
She said She doesn't wanna talk
I waited for her to look back

I tried convincing her
She showed me her *******

I only ask you not to go blind on hatred
Be kind though we got parted
We all have misunderstandings, different opinions which leads to hatred. Be kind to everyone even if you hate them.
4.0k · May 2018
pk tunuri May 2018
Living with yourself is the toughest part
when you realize your mistakes
3.9k · Mar 2018
Known Strangers
pk tunuri Mar 2018
I wonder how we all have Known Strangers
We don't accept when people insist
But frankly, they do exist
I wonder how we all have Known Strangers

They once stood at your side
Now, They lie and hide
Even though they confide and cried
I wonder how we all have Known Strangers

All the thoughts of how'd they betray
All the happiness they took away
All the pain we suffer every day
All the crying they gonna repay
I wonder how we all have Known Strangers

Our pride may want them dead
But then a lot of things will be left unsaid.
I wonder how we all have Known Strangers
3.1k · Mar 2018
Let Go
pk tunuri Mar 2018
Let go your ego's, even if it's tough
Let's just say, that time was rough

Don't break the trust again by playing bluff
End this now, I guess it's enough

It's time to clean up the mess
How long will you take to confess

I'll expect nothing more from you
I know things won’t be same, as I expect to

Still, try & let go your ego's, even if it's tough
Let's just say, that time was rough
Let going your ego might be the toughest part of our lives. But, trust me it's the easiest way to move on.
3.0k · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
Isn't it so easy to hate?
Forgive them before it's too late!

Lemme tell you something straight!
Holding grudges isn't so great!!

Take it as an update!
It may not change your fate!!

How long will you wait?
Forgiving someone isn't a bait!
we tend to hate easily than forgiving someone. No matter what happened it's better to let go hate and be kind to all
2.9k · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
It's been quite a while now
Again, it just felt so wow

We both left each other with many questions
I always wanted to know why
Now, you choose to answer me with your questions
I wish all of this was a lie

Since we were immature
A lot of things were unsure
But the pain you've made me suffer was pure
I still cannot find any cure
Be it your friend, Be it Your Ex., Meeting them after a long time makes you feel wow with all those memories flashing on. Nothing pains more than a foolish decision we took when we were immature.
2.7k · Feb 2018
pk tunuri Feb 2018
When your thoughts strike like a dart
My feelings gets pierced in my heart

Every night I wet my pillow with tears
As if gods listening to my prayers

Life seems to be fun with you
I can't imagine how that happiness, just flew
I hope you always knew
That my love was true

How easy for you to forget those days
Nothing is as heavy as this pain weighs
When you truely love someone and after sometime when they don't care about you anymore, The only things you are left with are tears and prayers
2.7k · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
How do you expect me to express my sorry
when you don’t allow me to explain my story

Is this how you wanted it to end
I'll never forget the times we spent, my friend

Now don"t put me in danger
By treating me like a stranger
pk tunuri Nov 2018
You're a Teacher first and a Parent second
As a father, you're doing great every second

You have always been true  
And knew the right thing to do
No matter how much negativity surrounds you

We wonder how do you manage to
Forgive the ones who hurt you

You gave us everything from the bottom of your heart
We inherited our love for badminton, cricket, and art

The love you gave us and the values you taught
Are so priceless and can never be bought

Here's your Birthday song, "My Dad, My Hero"
Because without you, we are nothing but a Zero


Prem Kumar Tunuri
Sunil Jaikar Tunuri
Prem Kumar TUNURI
Sunil Jaikar TUNURI
2.3k · Feb 2019
Days Back Then
pk tunuri Feb 2019
The days back then were great
With very less fear of fate

The fun was neither in glories
Nor in the gifts we receive
It was in listening to the stories
Which were hard to believe

The Cycle Rides, before the Sunrise
Catching Fireflies, before the night dies

The magic of the rainbow, while it's raining
Holding mom, scared of thunder & lightning

Sleeping on the grass gazing at the moon
Haven't realized how my childhood ended so soon
2.2k · Jul 2018
pk tunuri Jul 2018
Dear Reader,
Ever lost a loved one?
As a poet, I feel death must be a celebration.
The end of all the earthly sufferings, Right?
Have you ever felt happy for those who died!

We all die one day
Everyone we love will disappear in the same way
We humans, don't train ourselves, let's say
On how to deal with the death's play

Erase all the love, the memories before dawn
So that it won't hurt when they're really gone

Is that even possible for us to do?
Death is so painful & sad, yes it's true,
Even we can't escape from it, it's nothing new!
Death will beat us black and blue.

Cry and cry
Wish your loved one, a goodbye
Tell them, you'll see them when you die
Ask them to shine like a star in the sky

Cry, till the tears left for them are none
So that it won't hurt you in the long run
2.2k · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
The day I saw you first
I was unaware of my fate
Now I made the situation so worst
That I repent for realizing it so late

Can you be my magic
Before my life becomes tragic
We never know what's our fate will be. Never make things go so worst that you can't be able to change it.
2.1k · Apr 2018
2.0k · Aug 2018
pk tunuri Aug 2018
Do you feel destined to read this?
Everything is destined! Isn't it?
Some may disagree with me now,
To be very frank,
I was one of you!
Not believing it, But,
Yes, let's question the destiny!

If everything around you leads to your destiny!
what is your purpose of living the life?
Do you have a choice in this so called "destiny"?
Are you actually living your life?

For instance, If the Almighty God already knew
Adam&Eve gonna eat the apple anyway without a clue
Even though they were asked not to
Also if he knew what Satan gonna do

why would he allow them to eat in the first place?
why didn't he stop Satan, poisoning eve's mind?
why didn't he show, the so called god's grace?
Are they destined to get curse, How do we find?

Can you choose your birth?
Your parents? your death?
Is there anything of your choice on this earth?
We choose what we become, right? Take a deep breath!

Does our choices become our destiny?
Or is it our destiny making a choice for us?
Is death, our final destiny?
Isn't deciding if we've lived long enough a fuss?

Are we actually doing everything on our own?
If yes, Where do the destiny stands?
If no, Why are we being judged?
1.5k · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
You really want to make it upto me?
You better be sorry and let it be!

I've every right to be mad at you
You've made me cry every night, you got no clue

I regret every minute, I cared for you
I can't imagine what were you expecting me to do

All that mattered is your own point of view
You didn't even bother to ask me if it was true

If You really want to make it upto me
You better be sorry and let it be
when people hurt you and if they ever try to make it up to you, tell them what have you suffered and ask them to let it be because by then you should've learned being without them and must not allow them to take away your happiness once again.
1.4k · Sep 2018
pk tunuri Sep 2018
Girl: Dad, I love him so much

Father: Shut your mouth or i'll **** him

Girl: Do you even understand what love is, Dad?

Her Father replied,
1.0k · Apr 2018
945 · Jan 2019
Making peace ✌
pk tunuri Jan 2019
Making peace with an enemy
is as difficult as
Taming a wild poisonous snake
858 · Apr 2018
pk tunuri Apr 2018
Not all of us have big hearts!
let’s all accept the changes with our little hearts!!
Change is the only constant-Heraclitus
so let's learn to accept the changes
830 · Sep 2018
Adios Amigos
pk tunuri Sep 2018
One day, I woke up early in the morning
Unlike other days, it was very chaotic
I opened the door and was surprised
To see, people hugging each other
Crying and wishing all the luck to each other
As if it was the last time, they were gonna be together

All of a sudden one person came to me
Held my hand and broke down to tears
He was one of my best friends
I asked him, what’s happening?
Why are you crying? What’s wrong?
He neither replied, nor stopped crying

On seeing the luggage bags
I thought everybody was about to leave
On a trip, planned without my knowledge
I tried telling him, “It’s alright, It’s just one trip!”
“We shall plan one more when you guys are back!”
He neither replied, nor stopped crying

I thought maybe, wishing a goodbye
Is the hardest part of life
I tried to wipe his tears
which is when I got to know,
They were actually crying & wishing all the peace to me
And it was my journey which had come to an end
789 · Aug 2018
Success secret
pk tunuri Aug 2018
When Successful people, On stage
Tell that their secret of success is "Luck!"

Then unsuccessful people, Backstage
Yell at their own fate, "****!"
634 · May 2019
pk tunuri May 2019
Writing heals if you're in pain
Writing won't let your memories go in vain
611 · Apr 2019
God's Own Child
pk tunuri Apr 2019
Every child is an artwork of God
He chose this world, as his canvas

Men & Women are his brushes
He painted with love, as his medium

Every child is special
Every special child is God's own child

Making a difference for such a child is a blessing
Making them smile may change your/their world

Let's aspire!
Let's inspire!!
pk tunuri May 2019
Boy : 1 2 3
             Set me free

Girl: 6 5 4
            Are you sure

Friends*: 7 8 9
                  Everything will be fine
564 · Aug 2018
The Chota Mota Foundation
pk tunuri Aug 2018
Hey! Chota Mota Foundation
Hope you be the best in the nation

Hey! Chota Mota Foundation
You are a true inspiration
For the future generation
This ain't no exaggeration

Hey! Chota Mota Foundation
Art is nothing but a creation
Very few pursue it as an aspiration
It hardly gets any appreciation

Hey! Chota Mota Foundation
Hats off to your dedication
Thanks for giving us motivation
By finding art as an occupation

Hey! Chota Mota Foundation
Your organisation is a celebration
No matter what the situation
Never loose your determination

Hey! Chota Mota Foundation
Hope you be the best in the nation
563 · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
All the escape routes I found were dead ends
I hate when everyone around me just pretends

Ever wondered if life's worth living?
Got scared every time you thought of ending it?
Will the parents & gods ever be forgiving?
Trust me it’s not that easy to quit!

How do we end the suffering?
How long should we bear the suffering?

The only one way to end the suffering is to suffer
if you choose a different path, it’ll just get tougher.
557 · Aug 2018
pk tunuri Aug 2018
We grumble about the people
Who doesn't admit their mistakes!

We judge the people
Who does admit their mistakes!!
519 · Dec 2018
Not Anymore
pk tunuri Dec 2018
BOY: Hey, If you're just thinking
          I'm gonna start the conversation
          I'm sorry! Unlike all the times,
          It's not happening this time!!
          NOT ANYMORE!

GIRL: Oh! I see...
            I know right!!
509 · Nov 2018
pk tunuri Nov 2018
Life is colourful all the time
It is up to us to pick the right colours at the right time
508 · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
The minute I saw you after many years
I couldn't hold back my tears

Your voice plays as music in my ears
And the pain soon disappears

All my life, I've been living with fears
Thanks for bringing in more cheers
Some people will have a very special place in our hearts. When you meet them after a long time and spend some time, makes all your pain and fears disappear. I've got one of that kind for me. When I'm with her my world becomes happier than ever.
490 · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
The choices you make, will lead your path
Neither gods nor ghosts
Neither parents nor teachers
Neither friends nor enemies
Neither love nor hatred

The choices you make, will lead your path
You will have no clue
No matter how much you knew

The choices you make, will lead your path
You are the only one to decide
Though there'll be very few to guide

The choices you make, will lead your path
Ever felt like it's your FATE? Well, you call it Fate, I call it as the CHOICE. You are, what you choose to become. Don't blame anyone for your choice.The choices you make, will lead your path.
480 · Mar 2018
pk tunuri Mar 2018
If someone cries for you
Those tears will be a blessing upon you
But, if someone cries because of you
Those tears will eventually be a curse upon you
475 · Mar 2018
Bad Dream
pk tunuri Mar 2018
I saw it  with my eyes
Though blurred with tears
I could see those smiles

Thought it was my bad dream
But, she is very happy with him

Should I move on?
Respecting her decision!
Should I pretend?
As if, I just wanted to be a friend!
The tears we shed when we see our girl with some other person always feel like a bad dream. But, should we move on respecting her decision?
474 · May 2018
pk tunuri May 2018
Everything happens for a reason
But Reasons are nothing but excuses
If you don't Succeed
452 · Nov 2018
pk tunuri Nov 2018
We never talked about how much we love each other
But the relation we have is so magical altogether

Wish I could spend a little more time with you
Remember those silly fights in the classroom?
Today, I fell into tears listening to your voice, Boom!
Memories came & went in a fraction of seconds. yeah, it's true!

Maybe just saying thanks, won't be enough
All I know is I'm gonna miss you and its gonna be tough

I hope you'll remember me
wherever you gonna be

Love you Akka !!
memories love relation time fights classroom tears tough
449 · May 2018
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